The 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2016) he 35th Chinese Control Confer- Shik Hong, vice-president of ACA; Prof. States, and the former Yugoslavia. After ence (CCC2016) was held on July Yoshito Ohta, vice-president of SICE; a rigorous peer review process orga- T 27–29, 2016 at the Chengdu Inter- Prof. Dongil Cho, president-elect of nized by the conference program com- national Conference Center, Chengdu, ICROS; and more than 100 consultants mittee, 1944 papers were accepted and Sichuan Province, China. Chengdu is and committee members of the TCCT. included in the conference proceedings. one of the most attractive cities and a The proceedings will be included in the major metropolis in China. The city, Technical Program IEEE conference publication program with its rich historical heritage and This year, 2901 papers were submitted with the IEEE catalog number CFP1640A. natural pride, is renowned for its cui- to CCC2016 with authors from 29 coun- Seven distinguished scientists de- sine, tourism, culture, and the giant tries and regions including Australia, livered plenary lectures: panda. Chengdu is the first Asian city Canada, China, Comoros, Ecuador, Fin- » “Universal Laws and Architec- to win a UNESCO City of Gastronomy land, France, Germany, Hong Kong, tures for Bio, Med, Neuro, and accolade, one of only six in the world. India, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Tech Nets,” by John Doyle, Cali- Over 2300 people attended the confer- Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, fornia Institute of Technology, ence, including more than 2000 regis- Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montene- United States trants, 50 faculty and staff volunteers, gro, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, » “Automation of High-Speed Rail- and over 200 student volunteers from Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, way Traction Power Supply Sys- Southwest Jiaotong University. Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United tems” by Qingquan Qian, National CCC2016 was sponsored by the Technical Committee on Control The- ory (TCCT) of the Chinese Association of Automation and Systems Engineer- ing Society of China, and locally orga- nized by Southwest Jiaotong University. The conference was also cosponsored by several organizations, both domes- tic and abroad, including the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China Society for Industrial and Ap- plied Mathematics, University of Elec- tronic Science and Technology of China, Sichuan University, Sichuan Society Program Committee Chair Jie Chen pre- of Automation and Instrument, Asian sides over the opening ceremony of the Fei Xu, president of Southwest Jiaotong Control Association (ACA), IEEE Con- conference. University, at the opening ceremony. trol Systems Society (CSS), Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS) Korea, and the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), Japan. Many distinguished guests from these sponsoring and cosponsoring or- ganizations attended the conference, including Prof. Han-Fu Chen, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science of CAS; Prof. Lei Guo and Prof. Kemin Zhou, general chairs of CCC2016; Prof. Ji-Feng Zhang, chair of TCCT; Prof. Janan Zaytoon, president of IFAC; Prof. Keum- Daizhan Cheng, winner of the third Chen Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCS.2016.2643398 General Chair Kemin Zhou addresses au- Han-Fu Award, gives his acceptance speech Date of publication: 17 March 2017 dience during the opening ceremony. at the opening ceremony. APRIL 2017 « IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE 193 Chen, Yanlong Zhao, and Qianch- uan Zhao. In addition to these plenary talks, there were 149 oral sessions, including 70 invited oral sessions, arranged in 25 par- allel tracks, so that a total of 915 papers were presented in oral sessions. There were also six poster sessions. The con- ference languages are Chinese and Eng- lish. Papers in English sessions were presented in English, and papers in oth- er sessions could be presented in either English or Chinese. Awards To recognize and honor scholars who have made outstanding contributions to the field of systems and control sci- ence, to inspire and stimulate innovative and original research, and to advance systems and control science in China, the TCCT established the Chen Han-Fu The registration desk. Award in early 2014. At the opening cer- emony of CCC 2016, Prof. Lei Guo, chair of the Evaluation Committee of the Chen Han-Fu Award, announced the winner of the third Chen Han-Fu Award, Prof. Daizhan Cheng, for significant contribu- tions to systems and control science. Prof. Jie Huang, another member of the Evalu- ation Committee, made a brief introduc- tion of Prof. Cheng’s work, and then Prof. Cheng gave an acceptance speech in which he expressed his appreciation to the Evaluation Committee. Several awards were presented at the closing ceremonies. The winning pa- per for the 22nd Guan Zhao-Zhi Award Janan Zaytoon delivers his plenary talk, Hong Chen presents her plenary talk, “Tri- was “Time-Inconsistent Mean-Field “Practical and Dependable Control Synthe- ple-Step Nonlinear Control Design: Meth- Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Optimal sis for Programmable Logic Controllers.” odology and Automotive Applications.” Control,” by Yuan-Hua Ni. The papers that received honorable mention for the Rail Electrification and Automa- motive Applications” by Hong 22nd Guan Zhao-Zhi Award were “A tion Engineering Technology Re- Chen, Jilin University, China Regenerative Braking Control Strategy search Center, China » “Convex Relaxation Techniques for Electric Vehicle with Four In-Wheel » “Networked Cyberphysical Sys- for Control and System Identifica- Motors,” by Wei Xu, Haiyan Zhao, Bing- tems” by John S. Baras, Univer- tion” by Bo Wahlberg, KTH Royal tao Ren and Hong Chen, and “Robust sity of Maryland, United States Institute of Technology, Sweden Internal Models for Nonlinear Output » “Practical and Dependable Con- » “Pinning Control and Control- Regulation with Uncertain Exosys- trol Synthesis for Programmable lability of Complex Networks” tems,” by Dabo Xu. Two papers received Logic Controllers” by Janan Zay- by Guanrong Chen, City Univer- the 10th Poster Paper Award: “Data- toon, University of Reims Cham- sity of Hong Kong, China. Driven Fault Detection for Networked pagne-Ardenne, France These plenary sessions were respec- Control System Based on Implicit Mod- » “Triple-Step Nonlinear Control tively chaired by Kemin Zhou, Weirong el Approach,” by Zhaoxu Chen and Design: Methodology and Auto- Chen, Han-Fu Chen, Ji-Feng Zhang, Jie Huajing Fang, and “The Sustainable 194 IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE » APRIL 2017 John S. Baras gives his plenary talk, “Net- Yingmin Jia (middle), vice-chair of the Evaluation Committee for the Poster Award, pres- worked Cyberphysical Systems.” ents the award. Lei Guo, chair of the Evaluation Committee Qingquan Qian presents his plenary talk, Bo Wahlberg delivers his plenary talk, “Con- of the Chen Han-Fu Award, announced the “Automation of High-Speed Railway Trac- vex Relaxation Techniques for Control and winner of the third Chen Han-Fu Award. tion Power Supply Systems.” System Identification.” Tracking Strategy of Moving Target cluded Jian Chen from Zhejiang appeared to appreciate the face-to-face by UAV in An Uncertain Environ- University, China, Jiming Chen from discussion format. ment,” by Changchun Zhao, Ming Zhejiang University, China, Youfeng Zhu, Haoquan Liang, and Zhe Wu. Su from Fuzhou University, China, PreconFerence Workshops The winner of the IEEE CSS Beijing and Jian Sun from the Beijing Institute Four preconference workshops, orga- Chapter Young Author Prize was of Technology, China, as panelists. nized by Shaoyuan Li, Shanghai Jiao Pengpeng Zhang from Northeastern The second session was “Development Tong University, China, and Weirong University, for “Input-to-State Stabi- and Prospect of UAVs” and counted Ben Chen, Southwest Jiaotong University, lization of Nonlinear Discrete-Time M. Chen from the National University China, were held at the Chengdu Inter- Systems with Event-Triggered Control” of Singapore, Singapore, Yunhui Liu national Conference Center. The work- coauthored by Tengfei Liu and Zhong- from the Chinese University of Hong shop “Nonlinear Systems and Control” Ping Jiang. Kong, China, Wen-Hua Chen from consisted of three speakers: Quanmin Loughborough University, United King- Zhu from University of the West of Panel Discussions dom, and Gangyin Tian from Beijing England, Bristol, United Kingdom, Teng- Jie Huang from the Chinese Univer- ZHZ Technology Co., Ltd, as panel- fei Liu from Northeastern University, sity of Hong Kong and Jie Chen from ists. The panel discussed the practical China, and Zhong-Ping Jiang from the Beijing Institute of Technology orga- problems with UAVs and future devel- New York University, United States. nized two plenary panel discussions opments and prospects in this area. The workshop “Power System Analy- at the conference. The session “Forum The panel discussions were enthusi- sis and Control” had two speakers, of Young Outstanding Scholars” in­­ astically greeted by the audience who Yuanzhang Sun from Wuhan University, APRIL 2017 « IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE 195 Lei Guo (right), chair of the Evaluation Com- Guanrong Chen gives his plenary talk, “Pin- Jie Chen (right), IEEE CSS Chapter Activi- mittee for the Guan Zhao-Zhi Award, pres- ning Control and Controllability of Complex ties chair, presents the IEEE CSS Beijing ents the Guan Zhao-Zhi Award. Networks.” Chapter Young Author Prize. est University, China, and Zhongkui local
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