-·~ .\ Temple Betb El 10 70 Orcbar4 Ave. frQv14eQoe, R. 1. f £MPL£ t/f'rH-fl LI RARY Rightists, Jews Fight In Streets Of Ghetto ROME - The ancient Ghetto ported In the lower middle class here resounded with fighting di.strict, which since papal earlier thLs week as Jews and times has been Rome's princi­ political rlght!.sts scuffled In the ple Jew!.sh neighborhood. As THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH!/~lfliJ WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. streets over what Jewish com­ midnight approached several munity leaders charged were hundred youthful Inhabitants of "provocations." the Ghetto marched to the VOL. XLVI, NO. 14 JUNE 15. 1962 24 PAGF.S ----------------- While the local police patrol­ Italian Social movement offices, ed the entrances to the Ghetto where more street scuffles took Renews Attack In an effort to halt a series of place before police d!.spersed Israel To Build Movie Studio street battles between members the crowd, of the neo-fasc!.st Italian Social In an effort to quell further To Make Feature Length Films On Zionists movement and angry crowds of d!.sturbances Dr. Ello Toaff, the HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. odus," which was produced and JERUSALEM - Prime Mln­ Jews, community spokesmen chief rabbi conferred with Sal­ Israel will be · the next coun­ directed by Otto Preminger. Lster Ben Gurlon last week re­ said Its ·members only wanted vatore di Stefano, Rome police try to compete with Hollywood Ear)y next year Leftwich newed hLs verbal attack on the to be left In peace. chief. Later the Jew!.sh com­ In movie production. A studio plans to make a movie In the Zlon!.st movement, suggesting The clashes started Monday munity paid tribute to the will be built th!.s summer to new studio called "The Last In Israel's Parliament that the night when two carloads of "tact" shown by the police In make feature length films. Venedetta." Generally, the stu­ name of the Zlon!.st Organiza­ political workers from the ex­ their Intervention In the fight­ ing. These plans were detailed by dio w!II make English-language tion be changed to "Jew!.sh Or­ treme rlght!.st Italian Social Ed H . Leftwich, to the New films. However, If co-production ganization." movement appeared In the A statement by the Jew!.sh York Times who said the Isra­ arrangements are made with At the same time he denied square behind the Synagogue to community said that "violent campaign for the June 10 city eli Government had advanced companies from other nations, that h!.s crlt!c!.sm of the move­ reaction" of Its members to any him a $350,000 Joan to start movies In other languages will ment, made before delegates of elections. provocation was "Inevitable" the project. · be produced, the Ihud Olaml recentJy, was According to the police, an­ after what the Jews of Rome gry crowds attacked and maul­ had suffered through under the Leftwich Is head of Futura­ In th!.s respect, Israel has a In contlct with the World Zlo­ considerable advantage, since n!.st Organization law of status ed the rlght!.sts. Later In the Nazis and fascists. More than m!c Productions In California, evening more fights were re- 2,000 Roman Jews were de­ and Futuramlc Productions, It ls not unusual for Its actors approved by the Knesset In to be fluent In Continental 1952. He was challenged by ported to Nazi death camps Ltd., of Israel. Associated with during World War ll. Mr. Leftwich will be David Bar­ tongues as well as Hebrew and Deputy S. Z. Abramov of the Reform Rabbis sel, an Israeli movie d!.str!bu­ English. Liberal Party who said that Members of the Jew!.sh com­ tor. Another point In Its favor Ls Israel's attitude toward the munity said the nee-Fasci.st World . Z!on!.st Organization, propaganda In the ghetto Israel has set aside 2,500 that the film studio, by being as Ask Change To reflected In that law, was a quarter was provocatory, es­ acres about five m!les from Tel so close to Tel Aviv, the na­ positive one. Ben Gurlon re­ pecla!Jy on Monday, the 18th A vlv for the construction of the tion's center of legitimate Life Sen fence torted that "there Ls no such anniversary of Rome's libera­ new studio, according to Barsel theatre, w!II have full use of mention of It." NEW YORK - The Central tion by All!ed forces. and Leftwich. stage actors. This has been an The debate was on the Lssue Conference of American Rabb!.s, The Jews charged the rlght­ Immediate plans call for advantage enjoyed by Rome, of a coalition agreement which In what turned out to be a last t!.sts with shouting anti-Semi­ three sound stages-a small London, Tokyo and Par!.s In requires Cabinet members to minute plea, cabled Israeli tic slogans during the d!.sturb­ studio by Hollywood standards. raising the artistic standards or resign If they do not support a President Itzhak Ben Zvl, ask­ ances and claimed that a shot where a studio with fifteen movies. Mr. Leftwlch's background In majority Government policy. Ing that he commute Adolph had been fired from a cam­ sound stages Is not considered Eichmann's death sentence to paign auto. large. show business, covering more Ben Gurlon said that hLs state­ than twenty years. has been ment at the Ihud was In ac­ life lmpr!.sonment. D Secolo d 'Ital!a, organ of Construction Ls scheduled to maln)y In the telev!.slon field. cord with the status law. Rabbi Albert G. Minda of the Italian Social movement ln­ begin In August. It Ls hoped Minneapolis, president of the s!.sted that the Ghetto inhabi­ ' that shooting will start here CCAR, and Rabbi Leon I . Feuer tants had accepted the elec­ >/ earJy next year, even though -Reaction To Eielmlann-E~ecution of Toledo, vice president, made toral propaganda "without pro­ construction Is not expected to the appeal In a cable sent from test," until communLst agita­ be completed unt!I next sum­ New York four hours before tors Infiltrated the neighbor­ mer. Eichmann was hanged. hood and organized aggression "Israel Is Interested In the Argentine Extremists The text of the cable de­ against the campaign workers. world market for movies," Left­ clared: It Ls expected that the area wich said. "It will not limit It­ "As the representative rab­ around the main synagogue will self to Bible pictures." Attack Jewish School binical body of American Re­ be under special police protec­ The best-known film to be BUENOS AIRES Two Argentine police posted special form Juda!.sm, the Central Con­ tion until after elections. made thus far In Israel Is "Ex- "Molotov cockta!I" bombs were guards, as soon as word of ference of American Rabb!.s, which 5UPported Israel's right tossed from a passing automo­ Eichmann's hanging was re­ MAJOR OVERHAUL bile against the Union of Israel ceived here, around the bu!Jd­ to try Eichmann and applauded Says Attorney School on Paso Street. At about lngs occupied by the Israeli the scrupulous fairness of the JERUSALEM - The future the same time, occupants of Embassy, Jewish centers and trial, but which Ls In principle of the world Z!on!.st movement another speeding car machine­ synagogues. opposed to the death penalty, Ls In "serious jeopardy," unless Falsified Legal Zlon!.sm changes Its structure gunned the windows In front Hold Emergency Meetln&' we appeal to your Excellency to of the offices of the Zlm Is­ commute the sentence to l!fe and establishes ltelf "as a uni­ Last week, leaders of the rael Navigation Co., on Intal­ lmprLsonment." fled force, becoming again the Qualifications DAIA, central organization or cahuano Street. On)y material Ideological leader of the Jew!.sh Argentine Jewry, held an em­ The two rabb!.s noted that the TEL AVIV Yaacov damage was caused by both people," Nahum Goldmann, ergency meeting with Dr. Jorge CCAR re-Iterated Its opposi­ Bar-Or, prominent Israeli mem­ attacks. and no one was In­ tion to capital pun!.shment In president of the World Zlon!.st ber of the Ministry of Justice Walter Perkins, Minster of the Organization, warned. jured. Interior In Argentina. They re­ a resolution adopted during legal staff, the Number Two The attacks are believed to their annual convention In Government counsel, next to have· been the work of extre­ quested that special security GRANT TO ISRAEL measures be taken to protect June 1960. Attorney General Gideon m!.sts seeking revenge for the UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.,­ Argentine Jewry from further The Central Conference has Hausner during the prosecution execution of Adolf Eichmann attacks. a membership of over 800 Re­ Israel received a United Nations and trial of Adolf Eichmann, who was captured In Argentina form Rabb!.s In the United grant of $489,300 to aid a was arrested here Sunday and and brought to Israel for trial. (A Jew!.sh Telegraphic Agen­ States and Canada, and Is the $2 ,173,000 project for Investiga­ released on ball, on charges of cy d!.spatch from Montlvldeo world's oldest ex!.stlng rabbin­ tion of problems of under­ presenting a "false document" reported that government po­ ical body, ground water storage, pertaining to his legal qualifi­ West German lice of Urauguay had adopted cations as a member of the Is­ special security measures to raeli bar. Officials Foil guard the Israeli Embassy and Bar-Or, until Sunday DI.strict synagogue, and to prevent any Attorney of Tel Aviv, was born violent actions In protest In The Herald's In Germany, and came to Pal­ Kidnap Scheme against Eichmann's hanging In Israel.) estine In 1936, studying law In VIENNA - A plot foiled th!.s country.
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