Varia 437 Soil mechanics and foundation engineering R&D for roads and bridges. A summary of activities in th~ Northern and some Western European countries. Bengt Rydell May 1996 Statens geotekniska institut Swedish Geotechnical Institute S-581 93 Linkoping, Sweden Tel. 013-11 51 00, Int. +46 13 11 51 00 Fax. 013-13 16 96, Int +46 13 13 16 96 ISSN 1100-6692 PREFACE Close co-operation in the field of geotechnical research has existed for many years between the Swedish Road Administration (SNRA) and the Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI). In 1993 a seminar on road design, construction and maintenance related R&D was held with invited researchers from the Nordic countries. As the offshoot of discussions between SNRA and SGI, an international seminar on soil mechanics R&D for roads and bridges was found to be valuable. The objective ofthis seminar was to stimulate and encourage co-operation between European countries. An invitation was send to a ten countries in the Northern and Western ofEurope. The seminar was arranged by an Organizing Committee with participants from the SNRA and SGI. The meeting was held in November 16-18, 1993, in Sigtuna, Sweden. This report contains papers, National Reports on ongoing R&D and other publications used at the seminar. Linkoping in May 1995 Bengt Rydell Editor semr&b\varia\preface.doc SGI Varia 437 Seminar on Soil Mechanics on R&D for Roads and Bridges. National Reports, Literature and Technical Papers CONTENTS Preface 1. National Reports - R&D-activities Belgium Denmark Finland France Italy The Netherlands Norway Sweden United Kingdom 2. Geotechnical design Technical papers Literature and references 3. Foundation engineering Technical papers Literature and references 4. Environmental geotechnics Technical papers Literature and references 5. Miscellaneous Technical papers Literature and references sem r&b\varia\contents.doc 1. NATIONAL REPORTS - R&D-ACTIVITIES The participants were required to write a document describing the ongoing and planned research in each country about the chosen topics. These National Reports were then distributed to the chairmen of the plenary sessions for the preparation of a summary report. The National Reports as well as the summary reports was compiled and distributed to the participants at the beginning or the seminar. In the following, the National Reports are published in the original form provided by the representative from the participating countries. In addition, references to research programmes and annual reports from research organizations are given. National Report R&D activities Belgium Belgium References: Dynamic soil improvement methods 1) Prof Dr ir W F van lmpe, ir Wim Haegeman, Prof Dr MR Madhav, ir P Menge Analysis and settlement of dilating stone column reinforced soil 1) Prof Dr ir W F van Impe, Prof Dr MR Madhav Load transfer through a gravel bed on stone column reinforced 1) Prof Dr MR Madhav, Prof Dr ir W F van Impe DMT-measurements around PCS-piles in Belgium Research ass H Pfeiffer, Prof Dr ir W F van lmpe, G Cortvrindt, M Bottiau 1) Abstract and conclusions included. A copy of the paper can be ordered from the Swedish Geotechnical Institute, S-581 93 Linkoping. SEMINAR ON SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING R&D FOR ROADS AND BRIDGES The soil mechanics' research in the Flemish part of Belgium, concentrated at Ghent University, is dealing with several topics such as : a) SASW b) Calibration chamber testing for vertical cyclic loading on model piles c) Accoustic penetrometer development d) Pile drivability analysis with excess pore water pressure- completed models e) Waste disposal soil improvement by heavy tamping f) Dilatancy effects in stone columns g) Resonant frequency and vibrocompaction methods h) DMT - as an evaluation of pile installation quality. On almost each of those topics, papers or doctoral work have been published recently. Some of those papers are enclosed here. With respect to R&D for roads I believe the most relevant re­ search topic in this list is probably the SASW-research. As a separate enclosure some results and general ideas about this topic have been given. Sincerely yours, ~:·· Prof. Dr ir W.F. VAN IMPE. Proc. Seminar on Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, 26-29 July 1992, Lisboa-Port DYNAMIC SOIL IMPROVEMENT METHODS Prof Dr W.F. VAN IMPE 1 and Ir W. HAEGEMAN 2 Prof Dr M.R. MADHAV 3 and Ir. P. MENGE 4 ABSTRACT Among the permanent soil improvement methods, an important category oftechniques is dealing with the application oflongitudinal and shear waves to the ground layer to be improved. Some of those methods are only meant for superficial or undeep soil layer compaction, many others although can also be classified among the deep soil improvement methods. The aim ofthis paper is to discuss last mentioned techniques establishing some of their particular requirements, advantages and disavantages. CONCLUSION During the last decade, the use of soil improvement techniques has become, without doubt, one of the greatest challenges for the foundation engineer. · In the design of an adequate soil improvement method for a specific application, the deciding factors must be the available experience of the contractor concerned, the influence on the environment, the total energy cost and the expected improvement of the soil characteristics. In many cases, economic reasons dictate that the more common soil improvement techniques are preferred over the more sophisticated foundation systems with which deeper, resistant layers are reached. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important to understand clearly the technical possibilities and the geotechnical background of each improvement technique. Many ofthem began and were futher developed starting only with experimental data. As it appears for the moment, the most relevant steps in understanding soil improvement have been made with respect to vibratory compaction techniques. Many ofthe other methods increased comparably their justified share on the market ofequivalent foundation engineering jobs, but usually less has been done in order to gather good data for a more profound analysis ofunderstanding. A new promissing geotechnical engineering field related to soil improvement is the one concerning waste disposal treatment. This topic has been already included is some more elaborated research programs; one can fortunately expect therefore quickly progressing understanding to become available in the near future. 1) Director Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Ghent University Belgium, Full Professor at Ghent University; Full Professor at Catholic University of Leuven. 2) Assistant Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Ghent University, Belgium. Research Engineer. 3) Professor of Civil Engineering, Ind. Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. 4) Research assistant Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research Soil Mechanical Laboratory, Ghent University Belgium. Osterreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitschrift (OIAZ), 137. Jg. Heft 3/1992 - Seiten 114-121 ANALYSIS AND SETTLEMENT OF DILATING STONE COLUMN REINFORCED SOIL W.F. VAN IMPE <1) and M.R. MAD HAV <2) ABSTRACT Use of stone columns or granular piles in end bearing conditions for improving the bearing capacity, settlement, and resistance to liquefaction of soft clays or loose deposits has become common practice. Most ofthe available methods for stability analysis and for prediction of settlements ofgranular pile reinforced soil, are based on an elastic approach. In this paper the densified stone column material is considered to be at the limit yielding condition and hence dilating. Results obtained bring out the importance ofincorporating the dilatancy effects on the prediction of settlement and the stresses on the stone column and the soil. Induced lateral stresses in the soil adjacent to the column are shown to be ofthe same order as the vertical stresses. The predictions of settlements based on the proposed approach appear to agree reasonably well with measurements. CONCLUSIONS Optimal design of stone columns requires an optimum stress concentration factor. The dense granular material dilates while yielding at peak stresses. Granular pile reinforced soil in here is analysed through a unit cell consisting ofa stone column surrounded by the in situ soil. The model proposed incorporates the dilatancy of the stone columns material and the axial symme­ tric geometry ofthe problem. Results obtained show the significant beneficial effect ofthe dilatancy on the settlement reduction and stresses transferred to the pile. As a result, even at only 0.5 % dilatancy, the settlement ofthe reinforced soil is further reduced compared to a case in which the column is supposed to yield at constant volume ( critical state condition). The stress ratio K ofthe in situ soil at the column-soil interface is close to unity indicating condi­ tions very different from K0 -condition. The predictions compare well with measured settlements so validating the approach presented here. (1) Professor Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Director ofthe Soil Mechanics Department, Ghent State University, Ghent; Professor Soil Mechanics at Leuven Catholic University, Belgium. (2) Professor of Civil Engineering, Ind. Institute of Technology, Ranpur, India LOAD TRANSFER THROUGH AGRAVEL BED ON STONE COLUMN REINFORCED SOIL MADHIRA R. MADHAV 1 AND W.F. VAN IMPE 2 ABSTRACT Treatment of soft or weak deposits with stone columns involves providing on top a dense gravel bed as a working platform and as a drainage layer acting as a stiff raft. It is often presumed to be rigid while no data are available to validate this statement. A simple model is proposed here for the analysis of such granular layer covering the stone column reinforced soil. The response ofthe system is shown to depend on the relative stiffness ofthe gravel bed. The load transferred to the stone column varies significantly with the relative stiffness ofthe gravel bed to those ofthe column and the soil. The design criterion proposed here ensures the gravel bed to deform more uniformly. CONCLUSIONS Improvement ofground with a regular array of stone columns is commonly resorted to in case significant reduction in settlement is desired. A unit cell is analysed as typical ofthe treated area.
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