VOI.. XXIII. PHILLIPS, MAINE, F R I D A Y , A P R I L 19, 1901. NO. 36 SPORTSMEN'S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S S U P P L I E S SP O R T S M E N’S S U P P L 1 E S | SPO RTS M EN’S SUP PLIES HOTELS AND CAMPS.|HOTELS AND CAMPS, i $ Trout and Salmon INCHESTER REPEATING SHOT GUNS FISHING. are cheap in price, but in price only. “ Take Down ” guns list at $27.00 and Solid Frame guns at $25.00, but £f/>e Rangeley Lake House, they will outshoot and outlast the highest priced double barreled guns, and they are as safe, reliable Rangeley Lakes, Rangeley, Me. and handy besides. Winchester Shot Guns are made of the very best materials that can be procured, a thoroughly modern system of manufacture permitting Send for lQOl Illustrated Book, free, to them to be sold at buyable prices. # & & FREE— Send name and address on a postal card for 164 page illustrated catalogue. J. B. MARBLE, President, W INCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., NEW H A V E N , C T . Rangeley Lakes Hotel Co., R5 1? R a n g e l e y , M a i n e . HOTELS AND CAMPS | HOTELS AND CAMPS Ox Ra x g e l e y L a k e . I n D e a d R iv e r Re g io n . Sotel Blanchard. Hunting, Fishing. J. S. { For HEALTH, REST, or PLEASURE, ♦ Mingo Spring Camps. D u r r e l l , Proprietor, Stratton, Me.__________ % ^ Located on Mingo Point, Rangeley Lake At F la g st a f f . | THE RANGELEY LAKES are unsurpassed. sfc You have no doubt already begun to make ^ Best of salmon and trout fishing; cosy cot­ Lake House and Camp. Camp is reached from tages: open tires; the famous Mingo Spring hotel by boat. Great hunting. Moose and water; pine and balsam groves* Everything deer seen daily. S. C. Du r r e l l , Flagstaff, Me. W rite for a copy o f the descriptive book, ‘ T h e Rumford ^ plans for your ^ for tlie com fort and convenience of Sportsmen ♦ Falls Line and the Rangeley Lakes Resorts,” issued by the and summer boarders. Send for circular. Ra n g e l e y L a k e s , ( h as. E. B e l c h k r , Rangeley, Me. Bald Mountain Camps are near the Middle ♦ Portland & Rumford Falls Railway. Grounds, Shark Grounds and Stony Batter I OUTING IN MAINE | a t Monmouth , M k . , ♦ It contains half-tone cuts of every hotel and public campon and as convenient as other public camps, for Cobbosseecontee Lake. Little Mud pond, Bin Mud pond, Kennebago X the Rangeley Lakes, and is sent free to anv address. L »excelled black bass, white perch and river. Steamboat accommodations O. K. ^ in 1901. When you joint up your ^ pickerel fishing all summer; also trout and Telephone at the camps. Two mails daily. ♦ T h e Rumford Falls line is the only all rail, S T A N D A R D landlocked salmon In May and June. Chas. You’ll get a reply rigid back, if you write for ▲ G A U G E route direct to the heart o f the Rangeleys— and is Brown’s Farm House, hue accommodation free circular to" AMOS ELLIS, Prop’r, for sportsmen, latlies as well, on shore of Haines Landing, Maine. ♦ the on l} line running Through Cars from Portland to the ^ Fishing Rod .... lake. Four miles from Monmouth It. R. sta­ ♦ Lakes. Excursion Tickets on sale during the season for all tion on M. C. R. K., from Lew iston; beautiful At AVil s o n ’s M i l l s , M e . location. Address. Aziscohos House. $1.50 day. $7 to $10 week.;j i Rangeley Lakes Points. Steamer connections at Bemis for ¡jji bear in mind thatthe RANGELEY LAKES Chas. Br o w s, Monmouth, Me. Licensed guides furnished. F red F l ix t , Pr’r. ; ♦ all parts of the Lakes. $ Ra x g e l e y Lakes. N o r c r o s s , M e . ► Boy your tickets via the Rumford Falls Line. + ^ and DEAD RIVER REGIONS furnish un- ^ Camp Bemis and Birches Sourdnahunk Camps are pleasantly situated ► Write for one of our pocket maps of the Rangeley Lakes. 4 Bemis, terminus of Rumford Falls & Range- in the Ml Katahdin region. Nineteen splen- ! surpassed facilities for the amusement of lev Lakes li. R. Two trains daily. Steamers did trout ponds within three miles of Kidney j ► PORTLAND & RUMFORD FALLS RAILWAY, ♦ connect to all points on the lakes. Birches Pond Camps. New trail from camps to Mt. ] is six miles distant on Student’s Island. Cosy Katahdin three miles, to Sourdnahunk Mts. l R. C. BRADFORD, Traffic Manager, Portland, Me. ^ ^ anglers. ^ log cabins, open fires at both places afford one and one-lialf miles. This region has re­ conifer table liomes for t lie summer for ladies cently been opened up and is a big fish and and gentlemen. Excellent Ashing close at game country. For particulars. Address. 1 w rite for free booklet about tbe Sandy $ hand. Send for circular. I. O. H u n t , Prop., Norcross, Me. Ca p t . F. C. B a r k e r , Prop’r, Bemis, Me. ÿfc River, Phillips & Rangeley and Franklin & P i n e P o i n t , m e . It is via the old - Be lg r a d e M il l s , Ml . In Gentle Spring, The Belgrade. Situated in the heart of a beau­ Burnham Cottage. Two miles from Old Or­ ^ Meg antic Railroads. chard can be found some of the finest duck tiful lake region where the fishing for bass (Which will be along pretty Somerset Railway, and trout are unexcelled, Write for particu­ shooting in ilie world. Good table board. F. N. BEAL. Phillips, Me. FLETCHER POPE, Redington, Me. ^ lars. Lobsters and clams fresh every d y. A most soon now,) The B e lg r a d e , Belgrade Mills, Me. des rable pht/e for summer boarders, For Oakland to Bingham Me. Supt. S R R. R. Gen. Man’g’r. P. & R. R. R. ^ further particulars, address, the enthusiast begins to make That you reach the Fishing Resorts of the JAS. P. H a Y n e s , Pine Point, M e . G. M .VOSE, Kingfield, Me., Supt. F. & i*l. Ry. V ia Ra x g e l e y or Bem is. ready for the season’s sport. Upper Kennebec Valley. i f Mountain V iew House. On Ph illips & Rangeley R. R. Let 11s tell you about some The most prominent resorts beiDg, Rowe Redington House, and Carry Ponds. Bald Mountain Lodge, new waters, where we know Moxie, Parlin and Pleasant, Po d. One minute’s walk from station 011 P. & R you will have good luck. Many others, all have good camps and R. R. The best of pond and stream fishing in equipment. Only salmon and trout taken close proxim ity to house. Deer, fox, w ood­ Address from these waters. Two trains daily between cock or partridge shooting unexcelled any­ Bingham and Boston. Round trip tickets on where. Address sale at principal Boston & Maine R. R. sta­ Mrs. W. H. Harrison, Prop’r, The Sunrise Route, tions. Fishing season opens about M ay 5. Redington, Maine. Dept. K. Calais, Me. For circulars and inform ation address I W. M. Ayer , Supt. Oakland, Me. Via EUSTIS. -------------- ------------------------------------------ King and Bartlett. HOTELS AND CAMPS. Via B ingham , M e. On Mooselookmeguntic Lak e. Rowe Pond Camps. Mooselookmeguntic House, Parties and families desirious of getting the Here is situated a hotel of rare attractive­ situated in the heart of the best fishing best fishing for square tailed trout and land- ness in beautiful location for summer board­ district of the Rangeley lakes. The hotel is lock ed salmon, clean, com fortable cabins, ers and at the same time in tdo.se proximity 2.000 feet above sea level and hay fever is good lioats, and good fare, should write for to the best places for fishing on Rangeley guaranteed to be absolutelyly 1111unknown.k descriptive booklet giving full particulars, to lake. Hunters in the season ;ilso find plenty Address, from November untiiMay, T h e o WITHAVt & M AXFIELD, Prop’rs, of deer, partridge and woodcock near the L. P a g e , Proprietor»prieto Senate Cafe, Washington. Bingmatn, Maine. hotel. The cuisine here is such as to hold D.c. After May 1. Haines’M Landing, r i M Me. t a patrons year after year, the rooms are what Eustis, a ie . people from the cities like, large, well lighted Tim Pond Camps. and pleasant. We serve vegetables, berries, 1 I11 the Dead River region. Fly fishing and FOR SPORT fish and game at app ro p riate tim es in the square tailed trout guaranteed every day in bring rod and gun to Kineo, the year and the tabic is always supple d with the season. Game plenty. 2000 feet above the heart of Maine’s best game region, excellent fresh milk and cream. Per. water sea level. Send for circular. runs to the house from a spring aoov e. This JULIA^X K. ATles. Eustis, Me. and stop at is a particularly good place for safe and pleasant boating and the drives and walks j Via Rangeley. are unsurpassed. Croquet and lawn tennis HT.
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