kT.ATxnjin«iitr S® # '- Avflragfl Dflily CbcatflUsa EflM iuBcy Dflctan icr tba aMbUi of M y . Iflxt T l# WffltltaT.-":-^^:: own Ulsterman^ Here First Time of u. A Wantbar nqraBBaa of tho Maaeboa 6.181 tar ModBol Asaaolstlen wbe win HALE'S SELF SERVE of tba AbdH l«f MHaalnH roapoad to omoiioneir esiB to­ . VM IMM tiMi morrow aftaiaooa aro Dr. At* In 56 Years, Notes Changes Tto Origiflfll b Ntw Bagkai! MM, M l M ^r for N m t trod floadfloBt sad Dr. WUUsai Menehester "'A City of Viitege Cherm m l Om w«tfa «Mr. I* Ooaloa. M tftd tar M i s . George Praetor, Hsteemd HEALTH MARKET 17 ab ra m U ) r, P. X am. .'OL. LVnL. NO. $ MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 3 . 1 9 3 9 H ea rty et 8 2 , V M ttn g CMd Hoflidcat ReinnM to T owm (FOURTEEN PAGES) MBs Hataaa A. Booth of Bldgs FmiNCKBt atiaot has rotumod homo froai RstoUves, in Totmt WED, A40I1NIHG SPECULS laC m B u t two mow tho rBIt to flan FraadaM AW Gruxa Staiflpfl Givaa With Salcfl. Quo Warranto sMi aoM M tk fw> sad flonthom ChllfOmla, atopplag Wes Resident of Man- > * XXgHMMUit !/• German-RogfliBii Pact Astonads the Worid Pole^ Nazis Isis stm t WMS loesi la Aapoa, OoBcado, oa hor rotura r I IfeMr "L sae aitila" titp to rlalt Mrs. fltapboa Maroult Chester et A g e o f 2 6 1 Is Is Nfw To(k flstar. tho fonaor MBs OUro Njmaa of Astomnded et Mein St, May Be Resort Fire Shots in Partition of Poland SiM toNsuMi. BUM* tb B tows. Mias Booth B a toao O b JMkwr AndsisoB la the Waablagtoa oehool. Cbffofl M-b. Caa ’ trtw taschu St tbs Hol- A vivid pletun of Oraat BrUalafs To Oust Hayes wlth M B s ‘ I • Border Clash Tbo mid wash prajrar oarvlea gisat adUtary aad naval amoMan motrow ovaalBg at tbo Cbureh of rolUBg along la high gear, gotBag Comotion Milk 3 CflBfl 20c If Demands Not Met> tbo Naaaisao will ho oomMaod ready n r any ovmtaallty, wMB tbo TAXI Democrats Likely to m Qfsckstt. of UnioaviOo, with the HMoUng of tbo Wotnoa'a Germans Follow Desert­ o f this town. maa oa the otraot B given to under* ForolgB Mlaohmary aocBtjr. Btaad that hootlUtBs will not isault; Block Removal of the ers Qyet^JShmiier; Po­ 1 s siM sisMawit of tho now- Dial Flour «4 »4 ‘L fc .B flg fcoaa Ifsssl Dlatrlet givea by Oooigo Praetor of **IlM Mayor by Aldermen; lish Women Aid Men ftaraud to tatsf shout rabos,” Bear Portadawa, NorthoiB 8230 Hitler Tells Britain Irolaad. bom on a twa nMntha vBIt Federal Agents Active. i hi Nswsort, I t L oa flop* In Digging Trenches. ‘5) tM h o r 1 sad X el on Totorsas who M an ch ester with hB many Beal rolativsa. Soloda Tea Praetor, la eempaay with A t AB Watarbuiy, Aug. XS— (ff)— With otnrofl la the floeead N sv sl distrlet Warsaw, Aug. XX— (F>—The Po- Britisli EnvoY Is dwtafl tho war. D ate Book youngoot son, John, arrived rsoaatly tha Watarlmry consplrsey cBored on the Cuaardor ‘‘Oamoreala*’. It B RodLubol ilb.20c ilb.39c Uab T a la m P k Agency today ra- at last from tho fluporior C^ourt Rihhentrop Is Now That Reich Gonl^J Ooadag Bronto the firat visit to Maadiaatn of tbB portad a brief frontier c lu h between Mr. sad M i s . WliUsm 3. Tsjrlor CITY TAXI Brown Label i lb. 16c I lb-31c calendar, tataieat turned today to of H o m t otisot M i s . Tudor's slotor/ Aug. XT.— Amorloaa' Logloa fam- Xt-yoar.«Id IiBbmaa In M yoam PolBh and German aoldlers at Modify Her aad the disagoa la Maaeboator, not* tho clty*a Board of Aldormon who MBs fliNsaco flhsw, sad Mr. sad Uy ouUag at Rod and Oun club, meet tomorrow to conshBr the Klucano, futag Brulau, north of Because o f M is. A llaa fl. Tsytar of Hartford Covontrjr. od by Mm hare an away. In Moscow to Start Oantai BB Bad status of Mayor Frank Hnyca, con- SIBala. ThB report aald thm hs«s rotumod from s trip to Capo Aug. 88-fl«pt 4 -Knlghta of Co­ Gnaiiuitjr of Ddaucll Aaa oa the Horth flboro of Maaas* Ovar a half eontuiy ago Ooorgs ••'--wi vlctod of eonapiracy aad aoatonced German aoldlera In full uniform lumbua carnival at Main otraot Oxydol pwSSc 18 yearn stato’a prison. chuaatta. Proctor shipped out of " ' Oaona Proctor of PDCtadowa, Nortbera M a a d (right above) ihowB ‘ to ta the frontier In pursuit of Dansig Most Be grounds. pert OB boftt, boftfdUtf There wee tittle UkoUlwod that Gorman dasertara. Rntertng i Talks on New Pact flopt. T-g.— nosror show of Man* craft wi satlagliB bmtbar Xsaao Proctor of U WaBut atroot wbOo aon John M flupremo Court of E n o n could Tba ofBoais sad tasehors of tho o s f t with hB hod a huadto n eut dm oa. Proctor aad sea arrived yXatorday for a two months* vBIt windmill 160 yarda from tha fron- turned to GermaMgrY flaadaj ackool of the Bosanuel Ui* ehostor Oardm dub. Masonic Tsm- otnw'uador hB arm, for tho stonay dispon of the appeals cf tho mayor tier they ware aeen by PolUh aol- Uaorgo Proctor flnt eaaoo to Xlaachostar la tbo aarly 'go’s aad aotao gn at F.EBRAY Californio Oranges n«.17c Moscow, Aug. XX— (F>-German' offlelaUy to ba d^ply disturbed by His Terms Anuonnew|i.^ tfesiSB church wlU hold thoir pB. No sdmiaalen. trip aeron tho "Mg pend** oa a ch a a gn la M aachoator aad vtdalty. and tha I f othora santoneod with dBrs who ordered them to halt. aawithly aiootlBK tonight at 7:80 flopt XX.— DBtrlet mooting of yotmg Bwa of XX. Today, bo retuma, JBWBLBR him who decided to carry tha case Shota wars axchanged, with tha Foreign Mlntatar Joachim voa Rtb- which h u upaat tha erieulatloM of a ’deek s t tbs obnrch. Ordor of Vasa at Maaonle Tomplo. a wan proaonrod old awa, bdlatag to tbo higher court boforo Hayoo’ G arm au beginning tha ahooting, bantrop and Pramlar-ForalgB Mints- Buropaaa diploaanta. Bartta. Aug. U ^ -m — Britaliia ' they an happy that then B plenty SUte Thontor BriMtag tba feet that ho has aoeumuBtod mmala eut at doon during hB stay tarm eapiroa on January 1, and according to the Pollah report ter Vynchariaff Moletoff bogu for­ DIplomntIo fergMUttaa wars dlo- aouroM daetarai tbB oftoraoea ttit'' Ms anottod thm of woth, aneoptlena) good pay and In Manehootor aa nracb aa poasIhB, m M ate Street Cabbage Lb. 3c there w u no Indication of what ac- which aald the Germana aacaped and tba Ruarina-Oarmair eoltabofatlon Adolf HItBr told Sir N o w tSm Sm '} and tea yoara—and ataada up wan rmsr deprenod eoadittoBs have Ho was groatly bitonstod la tba tBn, If any, the alderman would one apparently w u wounded mal bagotiatton of a Oarmu-Rua- panoad with, and von Rlbhaatrop ■ lu iwn-aggraasioB treaty thB son, British amtauModor, Oo«inai|i ' under the strain of tbo yoara, a laaod ML damage demo b f tbo hurrlcaao of take. W aiaM D ig Trenebaa. pauaad only for hmebaea wllh tha straight, atbBtle, Mg-baadod awa Proctor haa galnod unieh through last floptomor aad win ho shown Watch and Jewelry However, they bava summoned aftamooa. Garman nmhaoandor. Frtadrteh W w - could not modify bar dem eadX^t of tbo Irish eountryalda—a real s tacreasad activity for bo has soettana ta tbo stats wham damage Celery Beach tbo mayor and his exocuUvo soero- Othar rm rU from tha frontier Tha talks atartad at tha Kramltn, nor flehuBBburg. Dvon tho ousto- vital rigbU haoaust at tka irtM il an of tbo soil. boon abto to soli h B farm produce B still avidant ta tbo woodlands. 10c tary. Aktarman Thomas p. Kelly, m M that PoUah peasants now ora just tsvo hours after von Ribbon- mnry offletal oourtaay oalB sran suaraaty of Potaad. X HONEY DEW MELONS, Mch 29c at incroaalngly hotter prices tbaa Repairing At - burily engaged ta asalaUnf in tha trop'a plana alighted bora ftom Gar- wrivad bofera the von lUbbantray Proctor B foromaa of tho IrBb who w u aentonosd to oevea to 13 coutruetlon of trenches and dafansa (fharganatoaaaafvlags.) Brary aaoBa gaaraatood |tpo sad niral fruit farm la "Tho BIrehoa!? a hontofon aad In thB mannar haa years, to appaar before them. many. Molotoff maottag. It 11Bm r ~ m * damnndn • ~ and "vitri riflklX^• W-*,- abared tbo eurraat good comUthma AUOBOOPBAH fortiXesUona. In Kepno, in Poo-' It w u Botad that tba Japan aaa awaaB Wa also bars saaw asBa Brgo aadans poBod’ aligbtly small farm tahaa over tv tho g«v^ Reasonable Prices floven of the aldormen, including nancla province,, It B reported all OntriaB On Band 1 . 71m ratnm ammoat from its fonaor taadewaarp anlstlng. APtBlTDAI. MBDtDM HEALTH MARKET ambassador, Sblgonorl Togo, did not A sman gioap Sovlat offtotaB A Dnughtar of a flaventb flan Kelly, a n Domocrato like tka may­ - Bon-aggroaalon pact, tolUng like a bontbsbon ta tba capItaB of tba world, women, old and' young, ohouldarod at DanitototlMl on wbleh ho new pays a sawU taa Mr, aad Mrs. Proctor am govarn- or aad oigbt a n Republicana. go to tba aliport to groat tba rapra- w u on hand at Moaoow’a eivU air- x T i I m irturnI of thoaa i Horn WWKX Kb A Vafl step ta ead See doe ef llaB- m o ^ that the w r k of t h w men— membara of the British and Fronoh military mlssloa ahovra arriving In ■ padea and dug trenches.
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