THE ARMENIAN MIRRORc SPECTATOR Since 1932 Volume LXXXXI, NO. 41, Issue 4683 MAY 1, 2021 $2.00 Thank You President Biden KEN MARTIN PHOTO STATEMENT BY PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN ON ARMENIAN GENOCIDE REMEMBRANCE DAY WASHINGTON — Each year on this day, we remem- ber the lives of all those who died in the Ottoman-era Ar- menian genocide and recommit ourselves to preventing such an atrocity from ever again occurring. Beginning on April 24, 1915, with the arrest of Armenian intellectuals and community leaders in Constantinople by Ottoman au- thorities, one and a half million Armenians were deported, massacred, or marched to their deaths in a campaign of ex- termination. We honor the victims of the Meds Yeghern so that the horrors of what happened are never lost to history. And we remember so that we remain ever-vigilant against the corrosive influence of hate in all its forms. Of those who survived, most were forced to find new homes and new lives around the world, including in the A large crowd turned out for the Boston April 24 commemoration. (See story inside) United States. With strength and resilience, the Armenian people survived and rebuilt their community. Over the decades Armenian immigrants have enriched the United States in countless ways, but they have never forgotten the tragic history that brought so many of their ancestors to our Armenia Delighted with US shores. We honor their story. We see that pain. We affirm the history. We do this not to cast blame but to ensure that what happened is never repeated. Recognition of Genocide Today, as we mourn what was lost, let us also turn our eyes to the future — toward the world that we wish to build trauma of the 106 year-old Genocide. for our children. A world unstained by the daily evils of By Raffi Elliott bigotry and intolerance, where human rights are respect- Special to the Mirror-Spectator Still, for those concerned that the indigenous Ar- menian people’s presence in the South Caucasus may ed, and where all people are able to pursue their lives in YEREVAN–– The traditional Armenian Geno- yet again be under threat, a proclamation by US Presi- dignity and security. Let us renew our shared resolve to cide commemoration felt bitter-sweet for the dent Joe Biden has injected new hope that a newly-re- prevent future atrocities from occurring anywhere in the hundreds of thousands of Armenians making the engaged United States on the World Stage would be world. And let us pursue healing and reconciliation for all pilgrimage to the Tsiternakarbert memorial on Sat- more willing to support Armenia as it faces renewed the people of the world. urday. In the wake of last autumn’s major military threats in the region. Still, as the political consultant The American people honor all those Armenians who setback against the Turkish-supported Azerbaijani Eric Hacopian noted in a recent interview with Civil- perished in the genocide that began 106 years ago today. Army, the subsequent ethnic cleansings which have net, the Biden Administration’s recognition is largely effectively ended millennia of continuous Armenian about correcting a historical wrong and resulted from April 24, 2021 habitation in the Artsakh towns of Hadrut, Shushi decades of successful American-Armenian activism. and Talish have evoked memories and long-buried see RECOGNITION, page 7 After the Biden Statement, Will Turkey Move Closer Joseph Biden To Admission of Guilt? President of the United States of America By Alin K. Gregorian and Aram Arkun The White House Washington, D. C. Mirror-Spectator Staff BOSTON — Starting on the afternoon (ET) of April Mr. President: 24, 2021, members of the Armenian community could It is with deep appreciation and exhila- talk about little else other than President Biden’s state- ration that we express to you the gratitude ment unambiguously recognizing the Armenian Geno- of the more than one-million-strong Arme- cide. nian-American community on the occasion What was even more interesting was that the story of the 106th anniversary of the Armenian made headlines around the world. From the Washington Genocide, because you made history by Post to the BBC and the New York Times, there were few recognizing that great human tragedy in its outlets that did not showcase Biden’s Armenian Geno- true definition as genocide. cide statement. True to your lifelong pursuit of human But what does it mean going forward? Why now? rights and in line with the noble ideals of Several influential people in the Armenian world of- our founding fathers, you chose to be on fered their own ideas. the right side of history. see ADMISSION, page 10 see APPRECIATION, page 18 2 SATURDAY, MAY 1, 2021 ARMENIAN MIRROR-SPECTATOR ARMENIA NEWS from ARMENIA Pashinyan Resigns to Trigger Early Snap Elections Putin, Macron Express By Raffi Elliott his seat. These concerns were rebuked by parties. Pashinyan’s supporters have char- Readiness to Coordinate Special to the Mirror-Spectator parliamentary opposition leader Edmon acterized the trips as part of an ongoing Karabakh Settlement Marukyan, pointing to Article 158 of the series of visits he has undertaken as part YEREVAN — Prime Minister Nikol Constitution, which states that government of his duties as prime minister in the af- PARIS (Panorama.am) — The Pashinyan’s government officially submit- officials (including the prime minister) are termath of last year’s war with Azerbaijan. situation in Nagorno Karabakh was ted its resignation on April 25. The resig- allowed to remain in office in the interim. Electoral code reform has been another among the topics of a telephone nation, which was formally accepted by “Those who wrote the law are now com- point of contention among parties in the conversation between Russian President Armen Sarkissian is the first step plaining that the government does whatev- runup to the vote this summer. The reform, President Vladimir Putin and Presi- in triggering the process to hold snap par- er it wants.” Marukyan hit back, “Pashin- which has been on the books since at least dent Emmanuel Macron of France, liamentary elections by June 20, in accor- yan already set a precedent in 2018 when 2018, envisages a fully-proportional sys- the Kremlin press service said on dance with a deal struck between political he remained interim prime minister after tem among other changes. Despite help- April 26. “It was stated with sat- forces back in March. resigning; no-one complained back then.” ing to craft this reform package, Bright isfaction that the situation remains With Pashinyan’s resignation triggering According to most polls conducted since Armenia leader Edmon Marukyan stated calm and systematic work contin- Article 149 of the Armenian Constitution, January, Pashinyan remains the front-run- concern that with an election now loom- ues to implement the Statements by parliament is given two opportunities with- ner, despite being widely accused of los- ing, the Central Election Committee would the presidents of Russia and Azer- in a 14-day period to vote on a replacement ing last fall’s war. The prime minister’s not have time to properly implement the baijan and the Prime Minister of prime minister. As part of the deal, parlia- prospects are bolstered by a lack of a third reform packages’ provisions. Armenia on Nagorno-Karabakh of mentary opposition parties Bright Armenia force between him and a widely discredit- Despite receiving approval by the Coun- November 9, 2020 and January 11, and Prosperous Armenia have both agreed ed opposition, as well as positive economic cil of Europe’s Venice Commission, the 2021. The parties expressed mutual to withhold nominating their own candi- figures in recent weeks. Former President electoral reform bill was not signed by the readiness for coordination on var- dates as part of the complex set of loops Robert Kocharyan, who accuses Pashinyan Armenian President, but not rejected ei- ious aspects of the Nagorno-Kara- that parliament must go through before a of mishandling the negotiation process ther. The bill was instead signed into law bakh settlement, including through general election could be called. This elec- with Azerbaijan, comes in at a distant sec- by the Speaker of the Armenian Parlia- the OSCE [Organization for Se- tion is expected to take place within 30 to ond––due in part to the widespread anger ment, Ararat Mirzoyan, in accordance with curity and Cooperation in Europe] 45 days. among society for his role in the March the Constitution. However––in light of the Minsk Group,” the release stated. The administration chose the date of his 1, 2008 massacre. He is widely expect- concerns highlighted by Manukyan — only government’s resignation — April 25 — to ed to announce an electoral alliance with part of the bill will be implemented before Azerbaijani Servicemen coincide with the third anniversary of for- the Armenian Revolutionary Federation the election, with other provisions, such as mer President Serzh Sargsyan’s resigna- (ARF) which has reversed its previous the lowering of the entry barrier, and elec- Stop Priest Ordination tion in the wake of peaceful mass protests position against the elections. Despite the toral fraud violations will come later. At Dadivank Monastery which first swept Pashinyan to power in challenge, Pashinyan is widely expected to One controversial provision which STEPANAKERT (Panorama. 2018. The event has since been commem- retain his seat, either with a reduced major- would have been entirely removed with am) — On April 25 Azerbaijani orated with a new holiday, “Citizens’ Day” ity or with support from a coalition partner, the reform –– the use of mobile ballot box- servicemen didn’t allow Armenian held on the closest Sunday. but voter apathy remains widespread.
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