7KLVLVVXH<3/$9LVLW_796WDU_*UHHQ&RUQHU )HEUXDU\9RO1R %HDXW\ 7KH%HDVW 9LFWRU\SXWVRQVWXQQLQJSHUIRUPDQFHV %UHDNIDVW%RQDQ]D 2XUQHZEXVLQHVVFOXEEHJLQV 6SRUWV5RXQG8S 8SGDWHRI9LFWRU\¶V6SRUWV1HZV 6RQJV &HOHEUDWLRQV 9LFWRU\6SRQVRU¶V'D\6SHFLDO5HSRUW ZZZRUPLVWRQYLFWRU\DFDGHP\FRXN )HEUXDU\ 9LFWRU\)ODJ9RO1R 3ULQFLSDO3RLQWV 3 3ULQFLSDO3RLQWV $IWHUDTXLFNSDWRQWKHEDFNWKHQH[W 9,39LVLW 3 SULRULW\LVUHÀHFWLRQ:KHUHGRZHɊ VWXGHQWVVWDIIDQGSDUHQWVɊZDQW 1HZVLQ%ULHI 3 ³2XWVWDQGLQJSURJUHVV´ WRWDNHWKH$FDGHP\"$QGKRZGR /RFDO5RXQG8S 3 ³UHPDUNDEOH´DQG ZHSURJUHVV",QP\YLHZWKHVN\LV 6SRQVRU¶V'D\6SHFLDO5HSRUW 3 ³DPD]LQJ´DUHKRZWKH WKHOLPLW:HFDQDQGZLOOEHFRPHWKH 6RQJVDQG&HOHEUDWLRQV ÀDJVKLSVFKRROLQWKH(DVWHUQ5HJLRQ 6SRQVRU¶V'D\$ZDUGV 0RFN2IVWHG,QVSHFWRUV 7KHQDPH&RVWHVVH\ZLOOEHV\QRQ\PRXV %LNH%RQXV GHVFULEHRXU¿UVWWHUP ZLWKH[FHOOHQFHLQHGXFDWLRQ1RUIRONZLOO %UHDNIDVW%RQDQ]D 3 EHWKHFRXQW\SUHHPLQHQWIRUHGXFDWLRQ 7KH9LFWRU\FRPPXQLW\ɊVWXGHQWV *RZQDQG7RZQ 3 VWDIIDQGSDUHQWVɊKDVZRQLWV 7KH,QVSHFWRUVZDUQHGUHDVRQDEO\ %HDXW\DQGWKH%HDVW 3 ¿UVWPDMRUEDWWOH$FFRUGLQJWRWKH DJDLQVWFRPSODFHQF\7KHUHZLOOEHQR %HVWRI%HDXW\ 3 ,QVSHFWRUVZHKDYHVWDUWHGWRWXUQ FRPSODFHQF\RQP\ZDWFK:HKDYHD KXJHDPRXQWRIZRUNWRGRWRDFKLHYHWKH <3/$9LVLW 3 WKH$FDGHP\DURXQG<HDUVDWOHDVW JRRGDQGVRPHRXWVWDQGLQJSURJUHVV H[FHOOHQWUHVXOWVRXUVWXGHQWVGHVHUYH:H ([0LQLVWHU9LVLW 3 5HPDUNDEOHFKDQJHLQ6L[WK)RUP KDYHPRXQWDLQVWRFOLPEOHW¶VJHWWRLW :RUOGRI:RUGV 3 DWWLWXGHV(LJKWHHQREVHUYHGOHVVRQVJRRG ,17+,6,668( 3DUWLDO(FOLSVH 3 RUEHWWHU $3RSXODU7HDFKHU 3 &OHDUVLJQVRILPSURYHPHQWLQWHDFKLQJ HǸȃȣȐȵȇȐLɄɤɺǸ3ULQFLSDO &DSWDLQ-DQH 3 7HDFKHUV¶PRUDOHKLJK/HVVRQSODQQLQJ 2UPLVWRQ9LFWRU\$FDGHP\ 03*XHVW 3 JRRGRUEHWWHU &KDLUPDQ¶V9LVLW 3 6WXGHQWVKDYHSRVLWLYH 3ROLWLFDO6KDGRZ 3 DWWLWXGHVWRWKHDFDGHP\ &KLQHVH9LVLW 3 %HVWRI+HDOWK 3 %HKDYLRXULVJRRG6WURQJ 6XSSRUWLQJ2XU6WXGHQWV 3 PRUDOFRGH6WXGHQWVIHHO 1HZ6HQLRU/HDGHUVKLS7HDP 3 H[WUHPHO\VDIH$WWHQGDQFH 7KH*UHHQ&RUQHU 3 DERYHQDWLRQDODYHUDJH (DW)RU9LFWRU\ 3 &ORVHOLQNVZLWKORFDODQG $OXPQL:KHUHDUHWKH\QRZ" 3 9LFWRU\6SRUWV 3 EXVLQHVVFRPPXQLW\ /HWWHUVWRWKH(GLWRU Victory Flag welcomes Letters to the Editor. No more than 150words and 9,39LVLW the Editor reserves the right to adjust the length. Letters to: 7KH&KLHI([HFXWLYHRI [email protected] and marked Letters to the Editor. WKH6SHFLDOLVW6FKRROV DQG$FDGHPLHV7UXVW Victory Flag is printed on matt coated paper and is 100% recycled (OL]DEHWK5HLG Words by Geoff Howe. Photography by Dave Goulding and Geoff Howe. LVSD\LQJDQRI¿FLDO YLVLWWRWKH$FDGHP\ www.ormiston.org www.ormistoneducation.co.uk QH[WPRQWK Appointed SSAT’s Chief Executive in 2001, she has taught in inner London She is a director of the Enterprise secondary schools and has also held Education Trust, the University of senior positions in further and higher Graphics • Wallscapes • 3D & Photography the Arts London, City and Islington Designed by education and local government. College, and the Fashion Retail These include as the director of .co.uk National Skills Academy. education for Lothian Regional Council, City of Edinburgh Council Printed by and the London Borough of Hackney. 2 ZZZRUPLVWRQYLFWRU\DFDGHP\FRXN ZZZRUPLVWRQYLFWRU\DFDGHP\FRXN 3 )HEUXDU\ 9LFWRU\)ODJ9RO1R 672335(66 NEWS IN BRIEF &RQJUDWXODWLRQVWRRXUKDUGZRUNLQJ COSTESSEY NEWS *RYHUQRU'DYLG3ULRUZKRKDVMXVWEHHQ .((3,1728&+ UHDSSRLQWHG&KDLUPDQRIWKH1RUIRONDQG 0($/621:+((/6 Follow the Principal’s Blog on www.ormistonvictoryacademy.co.uk 1RUZLFK8QLYHUVLW\+RVSLWDOV7UXVW Volunteers are needed to deliver Meals on Wheels in the Costessey area. and our Twitter account at http://twitter.com/#!/victoryoak Contact Mrs Brown on 01603 744 477. 723$:$5' :25.6+23 &20('$1&,1* Nicola Taylor has been awarded the Higher Level Teaching Assistant certificate 63($.(5 Costessey Modern Sequence Dance Club meets at 2pm on Fridays at the for Maths, the first person from the Academy to win the prestigious award. 0UVGH6RX]DZDVDJXHVWVSHDNHUDWD Costessey Centre, Longwater Lane. Call John on 01603 787 241. &KLOGUHQ¶V6HUYLFHV:RUNVKRSKHOGDW :22'6)$0,/< WKH3URIHVVLRQDO'HYHORSPHQW&HQWUH 72''/(5*5283 RQ)HEUXDU\6KHVSRNHDERXWKHU Best wishes from the whole Academy to the Woods family after their VXFFHVVHVDWKHUSUHYLRXV$FDGHP\DQG Koala Mother and Toddler Group meets at Costessey Infants’ School on accident. Mr Woods and Amy (Year 7) are in good shape and Liam (Year 10) %ULOOLDQW VHWWLQJXSRXU$FDGHP\ Mondays, 10am-noon. Call 01603 740 175. is recovering well. 5HVXOWV &281&,/9,6,7 0,1,62&&(5 7$67<&$.( The Mini Soccer group will be holding its Presentation night and end of season 2XUKDUGZRUNLQJ<HDUV Mark Heazle, the active life and play officer from South Norfolk District Council, $QLPSUHVVLYH ZDVUDLVHGIRUVKRZ party on Saturday, April 30. If you are willing to help in any way, contact Ray DUHVHWWLQJQHZUHFRUGVZLWK visited the Academy to discuss co-operation and sharing facilities with Mrs de Souza IXQGVZLWKWKH%HDXW\DQGWKH%HDVW Kirby on 01603 744 936. and senior staff. VRPHRXWVWDQGLQJUHVXOWVLQ &KULVWPDV&DNH5DIÀHZKLFKZDVZRQ WKH1RYHPEHU*&6(H[DPV E\&DURO\Q5LGRXW6FLHQFH7HFKQLFLDQ )22')251(('< 66$7&21)(5(1&( $QGUHD&KDSPDQ5DLVLQJ$FKLHYHPHQW There are collection boxes at St Helen’s and St Edmund’s churches for Norwich ł0DWKHPDWLFV$ & 0DQDJHUEDNHGWKHPRXWKZDWHULQJFDNH Foodbank which gives food boxes to needy families. For further details, call Mrs de Souza attended the three-day annual SSAT conference in Birmingham. ZLWKPRUHWKDQ$ $ Ursula or Nicholas Parry on 01603 742 818. %22.%21$1=$ ł(QJOLVK$ &ZLWK 7$/.$1')25. PRUHWKDQ$ $ Two boxes of James Bond novels have been donated to the LRC by new Governor Matt Fleming, the nephew of James Bond’s creator, Ian Fleming. He is a former Vale Probus Club meets at 12.15 on the first Thursday of the month at Costessey Park Golf Club. Call Roger Hinton on 01603 741 989. ł6FLHQFH$ &ZLWK England cricketer and captain of Kent. PRUHWKDQ$ $ 67$))&+$5,7< &267(66(<)$,5 0UVGH6RX]DVDLG Costessey Fete and Fair will be held on Monday, May 30. Academy staff raised £279 in lieu of giving Christmas cards with the money Please call Patrick O’Connor on 01603 742958. ³7KHVHDUHEULOOLDQW donated to Nelson’s Journey, a charity for bereaved children. The collection was organised by Mr Jones, Science Technician. The previous year’s collection UHVXOWVIRUDQ raised £78. $FDGHP\QRWHYHQD *29(51256 3233<'$< WHUPROGDWWKHWLPH As part of the Academy community involvement, Ms Page has been appointed 0RUHWKDQ ZDVUDLVHGE\VWDIIDQG %XWZHZLOOQRWEH a Governor of Queens Hill Primary School, Mrs Smith a Governor of Costessey VWXGHQWVIRUWKHDQQXDO3RSS\$SSHDOE\ Junior School and Ms Cook a Governor of Costessey Infants’ School. WKH5R\DO%ULWLVK/HJLRQ 7XHVGD\0DUFK<HDU2SWLRQV(YHQLQJ FRPSODFHQW &2817<*8(67 7KXUVGD\0DUFK-DQXDU\*&6(5HVXOWV'D\ ³7KHVWDIIDQG,ZLOO 7XHVGD\0DUFK$FKLHYHPHQW5HYLHZ'D\ David White, the busy CEO of Norfolk County Council, visited the Academy in ',5(&7252) QRWEHKDSS\XQWLO December. He met Mrs de Souza who escorted him on a tour of the Academy’s facilities. (1*/,6+ HYHU\ODVWVWXGHQW 7KH$FDGHP\KDVDGYHUWLVHGIRUD JHWVWKHYHU\EHVW 68*$5'$< QHZ'LUHFWRURI(QJOLVKUHSODFLQJ 0V+HDOGZKRKDVEHHQSURPRWHGWR 9LFWRU\)ULHQGV SRVVLEOHUHVXOW´ Enterprise collected 55 bags of sugar for the homeless at Christmas, followed by $VVLVWDQW3ULQFLSDO Endeavour 50, Discovery 41 and Courage 33. The collection was organised by the $ELJWKDQN\RXWRWKHIROORZLQJSHRSOHDQG Buckingham Emergency Food Appeal. Last year Norfolk schools collected four tonnes with British Sugar donating a further two tonnes. 7($&+(56¶ RUJDQLVDWLRQVZKRKDYHKHOSHGDQGVXSSRUWHGXV 7237($0 &21)(5(1&( -DPHV%RGG\&KDLUPDQRI2QRWR3HQV 6DUDK0LQWH\3ULQFLSDO2SHQ<RXWK 'DYLG5RJHU%XUWRQ$UW1H[WWKH6HD 7UXVW 0UVGH6RX]DZDVDJXHVWVSHDNHUDW Nigel Fairhead has joined the Academy site team as Site Agent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asper Smith, the Academy’s guitar teacher, has just achieved his Fellowship )HEUXDU\6KHVSRNHRQOHDGHUVKLS WKH:HVW1RUZLFK/LRQV6DQWD7UXFNWKWKHH:H:HVVWW11RURUZLZLFKK//LRL QQVV66DQWDWD77UXUXFNFN Diploma from the London College of Music. DQGRXU$FDGHP\ 4 ZZZRUPLVWRQYLFWRU\DFDGHP\FRXN ZZZRUPLVWRQYLFWRU\DFDGHP\FRXN ZZZRUPLVWRQYLFWRU\DFDGHP\FRXN 5 )HEUXDU\ 9LFWRU\)ODJ9RO1R 3XSSHWVSUL]HVDQGSUHVHQWDWLRQV The well-attended evening included: ZHUHRQWKHDJHQGDDWWKH¿UVW • Academy awards and prizes for successful students. 6SRQVRU¶V'D\KHOGE\WKH$FDGHP\ 6RQJV • Addresses by Mrs de Souza and Peter Murray, Chairman of Ormiston Trust. • The Victory Festival which included a sports &HOHEUDWLRQV demonstration from Queens Hill, two Academy films, a puppet show, a rocket display and 7KHHYHQWZDVKHOGWRFHOHEUDWHWKHVXSSRUWJLYHQWRWKHQHZ$FDGHP\E\LWV a solo song and the Performing Arts Ensemble. VSRQVRU2UPLVWRQ7UXVWDQGLWVVWUDWHJLFSDUWQHUV1RUIRONDQG1RUZLFK *XHVWVLQFOXGHG7RQ\7RPNLQVRQFKDLUPDQRI1RUIRON&RXQW\&RXQFLO-RKQ)XOOHU 8QLYHUVLW\+RVSLWDOV7UXVWDQG1RUIRON&RXQW\&RXQFLO /HDGHURI6RXWK1RUIRON'LVWULFW&RXQFLO'DYLG3ULRUFKDLUPDQRI118+ /LVD&KULVWHQVHQ'LUHFWRURI&KLOGUHQ¶V6HUYLFHV1&&5LFKDUG%XWOHU &KLHI([HFXWLYH'LRFHVHRI1RUZLFKDQG3DXO6WHZDUW6PLWK'LUHFWRU&2,16 2. 9. 3. 4. 1. 5. 7. 8. 7KHHYHQLQJ¶VSUL]HV 6DUDK0LQWH\RIWKH2SHQ<RXWK7UXVWDQGRXU%HDXW\ 7KHUDS\VWXGHQWV 'DYLG3ULRUWDONVWR5HY1LFKRODV3DUU\RI&RVWHVVH\ 7KH4XHHQV+LOOVSHHGVWDFNLQJFRQWHVW
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