Spring/Summer 2008 Dante Alighieri Society, Michigan Chapter Message from the President La Divina Commedia: the musical Gentilissimi soci ed amici, vorrei esprimere la It all started with Roberto Benigni and his love for Dante's poetry. In the mia soddisfazione per le iniziative che si stanno performances of the world-renowned comedian, the old words acquire a svolgendo all’interno della nostra società. new life, the difficulties of the ancient text are smoothed and connected Riconosco che il ruolo di presidente è with our reality, and everybody is hooked and moved almost to tears. estremamente importante, ma vi assicuro che Benigni’s analysis of Dante's verses is the work of a dedicated scholar, nulla sarebbe possibile senza la costante but his recitation brings out their sublimity, shows their modernity and creates a welcome curiosity around Dante's poetry. Still, we live in a collaborazione dei componenti del direttivo, i visual era, and Benigni's work is still difficult to understand for the quali stanno ottenendo ottimi risultati. Il nostro younger generation. scopo e interesse primario è sempre lo stesso: The new Opera show, La Divina Commedia, has been studied with the promuovere e divulgare la lingua e la cultura aim to involve the new generation. It is primarily a musical event, whose italiane. Ci rendiamo conto che per raggiungere composer is Marco Frisina, Master Director of “Cappella Musicale La- questo obiettivo non serve solo la nostra volontà teranense” (the chorus of the Diocese of Rome), and it is designed as a di divulgare e promuovere, ma occorre multi media show with music, dance, and special effects supervised by soprattutto che ci sia la volontà dei soci a the Oscar winner Carlo Rambaldi. Twenty-four actors and singers, 20 partecipare ai progetti, agli eventi, a spingere dancers, 10 acrobats and 20 walk-on actors create a powerful chorus line, nipoti, figli e amici ad imparare l’italiano, a performing choral actions underlined by striking music. scoprire l’arte e la musica che ha riempito i According to Frisina, his interpretation of Dante's Comedy underlines the vostri cuori e quella che può avvicinare i giovani ability the Poet had to speak to the people about the struggle of human life and its spiritual troubles. The personas Dante meets in his metaphoric d’oggi. Tutto questo non ha senso se non journey represent the various faces of humanity, with its weaknesses and possiamo condividerlo con voi. its triumphs. Sono lieta di segnalare che la sede centrale della The Opera also has a specific social pursuit as it aims to develop and DAS di Roma ha messo a disposizione una spread Italian culture throughout the world. borsa di studio che permetterà ad uno studente universitario di passare quattro settimane in A special circus tent, with its concert-like stage, was built to host the Italia a studiare la lingua e la cultura italiane in show. loco. La borsa è stata assegnata attraverso una selezione specifica e il nominativo dell’assegnatario è riportato nella pagina Education. Il nostro sito web è in continuo aggiornamento sugli eventi, rinnovi o nuove iscrizioni al comitato (www.dantemichigan.org). Continua l’ottima collaborazione tra il nostro comitato ed il Consolato d’Italia in Detroit, e confermo il proseguimento dell’accordo con la NOI Foundation per i corsi d’italiano. Ricordatevi che ci tengo, e ci teniamo sempre ad ascoltare la vostra opinione. Non esitate a contattarci attraverso il nostro sito web. Grazie come sempre per il vostro continuo supporto. Daniela D’Amico Henderson Dante Alighieri Society, Michigan Chapter 2 Spring/Summer 2008 Trentino-Alto Adige: provinces Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol is one of Mussolini gave them the chance to either the few Italian regions with a Special accept Italian citizenship and remain in Statute, due to the diverse ethnicity and Italy, or assume German citizenship and native languages of its citizens. emigrate north. The southern part, Trentino, takes its The large majority chose the latter op- name from the chief town, Trento, tion, leaving this largely rural territory whose name comes from the Latin even more under populated than before. “Tridentum”. The northern part, Alto Adige, is so called because it is situated In 1948, the Italian legislature made in the basin of the upper course of the Trentino-Alto Adige an autonomous re- river Adige. Südtirol (South Tirol) is the gion. The two provinces have ample The coat of arms of Trentino-Alto Adige is German name for Alto Adige. Until autonomy and the Alto Adige area strug- a combination of the two provinces. 1918 this area belonged to the Austrian gled for a long time to find its place as territory of Tirol. Subsequently, until an Italian province. 1948, the region was called Venice In the last twenty years, however, the Dante Alighieri Society Tridentina, and in 1949, it was renamed accommodation process finally stabi- Michigan Chapter Trentino Alto Adige. lized, and the region has found a reason- PO Box 1644 The Alto-Adige/Südtirol is officially able balance. In addition to the Italian Troy, MI 48099-1644 bilingual: Italian and German are the and the German populations, sprinkled official languages. throughout the mountain valleys of both areas are about 80,000 Ladin residents Il Mosaico Committee: This region is mainly known for its who cling to yet another ethnic tradition, L. Adelfi, G. Casadei, E. Giorda, unique mountains, the Dolomites and speak an ancient language known as E. Parenti and L. Spalla (Dolomiti): great cliffs which were once Ladin. This is a combination of Celtic covered by the sea. The Dolomites are Contributors to this issue: dialects and Latin, which is a result of made up of dolomite, a type of sedi- S. Giorgini, R. Haskin, F. Iacobucci, A. the encounter of northern colonists and mentary rock which is responsible for Roman legions in the first century BC. MacSorley and G. Cappi the characteristic shapes and the won- The town of Vigo di Fassa has an inter- derful colors of these mountains. Ital- esting museum illustrating the history DAS Board of Directors: ians have long considered this to be one and colorful customs of the Ladin peo- Daniela Henderson (President), Lia Adelfi of their best vacation spots, with its ple. Because of the bilingual statute most (Vice-President), Liana Spalla (Recording glorious nature laid out along the coun- of the localities have two names: Bol- Sec.), Diana Manzo (Treasurer), Agata try's northeast area. Bordered with Aus- zano/Bozen, Merano/Meran, Bressa-no- Titocci (Corresponding Sec.), Sabatino tria, this is a land of saw-toothed ridges ne/Brixen, Cortaccia/Kurtatsch, Cas- Bianchi, Chiara Bucchi, Emma Edgar, and snow-capped peaks, alpine mead- telvecchio/Altenburg, Corno Nero/ ows and waterfalls, with popular ski Richard Haskin and Giovanna Cappi Schwarzhorn, etc. resorts and immaculate medieval towns. Most visitors go to this area from De- DAS Special Committees: cember to the end of March for skiing, Gruppo Giovanile: S. Giorgini and from May to mid September for Scholarship: F. Iacobucci and L. Spalla hiking. The area offers routes along an Website: L. Adelfi extensive network of well-marked trails with stops in remote mountain hamlets where people speak German, wear tradi- DAS Events photos: tional costumes and serve rustic moun- L. Adelfi and R. Haskin tain cuisine in small restaurants. Despite All communications or articles of 250 its calm, pastoral, and extremely neat words for publication should be sent to the appearance, this used to be a deeply PO Box or via email to: divided region, an area which has long [email protected] struggled to find a homogenous identity for itself. Napoleon was a key player in Please submit material for the next issue this story, as he conquered the region by September 18, 2008. and placed it under the realm of the The next issue will highlight the region of Austrians, who ruled it until it was Piemonte. returned to Italy at the end of World War I. A large and very vocal segment As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, of the local population never accepted gifts and donations are tax deductible. that political arrangement, and in 1939, Dante Alighieri Society, Michigan Chapter 3 Spring/Summer 2008 Left: Palazzo Geremia, with its frescoed facade is one of Trento's most beautiful buildings. The frescoes depict the scenes that took place in the one-time Via Larga (now known as Via Belenzani). One fresco depicts the arrival of Maximilian I of Austria Habsburg, who lived in Palazzo Geremia between 1508 and 1509; center: Castle of Rovereto; right: Castle of Buonconsiglio in Trento. Trento is a small and beautiful town with an immaculate historical area. The inner part of the city is closed to cars, and transit is permitted only to bicycles and small electric buses. Trento hosts a daily farmers' market, a renowned uni- versity, and some of the most advanced research labs in Italy. It became famous during the 16th century for the Council of Trento, the ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic La Regione Trentino-Alto Adige è incastonata nell'arco alpino e Church that was held to counteract the protestant rebellion costituisce l'accesso italiano all'Europa centrale. Coincide con il which eventually resulted in the contra-reformation. territorio delle Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano. The medieval Castello del Buon Consiglio, where the coun- Il territorio regionale è dominato dalla montagna; il 75% del cil was held, is a medieval fortress overlooking the city. The territorio si estende sopra i 1.000 metri d'altitudine ed è costellato central “Piazza del Duomo” is surrounded by medieval da centinaia di piccoli laghi montani.
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