T Established October 13, 1875 Devoted to Developing the Great Bay District Member Associated Press FORECAST TEMPERATURES Unsettled, with showers and thunder­ At Noon Today, 10 storms lonlchl and Friday, mild: fresh Hlth tl (put Sl hours, 8 a. m.l Low est northeast and north winds off shore. Ocean Temperature, 8 it. nv, 65 TOMORROW'S OCEAN TIDES 8 A. M. READINGS IN OTHER CITIES 1 • HSU I __S. Lou Angeles 62181. Paul 38 4 OS a.m., 6.3 ft. 2 49 am, 04 ft. Boston OT Denver ' OT New Orleans 88 N.w York 34 9 32 p.m., 8.8 It. I -S3 p.m.. -0.1 ft. LOOK Tampa _ ... 74 Kansas City . so SUN RISES—TOMORROW—SI'S RETS Pittsburgh 50iChtca-o . 52 1:« i'clottT"I 5 38 unrmtnr (AP)—The Associated Press (CPA)—Consolidated Press (UP)—The United Press (CNS)—City News Service Des Moines tdlSan Frnnrl.c~ 84 ^VOLUME LVn NUMBER 235 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1932 PRICE TWO CENTS IYANKEES MAKE4IT TWO STRAIGHT OVER CUBS ^ & ^ ^ 1 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V"% ^ ^ ^ ^ % 9 CITTRECEtVES ' MAIL^ SLUMP Ii Y. ASSAULT, LOSES 5 TO 2 Patient, in Grip XJUST A TRACE' Mortgage Relief BRINGS MOVE Terrified People YANKEE STADIUM, New By STUART CAMERON IN FIRST-RAIN- JFOR OLD RATE .Xor____S.ep_- 29 (AE. -As ifjto; TODAY'S HERO —Untied Pran. Snorts Editor— Flashes, ot lightning, the dis- WASHINGTON, ._!ptr-9 ta_ make amends foe =the fickle­ YaNKEE emtDIUM, New tant rumble of thunder and a —A return to the familiar 2- ness of the opening day weath­ York, Sept. 29 (UF4~the New Of Wild Delirium, few fat raindrops marked the Program Pushed cent stamp on first class mail Rejoice as Ships er, thc—sun beamed down York Yankees defeated the official opening or a new 'Tain Is"favored" by trHTTKJHse com-" ^rightly today on the big American Chicago Cubs.-ft-to-trtoday, in year" for tne santa Monica" ' mittee InvestigattngThe postal league ball yard and the enthusias­ Bay district late yesterday af­ service^ the second game of the world ternoon. At Chicago Meet This group, a subcommittee tic faithful who gathered at dawn series. The American league cham­ Shoots Physician Lightning struck a power line of the house committee on post- Come to Rescue for the second world series battle pions gave Lefty Gomez, ace south­ pole in thc Santa Monica. offices, gave among its reasons between the Cubs and the Yankees. paw, brilliant support in—turning mountains near Calabasas and Finance Representatives, the r e d u c e d volume of first Perhaps it was the warmth of the back their National league rivals. Doctor Near Death After cut off electric service there for class mail since the 3-cent rate Tremendous Cracks Open, sun and the total absence of the A crowd of 46,000 saw the Yan­ Furious Struggle With a'whlle, but did no other dam­ Federal Authorities went Into effect as a provision storm clouds that hung over the kees make lt two ln a row over UW" age, reports indicate. -•"_ Oi the billion dollai tax hill, in­ —Lake Disappears, Many park and drenched the spectators Cubs and gain a big lead in the an­ Wealthy Oil Man —At-the Banta Monica city hall in Conference tended to balance the budget-. Roads Impassable yesterday. nual classic. it was said that the showers The committee also said, in a Crowd Gathers Early Warneke Falters were nut sufficient to leg ister WASHINGTON;—SepT "2F statement issued yesterday, that It might have been the "crushing Lonnie Warneke, youthful right­ BEVERLY HILLS, Sept. 29 more than a trace of rain. One it advocated this step also be­ WASHINOTON. Sept. 29 12-to-6 victory the slugging home (AP) —President Hoover to- hander, pitched for the Cubs, but ©(CNS)—I n a wild battle with year ago the first rainfall oc- cause of its desire "to build up (AP) — Le 1 and B Morris, forces pinned on the. National league he faltered ^ust—as -Guy Bush did his physician and two-nurses. curred on August 11. when .01 day notified Gov, Dan W. | mails so as to provide more rulers from the in the opening contest as the Yan- of an ich of rain 1 all, this be- Turner, of-Iow£h that he- had [ revenue and work opportunities American charge d'affaires at7at least, stirred Midwest-something the faithful as the,y kees, led by Lou Gehrig, made their Franklin Erwin, wealthy -re- —Ing -followed on September 25 arranged a preliminary dis­ for the post al-ernployes and— Athens, Greece, advised Srhe±were not stirred on the opening day. Hits3 count:, tired oil man, of 256 South by an additional .19 of an inch substitutes, who are being de­ By 11 a. m . only an hour after Gomez allowed the Cubs nine Oakhurst drive, in delirium, today of precipitation. cussion among eastern concerns and prived of employment as a re­ state department today that federal agencies on farm, mortgages the bleacher entrances were thrown hits, but kept them scattered as Uw shot and critically wounded Dr. O The average rainfall for Sep­ sult of the decreased postal ISO persons have been killed and open, there was almost as big a Yanks got to Warneke for 10, three Paul Rieger. 36. former police sur- tember, is .18 of an inch. and -that- banking and industrial business." 300 Injured ln the earthquake on the crowd tn the right field stands, the of -them by Gehrig,—The Yankees Lgeon and now a member of the staff committees in the midwest would Chalcldtce peninsula near 8atonlklti£^" „, Ruth's followers, as again were aided by the Wlldness of of St. Vincent's hospital. launch an effort to alleviate the sit­ which destroyed 3,500 houses. gathered there all day yesterday. the Cub pitching, Warneke issuing His message says that the British for bases on balls. Erwin, weakened by the battle. uation. fleet, which was in neighboring The flags on thc tall staffs In a ttU from his bed following the ; The president's telegram to Turn­ waters. Is assisting rescue work. line around the horseshoe covered UtV GEHRIG The Cubs vara off to a flylna shooting and was disarmed by his er said that Henry Robinson, chair- Debt Payments standstar s whipped straight out ln a start, scoring a run in the first inn« City Not to Get in(E-on-Her-ma-ns'- double, an error b; wife and his lti-yrar-old son, Prank- ; inan of the <. xeoutive committee of .ibrtBk—hrceras e from—the—Wrst ami fIftEEKS CHEERED Att .there was just a hint of the tang crosetti ana a long ny By Stephen­ lltt F, Erwin Jr, the banking and industrial commit BRITISH FLEET ARRIVES I thei Fights With Nurses— tees- set -up—in eaeh- federal—reserve = of autumn in the nlr. BOX SCORE son. district has called members of those ATHENS. Bept. ft tm—Arrival or I Tanks Grab Lead The shooting occurred after Dr. I part of the British Eastern Medi- The seventh regiment band, down I" Rleger had waged an almost all I Railway Holding committees in the midwest to meet Still Scheduled New York came back In their half in Chicago today to consider farm terranean fleet, bringing food and on the field by the third base foul J Chicago- AB of the inning to score two runs after; night battle to save the life of Er­ medical supplies for relief of suffer- (line, sailed brightly through a me d- i Herman. 2b Combs and Sewell had walked and wln. suffering from bronchial pneu- mortgages. 1 ers from the Earthquakes that have)fey 0f marches and popular tunes English. 3b _.. 4 Oehrlg and Dickey singled. mbnia, at one time a pulmotor being Vacated Canyon Right of President Hopeful j Treasury Expects Total shaken Greece since the beginning The playing field, undisturbed Oj Chicago .tied the score in the called upon to aid the patient. .. Cuyler, rf 4 Way to Revert to "I am very hopeful that construc­ of the week, was hailed here today even by the feet of trampling photo- Stephenson, if 4 0 third on Stephenson's double and. This morning, Beverly Hills po-1 tive steps will follow from these of $123,500,000 From wlth great public demonstrations, graphe'rs. was a spotless picture of Demaree. rf .. 4 0 Demaree's single, but the tie was lice were informed. Erwln—in a wild De Baker Heirs -onferences," Mr. Hoover said. Foreign Countries In the meantime, the quakes con- diamond perfection. The grass was Grimm, lb..... 4 0 short lived; The-Yenkees came back delirium, demanded that he be Arthur M. Hyde, secretary of ag­ Untied and It was feared the cas- even greener for yesterday's rain Hartnett. c .... 3 01 in their half of the same inning to dressed In orde* that he might go riculture, and representatives of the I WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 UPi — ualties would be greater than orig­ The Yankee bats that punctured Jurges, ss 3 score twice and take a lead they up town. The doctor and both I Although the city of Santa Moni­ inally supposed. The ca owns all of the bluff lands along reconstruction corporation and of ..-.v.--— ut.. <._•.,__—» . ..,••_. number Of thc wllduess of Ouy Bush and Bur Wnrnpfe(>[ never relinquished. nurses. Florence Kerr, of 2020 Sec- j Gcrman dead was placed today ft 200 and the edge of Palisades park north of the federal farm loan banks will] y _>•» postpori*ra-JT.800,00li lelgh Grimes yesterday with telling He msley, x __JJ A base on balls to Ruth, followed ond avenue, and Ellen Seagren, of j the injured at 400.
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