Timetable 2018 www.mm-acs.de FURTHER www.mm-acs.de INFORMATION Information hotline: +49 8282 / 828700 NEW! We will gladly inform you about scheduled time- tables, your next connection in public transport. Please note our service hours (Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.). TRAVEL COMFORTABLY TO YOUR For further information please visit or website www.vvm-online.de FLIGHT BY TRAIN AND BUS! Online information on Direct train connections from all over www.mm-acs.de Germany, from your place of residence and vvm-online.de You will find general and timetable information on the Memmingen Airport-City-Shuttle also on Bus fare included in the train ticket our website: www.mm-acs.de to Allgäu Airport Travel comfortably with your luggage The Memmingen Airport-City-Shuttle is provided by the Central Swabia transport from Memmingen central station network, the Association of Central Swabian Motor Vehicle Lines VMK, the trans- port companies Karl Angele and Brandner Unterallgäu and the City of Memmingen. to the airport Hourly departures from / to Allgäu Airport Memmingen V. Würzburg Nürnberg WITH ONLY ONE TICKET FROM YOUR PLACE OF RESIDENCE TO ALLGÄU Stuttgart Ulm Augsburg AIRPORT MEMMINGEN! Freiburg München ZOB / Memmingen Central Memmingen Station – Allgäu Airport Memmingen The Memmingen Airport-City-Shutt- Lindau Kempten Salzburg le is the most comfortable and inex- pensive way to start your air travel. Only At Memmingen central station the TICKET SALES ON THE BUS Airport-City-Shuttle departs from ZOB bus platform 2 or 3. The bus A single ticket from the train station to the airport and back 3.00 will comfortably take you to your costs €3.00 per person each (children €2.25), including Euros luggage. The ticket can be purchased directly on the bus. flight in approximately 10 minutes, regardless of the airline you fly with. The price for the Memmingen Air- BUS FARE INCLUDED IN THE TRAIN TICKET! port-City-Shuttle is already included Direct tickets from your place of residence to Memmingen Allgäu Airport will in your train ticket from your place of be accepted on the Memmingen Airport-City Shuttle. Just show your train residence to Allgäu Airport. Without ticket when entering the bus. The trip with the Memmingen Airport-City- a direct train ticket the price will be Shuttle from the train station to the airport is included in your direct train ticket. €3.00. MACSAllgäu-Airport – Memmingen Central Bus StationAllgäu (ZOB) Airport - Memmingen Bahnhof Monday - Friday LINE 810 810 MemmingenAirportCityShuttle:2 810 2 810 810 Airport2 2 - Memmingen810 2 ZOB810 (810/2/AST7)2 AST7 AST7 AST7 MACS TRAFFIC ANNOUNCEMENT F Allgäu AirportA60 - MemmingenA19 A19 Bahnhof Allgäu Airport MACS06.54 08.23 09.33 10.13 11.33 12.00 12.58 14.41 15.41 16.56 17.41 18.31 19.18 19.40 20.40 21.40 Memmingen, ZOB arrival 07.06 Montag08.35 - Freitag09.43 10.25 11.43 12.12 13.10 14.55 15.55 17.10 17.55 18.45 19.30 19.48 20.48 21.48 LINIE 810 810 982 810 982 810 810 982 982 810 982 810 982 AST7MondayAST7 - FridayAST7 VERKEHRSHINWEIS F LINE S 810 810 2 810 2 810 810 A602 A192SamstagA19810 2 810 2 AST7 AST7 AST7 GET Allgäu Airport 06.54 08.23LINETRAFFIC09.33 ANNOUNCEMENT10.07 11.33 12.00 12.58810F 14.41810 15.41AST7 16.562 17.41AST7 18.31810 19.182 19.40810 20.40810 21.40810 810 810 810 AST7A60 A19810 A19810 AST7 AST7 Memmingen, ZOB an 07.06 08.35 09.43 10.19 11.43 12.12 13.10 14.55 15.55AV 17.10 17.55A60 18.45 19.30 19.48 20.48 21.48 A60 A16 A16 AllgäuTRAFFIC Airport ANNOUNCEMENT 06.54 08.23 09.33 10.13 11.33 12.00 12.58 14.41 15.41 16.56 17.41 18.31 19.18 19.40 20.40 21.40 Memmingen,Allgäu Airport ZOB arrival 07.0606.01 07.3108.35 08.4009.43 10.09.2725 11.4310.40 12.1211.08 13.1011.27 14.5512.08 15.5512.40 13.2517.10 14.1717.55 14.4118.45 19.3015.17 19.4816.40 20.4818.30 19.4021.48 20.40 21.40 Memmingen, ZOB arrival 06.09 07.39 08.48Samstag09.41 10.48 11.20 11.41 12.20 12.52 13.37 14.29 14.53 15.29 16.48 18.42 19.52 20.48 21.48 STARTED LINIE 810 810 AST7 982 AST7 810 982 810 810 810 810 810 810 AST7 810 Samstag810 AST7 AST7 VERKEHRSHINWEIS LINEAV A60 810 810 AST7 2 AST7 810 2Sonn-/FeiertagA60810 810 810 A16810 A16810 810 AST7 810 810 AST7 AST7 NOW Allgäu Airport 06.01 07.31LINE08.40 09.27 10.40 11.08 11.27810 12.08AST7 12.40AST7AV 13.252 14.17A602 14.412 15.172 16.40810 18.302 19.402 20.40810 21.402 2 AST7A60 AST7 A16 A16 Memmingen, ZO an 06.09 07.39TRAFFIC08.48 ANNOUNCEMENT09.41 10.48 11.20 11.41 12.20 12.52 13.37 14.29 14.53 15.29 16.48 18.42 19.52 20.48 21.48 B AllgäuTRAFFIC Airport ANNOUNCEMENT 06.01 07.31AV 08.40A60 09.27 10.40 11.08 11.27 12.08 12.40 13.25 14.17HS 14.41HS 15.17HS 16.40A16 18.30A16 19.40 20.40 21.40 Memmingen,Allgäu Airport ZOB 06.0908.25 07.3908.40 08.4809.40 09.4110.25 10.4811.25 11.2012.27 11.4113.37 12.2014.25 12.5215.25 13.3716.25 14.2917.25 14.5318.25 15.2919.25 16.4820.40 18.4221.40 19.52 20.48 21.48 arrival Sonn-/Feiertag Memmingen, ZOB arrival 08.37 08.48 09.48 10.35 11.39 12.44 13.52 14.37 15.35 16.35 17.37 18.35 19.35 20.48 21.48 LINIE 810 AST7 AST7 982 982 982 982 810 982 982 810 982 982 Sonn-/FeiertagAST7 AST7 VERKEHRSHINWEIS AV KeyA60 to the symbols: F = only during school holidays HS = not onHS 24. andHS 31.12.HS A16 A16 A19 = prior booking before 7 p.m. – Phone +49 8282/828700 LINE S = nur an 810SchultagenAST7 AST7A16 =2 Anm. d.2 Fahrt vor2 16 Uhr2 Tel. 08282/828700810 2 A602 = prior810 booking2 60 minutes2 beforeAST7 departureAST7 – Phone +49 8282/828700 Allgäu Airport 08.25 08.40 09.40 10.25 11.25 12.27 13.37 14.25AV 15.25A60 16.25 17.25 18.25 19.25 20.40 21.40 HS HS HS A16 A16 Memmingen, ZOB an 08.37 08.48TRAFFIC24.12.09.48 and ANNOUNCEMENT 10.3531.12. =11.39 schedule12.44 as on13.52 Sundays14.37 15.35 16.35 17.37 18.35 19.35 20.48 21.48 AllgäuVMK Association Airport of Central Swabian08.25 Motor08.40 Vehicle09.40 Lines10.25 e.V. Kru11.25mbach12.27 (Swabia)13.37 14.25 15.25 16.25 17.25 18.25 19.25 20.40 21.40 ZEICHENERKLÄRUNG: F = nur an schulfreien Tagen HS = nicht 24. und 31.12. A19 = Anm. d. Fahrt vor 19 Uhr. Tel.08282/828700 AV = Anmeldungprior booking am on Vortag the previous vor 19 Uhrday (wennbefore Vortag7 p.m. Sa,(if the So previous oder Feiertag, day is adann Saturday, vor 16 Uhr),Tel.08282/828700 Memmingen,Helpdesk: Brandner ZOB Unterallgäuarrival KG,08.37 Babenhausen,08.48 09.48 Phone10.35 +49 8332/11.3979699-20012.44 13.52 14.37 15.35 16.35 17.37 18.35 19.35 20.48 21.48 S = nur an Schultagen Helpdesk:A16 Company= Anm. d. KarlFahrt Angele vor 16 Uhr GmbH&Co.KG, Tel.08282/828700 Memmingen,A60 = Anm. Phone 60 Min.+49 8331/9223-0vor Fahrt Tel.08282/828700 Sunday or public holiday, before 6 p.m.) – Phone +49 8282/828700 24.12. und 31.12. = Verkehr wie Sonntag Key to the symbols: F = only during school holidays HS = not on 24. and 31.12. A19 = prior booking before 7 p.m. – Phone +49 8282/828700 VMK Verband mittelschwäbischer KraftfahrzeuglinienPhone number e.V., Krumbach for AST-bookings: (Schwaben)S = nur an Schultagen+49 8282/828700 (Monday-FridayA16 = Anm. d. Fahrt7 a.m.-7 vor p.m.;16 Uhr Saturday, Tel. 08282/828700 Sunday andA60 public= holidays 8 a.m.-4 p.m.) The transport of groups (more than 10 persons) must be booked at least 24 hours before departure. prior booking 60 minutes before departure – Phone +49 8282/828700 Auskunft: Brandner Unterallgäu KG, Babenhausen,24.12. Tel.and 08332/79699-200 31.12. = schedule as on Sundays Auskunft: Fa. Karl Angele GmbH&Co.KG, Memmingen,Direct train Tel. tickets 08331/9223-0 to Allgäu Airport and the “Bayernticket” will not be accepted on AST-line 7. ArrivalVMK Association ZOB-platform of Central 2: Line Swabian810; Platform Motor 3: Vehicle AST-line Lines 7; Platf e.V.orm Kru mbach5: line 2 (Swabia) Rufnummer für AST-Bestellung: 08282 / 828700Helpdesk: (Mo-Fr: 7-19Brandner Uhr; Sa, Unterallgäu So & Fe: 8-16 KG, Uhr)Babenhausen, Phone +49 8332/79699-200 A96 Für die Beförderung von Gruppen (mehr als 10All Personen) data without ist die guarantee. Anmeldung mindestens 24 Stunden vorher erforderlich Auf der AST-Linie 7 werden keine durchgehendenHelpdesk: Bahn-Fahrkarten Company Karlbis zum Angele Allgäu GmbH&Co.KG, Airport und Bayern-TicketsMemmingen, Phone anerkannt. +49 8331/9223-0 Ankunft ZOB Steig 2: Linie 810; Steig 3: AST 7;Phone Steig number5: Linie 2for AST-bookings: +49 8282/828700 (Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-7 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 8 a.m.-4 p.m.) Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr The transport of groups (more than 10 persons) must be booked at least 24 hours before departure.
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