THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Vol. XXXVII.-No. 51 NAIROBI, October 22, 1935 Price 50 Cents Registered as a Newspaper at the G. P. 0 Published every Tuesday TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Govt. Notice No. 709-Arrival, Departure, Appointments, etc. ... ... ... ... ... 1080 Proclamations Nos. 96-98-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance ... ... ... ... ... 1081 Govt. Notice No. 710-The Defence Force Ordinance-Appointments ... ... ... ... 1082 1082 I, ,2 , , 711-The Defence Force Ordinance-Resignation ... ... ... ... ,, ,, , , 712-713-The Xing's African Rifles Reserve of Officers Ordinance, 1927-Ap- pointments ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ), ,, , , 71LThe Native Authority Ordinance-Appointment ... ... ... ... ,. 9 , , , 715-The Local Government (Municipalities) Ordinance, 1928-Nairobi Muni- cipal Council : Nomination ... ... ... ... ... ... , , , , , , 716-The Prisons Ordinance, 1930-Amendment of Notice ... ... ... I I I) ,, 717-Re Chancellor of Portuguese Consulate ... ... ... ... ... General Notices No. 1343-1369 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... SUPPLEMENT KENYAPROCLAMATIONS, RULES AND REGULATIONS (No. 38) 1080 TH E OFFICIAL GAZE TTE October Q2, 1935 GOVERNMENT NoTlcl No. 709 ARR IVAL R Frorn leave or on D ate of leaving Date of Date ol' arrival ank 1st Appointm ent Eugland Eznbarkation at M om bn.e L R. cutts . Senlor Draughtsman (Land Leave 30th Sept., 1935* 30th Sept., 1935 9th Oct., 1935 ' Survey), K. U. 1t. & H. * Dato of leaving South Africa (Dmba,n.) DEPAR TURE Name Rallk On loefa vaep poor itnetrmmeintation t Date of Departure G Reece . H.B.M .'B Consul for Southern Abyssinia Leave 7th October, 1935 APPOINTM EN TS. LAN GUAGE EXAM INATION S W ILLIAM Rvoooclt K IoD to be District Commissioner, H eld on fh: zzrd Sepfember, 1935. M achakos D istrict) Central Province, with effect from LOW ER STANDARD SW AH ILI. 5th October, 1935. Pàss. LIEUTENANT H . A. BORRADAILE $0 be Acting Staff Ofo er L. H . W illiazms, Unoëcial. (G), Northern Brigade, King's African Rifles, with M iss N . P. H ockley, Edueation. effect from the 19th Octob'ër, 1935. J'. T. M oon, Agriculture. CUARLES FRsoEltlcx GARFIELII D ORAN to be Resident S . M . Fortt, Police. Alagistrate, Eldoret, with efect from 10th October, A. 1. Ogle, Education. 1935. Axqroxv CIJTHBERT Slavltlaxc to be Resident M agistrate, A. D . Peverett, Police. K isumu, with efect from 13th October, 1935. H . S. W oodhouse, Unoëcial. A. L. GriKth, Police. PROM OTION S. C. R . V. Bell, Education. GBORGS JAMES RoBslxs, Registrar of Titles, to be Prin- Captain D . H . W ickham, Administration. cipal ltegisLrar of Titles, with efect from 31st M arch, 1935. PAss (Ix W RITTEN PART Oxz,y). VINCENT Goxc,uavEs GLENDAY, O.B.E., to be Provincial B. E. Keble) Police. Commissioner, with eFect from the 8L11 Decem ber, W . N. R . Brown, Poliee. 1934 G. M . H . Trent, Police. ETHEJUBEI:T BRUNARII I'Iosxlxo, 0.11.E., to be Senior Dis- A. C. Tllonlas, Police. triet Commissioner, with efïcct from the 8th December, Pwss (IN ORAL PART OxIaY). 1984. S. 1. Ellis, Audit. STEPHEN Oswwrzo VERE I-loocx to be Senior District M iss 5V. Shade, M edical. Comm issioner, with effect from the 29th June, 1935. J. C. Colem an, Police. REVERSIONS. .. - A liss E. A . Lane? Education. H oLzalrsl'slt GI4AI'TON OLIIFIEI,II revertcd to his substantive ' ' E. 1. Gledhill, Education. p'ost of District Oflicer in the Provincial Administra- C. R . Spiers, Treasury. tion? lvith effect frop 10th October, 1935. E. W . Thorpe, Prisons. ERNEST DocaraAs EMLEV reverted to his substantive post MT. H . Oglenby, Education. of D igtrict Ofllcer in the Provincial Administration, T. J. M illar, Educatlon. with effect from 13th October, 1935. E. J. Petrie, Treasury. VERNACULAR EXAM INATION- K AM BA. V. 1:.1. M erttens, T/easury. PAss- W RrTTRx PART ONLY. M . E. W . North, Administration. R. T. Lambert, Adm inistration. 3'. E. Barker, Audit. VERNACULAR EXAM INATION- URDU. T. A. Slatter, Police.' PAs s . D . Soinens Education Department. PRELiMINARY ORAL SW AHILI EXAMINATION. pxss. A. ols V. W ADE, F ' Bislaop, Customs Department. Colonial Sccrcf ary. C olony and Protectorate of K enya PsocT,AvAerlow N o. 96 TH E DISEASES OF AN IMALS ORDINAN CE Lchapter 7J7 o.f th6 Jlrïscff Edition, xskcfïozz #) H D TH E INTERPR ETATION AND GENERAL CLAU SES ORDIN AN CE (Clzapter 1 o./ the .llctlïgtd Edition, Ascclfon JJ) GovEsNlvœx'.r NoTlcl N o. 23l o:ba 1919 PROCLAMATION IN EXERCISE of the powors theretm to enabling m e, I hereby deelare the ameas defm ed in the Schedule hereto to be infected with East Coast Fever, ând I hereby further declare the said areas shall be kzlowrl as ;ç Infeeted Afeas 7' for the purposes of R ules tm der the Diseases of Anim als Ordinance. Proelam ation N o. 65 dated the 10th day of J'uly, 1935, is hereby am ended accordingly. Given tm der m y hand at Nairobi this 16th day of October, 1935. I.I. I.I. BRASSEY-EDW ARDS, Chief Veterinary Oycor. SCH EDU LE L R . or other Description Owner District bate of Commence- . ment of Quarantine L. R . N os. 5198 and 2795 W . E. Powys, Esq., P. 0. N anyuki North Nyeri 3rd October, l 935 L. R . N o. 2779 H . D . H inde, Esq., P. 0. N anyuki N orth Nyeri 7th October, 1935 L. R. N o. 2914 W . F. .B. Mbclellan, Eà-q., Losoogwa, Thom son's Falls Laikipia 8th Octobor, I 935 Pztocr.àwfArrloN N o. 97 PaoctzAMavTzow No. 98 't3I-I1'l DISEASES OF ANIM ALS ORDINANCE TI-1E DISEASE S OF ANIM ALS OIRDINANCE qcha,p t.tl?- 157 oj f ll.e 1t6 ,tlf8 ctî Edition, Se ctfït)?z 4) ( liltapt cr 1â7 oj ï; Ite Acrf8 (td A'Jï'f io n , St7 c f iott 4) AND AND TH E INTEIRPRETATION AND GENERAL Tl1E INTEItPItETATION AND GEXEIIAJ, CLAUSES OEDINANCE CItPAUSES ORDIXANCE (O/zcyfcr 1 0/ the At7t,i,st?l Ediiion, Socfft?'?z 13). (O/zcfy)f c?. l ()/ f ho zt(l?Jlyt?tl Ellition, Soction 13J. GovlsltxAllrx:r N ol'lcl'; No. 23 1 opa 1919. GOVERNMENT NoTlclr No. 231 os. 1S19. l'rtoctzswial'jox. PROCL-,kMATION. IN EXERC;I SE of the ppwers tllerellnto erlablïng (IN JZXERCISE of the powers tltereunto enablîng m e, I hereby declare the following portions of Pro- me, (1 hereby declare the following poz7tions of Pro- elam atiens to be revoked : clam ations to be revoked : . That portion of Proelam ation No. 81, dated the That portion d Proelamation No. 16, dated the 21st day of August, 193J, declar-'ng 1st day of M arch, 1983, deelaring ' Farm .L.R. .NO. 2;476/R, K. de P. Beaton, Esq., L.R, No. 4159, The Public Trustee, Estate of late Sotik District, G'., F. Bayer, Esq. , Kenya Park, P.O. Naro to ba an infected area (Rind. M oru, North Nyeri Distriet, erpestl., Those portions of Proclam ation No. 83, dated the to be an infeeted area (East .coast Fever). 28th day of August, 1935, deelaring- That portion of Proelam ation No. 96, dated the F'arm L.R. No. 2760 Afrs. 'King, P.O. Nanyuki 15th day of Novem ber, 1933, deelaring- North Nyeri Diktrie, t , a; L.R. Nos. 2830/2/1), and 2880/ 1/R, exeluding that F arm L.R. No. 1232, A. Pai' ce, E' sq., P.O. Nan- portion sold to Captain W . C. Fowier, Nanyuki, yuki, North Ny. eri District, ' North Nyèri Distriet, to be infected areas (Rinderpest). to be infectecl areas (East Coast Pever). Tlzosa portions of Proclam ation No. 84, dated the That portion of Proclam ation No. 90 , dated the 421: clay of' Septem ber, 1935, cleclaring 2J' th day of September, 1935, deelaring Farm TU.lt. No. 2829/1%, Messrs. .J. H. and A. L. Farm L.R. Nos. 2452 and 3176, Major 11. D. l'tanclall, P.O. Xanyuki, North Nyeri District ; 'W lzite, D. S.O. , Ndurum o, Ltd. , Rumuruti, Laikipia District, Farm L.R. No. 2748, T. P. de Bruin, Esq., P.O. 'Nanyuki, Xorth Nyeri District to be ftn infeeted area (Rinderpest). , Givela under m y hand at Nairobi this 16th day of to be infeeted areas (Rizlderpest). Oetobelp, 1935. Given under m y hand at Nai'robi thij 16th day of Oetober, 193J. 1-1.: I4. BuxssEv-Em vAups, H . H . BIRASSEY-EDW AIRD S, Cl-tiq F6f ezinaj'y O//c6r. Cltiej Fofcrfzzcrp Ojllcer. 1082 THE OFFICIAL GAZETYE October QQ, 1935 Govsztw= xœ Nonacz No. 7l0 TH E DEFEN CE FORCE ORDINANCE, 1927 (No. 12 of 1928). APPOINTMENTS. IN EXER CISE of the powers eonferred upon him by Regulation 13 of the Defence Force Regulations, 1930, His Excelleney the Governor has been pleased to m ake the followfng appofntments in the Defence Force, with effecb from the dates stated : - The following to be 2nd Lieutenants : - Ivor Lean, Esq. ... ... 12-9-35 A. F. M ecalman, Esq. .. 12-9-35 -W . H . Alatherst, Esq. 12-9-35 The following to be Lieutenant and Quartermaster : - P. Le Cheminant) Esq. ... 12-9-35 Tlle following to be Lieutenant :- 2nd Lieutenant R . W . Parmentier 1-9-35 By Comm and of H is Excellency the Governor. N airobi, This 14th day of October, 1935. A. DE V . W ADE, Cokonlal Secretary. Govlm wvxx:r Nonacs No. 711 TH E DEFENCE FORCE ORDIN ANCE, 1927 (No. 12 of 1928). RESICNATION. IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence Force Ordinance, 1927, and all other powers thereunto enabling him, H is Excellency the Governor his been pleased to approve of the follow- ing resignation in the Kenya Defenee Force from the date stated : - The following oëcer resigns his appointment and com mission in the Kenya Defence Force :- Captain D.
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