Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-8-1961 The Ledger and Times, June 8, 1961 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 8, 1961" (1961). The Ledger & Times. 5080. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5080 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Selected Ae A Rest AI) Round Kentucky Community Newspaper -41k. se, The Newspaper Largest . J. Circulation In I ' lat Bari With The 4\41k . The City #1/41.1tZ:7444C- 1 Largest Circulation 4:711 A Circulation In " The 0 County ‘1•••• , MNIMP.•••••••••••=1. United International IN OUR 82nd YEAR Press Murray, Ky., Thursday Afternoon, June 8, MURRAY POPULATION 1961 10.100 Vol. LXXXII No. 134 • 1 LAOS KEY TO MANY SOVIET AGREEMENTS Urge Contnbution Morton To Push For For Flower Tubs Strong Homes Bill Amendment Many International Issues Murder Eighteen Charge civic clubs of the vi- , I -read cinity have responded to letters mportant U.S. Senator Thruston B. Morton Depend On from Mrs. Herschel Corn, chair- Laos Editors Told has proposed that the Federal man of the "Flowe • for t h highway financing program be Square" committee, asking f or 4 FHA amended to adjust a "serious in- By LOUIS CASSELS as far as possible because he will Dropped Against 15.00 contributions for the cost of Hears etuity" now imposed on the na- United Press International want the world to know that we placing the tubs of blooming plants tion's retail service station oper- WASHINGTON — Presi- have exhausted every possible av- around the court square, according 4 Gov. Bert Combs told members. ators by the method used to col- dent Kennedy called today for a enue of negotiation before the to a report by the treasurer, of W. F. Kentucky's Future Homemak- lect gasoline taxes for realistic cease-fire in Laos and United States resumes testing. Davis. Federal-aid ers of America here yesterday highway purposes. said that if this could not be —The federal government has Lassiter A meeting of the officers of the that FHA, in striving to help in- no intention of Mrs. achieved with takjng any Senator Morton would amend the Communist it action- Ci v ic Improvement Association dividuals improve personal, family. the highway tax bill to require would be -impossible" to reach in the field of press censorship,- met in the court room Tuesday and community , DETROIT (UPI) — Circuit Judge . --e---learer71 living, are build- the Treasury Department to re- voluntar • r otherwise, but the night at 7 o'clock with Joe Pat ing stronger iff Joseph G. Rashid today approved homes and thereby fund to the rttail dealers two ter ant international questions. Chief Executive thought self-re- James, president, Da v i s, Mrs. strengthening the dropping of all charges against civilization. cent of the tax paid by them on In the light of his recent meet. straint in reporting security mat- . George Hart, James Blalock - Mrs. Nelle Lassiter who had been and bulk gasoline deliveries ing with Soviet Premier Nikita ters was the proper subject of . a' James Johnson, Governor Combs spoke to the as com- .. accused executive secre- S. Khrushchev who joined Ken- continuing consideration by the of murder and conspiracy . tary 750 future homemakers here for pensation for gasoline lost through of the Chamber of Commerce, nedy in supporting a cease-fire editors and publishers. - in the slaying of her husband, their annual state meeting. Wed- evaporation and shrinkage prior present. NEW TV STAR—Former Pres • and a neutral Laos, the President Questioned on Laos Paryin. • ••44,e, meekl I nesday afternoon. He also attend- to sale to their retail customers. _ Several clubs promising the ident Truman gestures for was plainly disappointed by the Kennedy was asked whether in t • ,i ed a special—guests luncheon at The Kentucky senator has al- Rashid also dismissed a court $5.00 have not sent the money to emphasis in New York as he continuing fighting. view of the renewed Communist announces he signed to which the state officers of FHA ready introduced an amendment to ,,der committing the glamorous Mr. Davis as yet. They are urged has Kennedy spoke before the 1961 aggression in Laos he felt that (. fat 1*4 do 28 hour-long television were hostesses. accomplish this purpose. The tax Plonde grandmother to Ionia State to please contact him as soon as Conference of United Press Inter- Khrushchev had reneged on his shows dealing with major The meeting which began yes- bill is pending before the Senate Hospital. and thus closed the books . a iit . possible since t h e plants were national Editors and Publishers at Vienna promises. historic events of these terday, continued until today at Finance Committee of which Sen- on the long drawn-out case. .. placed early this year so that the the Statler-Hilton Hotel. time,s, and of years when he noon. ator Morton is a member. He said Obviously wanting to avoid a • IA:. cs. town could have advantage of the He appeared before the editors R Dismissal of all proceedings a- was president. that he would offer his amend- frontal accusation of the Soviet ,to • ..•• )‘• attraction all summer long. The shortly after the White house gainst Mrs. Lassiter was assured Governor congratulated the ment during committee considera- an- leader. .Kennedy said: "I think its Organizations whu h ave re- organ.zation for being the first . nounced that he had suffered a were last Monday when her one time ion of the legislation. Ifijected going to stay at Geneva rig sponded with the $5.00 request state organizition of FHA recent hack strain and would be lover, Gordon Watson. was ac- s • • in the here, he stated, it will be offered . .• to see .if we can come to an s are: Chamber of Commerce, Den- Five Apprehended using crutches occasionally:. Ken- ily quitted of murder and United States. The Kentucky FHA from the floor when the bill is agreement on a neutral and inde- conspiracy tal Society, Young Mens Business nedy, however appeared charges At Trampoline Center was chartered in 1945 and has considered by the Senate. before pendent Laos. but it's going to be Club, Womans Club Departments- the editors without crutches. The prosecutioa grown to 248 local chapters in "Present provisions require the a task . asked that the Sigma. Garden, Alpha, Zeta, Mus- No Easy Way Allarges against Mrs. 110 counties. service station operator to pay the -If we cannot reach a success- Lassiter be ic. Creative Arts and Delta; Callo- Five small boys climbed the Speaking informally before a -Vtopped because the tax when bulk gasoline is deliver- ful conclusion on this matter in -- case against way Medical Society, Lions, Ma- fence at the BounceLO-Rama last Gov. Combs, speaking on "Teen- short question and answer ses- her was weaker than that ed to his tanks" Morton said. He which both sides have used the against sonic Lodge No. 105, Farm Bureau, night after it was closed and were agers as Citizens." urged the FHA sion, Kennedy said he brought Watson. explained that "some of this gaso- same words . and use the same Magazine, Civitan, Calloway Ho- apprehended by the County Sher- exercise the utmost care in driv- back from Viennathe firm con- Her trial was ruled line is never used because of evap- neutrality and A mistrial ACOUITTED—Gordon Watson, memakers, and Association of Uni- iff. They were sleeping at the ing cars, complete their high school viction that there was "no easy examples of inde- after a sanity hearing, leaving oration or shrinkage which occur peaden:e such as Burma and Cam. 46, ia embraced by his over- versity Women. home of one of the boys and de- education, and continue public ser- or quick solution for the difficult v,,,, her former lover. Gordon Watson in accordance with gasoline's-phy- if we can't reach an joyed wife Nell in Detroit Contributions may be"mailed to cided to climb the fence as a lark. vices such as their clean-up cam- problems we face" and that the ...''''1 a to face the murder conspiracy sical properties." agreenient here, how impossible it alter his acquittal on charge Mr. Davis this week and next at At a hearing this mbrning Juve- paign of last year. if they wanted world struggle between freedom charge alone. Ile was acquitted will h•-• to reach agreement on of having plotted the murder his home address 210 S. 15th nile Judaic .Waylon Rayburn in- to make valuable contributions to and Communism would contthue of the cbarge Monday +any other questions.- by a jury of Parvin Laratter, who vitae Street. enclaseci,ttfe 'five of the seriousnessl Kefitucky. • Club's Guest Night - for. many years. of nine women and three to men. his business partner and of their action. Ile said no new dramatic policy 1 The President. in response a Olsen said that in view of %Vat- The Governor then deviated from To Be On June Geneva test with whose wife Nelle, 39, he Although the five did no dam- 14 or decision taken by this country 'question. discussed the Aon's acquittal and the weaker his prepared speech and held a which have been stale admitted hay ng carriedon age, Judge Rayburn told them that "can of itself change the balance , ban talks as.
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