STRUCTURE AND DIVERSITY OF Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville, MICROPHYLLUS DESERT SCRUB IN NORTHEAST MEXICO José Manuel Mata-Balderas, Eduardo Javier Treviño-Garza, Eduardo Alanís-Rodríguez, Alejandro Collantes Chávez-Costa, Ernesto A. Rubio-Camacho, Arturo Mora-Olivo and José Guadalupe Martínez-Ávalos SUMMARY Microphyllous desert scrub communities cover about pling sites of 1.0m2 were established in order to evaluate 19.5×10 6ha and are the most common and widely distributed herbaceous vegetation. The plant species were idetified and vegetation in arid areas of Mexico. Larrea tridentata (DC.) the diameters of each individual crown measured. Margalef Coville, an evergreen creosote bush or chaparral that can (DMg) and Shannon-Weiner (H’) indices were calculated to survive in extreme drought conditions, due mainly to its al- determine the richness and diversity of species, respectively. lelopathic substances and secondary metabolites, is typically Forty species, 33 genera and 12 families of vascular plants found as the dominant species in this community. The aim were registered. Families with the most species were Cacta- of this study was to evaluate the structure and diversity of a ceae (13), Fabaceae (8) and Asteraceae (5). The L. tridentata microphyllous scrub community dominated by L. tridentata in microphyllous scrub community has a high species richness Northeastern Mexico. To determine the composition, diversi- compared to other xerophilous scrub communities in North- ty and structure of a community consisting of trees, shrubs eastern Mexico. The distribution of species abundance was and succulents, 10 circular sample sites, each of 500m2, were adjusted to the Pareto model, due to the abundance or rare established. Within each circular site, square-shaped sam- species that characterizes stressful environments. Introduction cularly, the microphyllous able to survive in extreme tion in Mexico and the threat scrub community covers an drought conditions by making to this community from an- Scrublands are the most area of 19.5×10 6ha in the low- use of other attributes (Ha- thropogenic impacts such as common and widely distribut- er portions of mountain slopes merlynck et al., 2000). The overgrazing, only a few stud- ed vegetation communities in and especially in flatlands presence of allelopathic sub- ies have been generated on arid areas of Mexico (Rze- with alluvial soils (Granado- stances and secondary metabo- communities of L. tridentata dowski, 1978). Despite the Sánchez et al., 2011). Typi- lites has played an important (Mora-Donjuán et al., 2014). unfavorable conditions of the cally, the dominant species in role in helping this bush to The floristic and ecological desert areas, there is a wide this vegetation type is Larrea thrive and occupy large areas studies on xeric scrubs that diversity of succulent species tridentata (DC.) Coville (cre- in scrublands and displace oth- have taken place in recent that hold great ecological rel- osote bush), an aromatic er species that are typical of years in Northern Mexico, evance such as the case of shrub of 1-2 m in height with these ecosystems (Mabry et al., particularly in the state of cacti that are often considered numerous flexuous stems. 1977; Rundel et al., 1994). Nuevo Leon, have focused on endemic or are endangered Unlike other species of shrubs The scrubland distribution the study of Tamaulipan (Hernández et al., 2008). The- that are morphologically and of L. tridentata extends from thornscrub, submontane scrub se plants are distributed in physiologically adapted to the Southwestern United and rosetophilous desert scrub different communities, form- arid conditions, like succu- States to Central Mexico, and (Reid et al., 1990; Pompa- ing mosaics according to the lents, which have spines, in- it is mostly distributed in García et al., 2017; Rascón conditions of the terrain and dumentum or falling leaves, Northern and Central Mexico et al., 2017). L. tridentata mi- the climate (Huerta-Martínez L. tridentata is a defenseless (Granados et al., 2011). Des- crophyllous desert scrub has and García-Moya, 2004). Parti- evergreen species that has been pite its significant representa- been little studied in Northeas- KEYWORDS / Chihuahuan Desert / Diversity / Index / Larrea tridentata / Margalef Index / Mexico / Shannon / Received: 01/10/2017. Modified: 05/16/2018. Accepted: 05/17/2018. José Manuel Mata-Balderas. León, México. E-mail: manuel- Alejandro Collantes Chávez- Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecua- (Corresponding author). Forest [email protected] Costa. M.Sc. in Forest Scien- rias, Mexico. Engineer, M.Sc. in Forest Eduardo Javier Treviño-Garza. ces, Universidad Autonoma Arturo Mora-Olivo. Doctor in Sciences and Doctor in Na- Biologist, UANL, Mexico. Ph.D. Chapingo, Mexico. Doctor in Biological Sciences, Universi- tural Resources Management, in Forestry Science, University Sciences and Plant Biotechno- dad Nacional Autónoma de Universidad Autónoma de of Göttingen, Germany. Professor- logy, Centro de Investigación México. Professor-Researcher, Nuevo León (UANL), Mexico. Researcher, UANL, Mexico. Científica de Yucatán, Mexico. Universidad Autónoma de Professor-Researcher, UANL, Eduardo Alanís-Rodríguez. Fo- Professor-Researcher, Univer- Tamaulipas (UAT), Mexico. Mexico. Address: Facultad de rest Engineer, M.Sc. in Forest sidad de Quintana Roo, Mexico. José Guadalupe Martínez-Ávalos. Ciencias Forestales, UANL. Sciences and Doctor in Natural Ernesto A. Rubio-Camacho. Doctor in Natural Resources Carretera Linares - Cd. Victo- Resources Management, UANL, M.Sc. in Forest Sciences, UANL, Management, UANL, Mexi- ria km 145. Apartado Postal Mexico. Professor-Researcher, Mexico. Researcher, Instituto co. Professor-Researcher, UAT, 41. C.P. 67700, Linares, Nuevo UANL, Mexico. Nacional de Investigaciones Mexico. JUNE 2018 • VOL. 43 Nº 6 0378-1844/14/07/468-08 $ 3.00/0 449 ESTRUCTURA Y DIVERSIDAD DE UN MATORRAL DESÉRTICO MICRÓFILO DE Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville EN EL NORESTE DE MÉXICO José Manuel Mata-Balderas, Eduardo Javier Treviño-Garza, Eduardo Alanís-Rodríguez, Alejandro Collantes Chávez-Costa, Ernesto A. Rubio-Camacho, Arturo Mora-Olivo y José Guadalupe Martínez-Ávalos RESUMEN Las comunidades de matorral desértico micrófilo comprenden tio circular se establecieron sitios cuadrangulares de 1m2 para cerca de 19,5’106ha y son la vegetación más común y amplia- evaluar la vegetación herbácea. Las especies vegetales fueron mente distribuida en zonas áridas de México. En estas comu- identificadas y se midió el diámetro de cada corona. Los índices nidades la especie típicamente dominante es Larrea tridentata de Margalef (DMg) y de Shannon-Weiner (H’) fueron calculados (DC.) Coville (‘chaparral’), un arbusto resinoso siempreverde para determinar la riqueza y la diversidad de especies, respec- capaz de sobrevivir en condiciones de extrema sequía debido so- tivamente. Se registraron 40 especies, 33 géneros y 12 familias. bre todo a su contenido de sustancias alelopáticas y metabolitos Las familias con más especies fueron Cactaceae (13), Fabaceae secundarios. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la estructura y (8) and Asteraceae (5). La comunidad de matorral micrófilo de diversidad de una comunidad de matorral micrófilo dominado L. tridentata en el noreste de México tiene una riqueza de espe- por L. tridentata en el noreste de México. A fin de determinar la cies alta en comparación a otras comunidades de matorral xeró- composición, diversidad y estructura de una comunidad conten- filo en la región. La distribución de la abundancia de especies tiva de árboles, matorrales y plantas suculentas, se establecieron se ajustó al modelo de Pareto, dada la abundancia de especies 10 sitios de muestreo circulares de 500m2. Dentro de cada si- raras que caracterizan los ambientes extremos. ESTRUTURA E DIVERSIDADE DE UM MATAGAL DESÉRTICO MICRÓFILO DE Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville NO NORDESTE DE MÉXICO José Manuel Mata-Balderas, Eduardo Javier Treviño-Garza, Eduardo Alanís-Rodríguez, Alejandro Collantes Chávez-Costa, Ernesto A. Rubio-Camacho, Arturo Mora-Olivo e José Guadalupe Martínez-Ávalos RESUMO As comunidades de matagal desértico micrófilo compreendem se estabeleceram parcelas quadrangulares de 1m2 para avaliar cerca de 19,5’106ha e são a vegetação mais comum e amplamen- a vegetação herbácea. As espécies vegetais foram identificadas te distribuída em áreas áridas de México. Nestas comunidades a e se mediu o diâmetro de cada corona. Os índices de Margalef espécie tipicamente dominante é Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville (DMg) e de Shannon-Weiner (H’) foram calculados para determi- (‘chaparral’), um arbusto resinoso sempre verde capaz de sobre- nar a riqueza e a diversidade de espécies, respectivamente. Re- viver em condições de seca extrema devido sobretudo a seu con- gistraram-se 40 espécies, 33 gêneros e 12 famílias. As famílias teúdo de substâncias alelopáticas e metabólitos secundários. O com mais espécies foram Cactaceae (13), Fabaceae (8) e Astera- objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a estrutura e diversidade de uma ceae (5). A comunidade de matagal micrófilo de L. tridentata no comunidade de matagal micrófilo dominado por L. tridentata no nordeste do México tem uma riqueza de espécies alta em com- nordeste do México. Com o fim de determinar a composição, paração a outras comunidades de matagal xerófilo na região. A diversidade e estrutura de uma comunidade contentiva de árvo- distribuição da abundância de espécies se ajustou ao modelo de res, matagais e plantas suculentas, se estabeleceram 10 áreas
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