Whittier College Poet Commons The Rock Archives and Special Collections Spring 1999 The Rock, Spring 1999 (vol. 70, no. 1) Whittier College Follow this and additional works at: https://poetcommons.whittier.edu/rock Recommended Citation Whittier College, "The Rock, Spring 1999 (vol. 70, no. 1)" (1999). The Rock. 202. https://poetcommons.whittier.edu/rock/202 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at Poet Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rock by an authorized administrator of Poet Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Thelkow., CK THE MAGAZINE OF WHITTIER COLLEGE AFTER AMY LINDA 1 65 AND PETER BIEHL 1 65 TURN GRIEF INTO ACTION SPRING 1999 Penny (Cams) '68 and Vince Fraumeni '69 Some things change. Some never will. REUNION WEEKEND JUNE 25-27, 1999 Watch the mail for more information or call the Office of Alumni Relations at (562) 907-4222. 14 F CONTENTS S. SPRING 1999 TheJRpCK VOL. 70, NO. 1 THE MAGAZINE OF WHITTIER COLLEGE Editor Thea Makow Senior Writer Judy Kidder Browning FEATURES Assistant Editor Shawn Fitzpatrick '98 THE CITY OF ANGELS Contributing Editor Kristin M. Tranquada Whittier is only a few miles from Los Angeles, but many Art Director Whittier students never see Lori LeBeau Walsh 10 much of it—unless they're Advisory Board enrolled in the Workshop in Urban Roy E. Clason, Jr. '84 Studies class. Here's a look at L.A. from Beth Fernandez '82 Skid Row to Rodeo Drive through the eyes Al Martinez, L.H.D. '96 of this year's Urban Studies students. Dean Rowan '81 Ted C. Snyder By Shawn Fitzpatrick '98 Roy M. Wallack '78 Susanne Weil Thomas D. Wood '50 Oil 1 11c CVVLI INTO AFRICA President James L. Ash, Jr. When their daughter was murdered in a poor township Vice President for Advancement in South Africa, Linda '65 and Joseph M. Zanetta 14 Peter Biehl '65 handled their Director of Alumni Relations grief in a remarkable way—the way they Christine (Reel) Nelson '72 think Amy Biehl would have wanted it. By Thea Makow The Rock, SPRING 1999 VOLUME 70, NUMBER 1, Copyright © 1999 Whittier College The Rock is published three times a year DEPARTMENTS (spring, summer and fall) by Whittier College. President's Corner 2 To the Editor 3 Our mailing address is On Campus 4 The Rock Alumni Echoes 7 Office of Communications Whittier College Poet to Poet 17 13406 Philadelphia St. Sports Shorts 35 P.O. Box 634 Whittier, CA 90608 The Bottom Line 38 Phone (562) 907-4277 Calendar of Events 40 FAX (562) 907-4927 Cover Photo: e-mail: [email protected] Louise Gubb / SABA VVHITTIER COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES t a Anthony R. Pierno '54, J.D. Richard H. Delhi '49, D.B.A. '84 r t'jec Cl,oi,,,,on ':ER Willard V. Harris, Jr. '55 Vice Cl,oir,niiii FROM THE CHAIRMAN Donald E. Wood, L.H.D. '98 Treasurer Dolores L. Ball '33, L.H.D. '96 Sen eta,, by Anthony R. Pierno '54 James L. Ash, Jr., Ph.D. Preside,n of site College C. Milo Connick, Ph.D. his space in The Rock is usually reserved for the president's column, but John H. Crow '64, Ph.D. since Whittier College is in the midst of a presidential transition, I Kristine E. Dillon '73, Ph.D. T Sharon W. Ettinger Sheldon Feinberg thought it would be appropriate for me to give you an update on the search for Douglas W. Ferguson, L.H.D. '97 the college's next president. Gary Steven Findley, J.D. '79 Ronald R. Gastelum '68, J.D. The search is well under way; in fact, by the time you read this, I hope that Richard I. Gilchrist '68, J.D. Alfred J. Gobar '53, M.A. '55, Ph.D. the presidential search and selection committees will be very close to identify- Charlotte D. Graham Barbara Ondrasik Groce '57 ing the individual who will serve in that role. However, Clinton 0. Harris '34, L.H.D. '95 Donald J. Herrema '74 publication deadlines being what they are, I am writing Caroline P. Ireland '43 Paul R. Kiesel, J.D. '85 this column as the committees are in the midst of nar- David C. Lizarraga David D. Mandarich rowing the list of candidates and reviewing their William H. Marumoto '57 James E. Mitchell '62, J.D. qualifications. R. Chandler Myers, J.D., LL.D. '88 W.D. "Bert" Newman '59, M.Ed. '62 As this process moves forward, I want to share with Lee E. Owens Ernie Z. Park, J.D. you a profile of the qualities the committees have agreed Carole Martin Pickup '57 will be important in Whittier's next president. Of Richard M. Pomboy Robert H. Rau '62 course, it is far easier to create such a profile than to dis- J. Stanley Sanders '63, LL.B. Ruth B. Shannon, L.H.D. '92 cover a person who embodies it. But the committee Willard W. Shepherd, Sr. Anthony R. Pierno '54 Steve Shraiberg Chairman, Whittier College members agree that we must clearly state our objectives Elden L. Smith '62 Board of Trustees Tornio Taki from the beginning, and that when confronted with Maxine M. Trotter '47 Roberta G. Veloz 57 flesh-and-blood candidates, our admittedly idealistic profile will help us to ALUMNI TRUSTEES keep an eye on our ultimate goal of recruiting the best possible president for Sandra Butzel '62 Humberto R. Gray '84, J.D. '87 Whittier College. Steven Weston '83 Whoever that person is, the committee members are confident that he or PRESIDENT OF she will share the college's commitment to developing the unique gifts of each ALUMNI BOARD Margaret Donnellan Todd '76 person and continue Whittier's tradition of respect for individual character, TRUSTI:ES EMI SIll personal integrity, tolerance, procedure by consensus and service to the com- John L. Compton '25 Ethel K. Eckels '25 munity. He or she will be at ease with the college's values, including our Hubert C. Perry '35 Quaker heritage and excellence in teaching, and will have a clear understand- Carl L. Randolph '43, Ph.D., LID. '82 Homer G. Rosenberger '34, M.D. ing of and a strong commitment to liberal arts education. Benjamin B. Tregoe '51, Ph.D., LID. '90 Whittier's next president will have the skills necessary to be an effective PRESIDENT EMERITUS Eugene S. Mills, Ph.D., LL.D. leader of both a small liberal arts college and a law school—an unusual combi- OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE nation—and be able to enhance the strengths of each component as well as the James L. Ash, Jr., Ph.D. President whole. He or she will also be an experienced and skilled fund raiser who is John A. FitzRandolph, J.D. Vice Preside,,t for Legal Educatio,, & committed to developing support for the college. And, of course, the next pres- Dcci,, of 55'i,juje,. Law School Jo Ann Hankin ident will be a strong administrator with a record of scholarly achievement and Vice P,eside,,t for Finance S. ,\cb,,i,ust,at ion a sincere commitment to the students and traditions of Whittier College. David J. Muller I,,teri,n Vice Preside,,t for Academic It is a tall order, to be sure, but I am confident that the committees' efforts Affairs & Des,,, ofhaeultv Joseph M. Zanetta, J.D. will bring us a president who will continue to strengthen the financial under- Vice Preside,,t [or Advancement pinnings of the college and to enhance our unique community of students, Susan E. Allen, Ed.D. Des,,, of Students faculty and staff. Urmi Kar Des,,, of E,,rc,It,,,e,,t These committees do much of their work behind the scenes, but I want to take this opportunity to let you know who the committee members are and to Continued next page The ROCK Spring 1999 TO THE FRESH cation at Whittier, because of feminist (what else could they the college's refusal to accept be?), lesbian Democrats." RESPONSES homophobia, racism and sexism I guess my "Leave it to TO "FRESH among its ranks. Beaver" family background and my classic '50s Whittier College VOICES" Todd Anthony Hopkins, '98 Whittier, Calif. education (I guess it was Beaverish too?), just weren't ... ouble kudos to the editor broadening enough for me to Dfor printing Michal /ell, like one of the "Fresh appreciate this sort of pap. Merraro's essay ("Fresh Voices: \\ Voices" in your most re- The admissions office (and Three views from the Class of cent issue, "I'm sitting here, this young freshperson) should '02"). By including Michal's staring at my computer monitor, be greatly relieved that I'm not essay, The Rock and Whittier growing more and more uneasy." one of the people who has to re- College reaffirmed my belief in Hey, call me old-fashioned, view application essays. the continuing open-minded but I really don't need to pick Come to think of it, I'm re- approach taken in accepting all up The Rock and have a 17- lieved too! students from different back- year-old telling me how unique Well, I may skim through grounds. This was the very (and presumably superior) she the next Rock...and then again, reason I chose to finish my edu- is to be raised by "two liberal, I might not. Depends on whether the "Howdy Doody" SEND YOUR LETTERS TO The Rock, Office of Communications, Whittier re-runs are on. College, P.O.
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