so OFFICIAL BULLET! • grandson of Abraham Knowlto11, Second Lieutenant Third Essex County Regt. Mass. Militia. OFFICIAL BULLETIN CONVERSE DETTMER WEST, Montclair, N. J. (28365). Great".grandson of 01' William Hamli,., private Fifth Regt. Conn. Line; great2-grand•on of Robert Culbertso1r, Colonel Penna. Militia; great!tgrandson of Ebene::er Parsons, pri­ THE NATIONAL SOCIETY vate Conn. Militia. 01' THI!: ROBERT HOLLAND WHEELER, Towson, Md. (27864). Great2-grandson of Ignatius Wheeler, Colonel Harford County Maryland Militia. ORLO CAHILL WHITAKER, Norfolk, Va. (Ill. 28294). Great"-grand,on of SONS _OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Richard Wallace, Quartermaster in Lochrey's Expedition, \Vestmoreland County, Orpnized April 30, 1889 Penna., under Col. George Rogers Clark, prisoner. President General £lmer M. Wentworth, Des Moines, Iowa. Incorporated by Act of Congreaa June 9, 1906 MORTIMER WHITEHEAD, Washington, D. C. (2118). Supplemental. Great•• grandson of Robert Dunn, Quartermaster Sergeant, Capt. John Walton's Com­ pany New Jersey Light Dragoons, Captain of Express Riders. Volume XI OCTOBER. 1916 Number 2 JAMES AUSTIN WILDER, Honolulu, Hawaii (28527). Great"-grandson of Sanutel Williams, Lieutenant Sixth Regt. Conn. Continentals. Published at the office of the Secretary General (A. Howard Clark, Smithsonian Insti tutlon), Washington, D. C., in June, October, December, and March. EARLE BOLLINGER WILLIAMS, Olympia, Wash. (28562). Great'-grandson of John Guild, patriot preacher in New Jersey. Entered as second-class matter, May 7, 1908, at the post-office at Washmgton, )). C., under the Act of July r6, 1894. FREDERICK HENRY WILLIAMSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. (2826o). Great2-grand­ son of Mathias Milspaugh, Sergeant, Colonel Janson's New York Regt. and other service. THE OFFICIAL BuLLETIN records action by th~ General 0!-ficers, :he FRANCIS CUSHMAN WILSON, Santa Fe, New Mex. (23924). Great"·grandson Board of Trustees, the Executive and other Nat1o~al Comm1tte~s, lists of William Ware, Sergeant, Col. Abiel Mitchel's Mass. Regt. of members deceased and of new members, and Important domgs of FREEMAN EARL WINANS, Seattle, Wash. (28566). Great2-grandson of Jacob Cra11e, Lieutenant Colonel,_ Col. Asher Holmes's New Jersey Regt. State Societies. In order that the OFFICIAL BU:LETIN m.ay be u~ to d t d to insure the preservation in the NatiOnal Soc1et~ arch1ves EDWARD WINSLOW, Montclair, N. J. (28599). Great-grandson of Natha111ei a e, an · · t State Winslow, Major, Col. Benjamin Tupper's Tenth Mass. Regt. of a complete history of the doings of the ent1re orga~1za 10n, HERBERT RAYMOND WOLCOTT, Springfield, Mass. (28652). Great•-grandson Societies and local Chapters are requested to commumcate prom_ptly of Ephraim Chapin, Captain First Hampshire County Regt. Mass. Militia. to the Secretary General written or printed ~ccou~ts of all meetl~gs ARCHIBALD M. WOODRUFF, Newark, N. J. (28362). Great-grandson of Par­ elebrations to forward copies of all notices, circulars, and ot er sons Woodruff, private Essex County New Jersey Militia; great•-grandson of or.pnnte c d matter '·1ssue d by them , and to notify him at once of dates of Israel Rickey, private Somerset County New Jersey Militia; great2-grandson of death of members. Seth ~Voodruff, private, Col. Edward Thomas's Regt. New Jersey ~filitia; 2 great -grandson of Rufus Crone, private Second Essex County Rcgt. New Jersey Militia; great-2grandson of Stafford Wilson, private Eastern Battalion Morris County New Jersey Militia; greatO.grandson of Lewis Mulford, private L LETTER TO STATE SOCIETY PRESIDEN_TS. Essex County New Jersey Militia. WILLIAM WOODWARD, Worcester, Mass. (28519). great-grandson of Joshua In July the President General sent the following letter to President: Phillips, private, Col. Josiah Whitney's Regt. Mass. Militia; great-grandson of of State Societies: Nehemiah Woodward, private, Col. Benjamin Bellows's New Hampshire Regt. OFFICE OF PRESIDENT GENERAL, LOUIE DOUGLAS WRIGHT, Chicago, Ill. (28295). great"-grandson of Asa Douglas, Jr., Major Seventeenth Albany County Regt. New York Militia; DEs MoiNES, IowA, July zr, I9I6. great'-grandson of Asa Do1<glas, Captain of "Silver Grays" at Battle of Ben­ MY DEAR MR. PRESIDENT : . nington. Taking the oath of allegiance has not, in the true, made Ame:l­ EUGENE CUSHMAN WYLIE, Dorchester, Mass. (285 20) . Great-grandson of cans of the alien. Example, education, and co-operat1on are essential Robert Wylie, private, Capt. Timothy Langdon's Company Mass. Militia. to a better citizenship. WALTER STEVENS YOUNG, Worcester, Mass. (28653). Great•-grandson of Da11iel Wilkins, Captain, Colonel Bedel's New Hampshire Regt. What plan have you m· mm· d to promote. the. act_ivities of the Sons of the American F.~volutioq? 2 OFFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 3 mmittee and pedigrees of members enrolled from May 16, What suggestion can you make to broaden the influence of the State Executive· co • and National Societies? 1915, to April JO, 1916. Do you propose to make an aggressive campaign for new members? G CoMMITTEE has been increased in membership by the addi- Bear in mind the purposes of this Society: To unite and promote THE F LA N W h" t D C and fellowship among the descendants of the men who, by their services or of Rear Adm. George W. Baird, U. S. ., as mg on, . ., . t Col M W Wood, U.S. A., Boise, Idaho. sacrifices, achieved the independence of the American people; to inspire LteU. · • • them and the community at large with a more p"rofound reverence for "IGHTH ANNUAL CoNGREss.-The Empire State Society con- T WENTY-..,. · · · ! the principles of the government founded by our forefathers; to foster tes making arrangements for either a special tram or s~ecm cars true patriotism. the Annual Congress at Nashville, Tenn., in May~ 19.17, gomg by the THE NATION NEEDS YOUR HELP. :a of Chattanooga, and visiting Lookout Mountam, If enough mem­ Sincerely yours, be[s of the Society from New York, New Jersey, and New. Engla~d can be obtained to secure the special conveni.ences. Commumcate w1th T. D. Huntting, 220 Broadway, New York City. /siGNERS' MEMORIAL BOOK. A joint committee of three members on the part of the Sons ?f the American Revolution and three from the J?escendants. of the S1gn~rs of the Declaration of Independence has m pre~a:abon a. memonal President Ge11eral. volume to the Signers, to be publish~d un~er the JOmt auspices of the two organizations. The joint comm1ttee IS as follows: R.. C. Ballard The President General has planned v1s1ts to most of the State So­ Thruston, Mr. A. Howard Clark, and Col. George A. Elhott, of the cieties during his term of office in order to arouse the personal interest Sons of the American Revolution, and Mr. Charles Thornton Adams, of every member in the general objects of the organization and in Mr. Gordon Woodbury, and Judge Albert. McClellan Mathewson, of practical patriotic work of present-day importance. He has already the Descendants of the Signers. All the thtrteen mem?ers of the ~a­ arranged for extended trips in October and November to many of the tiona! Memorial Committee of the Sons of the Amencan Eastern Societies. ~~volutJOn will participate in the undertaking. It is expected that th~ JOint com­ OFFICIAL NOTICES. mittee will meet in November and be ready to report defimte progress. The National Year Book for 1916 was completed on September 27. [/I' HE WASHINGTON GUARD. It is sent officially to the General Officers and Trustees, officers of State Societies, one copy to each local Chapter, delegates attending the General Officers of The Washington Guard have been appomted as Newark Congress, chairmen of National Committees, and to about roo follows: h p "d t puhlic libraries. In response to the notice in the June OFFICIAL BULLE­ Honorary Commander-in-Chief, Elmer M. Wentwort , res1 en TIN and by postal card of June 7, subscriptions for 430 additional copies General. were received, as required, before August I, from State Societies, Chap­ Governor General John Lenord Merrill, East Orange, N. J. ters, and individual members. The Secretary General holds a few re­ Lieutenant Gover~ors General, Benjamin C. Allin, 1215 E. 52d St., maining copies for sale at 75 cents each, in paper covers, or $r.oo, cloth Chicago, Ill., and Webster Bruce, 8o Baker St., Lynn, Mass. bound, postpaid. The book is of 355 pages, containing a list of the Secretary General, John Thornley Neff, 22 Beech St., East Orange, General Officers and of National Committees for I9I6; the National N.J. S L M Charter; Constitution and By-Laws; list of officers of State Societies Registrar General, Luther Atwood, 8 Sagamore t., yon, ass. and local Chapters ; the Proceedings of Newark Congress, May 15, I6; Treasurer General, Albert J. Squier, Gray Oaks, Yonkers •. N. Y. addresses at the banquet, May 16; minutes of meetings of Trustees and Chaplain General, Rev. J. Edward Kirbye, D. D., Des Momes, Iowa. 4 OPFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 5 · h"story It is made up of questions, with clearly The Constitution of the Guard is published in the I9I6 National Year nd Amencan 1 . 74 h . f th Book, pages I97-I99. It provides for a National Commandery, State a t d answers to each. Mr. Chancellor L. J en~s, c a1rman o e Commanderies, and Posts. Several State Commanderies and Posts stat~ I Committee on Americanization and Ahens, states that the have been organized and others are being formed. Full information N~ ~~na"remarkably good and its circulation among those who expect may be obtained from John Thornley Neff, Secretary General of the qUI~::ome citizens of th~ United States would be a wo:k of great Guard. to 1 , Copies of the pamphlet may be secured by addressmg the S~­ va ue.
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