Laird Eyes Bahamian Firm Merger Plan M i. i'\(,i .; The Weather Sunny today, high in low Ms. Fair tonight, increasing, cloudiness tomorrow. FINAL EDITION 22 PACES .Wonmouih (ouiilyN OulNfanding Homo VOL 96 NO. KKD BA\K-MII)t)I.KTOW\. N.J. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20,197.1 TEN CENTS •iiinunimHiHinu i HMHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIII uiiniiiiii mu iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiHiiHiiHHiiiiwiiHiiHmiiimiiiii HHNMMMMH I MM MMMMM MM Sunday Driving Curb Eyed WASHINGTON (AP) - of public parks lo automobiles nn Sunday across the nation " Meanwhile, the Senate direction in dealing with n." ing because oi Ihe Arab oil Nixon administration officials are steps under consideralinn. DiBona said a Sunday din- passed and sent to the House, Elsewhere on Capitol Hill, squeeze on Europe. say a curtailment of Sunday ing ban would save 660.000 "Knocking out Sunday driv- emergency energy legislation Treasury Secretary George — The Pentagon announced driving is being considered as barrels of gasoline a day. ing is a real possibility." said that would give 1're.sident P. Shultz told the Senate Koi - that 27 senior Defense offieals one way to conserve fuel. Some consideration is being DiBona, the President's spe- Nixon the power to order iMgn Relation! Committee Die have given up their big sedans White House energy adviser given to making the ban par- cial assistant for fuel matters. gasoline rationing. nation would have In befor smaller, more economical John A. Love said yesterday tial so people could go to And the House Democratic "sharp and retention" in lim- cars as a means of saving the administration may soon Asked about a ban on nones- church, he said. leadership responded to Nix- iting consumer use of energy. fuel. A spokesman said De- require the closing of gasoline sential Sunday driving, Love. The administration is also on's criticism of Congress1 In other energy-related de- fense Secretary James R, stations on Sundays. said, "I don't think it is to be considering instituting Sunday performance in the energy velopments yesterday: Schlesinger is considering His deputy, Charles DiBona, couched in terms of a ban" blue laws to close commercial crisis by accusing the I'resi- whether lo keep his Cadillac told a congressional joint eco- and then added that there stores and shortening store dent of "unwillingness to ac- — Germany and Denmark limousine. nomic committee that a ban may be an announeempni on hours during the week, he knowledge the magnitude of joined Holland and Belgium in — Postmaster (ien. K.T. on Sunday driving and closing "the closing of filling slations said. (he crisis and ... lack of any banning Sunday pleasure dnv- Klassen said fuel shortages may hamper mail handling during the Christmas .season1 and beyond. He said service could suffer in December be- Mortgage Bill Vote Delayed cause of the elimination of 300 .scheduled airplane flights pat day as a fuel-saving measure. TRENTON (AP) - The serve fulltime. Both bills are Assembly and signed into law oying on Ihe part of the bank- measure was put off unlit New Jersey Assembly has put expected to be voted on next by outgoing Republican Oov. ing and real estate interests, Monday. — The Environmental De- off until next week a vote on a Monday. William T. Cahill. But it which favored the bill, and or- Even if the measure docs fense Fund said intercity bus bill to permit an increase to In other legislative aclion would not take effect until ganized labor, which opposed pass the Assembly, its fate in lines should be exempted TESTIFIES ON ENERGY CONSERVA- 9.5 per cent in the ceiling on yesterday, the Senate passed Jan. 15 when Democrat Cov- it. the Senate is in doubt. Minor- from 50-mile-per-hour speed TION — Charles DiBona, deputy director of the mortgage interest rates. and sent to the Assembly a elect Brendan T. Byrne is in- At one point labor leaders ity Leader J. Edward Crabiel limits. The environmental or- White House Office of Energy Policy, testifies be- The lower house also de- bill raising from (50,000 to augurated. were sitting next to asseni- said Democrats oppose it, and ganization said intercity DUWI fore the Joint Economic Committee In Washing- feated by three votes a bill to J65.000 the salary of the gov- The mortgage bill was the blymen on the floor of the Republicans have only a bare are more than twice as ef- ton. Speaking on ways to conserve energy and al- require all members of the ernor. The measure is ex- subject of nearly two hours of chamber while legislative sup- majority of 21 votes, not usu- ficient as automobiles in leviate the fuel shortage, he said that closing Public Utilities Commission to pected to be approved by the maneuvering and intense lob- porters of the measure tried ally sufficient to pass a con- energy use per passenger parks and banning Sunday driving may be neces- desperately to convince fellow troversial bill. mile. sary. lawmakers to vote for it. Fulltime Jobs The bill was sponsored by The PUC bill would have re- Michael Horn, IM'assaic, who quired all three commission- at first refused to permit ers to serve fulltime and to amendments to the measure, have no other outside employ- Nation Must Change fearful that they might delay ment. Their salaries would its passage. have gone from $24,000 to Only when the vote was 140.000 for Ihe I'UC president being tallied on the electronic and from (20,000 to $.10,000 for voting machine and he saw Ihe two other commissioners. Habit of Era: Shultz the bill would be defeated did The bill was vigorously op- he agree to accept amend- posed by PUC President Wil- WASHINGTON (AP) - The nnluw Mill tough,"ha said ments. liam K. Ozzard, who lobbied have to change Ihe habils of an era in order lo "If we recognize the pnMefll as a signifi- But in the end ho was right against it yesterday, Ho is ex- avert a recession while limiting energy Use,, cant crisis, as it is, hoili in the short term and — the amendments delayed pected back Monday to con- Treasury Secretary George r Bchultz says. in the long term, and are willing lo take lough the bill because some Demo- Minuc his opposition "1 believe we should place top pi unit \ mi decisions, I think we have the ability to man- cratic opponents would not In moving the bill, Assem- jobs. We ought to try lo Insulate our Industries age the problem without undue disruption of provide sufficient support to blyman Edward llynes, I)- from too great an Impart," Shull/. said of cut- our economy," siiuitz said. bring il back in position for a Bergen, called Ihe PUC the backs which may be required hv Ihe energy He said the nalion nerds In protect HIP vote. It will be ready for a state agency with the most im- crisis. aluminum and petrochemical Industries, which vote next week, however. pact on the lives of New Jer- Speaking at a hearing »l the Senate For- use large atnouunts Of energy, while "laking Would 'Float' sey citizens, but he said Ihe eign Relations Committee, Shultz said limits very sharp aclion" to curtail other uses Horn's original bill simply commission has a "ram- will have to be made in consumer use of lln MUHII allocation powers would have allowed the inter- shackle staff through no fault energy. » Schllltl noted thai he had I (I leading ;i est rale lo "float' — thai la, of their own." The nation will have lo gel over Ihe habits »P Wiftptwto summary of rationing problems during World NEXT GOVERNOR WILL GET A RAISE — The New Jersey Senate yes- to seek its own level in a com- Referring lo the energy of an era of "easier use of energy," he said War II, and mentioned Ihe nationwide black terday passed a salary increase for the next governor. During discussion petitive market — up lo 9.f> crisis, llynes said, "I don'l And in order In avert a recession, Hie HI market in gasoline, stolen coupons, counterfeit on the bill on the floor of the upper house are, left to right, Sen. Brown, per cent. think we can continue ID lion taken must he sharp and relentless anil coupons and over -applications by users R-Ocean; Raymond Bateman, R-Somerset, and William AAusto, DHudson. When Horn agreed lo per- handle such problems with a mit amendments. Democrats parttime commission." tried unsuccessfully lo change The bill was opposed by it to suit State Banking Com- Robert I.illell. H-Sussex, who missioner Richard Schaub. said the measure would cost Hughes Confirmed McGann Holds State Falling that, the Democrats more money, "The people and Republicans changed Ihe don't wanl lo spend more bill to permit Schaub and two money, they want lo save TRENTON (Al>) - After yesterday on a 3tX) vote fumed lasl month that he others appointed the the gov- money." four years away from go\ em No dale has been sel |oi the would nominate a new chief ernor and confirmed by Ihe Carl Orechlo, U-Essex noled ment service, former Demo- swearing In. Hut Hughes is ex- justice Hie reaction among Obscenity Law Valid Senate to set the actual inter- that legislators, and most cratic Oov. Richard J. pected lo take his seal as Democratic legislators was est rate within the 1.8 per county and municipal Officials Hughes will return here lo In chief [ustice before n ml of imsiiie to a possible lameduck By HA1.1.IK S( HRAM.KR as he had been asked to do by grounds that the state obsce- cent ceiling.
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