Initial Environmental Examination Project Number: 37220 October 2008 Pakistan: Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program (SCIP) Solid Waste Management Initial Environmental Examination Prepared by the Government of Sindh for the Asian Development Bank. Initial Environmental Examination Project Number: 37220 October 2008 PAK: Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program Solid Waste Management Initial Environmental Examination This report has been submitted to ADB by the Government of Sindh and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s public communications policy (2005). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program IEE Report for Solid Waste Management Sector Subprojects CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 5 A. Overview 5 B. The Investment Program 5 C. Environmental Regulatory Compliance 6 D. Environmental Category of Solid Waste Sector Subprojects 6 E. Objectives and Scope of IEE 6 F. Report Structure 7 II. DESCRIPTION OF SOLID WASTE MANGEMENT SECTOR SUBPROJECTS 7 A. Background and Need 7 B. Proposed Investment 8 C. Secondary Storage Facilities 8 D. Secondary Collection Vehicles 10 E. Sanitary Landfill 10 III. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 14 A. Seismic Intensity 14 B. Topography and Soil 14 C. Hydrology and Water Resources 14 D. Climate 15 E. Demography and Socioeconomics 16 F. Waste Generation, Collection and Disposal 17 G. Environmental Conditions in the Vicinity of the Proposed Sites 20 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION 27 A. Screening of Environmental Impacts 27 B. Design Related Impacts and Design Principles 30 C. Construction Related Impacts 31 D. Operations Related Impacts 32 E. Positive Impact 34 V. STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTATION 34 A. Identification of Stakeholders and Methodology 34 B. Consultations’ Summary 35 C. Discussion Summary 35 D. Future Consultation 35 VI. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 35 A. Institutional Arrangements 35 B. Complaints and Grievances Redress 36 C. Environmental Review and Approval 37 D. Environmental Management Plan 37 E. Monitoring and Evaluation 38 F. Training 39 VII. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 42 VIII. CONCLUSIONS 43 APPENDIX A: STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATIONS 45 APPENDIX B: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 50 10/19/08 Page 2 of 59 Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program IEE Report for Solid Waste Management Sector Subprojects FIGURES Figure 1: The Proposed Landfill Sites in Rohri, Khairpur, Larkana, and Shikarpur..9 Figure 2: Design of a Typical Cell at the Landfill Site ................................................13 Figure 3: Landfill Site for Sukkur, New Sukkur, and Rohri........................................23 Figure 4: Landfill Site for Khairpur ..............................................................................24 Figure 5: Landfill Site for Larkana................................................................................25 Figure 6: Landfill Site for Shikarpur.............................................................................26 Figure 7: Monitoring Report Format ............................................................................40 TABLES Table 1: Collection System Improvements .................................................................10 Table 2: Summary of Landfill Sites..............................................................................12 Table 3: Seasonal Characteristics of Climate of the Project Area ............................16 Table 4: Demographic Data and Socioeconomic Indicators .....................................18 Table 5: Key Data on Current Waste Generation........................................................19 Table 6: Comparison of the Proposed Sites for Landfill............................................22 Table 7: Screening of Environmental Issues – Design and Construction ...............28 Table 8: Screening of Environmental Issues - Operations........................................29 Table 9: Environmental Monitoring Plan for Tranche 1 SWM Subprojects..............41 Table 10: Summary of Estimated Costs for EMP Implementation............................42 Table 11: Operations Phase Environmental Monitoring Plan ...................................42 10/19/08 Page 3 of 59 Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program IEE Report for Solid Waste Management Sector Subprojects LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank DCO District Coordination Officer EARF Environmental Assessment and Review Framework EDO Executive District Officer EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan EPA Environmental Protection Agency GoP Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan GoS Government of Sindh IA Implementing Agency IEE Initial Environmental Examination LARF Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework LARP Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan M&E Monitoring and evaluation MFF Multi-tranche Financing Facility NEQS National Environmental Quality Standards NGO Non-Governmental Organization NOX Oxides of Nitrogen NSUSC North Sindh Urban Services Corporation P&DD Planning and Development Department Pak-EPA Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency PSC Program Steering Committee PSU Program Support Unit ROW Right of Way SC Safeguards Cell SCIP Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program SEPA Sindh Environmental Protection Agency SO2 Sulphur Dioxide SR Sensitive Receiver SWM Solid Waste Management TA Technical Assistance TMA Taluka Municipal Administration USC Urban Services Corporation WSS Water Supply and Sanitation Sector WEIGHTS AND MEASURES dB(A) Decibel (A-weighted) ft Feet/Foot km kilometre m meter m3 cubic meter m2 square meter mgd million [imperial] gallons per day s seconds LAWS AND REGULATIONS IEE-EIA Regulations 2000 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Initial Environmental Examination and Environmental impact Assessment Regulations 2000 PEPA 1997 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 SLGO 2001 Sindh Local Government Ordinance 2001 10/19/08 Page 4 of 59 Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program IEE Report for Solid Waste Management Sector Subprojects I. INTRODUCTION 1. Government of Pakistan (GoP) has requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to provide a multi-tranche financing facility (MFF) to facilitate investments to support the proposed Sindh Cities Improvement Program (SCIP, the Program). The SCIP will implement a number of subprojects within seven components including: support to institutional reform and development; waste supply and wastewater management; and solid waste management. 2. This Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) presents the environmental assessments of the solid waste management sector subprojects in Tranche 1 of the MFF. This IEE has been carried out to ensure that the potential adverse environmental impacts are appropriately addressed in line with ADB’s Environmental Policy (2002) and Environmental Assessment Guidelines (2003). This IEE has also been prepared to meet the requirements of the GoP for environmental assessment. 3. This IEE is submitted to ADB by the Government of Sindh on behalf of North Sindh Urban Services Corporation (NSUSC) and this report will be submitted for review and approval by the Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) as required by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997, as regulated. A. Overview 4. The ultimate objective of the solid waste management (SWM) sector subprojects of the SCIP MFF is to improve the collection and disposal of solid waste from the cluster cities in northern Sindh. 5. To achieve these objectives, an integrated, long-term package of investments and support programs have been developed. In the solid waste management sector, the sub- projects included under the first tranche will comprise: (i) construction of communal bins for secondary waste collection, (ii) procurement of equipment/vehicles for collection of solid waste; and (iii) construction of 4 sanitary landfill sites for one cluster (Sukkur, New Sukkur, and Rohri) at Rohri and three towns, Khairpur, Larkana, and Shikarpur. 6. An IEE is required for all MFF subprojects under ADB and the EMP of the IEE aims to mitigate all the reasonably foreseeable impacts. The EMP must be updated later before construction starts and reviewed periodically as the project proceeds in order to take account of any unanticipated impacts for the Tranche 1 subprojects. A detailed environmental assessment and review framework (EARF) procedure has been prepared that must be followed as required by ADB for all the subprojects in future tranches. B. The Investment Program 1. The Investment Program aims at facilitating sustainable urban development by assisting government efforts to improve basic urban infrastructure and services in Sindh Province. The Investment Program comprises four parts: (i) Part A: Urban Planning, Institutional Development and Program Implementation provides specialized technical assistance and seeks to establish a Program Support Unit (PSU) and regional urban services corporations (USCs), beginning with the NSUSC, and an Urban Policy and Strategic Planning Unit (the Urban Unit) under Planning and Development Department (P&DD). (ii) Part B: Urban Water Supply and Wastewater Management Improvements may include construction of new tube wells, groundwater 10/19/08 Page 5 of 59 Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program IEE Report for Solid Waste Management Sector Subprojects monitoring facilities, new transmission lines, high storage reservoirs (HSRs), or water treatment plants and construction/rehabilitation of water tanks, pumping stations,
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