JULY 18, 1975 25 CENTS VOLUME 39/NUMBER 27 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE SIOD discriminatory IBVOIIS! LABOR UPSURGE IN ARGENTINA CABINET RESIGNS AS GOVERNMENT IS ROCKED BY MASSIVE STRIKES. PAGE 5. PINE RIDGE I IS BEHIND FBI INVASION: TWO YEARS OF GOVERNMENT TERROR .. PAGE 16. lEW YORK UNION LEADERS RETREAT ON Militant/Mary Scully FIGHT FOR JOBS. PAGE 3. Workers rally in Lisbon. Is Armed Forces Movement leading struggle for socialism? See page 14. WOMEN UN MEETING SHOWS IMPACT OF FEMINIST STRUGGLE. PAGE 9. liNGS. L.A. COPS COVER UP RIGHT­ WING CAMPAIGN. PAGE 18. 7II In Brief THIS UNCOMMON CAUSE: The Militant has been reporting front of Japan; and if Japan were directly exposed and WEEK'S how Common Cause chief John Gardner has been going to threatened," Helms said, "her intricate economy­ bat for the two-party system. The Washington Star recently interwoven so closely with the needs and stability ·of the MILITANT asked him if he didn't think that this was a strange cause Western economies-would collapse." for the so-called People's Lobby to embrace "when many 3 Union leaders retreat voters are expressing no confidence in either the Democratic GAY RIGHTS GAIN: The U.S. Civil Service Commission from jobs fight or Republican parties." The question referred to the has backed off from its policy of excluding homosexuals 4 AFSCME ends Pa. strike Common Cause-promoted public election financing law, f~om government jobs. Newly issued guidelines state that with few gains · which provides tax money to the Democrats and Republi­ court.decisions and injunctions require "the same standard cans, and excludes smaller parties. in evaluating sexual conduct, whether heterosexual or 5 Argentine gov't rocked Gardner spelled it out. The Democrats and Republicans, homosexual." That standard allows firing someone "where by massive strikes he said, "are in deep trouble, and if this provides them some the evidence exists that sexual conduct affects job fitness." 6 Speech by Herbert Hill mild strength, I would not begrudge them that." Wouldn't this financing scheme be unfair to any other at NAACP convention GAY WACS FIGHT DISCHARGE: Meanwhile, the army political party? Not one for too much democracy, Gardner is moving to get rid of two WACs who announced they are 7 NAACP vows to defend proclaimed that any party besides the old two "clearly has lesbians. They said they were "tired of living a double life." Black job gains to face some qualifying test or you would have a thousand A board of officers at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, is candidates." recommending discharge. An army spokesman said that 9 6,000 at international regulations make it clear "that homosexuals are considered women's conference MORE UNCOMMON CAUSE: Mitchell Rogovin, general unfit for military service." Pfc. Barbara Randolph and Pvt. 13 Bob Chester: Trotskyist counsel of Common Cause, has just gone to work as a Debbie Watson are fighting back with the help of the Civil leader and educator lawyer for the CIA. Although the agency has access to Liberties Union of Massachusetts and a local chapter of the Justice Department attorneys, the CIA decided to hire National Organization for Women. 14 CP distorts history to Rogovin to serve as its counsel during upcoming congres­ support Portuguese junta sional hearings. DICK GREGORY JAILED IN D.C.: Black activist Dick Gregory was arrested two consecutive days in Washington, 16 Behind FBI invasion PHILIP ALLEN TRIAL OPENS: Jury selection in the D.C. After his release from jail July 5, where he was held on of Pine Ridge murder trial of Philip Allen began July 1 in Santa Monica, charges of demonstrating without a permit in front of the 18 L.A. cops distort facts California, Superior Court. The young Black is charged with White House the previous day, Gregory resumed his protest on terror bombings first-degree murder in the death of a deputy sheriff last New and was rearrested on the same charge. Year's Eve. Gregory has vowed to fast until a "thorough, honest, and 24 CP convention fails to The jury in his trial is certain to be nearly all white, since satisfactory congressional ~investigation of the Central select '76 slate the pool from which the jury will be selected is overwhel­ Intelligence Agency has been conducted, including a 28 Joanne Little: 'Symbol mingly white. complete probe of assassinations, and the nec~ssary reforms for Blacks and women' The prosecution claims that Allen, who is five feet and have been implemented." He is demanding an investigation three inches tall and weighs 135 pounds, successfully of the assassinations of John Kennedy and Martin Luther resisted six armed deputies who were clubbing him. He King. 2 In Brief allegedly grabbed one of their guns and shot three of the 10 In Our Opinion cops, wounding two and killing one. None of the bystanders KENNEDY ASSASSINATION FORUM: Some 225 Letters · saw Allen with a gun. people turned out last month for a Houston Militant Forum Funds are needed to help the defense effort. Tax­ on the John Kennedy assassination. It featured a screening 11 Their Government deductible donations can be sent to the Philip L. Allen of the controversial Zapruder film, which was shot by an By Any Means Necessary Defense Fund at the First Unitarian Church, 2936 West amateur photographer who witnessed the assassination. Eighth Street, Los Angeles, California 90005. Penn Jones, a nationally known authority on the 12 Great Society assassination, hit the Warren Commission report as a cover­ National Picket Line up and debunked the lone-assassin theory. Houston Social­ U.S. MERCENARIES TO RHODESIA: The State American Way of Life ist Workers party organizer Stu Singer linked the new Department has confirmed that American citizens are now interest in the assassination to Watergate and the new being actively recruited to fight in the pay of the racist WORLD OUTLOOK revelations of FBI Cointelpros and CIA assassination plots. white regime in Rhodesia. 19 South Vietnam: Where Singer also discussed the reactionary policies of Kennedy is it going? "About sixty Americans are there already fighting, and many more are being actively recruited in the United when he was in office and how they are often obscured. He pointed to the dangers of idolizing Kennedy because of the 20 Labor gov't offensive States," charged Tapson Mawere, representative to the assassination. against workers United States from the Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) African Penn Jones is available to speak and show his copy of the National Union. 21 Shah hit by protests on Zapruder film. His address is Box 1140, Midlothian, Texas Robert Brown of Phoenix Associates, located near Denver, anniversary of rebellion says he has been recruiting white mercenaries since last 76065. -Nelson Blackstock September. THE MILITANT PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITION: "It became obvious VOLUME 39/NUMBER 27 that the psychological condition of the American public was YOUR FIRST JULY 18, 1975 as important as the military equipment of the two armies on CLOSING NEWS DATE-JULY 9 the battlefield." Sen. Edwin Garn (R-Utah) made that Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS observation about Vietnam during a Senate discussion on ISSUE? Managing Editor: LARRY SEIGLE Korea. Business Manager: ROSE OGDEN Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING The continuing antiwar sentiment-that's what Garn was Washington Bureau: CINDY JAQUITH talking about-helps to explain the psychological condition of the war makers today. Published weekly by The Militant Publishing A poll taken not long ago for the Los Angeles Times is SUBSCRIBE Ass'n .• 14 Charles Lane. New York, N.Y. 10014. Telephone: Editorial Office (212) 243-6392; Busi­ revealing. "If North Korea invaded South Korea," 33 ness Office (212) 929-3486. Southwest Bureau: 710 percent of Californians interviewed thought the United TO THE S. Westlake Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90057. States should get out "as soon as possible." Another 32 Telephone: (213) 483-2798. Washington Bureau: percent thought "U.S. forces should not take part except to 1345 E. St. N.W., Fourth Floor, Washington, D.C. .ITAIT 20004. Telephone: (202) 638-4081. defend themselves." Only 24 percent thought this country Correspondence concerning subscriptions or "should send aid and troops to help South Korea." changes of address should be addressed to The Joanne Little's fight for freedom is winning support Militant Business Office, 14 Charles Lane, New from opponents of racism everywhere. The Militant MORE ON KOREA: Defense Secretary James Schlesing­ Yort, N.Y. 10014. carries regular reports on this important defense effort. Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. er's recent threat to use nuclear weapons in Korea inspired To keep up with this case and other developments in the Subscriptions: domestic, $7.50 a y~; foreign. Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) to new heights of verbal saber Black movement, subscribe to the Militant. $11.00. By first-class mail: domestic, Canada, and rattling. Schlesinger's message, as Helms sees it, is that the Mexico, $32; all other countries, $53. By airmail: domestic, Canada, and Mexico, $42. By air printed United States will get in there and nuke any uppity Koreans matter: Central America and Caribbean, $40; "before the pacifist lobby in this country gets cranked up." Mediterranean Africa, Europe, and South America, The brutal dictatorship in South Korea doesn't bother lntroduclorY ollar-81/2 monthS $52; USSR, Asia, Pacific, and Africa, $62. Write for Helms. "The internal problems of South Korea should not ) $1 for two months ( ) New foreign sealed air postage rates. ) $7.50 for one year ( ) Renewal For subscriptions airmailed from New York and be our business,". he piously declared. Besides, "The rights then posted from London directly to Britain, of complete freedom of speech and democratic participation Ireland, and Continental Europe: £1.50 for eight in government are exotic plants grafted upon the more Name-------------------- issues, £3.50 for six months, £6.50 for one year.
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