RESOLUTION A.255(VII) adopted on 15 October 1971 WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR THE SEVENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD 1972/73 RESOLUTION A.255(VII) adopted on 15 October 1971 WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR THE SEVENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD 1972/73 I I !INTER-GOVERNMENTAL M.A.RITIME IrLs tr e /coNSl)LTATIVE ORGANIZATION i GENERAL 1 A VT- T-- ,/ ..L.P L.L,:, ..'3 ~ ~? _)= 5 :3 N overnber 1971 Original: ENGLISH IMCO ASSEMBLY - 7th session Agenda item 25 VvORK PROGRAIVIME AND BUDGET FOR THE SEVENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD 1972/73 RESOLU'.l'ION A. 2 5 5 (VII) adopted on 15 Oct0ber 1971 TE-IE ASSEMBLY, RECALLING Article 16 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental IviaritJme Consultative Crganization and in particular paragraph (f) there0f with regard to the functions of the Assembly in relation to the budget, NOTING that the provisio~s of Article tII of the Financial Regulations with regard to the preparation 0f the budget estimates, including details of the work programme and appropriate inforrnatinn annexes, have been complied with, RECALLING that, in accordance with Resolution A.lOO(IV), the disp~sal nf any amount standing to the credit of the Printing Fund at the end of g financial period shall be decided by the Assembly, APPROVES the wcr k progra.mme as submi 'tce d by the Secretary• General in dncuments A VII/25, A VII/25/Adrl.l, A VII/25/Add.3 and A VII/25/Add .4, FURTHER APPROVES the lists 0f me E- tings and of posts contained in Annexes A and B respectively of this Resol~~ion, RESOLUTION A.255(VII) adopted on 15 October 1971 WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR THE SEVENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD 1972/73 - 2 - A VII/Res"255 RESOLVES that: (1) For the financial period 1972/73 appropl'iations shall be vqted fnr the following purposes: i I. Meetings 774,5nn II. Personnel 2,433,70n III. General Services 587,400 IV. Printing and Publications 57,000 V. Oth.:r Budgetary Provisions J-44,000 3,996,60() (2) The a~propriations voted in paragraph 1 abovA shall be financed by contributions from Men.tber States after adjustment as provided in the F~nancial Regulations; for this purpose miscellaneous income is estimated at %30,000; (3) Transfers of uncommitted balances of appropriatirns to the same Section of the budget in the second calendar year, other thc1n those authorized by Article IV of the FinanciaJ_ Regulations, and transfers of apprnpriations between sections of the budget shall only be carried out with prior concurrance of the Council; (4) The appropriations for eac? of the calendar years 1972 and 1973 covered by the financial period shall be those indicated under the relevant headings, as shown at Annex C; (5) Any amount standing to the credit of the Printing Fund at the end of the financial period 1970/71 shall be carried forward to the Printing Fund for the financial period 1972/73, INVITES the Council tn comply with the above-mantioned provisions, INSTRUCTS the Secretary-General to ensure their application while endeavouring to effect the maximum economies on the budget. RESOLUTION A.255(VII) adopted on 15 October 1971 WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR THE SEVENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD 1972/73 -- 3 A VII/Res a 255 ANNEX A LIST OF MEETINGS APPROVED FOR 1972 AND 1973 (meeting weeks) l IMCO Meetings! Joint_ronferences t I ·w1. th IMCO I participation _l-l972 --19-7- 3lI 1972 ,._1 973 Joint UN/iMCO Conference on International Container Traffic 5 Joint UNESCO/IOC/IMCO Conference on the Lsgal Status of ODAS 2 International Conference on the Revision of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea International Conference on Marine Pollution 3 I Conference on Space and Health Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships l* Assembly l½ Council and W0rking Group en Technical Co-operation 2 l½ Maritime Safety Committee and its subordinate bodies 21 18 Working Group on Facilitation 1 1 Legal Committee and its sueordinate bodies 5 t; l __ . , 32½ 30 _ --- * To be held at the end of 1972 or in 1973. 'f : t /. .· . ' ,. 'J ,: . ' 1 7 RESOLUTION A.255(VII) adopted on 15 October 1971 WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR THE SEVENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD 1972/73 - 4 - A VII/Res, 255 ANNEX B LIST o:B1 POSTS APPROVED ]'OR 1972/73 PROFESSIONAL AND A~ -Gre.-d-es l'if O, UNCLASSIFIED 3 I). 2 D,l P.5 h P.4 11 P,3 18 P.2 3 P,l 4 GENERAL SERVIOE G.8 1 G.7 5 G,6 7 G,5 13 G.4 31 G,3 17 G,2 3 Total, all posts 122 RESOLUTION A.255(VII) adopted on 15 October 1971 WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR THE SEVENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD 1972/73 - 5 - A VII/Res.255 ANNEX C DISTRIBUTION BY CALENDAR YEARS -Tot·--al SECTION I IMCO MEETINGS (1) Conferences, Assembly, Council, MSC, Committees and Working Groups 357,100 318,400 675,500 (2) Travel of IMCO staff to meetings; Consultants' travel 49,500 49,5nn 99,noo TOTAL, SECTION I: 367,gno 774,500 ---·- --··-- ---- II PERSONNEL AND PERSONAL SERVICES (1) Salaries and wages 836,30() 872,AOO 1,708,700 (2) Post adjustments and other sa1ary items 63,)()() 84,700 153,000 ( 3) Temporary assistance 12,20n 14,2n0. 26,40n (4) Recruitment and termination expenses of staff and d8pendants 17,600 10,4()(' 28,000 (5) Staf~ be ne if ts and alluwnnces 257,900 251,500 509,400 (6) Representation al::owances 2,300 2,300 4,600 (7) Administrative expenses incurred for participation in the Joint Inspection Unit, UN Pension Fund or other UN bndies 2,30() 1,30n 3,600 TOTA,b_SE,CTION II: 1,196,9no 1,236,800 2,433,700 ===---===== . ' , .' i - f . I ' ' . f . • t.I . { RESOLUTION A.255(VII) adopted on 15 October 1971 WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR THE SEVENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD 1972/73 -- h - A VII111es. 255 ANNEX C (continued) Total ;j SECTION III GENERAL SERVICES (1) Hospitality 1,000 1,onn 2,000 (2) Duplicating paper, 0tatiGnery and office supplies 53,7CO 103,40() (3) Office equipment and machines; purchase, rental, maintenance 34,600 19,30n 53,90n (4) Library, bo~ks, subscriptinns 2,5nr 4,800 (5) Cnrnmunications, freight, cartage and express 4J.,400 42,6nn s4,noo (6) Rental nf premises, cleaning, insurance, heating, lighting, water and rates 160,20n 323,300 (7) Other supplies and services 8,00() s,oon 16, ()()() TOTAL, SECTION II~: 300,100 287,38() 5s7,4no ~V FRINTING AND PUBLICATIONS (1) Prf.nt f ng 27,6~n 5£=;,Q()(\ (2) Public infnrmation 1,00r TOTAL, SECTION IV: 28,300 2s,7nn 57, ('()('• --··- RESOLUTION A.255(VII) adopted on 15 October 1971 WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR THE SEVENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD 1972/73 - 7 - ANNEX C (continued) Total $ SECTION V OTHER BU:DGETARY PROVISIONS (1) External Audit 2,~or 2,500 51noo (2) Unforeseen and extra- ordinary expensPs 35,500 103,50() 139,oon TOTAL, SECTION V: 3s,non 1n6,ooo 144,000 TOTAL EXPFNDITDRE: l,969,9CJb 2,026,70() 3,996,60U -==== MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 10,ono 20,ouu RESOLUTION A.255(VII) adopted on 15 October 1971 WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR THE SEVENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD 1972/73 .
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