Vol. 527: 133–142, 2015 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Published May 7 doi: 10.3354/meps11221 Mar Ecol Prog Ser FREEREE ACCESSCCESS Early plastic responses in the shell morphology of Acanthina monodon (Mollusca, Gastropoda) under predation risk and water turbulence Maribel R. Solas1, Roger N. Hughes2, Federico Márquez3, Antonio Brante1,* 1Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Casilla 297, Concepción 4030000, Chile 2Molecular Ecology and Fisheries Genetics Laboratory, School of Biological Sciences, Environment Centre Wales, Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd LL572UW, UK 3Centro Nacional Patagónico CENPAT−CONICET, Puerto Madryn U912ACD, Argentina ABSTRACT: Marine gastropods show pronounced plasticity in shell morphology in response to local environmental risks such as predation and dislodgement by waves. Previous studies have focused on juvenile and adult snails; however, adaptive plasticity might be expected to begin dur- ing embryonic and early post-embryonic stages as a means of increasing survivorship when indi- viduals first become vulnerable. We tested the above hypothesis by measuring shell morphology of encapsulated embryos and hatchlings of Acanthina monodon exposed to predator odor and water turbulence. Subjects were assigned to 1 of 4 treatments: (1) predator odor + high water tur- bulence, (2) no predator odor + high water turbulence, (3) predator odor + low water turbulence, (4) no predator odor + low water turbulence (control). After approximately 1 mo, morphological traits of the shell were measured using geometric morphometrics. Hatchlings, but not encapsu- lated offspring, produced larger shells in the predator treatments. Encapsulated offspring and hatchlings produced thicker shells in the predator treatments, irrespective of water turbulence, whereas thinner shells were produced when high water turbulence acted alone. Even before hatching, A. monodon can, thus, respond adaptively to potential mortality factors characterizing the local external environment. Anticipating risk in this way should enhance survivorship from the point of hatching through the vulnerable juvenile phase to adulthood. KEY WORDS: Geometric morphometrics · Direct development · Phenotypic plasticity · Morphological adaptation Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher INTRODUCTION Reid & Osorio 2000, Sepúlveda & Ibáñez 2012). Risk of predation and of dislodgement by waves are the 2 Marine gastropods are renowned for their ability to most frequently studied factors potentially inducing adapt their shell morphology to different environ- morphological changes in the shells of intertidal gas- ments. Although such variation may have an impor- tropods. Individuals living on shores where there is tant additive genetic basis (Johannesson & Johan- intense predation or reared in the laboratory under nesson 1996, Carballo et al. 2001, Conde-Padín et similar conditions often produce larger and thicker al. 2007, Solas et al. 2013), plasticity in response to shells, larger apertural teeth, and smaller opercula divergent biological and physical environmental than individuals exposed to low predation pressure factors experienced during ontogeny is also known to (e.g. Hughes & Elner 1979, Appleton & Palmer 1988, be highly significant (e.g. Crothers 1983, Etter 1996, Johannesson et al. 1993, Trussell & Nicklin 2002, *Corresponding author: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2015 · www.int-res.com 134 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 527: 133–142, 2015 Dalziel & Boulding 2005, Hollander & Butlin 2010, phic (Sánchez et al. 2011, Sepúlveda et al. 2012). Pascoal et al. 2012, Sepúlveda et al. 2012, Márquez et Shell morphology and size have intermediate to high al. 2015). Similarly, individuals exposed routinely to heritability (Solas et al. 2013), suggesting that strong wave action develop a thinner, more fusiform although these traits have an additive genetic basis, shell and larger operculum area, features that are variation also results from phenotypic plasticity. Shell correlated with higher tenacity and hydrodynamic morphology of A. monodon is influenced by preda- stability (Appleton & Palmer 1988, Johannesson et al. tion risk and wave exposure (Sepúlveda et al. 2012, 1993, Márquez et al. 2015). Such morphological Solas et al. 2013). Laboratory studies show that changes of the shell confer higher survivorship under maturing juveniles thicken the shell in the presence relevant environmental conditions (Hollander & But- of predator exudates (Sepúlveda et al. 2012), and lin 2010, Pascoal et al. 2012). field observations (M. R. Solas and A. Brante pers. Most evidence of plasticity in shell morphology obs.) suggest that they may respond to wave expo- concerns late juveniles and adults, i.e. relatively sure by developing a larger operculum area and advanced ontogenetic stages. If earlier stages can thinner shell. perceive appropriate environmental cues, however, Using geometric morphometrics (Bookstein 1991, it may be expected that they too should be able to Rohlf 2005a), we evaluated the capacity of encap - modify shell morphology. By doing so, individuals sulated larvae and newly hatched juveniles of A. should promote survivorship not only of hatchlings, monodon to modify shell morphology in response to but also of subsequent stages by advancing the pro- predator odor and water turbulence in a factorial lab- cess of locally adaptive phenotypic plasticity. For oratory experiment. example, free-swimming veliger larvae of the inter- tidal snail Littorina scutulata develop smaller shell apertures and rounder shells when cultivated in the MATERIALS AND METHODS presence of predatory zoea larvae of Cancer spp., gaining higher survivorship than controls (Vaughn Study area and sample collection 2007). Many marine gastropods, however, protect their larvae or embryos within jelly masses or egg During spring 2013, approximately 600 egg cap- capsules, which may constrain their ability to sense sules from at least 50 clutches were haphazardly col- the external environment. Nevertheless, 2 lines of lected from the intertidal rocky shore at Desembo- evidence suggest that enclosed offspring may indeed cadura del Río Bío-Bío, Chile (36° 48’ 23.07” S, 73° 10’ respond to external stimuli. First, larvae of the gas- 36.17” W). All capsules contained eggs still at the tropod Nucella lamellosa respond to extracapsular pre-segmentation stage. At this early stage in devel- stimuli emanating from crustacean predators by opment, capsules are bright yellow, later becoming delaying hatching time (Miner et al. 2010). Certain duller in coloration. Developmental stage was con- frog larvae respond to ambient vibration generated firmed using a binocular microscope. Capsules were by mobile predators by hatching earlier from the jelly stored, labeled according to clutch, and transported mass (Warkentin 1995, 2005). Second, experiments to the Estación de Biología Marina Abate Molina of with stable isotopes suggest that the capsule wall of the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concep- the gastropod Crepidula fornicata may be permeable ción. Clutches were pooled before assigning cap- to dissolved organic material (Leroy et al. 2012). sules to experimental treatments. The muricid gastropod Acanthina monodon (Pallas, 1774) inhabits the intertidal rocky shore and shallow subtidal of the Chilean coast from 28° to 55° S (Gal- Shell plasticity in response to predator odor and lardo 1979). Female A. monodon enclose their off- water turbulence spring in capsules attached to hard substrata. The number of eggs per capsule is variable and may fluc- Pre-hatching individuals tuate between 300 and >1000 (Lardies & Fernández 2002). Most of the eggs are nurse eggs, and only 10% Capsules containing eggs were cultivated in plas- hatch as juveniles of approximately 0.82 to 1.3 mm tic bottles that were perforated and covered with shell length after 60 to 80 d of intracapsular develop- mesh of 100 µm pore size to allow circulation of ment (Gallardo & Garrido 1987). Adults may reach ambient seawater. Capsules were assigned to 4 more than 4.0 cm in shell length (Gallardo 1979). treatments: (1) presence of predators + high water Shell shape, color, and thickness are highly polymor- turbulence (PP-HT), (2) absence of predators + high Solas et al.: Early plasticity in Acanthina monodon 135 water turbulence (AP-HT), (3) presence of predators Post-hatching individuals + low water turbulence (PP-LT), (4) absence of predators + low water turbulence (AP-LT, control). In order to evaluate plastic responses in the shells For the predator treatments, 24 individuals of the of newly hatched individuals, 20 capsules containing crab Homalaspis plana (H. Milne Edwards) were eggs at the pre-segmentation stage were cultivated individually caged and spaced equally apart in a in the control treatments (AP-LT) until hatching. fiberglass tank of approximately 4.0 × 1.5 × 0.5 m. Newly hatched juveniles (shell size approximately Bottles containing egg capsules were placed be- 1.0−1.5 mm) were pooled and allocated to the 4 treat- tween the crab cages, allowing predator exudates ments described above. Four plastic boxes, each con- to bathe the egg capsules. A second tank identical taining 20 individuals, were allocated per treatment. to the above but lacking crabs was set up as a con- Boxes were perforated, covered with mesh of 100 µm trol. In both tanks, bottles were relocated from time pore size to allow circulation of ambient seawater, to time to avoid position
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