'.':r~. J. L.'\CZ :rn . CO LO IJ :-: P: ~ I 'J' [' I l [PT ,o, sratt " " """ I '"'""'"'"· A BGO sro :'D . Kodak SALES NEWS Published by the Marketing Division ! Coburg. May/June, 1965 in the Retina caniera line ... • l KODAK RETINA REFLEX IV SALES NEWS "GIANT DOUBLEISSUE" Giant double issues of periodicals are usually produced about Christmas time, or as a "gimmick" to sell advertising space. The reason, however, for ou.r double issue is much more ordinary. The simple facts are that much of the copy for the May issue was held up and when the edition was ready for the press our Multi­ lith operator went down with a bad case of gastric influenza. When he returned to work he had to tackle the Kodak Price List, plus several other jobs of higher priority than Sales News. Rather than send out the May issue at the beginning of June we decided to combine it with the June issue. 1n the fin der and on top of the camera. The Kodak Retina Reflex IV Camera , In add1t1on lens aperture and shutter f i tted with f/ 2.8 Xenar le ns , 1s speed settings are visi ble in the priced at £109.0.0 retail, including finder. Two flash contacts are pro ­ imported always - ready case. Fitted vided , one in the access ory shoe and with f/1 :9 Xenon lens £ 125 .5 . 0 , in c ­ a cable socket on the front of the luding imported al ways re ady case. camern. The counter auto matica ll y re sets , to the sta rtin g mark before OOR PICTURE- TAKING Ci\J,TPJ\IGN number 36, on opening the camera back . There is a fold - out . pop - up , handle It is planned to conduct a limi t cd f or rewinding the film. promotio nal campaign during the per ­ iod P.lay/June 19G5 to encourage people In addition to the features listed t o use their ca meras and take f l ash the designers have incorp or ated the pi cture s . The basis of the ca mpaig n latest mechanical details t o ensure wi ll be a new set (No. 3) in the per ­ a smooth - working, reliable ca mera . mane nt win dow display series. The Despite these improveme nts and re ­ main showcard ( 17'' x 11,."), in full fine ments we are pleased t o advise c ol our , sh ows a boy 1 s birthday party th at only a very slight price inc ­ with his family g ouped around h m rease has been necessary. whil e gra ndmother uses her Kodak Instarnatic 100 Camera to rec ord the As s tocks of both models will be lim ­ event. Supporting the main showcard ited i nitial ly no gene ral allocation are three smaller cards bearing app ­ wil l be made . Bra nches shou l d there- ropr ia te sal es messages . 2. ~ETINA REFLEX I V CAMERA Our cover th 1s month features t he lat­ fore order their requirements from est and finest in the ra nge of Kodak Federal Distr ibu t i on Centr e o.gai nst Retina ca meras. The Refl ex IV is a firm customer - orders only . Later, development of a long li ne of prec ­ after additional shipments have been isi on--made Retina cameras from Stutt ­ received, branches will be advised so ga rt . It will be availa ble fitted that normal br anch orderin g procedure with Schne ider lenses as standard, can be followed. either a Xcnar f/2,8, or a Xenon f/1.9. This is wi th out doubt the f i ne s t Ret­ The new camera has a number of imp­ ina Reflex Camera yet pr oduced , and rovements on the prev i ous model; some its capabil it ies are further exte nded of these are briefly ment i oned here. when it is used in conjunction with The finder image is particularl y the Retin a system of accessorie s and bright because the Reflex IV has a interchan gea bl e lenses. The se may new Fres na l lens behind the gro und ­ a ll be us ed with the Reflex IV Camero.. gl ass screen. A new split - image ra nge finder cuts the picture diag ­ Field r epr es en ta tive s, when demonstrat­ onally9 making accur ate focusi ng ex ­ ing the Reflex IV Camera, should spec­ tremely simple. All indicators are ially ment i on that t he camera is pa rt out side the finder picture - area, yet of the Retina system of phot o~raphy, are clear ly visible in t he finder. o.nd draw dealers ' at tention to the The exposure poin ter is also visible many accessories which are avai l able. in the f inder and on top of t he camera. The Kodak Retina Reflex IV Camera, In additi on lens aperture and shutter fitted with f/ 2.8 Xenar le ns, is s peed se t tings are visi ble i n the pri ced at £109.0.0 r et ai l , including finder. Two flash contac t s are pro ­ imported always - ready ca se. Fitted vided, one in the accessory shoe and with f/1 ; 9 Xenon lens £ 125.5 . 0 , i nc ­ a cable socket on the fro nt of the luding i mported always - re ady case. camera. The count er auto mati ca lly resets , to the starting mark before DOOR PICTURE- TAKINGCAr ,lPAIGN number 36, on opening the camera bac k. There is a fo l d- out. pop - up , handle It is planned to c onduct a limited f or rewindin g the film. promot i onal campaign during the per ­ i od P.lay/June 19()5 to enc oura ge people In additi on t o the features listed to use their ca meras and take f l ash the designers have incorporated the pictures . The basis of th e ca mpai gn latest mechan ica l details to ensure wi ll be a new set (No. 8) 1n the per ­ a smooth - working, reliable ca mera . manent window disp lay series. The Despite these improve ments and re ­ main showcard ( 17" x 11,.") , in full fineme nts we are pleased t o advise c ol our, shows a boy ' s birthday par t y th a t only n very slight price inc ­ with his family grouped arou nd lum rease has been necessar y. whil e gra ndmoth er use s her \(oda l: Inst amati c 100 Camera to record the As s tocks of bo th models will be lim ­ event. Suppo rting the main s howcard ited 1n1tially no gene ral allocatio n are three smaller cards bearing app ­ wil l be mo.de. Bra nc he s should there- ropr ia te sales messages . 2. INDOORPICTURE - TAKINGCAMPAIGN (Cot.) DECIMALPOINTS - PARTTWO In addi ti on we have reprinted the In hi s open i ng address to the Kodak "Fla sh Picture -t aking Time" folder Accountan t s Confere nce he l d at Cob­ intr oduced last year. This folder urg in March, Mr. J.C. Habersberger gives useful tips for taking flash when referring to deci mal currency, pictures and lists the range of Kodak said - " • •. The cha nge t o decimal Instamatic Cameras suitable for this currency by Australia is an impor­ purpose . Quantities of the di splay ant event i n our history. All of us sets and th e flash folder have been are privileged to be living at this sent to all bra nches. t i me and to be play in g a part i n this i mportant change. The change can Alt hough no Kodak national advertis­ bring with it irritations and frust­ ing is planned over the winter months, rations, certainly problems and plain dealers can help to maintain interest hard work, but it also provides us in photography by build i ng attractive with wonderful opport unit ies window and i ndoor displays using the new materials together wi th Instamat­ An opportunity to organise a major ic Cameras, Kodak films and flashbulbs. change efficiently. An opportun it y to show our customers Furthermore, dealers should be encour­ and the public general ly, by the aged to suggest picture - ta king ideas manner in which the change-over t o their customers, run a di r ect-mail is carried out, that our Company campai gn, or advertise in their local is prepared to respond wi th enth­ newspapers. A secti on of the May issue usiasm to the challe nge inherent of Kodak Dealer News has been devoted in such a major move. to the campaign i n order to give sup ­ If we do successfully implement the por t to our representatives. change , as we are determined to do, the Company's goodwill with our Flash picture - taking is easier than customers wil l be greatly enhanced. ever before because of the "pop - up" We will also have the satisfaction flash olders built into the latest of playing our part in a majo r Kodak cameras. There should be fewer financial change which in the failures with flash pictures by reason long run wil l be of tremendous of the new recommendation to use blue benefit not only t o the Company fl as hbulbs for all Kodak films. This but to the whole c ommunity".
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