2013 REPORT ON PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES Compiled by the Racing Medication and Testing Consortium, Supervised by the Advisory Council on Equine Prohibited Substances and Practices of the IFHA Racing Medication and Testing Consortium 821 Corporate Drive, Lexington, KY 40503, USA Phone +1(859) 224-2844 Fax +1(859) 296-3033 rmtcnet.com I. RACING DAY SAMPLES TOTAL DECLARED TOTAL DECLARED BOTH BOTH DECLARED DECLARE DECLARED DECLARE POSITIVE TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL URINE URINE BLOOD BLOOD NUMBER TOTAL DECLARED TOTAL POSITIVE HORSES HORSES URINE & URINE & TOTAL TOTAL DECLARED POSITIVE D POSITIVE D CASES ON SUBSTANCES NUMBER NUMBER BOTH ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY OF DECLARED DECLARED POSITIVE DECLARED CASES ON SAMPLED SAMPLED BLOOD BLOOD URINE BLOOD POSITIVES CASES ON POSITIVE CASES ON POSITIVE BOTH DETECTED IN COUNTRY OF RACES OF URINE & SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLED DECLARE POSITIVES POSITIVE CASES ON POSITIVE BOTH PRE- POST- SAMPLED SAMPLED ONLY ONLY POST- URINE CASES ON BLOOD CASES ON URINE & OTHER HORSE (flat & HORSES BLOOD PRE- POST- PRE- POST- D PRE-RACE CASES ON URINE PRE- CASES ON URINE & RACE RACE PRE- POST- SAMPLED SAMPLED RACE POST- BLOOD POST- BOTH BLOOD COMPETITIONS jumps) SAMPLED SAMPLED RACE RACE RACE RACE POSITIVE URINE RACE BLOOD BLOOD RACE RACE RACE PRE-RACE RACE URINE & POST- CASES PRE-RACE BLOOD RACE Argentina 5,475 11,432 199 10,930 313 116 116 Australia 19,626 45,384 17,823 27,561 70 52 17 35 18 1 17 Austria 122 34 34 18 18 16 16 0 Bahrain 26 223 223 88 88 135 135 1 1 1 Belgium 189 183 157 26 0 Brazil 5,570 5,570 414 414 4,836 4,836 320 320 63 63 50 50 11 11 2 2 Chile 4,892 6,240 6,240 5,741 5,741 499 499 6 6 4 4 2 2 China (Hong Kong) 788 12,087 9,990 2,097 2,081 0 2,081 9,888 9,888 0 118 102 16 10 6 4 10 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Croatia 24 0 Cyprus 980 1,025 1,025 1,025 1,025 12 12 12 Czech Republic 479 37 37 20 20 17 17 0 Denmark France 7,346 12,621 12,621 11,156 11,156 1,465 1,465 22 22 19 19 3 3 Germany 1,275 464 4 359 101 7 4 3 Greece 794 325 325 325 325 5 5 5 5 Hungary99997070 292944 India 3,530 2,855 18 2,837 0 0 0 2,576 18 2,558 279 0 279 33 0 33 33 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ireland 349 2,623 0 2,623 1 0 1 1,943 0 1,943 679 0 679 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italy Japan (JRA) 3,454 10,374 0 10,374 0 0 0 10,125 0 10,125 249 0 249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Japan (NAR) 12,668 29,870 0 27,000 2,870 2 2 0 0 Lebanon Macau 452 1,185 246 939 777 777 408 246 162 2 22 Malaysia 10,729 8,598 2,131 2,100 2,100 1 1 8,628 8,598 30 3 2 1 2 2 Mauritius 336 3,233 2,883 350 350 350 2,883 2,883 1 1 11 Mexico 1,828 1,828 1,280 430 118 47 37 8 2 Morocco 1,938 3,472 3,472 21 21 1,724 1,724 1,727 1,727 18 18 9 9 9 9 the Netherlands 883 246 246 3 3 118 118 128 128 3 3 1 1 2 2 New Zealand 4,147 930 3,217 0 0 0 2,583 0 2,583 1,564 930 634 2 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 caffeine Norway 271 190 38 152 146 146 44 6 38 1 1 1 1 Panama 1,332 1,580 1,335 245 6 5 1 Poland 616 169 169 5 5 122 122 42 42 3 3 3 3 Qatar 452 663 663 0 0 627 627 36 36 4 4 4 4 Saudi Arabia 608 (flat) 1,019 0 796 223 14 13 1 0 Serbia282802263 2 1 Singapore 14,071 11,017 3,054 2,988 0 2,988 0 0 0 11,083 11,017 66 3 12 Slovakia 151 25 25 2 2 16 16 7 7 0 0 South Africa 4,810 328 4,482 4,204 4,204 606 328 278 6 Spain 437 422 422 34 34 369 369 99 99 8 Sweden 671 300 8 270 22 0 Switzerland 194 123 32 18 73 1 1 Tunisia 459 523 36 289 198 4 4 Turkey 10,607 298 10,309 9,313 0 9,313 1,294 298 996 27 0 27 24 0 24 3 0 3 0 0 0 United Arab Emirates 356 2,605 1,892 713 115 687 0 687 1,892 26 4 0 4 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 United Kingdom 10,146 7,523 0 7,523 624 0 624 5,308 0 5,308 1,591 0 1,591 16 0 16 14 0 14 1 0 1 1 0 1 USA 43,136 169,613 169,613 82,273 82,273 87,340 87,340 869 869 Uruguay 1,656 3,318 0 3,252 66 12 12 I. RACING DAY SAMPLES PROHIBTED SUBSTANCES DETECTED REACTION ENGENDERED COUNTRIES OF DETECTION TOTAL 2,5-Dihydroxybenzenesulfonate (component of etamsylate) Hemostatic 3-Hydroxylidocaine (metabolite of lidocaine) Local Anesthetic MEX (1) 1 3-hydroxy-N-methylmorphinan Opioid MAL (1) 1 3-OH-Lidocaine (Lidocaine metabolite) Local Anesthetic BRZ (1) 1 3-methoxytyramine 4-(Dimethylamino)-antipyrine Analgesic 4-Aminoantipyrine Analgesic 4-Methyl-Aminoantipyrine Analgesic MEX (1) 1 4-Methylamino Phenazone 5-Alpha-estrane 3-beta 17-Alpha-diol and nandrolone 6 alpha-methylprednisolone 9-carboxy-11-nor-delta-9-TCH Active principle of marijuana 16 beta-idrossistanozolol Anabolic 20-Beta-dihydro-prednisolone Glucocorticoid, Anti-Inflammatory QAT (1) 1 Aicar Blood Doping NET (1) 1 Acenocoumarol Anti-Coagulant, Vitamin K Antagonist Acepromazine Tranquilizer ARG (7), USA (2) 9 Acepromazine, flunixin Tranquilizer, Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic Acetaminophen Analgesic IND (6), KSA (1) 7 Acetophenazine Antipsychotic Albuterol Bronchodilator Alfentanil Opioid, Analgesic USA (1) 1 Alprazolam Anxiolytic, Sedative, Muscle Relaxant (skeletal) ARG (1) 1 Altrenogest Progestogen HUN (1) 1 Ambroxol mucolytic agent Aminocaproic Acid Hemostatic ARG (1) 1 Aminorex Stimulant FRA (1) 1 Amitriptylline Tricyclic Anti-Depressant Amphetamine Stimulant AUS (1) 1 Antipyrine Antipyretic, Analgesic Arsenic Toxic element TUN (2) 2 Atenolol Beta-1 Receptor Antagonist ARG (3), IND (5), MAC (1) 9 Atenolol and Diclofenac Beta-1 Receptor Antagonist, anti-inflammatory Atropine Anticholinergic ARG (2), SIN (1), TUR (1) 4 Barbital Hypnotic BEG Benzocaine Topical Anesthetic Benzoylecgonine CNS Stimulant Benzoylecgonine ecgonine methyl ester CNS Stimulant Betamethasone Glucocorticoid, Anti-Inflammatory FRA (1), SPA (1), TUR (1) 3 Betamethasone, dexamethasone Glucocorticoid, Anti-Inflammatory Boldenone Anabolic BRZ (1), NZ (1) 2 Boldenone Sulphate (metabolite of boldenone) Anabolic CYP (1) 1 Boldenone, Flunixin Anabolic, Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic BRZ (1) 1 Bromazepam Minor Tranquilizer ARG (2) 2 Bromhexine Expectorant, Mucolytic I. RACING DAY SAMPLES PROHIBTED SUBSTANCES DETECTED REACTION ENGENDERED COUNTRIES OF DETECTION TOTAL Bupivacaine Local Anesthetic Buspirone Anxiolytic Butazolidine, furosemide NSAID, Diuretic MEX (11) 11 ARG (1), BRZ (1), UK (1), USA Butorphanol Analgesic, Antitussive 4 (1) Butylescopolamine Antispasmodic, Muscarinic Antagonist AUS (1) 1 Butylscopolammonium Anti-Spasmodic Butylscopolammonium bromide Anti-Spasmodic BZEG (metabolite of cocaine) Local Anesthetic ARG (18), AUS (3), CHI (1), GRE (1), IND (2), JPN [NAR] (1), MAL Caffeine Cardiac & Respiratory Stimulant (2), MEX (1), MOR (1), PAN (4), 49 KSA (1), TUR (5), UAE (1), USA (4) URU (4) Caffeine, Mephentermine Caffeine nikethamide Cardiac & Respiratory Stimulant Caffeine metabolites Cardiac & Respiratory Stimulant BRZ (1) 1 Caffeine, Clenbuterol, Firocoxib Cardiac & Respiratory Stimulant; Antihistaminic, Antipruritic, Sedative; Caffeine, cyproheptadine, paraxantheme, theophylline Vasodilator, Diuretic Cardiac & Respiratory Stimulant, Glucocorticoid, Anti-Inflammatory, Caffeine, Dexametasone, 4-Aminoantipyrine, 4-Methyl-Aminoantipyrine MEX (1) 1 Analgesic Cardiac & Respiratory Stimulant, Myocaridal Stimulant, Vasodilator, Caffeine, theobromine, theophylline Diuretic Caffeine, theophylline Cardiac & Respiratory Stimulant, Vasodilator, Diuretic BRZ (1), TUR (3) 4 AUS (1), FRA (2), HUN (1), NET Capsaicin Topical Analgesic 8 (1), QAT (2), TUN (1) Capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin Topical Analgesic Carbazochrome Antihemorrhagic MEX (4), TUR (2) 6 Carisoprodol Muscle Relaxant USA (1) 1 Cetirizine Anti-Histamine Chlorpropamide Antidiabetic Chlorpheniramine Antiallergic Agent, Antihistaminic MEX (1) 1 Chlorpromazine Antipsychotic ARG (1) 1 Chlorothiazide Cimetidine Anti-Ulcerative FRA (1) 1 Clanobutin Apetite Stimulant ARG (23), AUS (2), BRZ (9), Clenbuterol Bronchodilator MEX (8), KSA (3), UK (1), USA 49 (3) Clenbuterol, dembrexine Bronchodilator, Expectorant, Mucolytic Clenbuterol, Firocoxib, Ketoprofen Clenbuterol, formoterol, heptaminol, furosemide, phenylbutazone, mono-hydroxylated, stanozolol Bronchodilator; Cardiotonic; Diuretic; Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory; metabolite Anabolic Steroid Clenbuterol, Ractopamine Bronchodilator, Beta-2 Adrenoceptor Agonist, Growth Stimulant MEX (1) 1 Clonixin Analgesic, Antipyretic, NSAID ARG (2) 2 Cocaine CNS Stimulant, Topical Anesthetic ARG (3), CHI (2) 5 Codeine Opioid Analgesic, Antitussive, Antidiarrheal Cortivazol Glucocorticoid I. RACING DAY SAMPLES PROHIBTED SUBSTANCES DETECTED REACTION ENGENDERED COUNTRIES OF DETECTION TOTAL Cromolyn Anti-Bleeder USA (2) 2 Cyproheptadine Antihistaminic, Antipruritic, Sedative ARG (1), BRZ (1) 2 Darbepoetin EPO Stimulanting Agent USA (1) 1 Dehydronorketamine, norketamine, ketamine Local Anesthetic, Analgesic Dembrexine Expectorant, Mucolytic ARG (10), AUS (2), BRZ (5), FRA (3), KSA (1), SER (3), SPA (1), Dexamethasone Glucocorticoid, Anti-Inflammatory 33 TUN (1), TUR (2), UK (1), USA (3), URU (1) Dexamethasone, diclofenac Glucocorticoid, Anti-Inflammatory Dextromethorphan Antitussive Dextropropoxyphene Analgesic ARG (1) 1 Detomidine Sedative, Analgesic Diazepam Anxiolytic, Sedative, Muscle Relaxant (skeletal) ARG (2), BRZ (1), MOR (1), UAE Diclofenac Anti-Inflammatory 6 (1), USA (1) Di-isopropylamine Dichloroacetate Vasodilator Dimethyl Sulfoxide Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic HUN (1) 1 Diphenhydramine Anti-Histamine ARG (1) 1 Dipyrone Analgesic, Antispasmodic ARG (7), MOR (1), TUR (2) 10 Dipyrone, Phenylbutazone Analgesic, Antispasmodic, Anti-Inflammatory BRZ (1) 1 Dyphylline Bronchodilator Ephedrine Sympathomimetic Agent, Bronchodilator ARG (6) 6 Ephedrine, phenylpropanolamine, pseudoephedrine Ergonovine Reduces uterine bleeding after delivery GRE (1), MEX (1) 2 Estranediol Anabolic, androgenic steroid SPA (1) 1
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