BRIEF DESCRIPTION ABOUT COMMON MEDICINAL PLANTS Scientific Name Family Distribution Habit Propagation Part used Activity/Properties Uses (diseases) Formulations Active principles Abelmoschus moschatus Malvaceae India Shrub Seed Seed Diuretic, Opthalmopathy, Perfumery, -sitosterol (Linn.) Medicus demulcent,antiseptic, Cough, asthma, colic cosmetics, agarbathi carminative Abrus precatorius Linn. Papilionaceae Plains and hills of climber seed Roots, leaves, Cytotoxic, antifertility, Cough, wounds, Gurja Bhadra Saponins India seeds abortifacient paralysis RasGunja thaila - containing Gunjadilepa oleanolic acid Abutilon indicum (Linn.) Malvaceae India, Sri Lanka herb Seed Seed, root, bark, Hypothermic, CNS Diarrhoea, piles, Dhanvanthram, Asparagin Sweet leaves active, analgesic, cough, leprosy, Balarishtam aphrodisiac gonorrhoea Acacia catechu Willd. Mimosaceae India tree seed Bark, heart wood Anthelmintic, anti- Eye disease, Khadinarishtam inflammatory, stomach, intestine, hypotensive teeth affections Acalypha fruticosa Forsk. Euphorbiaceae India Shrub Acalypha indica Linn. Euphorbiaceae India herb Leaves, roots, Anthelmintic, Scabies, arthritis, Acalypus, stalks, flower expectorant, emetic, chronic bronchitis, acalyphine anodyne asthma Achyranthes aspera Linn. Amaranthaceae India herb seed Whole plant Cardiac, stimulant, Renal dropsies, Surasadi tailam, Saponins (A& B) herb diuretic, astringent, anasarca, diarrhoea Aviltoadibhasamam, Betaine, Jatyadi thailam achyranthine Acorus calamus Linn. Araceae India herb rhizome rhizome Stomachic, tonic, Child bearing, Vachechoornam -asarone anti-flatulent, nervous problems tranquilizer Adhatoda beddomei C. B. Acanthaceae Hills of Kerala shrub Seed and Whole plant Astringent, diuretic Cough, diarrhoea, Dasamoolakaduthra Vasicine Clarke vegetatively mainly root asthama, pythisis yam kashayam Adhatoda zeylanica Acanthaceae Lower Himalayan shrub Seed, Leaves, root, Expectorant, diuretic, Cough, asthma, Vasavaleha Vascine Medicus ranges vegetatively bark, flowers alterative phthisis Adhatodic acid Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Rutaceae Forest of himalayan Small tree Seed, root Root, stem, Hypoglycaemic, Diarrhoea, diabetes, Vilwadi leham Marmolisin Corr. tracts, central and leaves, fruits antifungal, CVS stomachalgia S. India active Aerva lanata (Linn.) Juss. Amaranthaceae Tropics and sub- Under shrub Anthelmintic, diuretic, Diabetes,lithiasis, brhatidivayam tropics, Africa, Asia anti- head-ache inflammatory,anti- bacteria Ageratum conyzoides Asteraceae herb Antilithic Linn. Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. Simarubaceae India tree Bark, leaf Antispasmodic, anti- Dyspepsia, bronchitis Excelsin, asthamatic glaucarubin Alangium salviifolium Alangiaceae S. India Small tree Roots, fruits Antiprotozoal, Skin diseases, Ankolah, Emetin (Linn. f.) Wang. hypoglycaemic burning sensation, Mahabhutara rheumatism ghrtam Albizia lebbeck (Linn.) Mimosaceae India, Burma, Sri Tree seed Bark, flower, Immunomodulator, asthma, leprosy Maha shrishagada Saponins Benth. Lanka, Africa, seeds, leaves, hypoglycaemic, Sirisharishta Australia roots anticancer Allium cepa Linn. Liliaceae India herb Bulb Bulb, seed Stimulant, diuretic, Fever, dropsy, colic, Mathura rasam, Quercetin expectorant, bronchitis Kaphakaram emmenagogue Allium cepa var. Liliaceae India herb Bulb Bulb, seed Stimulant, diuretic, Fever, dropsy, colic, Mathura rasam, Quercetin aggregatum expectorant, bronchitis Kaphakaram emmenagogue Allium sativum Linn. Liliaceae All over India herb Cloves, bulbs Anti-inflammatory, Piles, gout, sciatica, Rasayanam, Alliin bulblets hypotensive dyspepsia Katuvipaka Ushna Veeryam Aloe barbadensis Mill. Liliaceae India, Florida, herb vegetative Leaf juice, Elio Anthelmintic, Wounds, cuts, liver, Kumaryasavam, Anthroquinone W.Indies, Asia (dried gum) purgative, oxytocic kidney bladder Rasnadi powder glycosides Alpinia allughas Rosc. Zingiberaceae W.ghats, Sri Lanka, herb rhizome rhizome CVS & CNS active, Rheumatic, fever, Rasnadi Kasayam, Kaempferide, Malaya, China, diuretic, hypothermic, dyspepsia, cough, Rasnadi churnum galangin, alpinin India antiulcerative asthma Alpinia calcarata Rosc. Zingiberaceae W.ghats, Sri Lanka, herb rhizome rhizome CVS & CNS active, Cough, dyspepsia, Rasnadi kasayam, Kaempferide, Malaya, China, diuretic, hypothermic, asthma Rasnadi churnam galangin, alpinin India antiulcerative Alpinia galanga Sw. Zingiberaceae Himalaya, Assam, herb rhizome rhizome CVS & CNS active, Vat, kapha, arthritis, Maharasnadi Cineol Bihar, W. ghats diuretic, hypothermic, asthma, fever kasayam antiulcerative Alstonia scholaris (Linn.) Apocynaceae India especially W. tree seed Bark, leaves, Antimalarial, Skin diseases, Saptachaladi taila Echitamine R. Br. Ghats milky exudate hypotensive, malarial fever, anthelmintic bronchitis Alstonia venenata R. Br. Apocynaceae India shrub seed, Roots, fruits Depurative, febrifuge Skin diseases, vegetative leprosy, epilepsy Amaranthus spinosus Amaranthaceae India, native of herb seed Root, leaf Galactogenic, Eczema, colic, burns -spinasterol, Linn. America emollient hentria contane Amomum subulatum Zingiberaceae E. Himalaya, herb Seed, Seed, oil Stimulant, stomachic Vomiting, rectal Subulin, alpinetin, Roxb. Bengal, Sikkim, rhizome alexipharmic, diseases, gargle, cardamonin Assam astringent neuralgia, head ache Amorphophalus Araceae India herb Corm Corm, seed Antiasthmatic, Elephantiasis, Bahusalgulam Amylase, betulinic companulatus (Roxb.) Bl. antiemetic rheumatic, swelling acid Anacardium occidentale Anacardiaceae Tropics tree seed Bark, leaf, fruit Anthelmintic, anti- Antidontalgia, Ethylgallate, Linn. asthmatic astringent, purgative quercetin Anacyclus pyrethrum DC Asteraceae Bengal, Arabia herb root Cardiac stimulant, Tooth ache, Pellitorin, pyrethrin sialogogue paralysis, Andrographis paniculata Acanthaceae India, Sri Lanka herb Whole plant Antipyretic, alterative, Syphilitic cachexia, Kalmeghin, Nees febrifuge syphilitic ulcer andrographin Anisochilus carnosus Lamiaceae N. Circars, Mysore, herb Leaves, oil Stimulant, Cough, cold Glucoside of Wall. Malabar diaphoretic, leuteolone, expectorant apigenan Anisomeles malabarica R. Lamiaceae S.India, Sri Lanka herb Leaves, essential Stimulant, Fever, catarrh, colic, Swasadithailam, Br. oil diaphoretic, dyspepsia, arthritis Pathadi gulika astringent Annona squamosa Linn. Annonaceae India tree seed Whole plant Purgative, Tumours, vata, pitta suppurative Antiaris toxicaria (Pers.) Moraceae Java, Sri Lanka, tree seed seeds febrifuge dyspepsia Antiarol, antiaresin Lesch. Malaya, Burma Aphanamixis polystachya Meliaceae Tropics tree seed Bark, seed Anthelmintic, Tumour, abdominal Diaterpene- (Wall.) Parker astringent, anticancer complaints aphanamixol Areca catechu Linn. Arecaceae Tropical India, E. palm Seed Seed or kernal, gallic acid, Archipelago root, tender leaves, catechu Argemone mexicana Linn. Papaveraceae Native of Mexico, Annual seed Milky juice, seed, Astringent, Rheumatism, Berberine, India fresh root anthelmintic, aperient constipation, colic, protopine, dysentery Argyreia speciosa Sweet Convolvulaceae india Climbing Leaves, root antipholgistic Synovitis, syphilis, Ajmodadi churna shrub Aristolochia bracteolata Aristolochiaceae India twiner Seed, veg., Roots, leaves, Digestive, diuretic, Ulcer, skin diseases, Aristolochic acid Ham. fruits anthelmintic colic Aristolochia indica Linn. Aristolochiaceae India twiner Root, Stimulant, Antidote, leprosy, Aristolochic acid, rhizome emmenagogue, dropsy aristolamide alexiteric Artemisia pallens Asteraceae Poona, Alndi, Jejuri Sub shrub Whole plant Antipyretic, tonic Tetrahydrofuranos anthelmintic esquiterpenes Artemisia vulgaris Linn. Asteraceae tree Seed Leaves, flowering Anthelmintic, Asthma, cephalalgia, tops antiseptic, leprosy expectorant Artocarpus heterophyllus Moraceae India tree Seed Roots, leaves, Antidiarrhoeal. Skin diseases, cyanoerclurin Lam. fruits. Seeds, Astringent, dyspepsia, debility wood, latex carminative, tonic Artocarpus hirsutus Lam. Moraceae Tree Seed Bark, leaves. Astringent, Appetiser, sores, fruits anaphrodisiac hydrocele Asparagus racemosus Liliaceae India, Andaman climber Seed, root Tuberous roots Spasmolytic, Tonic, diuretic, satvarigulam Shatavarin Willd. and Nicobar islands anticancer galactogenic Averrhoa bilimbi Linn. Oxalidaceae India, Burma Ever green Seed fruit Astringent, Fever, piles, scurvy tree stomachic, refrigerant, cooling Averrhoa carambola Linn. Oxalidaceae Ever green Seed Leaves, root, fruit Laxative, refrigerant, piles tree Azadirachta indica A. Meliaceae India, Africa Tree Seed Bark, leaves, Antiviral, anthelmintic, Nervous problems, Gulgguluthicthalam Nimbosterol, Juss. flower, seeds, oil insectcide, antiseptic wounds, skin kasayam azadirachtin, diseases Nimbin, nimbidin Azima tetracantha Lam. Salvadoraceae Decan, Sri Lanka, Leaves, roots diuretic Rheumatism, dropsy, Coromandal coast dyspepsia, diarrhoea Bacopa monnieri (Linn.) Scrophulariaceae Throughout India in herb Seeds, Whole plant Barbiturate, Improves memory Brahmi ghrita, Bacoside A & B, Pennell wet places vegetative hyponosis Manasamithravaday Bacogenins A1 - A4 potentiation effect am Baliospermum Euphorbiaceae Sub Himalayan Under shrub vegetativel Roots, leaves, CVS active, Anasaraca, dropsy, Dantyarista, Montanin, solanifolium (J. Burm.) tracts, W.Bengal, seeds hypotensive, diuretic jaundice Dantyadi churna baliospermin Suresh Bihar Bambusa bambos Druce Poaceae India, Lower Thorny Seed, tiller Interior stalks, Emmenagogue, Vomiting, palpitation, Mathura rasam, Tabashir Himalaya bambo young
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