International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Impact Factor (2012): 3.358 Effect of Soaking on Functional Properties of Rice Bean-A Review Manoj Kumar A, Penchalaraju M, Sai Krishna S Department of Food Science and Technology, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Agricultural University Rahuri - 413722, Maharashtra, India Abstract: Vigna umbellata (Thunb.)Ohwi and Ohashi, previously Phaseolus calcaratus, is a warm-season legume, commonly called as rice bean and it is a mixed crop with maize, sorghum and cowpea. In this paper proximate composition of rice bean flour and its functional properties and effect of soaking on proximate composition, anti-nutritional factors, functional properties, cooking quality and PCMP number (protein phytate, calcium, magnesium and pectin content of the pulses) are reviewed. Keywords: Rice bean, soaking, phytic acids, polyphenols, legume flours 1. Introduction that of m ost pulses. Gopinathan et al. (1987) noted that the protein content of rel ated wild species (e.g. Vigna minima) Vigna umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi and Ohashi, pre viously tends to be higher than of cultivated lines, so there may be Phaseolus calcaratus, is a warm-season legume with yellow potential t o br eed f or i mproved protein c ontent. However, and sm all ed ible. It is co mmonly calle d rice b ean o r the am ino aci d wi th t he g eneral f ormula com position is ricebean. It is re garded as a m inor an d fodder c rop i n reported by several authors to be well balanced for human agriculture a nd i s often g rown as i ntercrop or m ixed c rop consumption ( Chandel et al. 1 978; Mo han an d Jan ardhan with m aize ( Zea mays), s orghum ( Sorghum bicolor) o r 1994; de C arvalho and Vieira 1996). As in other pulses, an cowpea ( V. unguiculata), as well as a s ole crop in th e important problem i s t hat rice bea n c ontains various ant i- uplands, o n a very l imited area. Li ke t he ot her Asi atic nutrients, notably phy tic aci d o r p hytate, pol yphenols a nd species, rice bean is a fairly short-lived warm-season annual. fibers t hat re duce m icronutrient u ptake, i n part icular i ron Rice b ean grows well on a ran ge of soils. It estab lishes and zi nc. While most legumes cont ain one or se veral rapidly and has th e potential to produce high qu ality grain enzyme inhibitors and similar anti-nutritive or toxic factors and large amounts of nutritious animal fodder. (Smil, 1997 ) t he co ntent o f such su bstances appea rs t o be low in rice bean. Phytate exists as Salts or esters of phytic The cultivated Asiatic Vigna species belong to the sub-genus acid containing inositol and phosphates as the base. They are Ceratotropis, a fai rly di stinct an d h omogeneous g roup, abundant in the outer layer of cereals, in dried legum es and largely restricted to Asia, which has a c hromosome number some nut s as bot h wat er-soluble sal ts (so dium and of 2n = 22 (except V. glabrescens, 2n = 44). There are seven potassium) and insoluble salts of calcium and magnesium. In cultivated sp ecies with in t he su b-genus. Rice b ean’s legumes a major portion of the total phosphorus is present in distribution pattern i ndicates great adapt ive pol ymorphism the form of phytic acid. Phytates may decrease absorption of for diverse environments, with its distribution ranging from calcium, zinc and iron from the intestine. Published reports humid tropical to sub-tropical, to sub-temperate climate. The indicate that phytic acid inter acts with proteins to form presumed cen tre o f domestication i s I ndo-China. It is complexes at aci dic pH a nd l ow cat ion c oncentration by thought to be derived from the wild form V. umbellata var ionic i nteractions, while at alk aline pH; d ivalent catio ns gracilis, with wh ich it is cro ss-fertile, an d which is mediate suc h formation of c omplexes bet ween phytic a cid distributed f rom Sout hern C hina t hrough t he north of and proteins (Des hphande and C heryan, 1983). These Vietnam, Laos and T hailand i nto M yanmar and In dia protein phytate com plexes are m ore resistan t to pro teolytic (Tomooka et al. 1991). Rice bean plays an important role in digestion as com pared t o p rotein al one at l ow pH of t he human, an imal an d so il h ealth i mprovement. All v arieties stomach an d ar e thou ght to be responsible fo r t he reduced seem t o be good sources of esse ntial am ino aci ds a nd bioavailability o f m inerals (De R hea an d Jo st, 1979 an d minerals (Mohan and Janardhan, 1994), and the dried seeds Erdman, 1 979).Tannins fo rm co mplexes wi th pr oteins, make an excellent addition to a cereal based diet. Rice bean carbohydrates an d other po lymers in food as well as with is most o ften served as a dhal eith er so aked overnight and certain metal ions such as iron under suitable conditions and boiled with a few sp ices or co oked in a pr essure cook er. appropriate pH. T he greater te ndency o f t annins t o f orm Apart from various recipes for dhal soup and sauces, pulses complexes with proteins than with carbohydrates and other are al so use d i n a num ber o f ot her way s either i n f orm of food polymers may explain the low d igestibility of legume whole, co oked or ro asted, as f lour, or g round to m ake protein. The rice bean varieties having a dark color seed coat various dee p fried di shes or snacks. S ome reci pes ar e had a higher concentration of polyphenols than those having specific to particular pulses, but m any are ope n to a light color. Soaking usually forms an integral part of bean substitution. The consumption of green pods as a v egetable processing methods suc h as co oking, germination, has bee n rec orded b ut i s not wi despread, al though t he fermentation and ro asting. So aking of b eans facilitates indeterminate growth habit of many varieties is beneficial in quicker cooking. This is a particularly true when dry beans providing a steady supply of green pods over long periods of are used for canning in commercial production (Nordstrom the year. The raw protein c ontent of rice be an is lower t han and Sistrunk, 1977). Soaking media include water, salt (or a Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014 www.ijsr.net Paper ID: 29081401 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 1239 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Impact Factor (2012): 3.358 combination of salts), and alkali and the soak water m ay or content of t he bea n ranges from 58. 15-71.99%. Ka ur a nd may not be discarded prior to cooking depending on regional Kapoor (1992) rep orted that to tal so luble su gars, non- preferences. Su ch practices may influence th e n utritional reducing sugars, starch and total available carbohydrates of quality of beans. Soaking and cooking of legumes result in five hi gh y ielding ri ce bea n vari eties vari ed fr om 5.0g to significant red uction i n p hytic aci d and t annin co ntents. 5.6g, 4.4g to 8.3g, 52.4g to 60.1g/100g, respectively. In the Maximum red uction of phytic aci d (78. 05%) a nd t annin case of starc h and total a vailable carbohy drates there we re (65.81 %) was fo und for sod ium b icarbonate so aking no significant varietal differences; whereas some significant followed by cooking. These treatments also result in a slight varietal variations were ob served in respect to total soluble reduction i n n utrients suc h as pr otein, m inerals an d t otal sugars, reducing s ugars a nd n on-reducing su gars. T he sugars. It has been known si nce the t hird century BC that mineral content of 5 di fferent varieties of ri ce bean an d the certain cha nges occ ur i n legum e seeds during e xtended concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and iron of rice bean storage, es pecially at hi gh t emperatures and humidity, varieties varied from 287m g t o 3 27mg, 234mg t o 249mg making t hem di fficult t o coo k. Thi s har d t o c ook and 6.3mg to 7.7mg per 100gm respectively. In rice bean the phenomenon is a resul t of s everal hypothesized changes at extractability o f calciu m was th e h ighest (ab out 88 %) an d the m olecular lev el. Th e p ectin-cation-phytate theory phosphorus was the lowest (33%). The concentrations of the suggests that during storag e an int racellular enzy me, other minerals were com parable in all the legumes studied.
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