Heingård et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:28 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13227-019-0141-6 EvoDevo RESEARCH Open Access FoxB, a new and highly conserved key factor in arthropod dorsal–ventral (DV) limb patterning Miriam Heingård1,4, Natascha Turetzek2,3, Nikola‑Michael Prpic2,5 and Ralf Janssen1* Abstract Forkhead box (Fox) transcription factors evolved early in animal evolution and represent important components of conserved gene regulatory networks (GRNs) during animal development. Most of the researches concerning Fox genes, however, are on vertebrates and only a relatively low number of studies investigate Fox gene function in invertebrates. In addition to this shortcoming, the focus of attention is often restricted to a few well‑characterized Fox genes such as FoxA (forkhead), FoxC (crocodile) and FoxQ2. Although arthropods represent the largest and most diverse animal group, most other Fox genes have not been investigated in detail, not even in the arthropod model species Drosophila melanogaster. In a general gene expression pattern screen for panarthropod Fox genes including the red four beetle Tribolium castaneum, the pill millipede Glomeris marginata, the common house spider Parastea- toda tepidariorum, and the velvet worm Euperipatoides kanangrensis, we identifed a Fox gene with a highly conserved expression pattern along the ventral ectoderm of arthropod and onychophoran limbs. Functional investigation of FoxB in Parasteatoda reveals a hitherto unrecognized important function of FoxB upstream of wingless (wg) and decap- entaplegic (dpp) in the GRN orchestrating dorsal–ventral limb patterning. Keywords: Appendage patterning, Forkhead domain, Limb segmentation, Development Introduction the morphogens Dpp and Wg are also involved in the Arthropod limbs develop along three diferent axes, the determination of the DV axis [20–22]. Te wg gene is proximal–distal (PD) axis, the anterior–posterior (AP) expressed in the ventral region of the leg imaginal discs axis, and the dorsal–ventral (DV) axis. In the model and loss of Wg protein causes dorsalisation of these limbs system Drosophila melanogaster, leg allocation and AP [22–24]. Downstream of Wg act two T-box genes, the axis determination is under control of segment polarity paralogs H15 and midline (mid), both of which are like genes such as wingless (wg) and hedgehog (hh) (e.g. [1, wg expressed in ventral ectodermal cells of the limbs [4, 2]). Tis is likely conserved in arthropods and onych- 20, 25–27]. dpp is expressed along the dorsal side of the ophorans as indicated by gene expression and functional Drosophila leg imaginal disc and loss of Dpp causes ven- data (e.g., [3–10]). Te PD axis is established by the func- tralization of these limbs [28, 29]. Downstream of Dpp tion of the so-called limb gap genes and the morpho- functions another T-box gene, optomotor-blind (omb), gens Wg and Decapentaplegic (Dpp) (e.g., [1, 11–13]), which is expressed along the dorsal side of the legs [20, and gene expression data suggest that the function of 29]. Expression of omb can induce dorsal fate in ven- limb gap genes is generally conserved among arthropods tral cells of the developing legs [29]. Comparative gene and onychophorans (e.g., [3, 10, 14–19]). In Drosophila, expression data suggest that the role of ventral and dor- sal leg patterning genes is conserved in arthropods, and *Correspondence: [email protected] partially also in onychophorans (e.g., [10, 26, 30–32]). 1 Department of Earth Sciences, Palaeobiology, Uppsala University, However, functional evidence of a conserved DV pattern- Villavägen 16, Uppsala, Sweden ing system in arthropods is sparse and exclusively based Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © The Author(s) 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat iveco mmons .org/licen ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/ publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Heingård et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:28 Page 2 of 16 on data in insects [33, 7, 9, 25, 34]. While wg appears to embryos were obtained from the cultures in Göttingen be involved in DV limb development in holometabolous (San Bernardino strain). Glomeris embryos were col- insects [7, 9], this does not appear to be the case for hem- lected and prepared as described in Janssen et al. [7]. imetabolous insects [33]. Parasteatoda spiders were obtained from the established Notably, many of the genes involved in DV limb pat- Göttingen strain for RNA-interference experiments. Tey terning are duplicated in Drosophila, as well as in other were kept separately in plastic vials at approximately studied arthropods and onychophorans. Tere are two 21 °C. Tey were supplied with water and fed with either H15-type genes in Drosophila and the millipede Glomeris sub-adult crickets (Acheta domesticus) or Drosophila. marginata, and at least three H15 genes in spiders, and Euperipatoides kanangrensis embryos were obtained as two copies of omb in onychophorans and spiders (sum- described in Hogvall et al. [41]. Developmental staging is marized in [32]). Many of these genes have retained con- after Janssen et al. [8] (Glomeris), Janssen and Budd [42] served expression patterns along the ventral and dorsal (Euperipatoides), Mittmann and Wolf [43] (Parastea- region of the developing limbs, respectively. Terefore, toda), and Strobl and Stelzer [44] (Tribolium). it is likely that their function(s) in DV patterning are at least partially conserved as well. Tis makes functional Gene cloning, probe synthesis, whole mount in situ studies difcult because of likely redundant functions of hybridization and nuclear staining such paralogs. Although wg is not duplicated in arthro- All gene fragments were isolated by means of RT-PCR pods and onychophorans [6, 35, 36], it is a member of with gene-specifc primers based on sequence infor- the Wnt class of genes (wg is Wnt1) of which arthro- mation from either sequenced genomes (Tribolium, pods ancestrally possess 12 classes (reviewed in [36, 37]). Tribolium Genome Sequencing Consortium [45] and Many Wnt genes, although not paralogs of wg/Wnt1, are Parasteatoda, Schwager et al. [46]), or sequenced embry- expressed in very similar patterns along the ventral side onic transcriptomes (Glomeris and Euperipatoides). of the developing arthropod limbs (e.g., [38, 36]). It is Primer sequences are listed in Additional fle 1: Table S1. therefore possible that other Wnt genes may substitute Genes were cloned into either the PCRII vector (Invitro- for wg function, and that functional data on the role of gen) or the PCR4-TOPO vector (Invitrogen). Sequences wg in arthropod limb development are inconclusive and of the cloned fragments were verifed by means of Big potentially misleading (cf. [7, 9, 33]). Dye chemistry on an ABI3730XL sequence analyser by a Here we report on the discovery of a hitherto unrecog- commercial sequencing service (Macrogen, Seoul, South nized gene that is expressed along the ventral side of the Korea). Accession numbers of all gene fragments are investigated arthropods and an onychophoran, the fork- listed in Additional fle 2: Table S2. head transcription factor-encoding gene FoxB (Drosoph- Antisense RNA probes were in vitro transcribed with ila paralogs Dmfd4/Dmfd5 aka fd96Ca/fd96Cb [39, 40]. either Sp6, T7 or T3 RNA Polymerase (Roche) after Although it exists in two copies (paralogs) in the model amplifcation of the gene products from the plasmids arthropods Drosophila and the four beetle Tribolium using M13F and M13R oligonucleotides (Additional castaneum, there is only one copy in the spider Para- fle 1: Table S1). Embryos of Tribolium were fxed as steatoda tepidariorum. We therefore targeted the spider described in Schinko et al. [47]. Embryos of Parasteatoda FoxB gene (Pt-FoxB) in our study and investigated its were fxed as described in Pechmann et al. [48], or, after function in appendage development. Among other phe- RNAi treatment, were fxed in a formaldehyde–heptane notypes, Pt-FoxB knockdown leads to altered leg mor- mix (1:15) for 4 h. Tereafter, the vitelline membranes phologies, likely correlated with disturbed DV patterning were removed with Dumont-5 forceps. Tere is no sig- during limb development. Te expression of other known nifcant diference in the result of in situ hybridization (or implied by conserved expression patterns) DV limb with either of the spider fxation protocols. Embryos of patterning genes such as omb, H15, and wg/Wnt1 is dis- Glomeris were fxed in the same way as spider embryos turbed in Pt-FoxB knockdown appendages. Tis indicates after RNAi treatment. Embryos of Euperipatoides were a high-ranking function of FoxB in the gene regulatory fxed in a 1:15 formaldehyde-PBS mix for 4–6 h; mem- network orchestrating DV limb patterning in spiders as branes were removed with Dumont-5 forceps prior to well as Panarthropoda as a whole. fxation. For all single-colour stainings in all embryos, we applied the whole mount in situ hybridization protocol Methods as described in Janssen et al. [49]. Double in situ hybridi- Research animals, embryo collection and developmental zation was performed as described in Janssen et al. [50] staging with the exception that BM Purple (blue signal) (Roche) Drosophila fies and embryos were obtained from the and SIGMAFAST Fast Red TR/Naphthol AS-MX (red cultures in Göttingen (Oregon-R strain). Tribolium signal) (SIGMA) were used for probe detection. Cell Heingård et al. EvoDevo (2019) 10:28 Page 3 of 16 nuclei were visualized incubating embryos in 2 μg/ml computed with posterior probabilities in MrBayes.
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