Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-25-1996 The BG News January 25, 1996 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 25, 1996" (1996). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5952. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5952 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Inside the News State • Jury investigates Ohio politicians Nation • Analysts say U.S. economy faltering Sports • Women's basketball trounces Ball State E W S Page 2 Thursday, January 25, 1996 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 82, Issue 67 The News' Job search should start Man in Shorts Briefs NHL Scores now for May graduates Buffalo 4 Pim Dlxon important step to finding a Job. Carrer Services, located at 360 Hartford 2 The BG News One way to network in a particu- Student Services Building. lar field is to use the Internet, The six counselors on staff Spring graduates are slowly according to Kroll. help negotiate full and part-time Pittsburgh 4 beginning to realize that the time "The World Wide Web is a employment for students and Ottawa 3 to find Jobs is near, according to great resource and has lots of alumni. They aid students in JoAnn Kroll, Career Planning good advice," Kroll said. identifying appropriate resour- and Placement Services director. Other resources Kroll sug- ces and in putting together a plan Philadelphia 4 The service offers students a gested were classifieds, direc- of action. The program also seeks N.Y. Rangers 4 variety of programs to assist tories, referals, and listings to refine Job hunting skills. them in their Job search, accord- posted by the University. Job fairs, counseling appoint- ing to Kroll. Chicago 2 "All methods work, though ments, mock interviews and Kroll suggests students begin some do work better than oth- workshops can be accessed by Toronto 2 looking for Jobs six to nine ers," she said. "An Intrepid Job students free of charge through months before graduation, de- hunter will use all of these meth- Career Services. Detroit 4 pending on the competitiveness ods. Depending on just one The service also offers the VIP of the field they want to enter. source may work, but It's unrea- (Vacancy Information Phone), a San Jose 2 She added students pursuing listic." 24-hour database which de- Jobs In public relations, govern- Kroll said she feels students scribes available Jobs all over the ment service or other highly should not wait until the last country. competetive fields should start minute to begin their search. According to a study recently NBA Scores looking as early as their Junior Kroll said students need to start published in the Journal of Ca- year. Job hunting earlier. reer Planning and Employment, Kroll also said it is important 'I've observed that, in recent using these services is a smart Cleveland 91 for students to have a profes- years, students are waiting career move. Philadelphia 88 sional resume and know how to longer to start Job hunting," she The study showed students interview. said. "The vast majority of Job who used this type of assistance "Students may want to attend markets are challenging. Stu- found work faster, started at SUto Parki»Th« BC N.w. Phoenix 101 career service seminars and dents should begin looking ear- higher salaries, and were more Chris Finn, a freshman undeclared major, braves the cold Minnesota 91 schedule an appointment with a lier when they have a bigger likely to stay at their Job than weather Wednesday afternoon. He said he wore shorts due to a career counselor," Kroll said. support network." Students can "lack of laundry." She said networking is also an also access resources through See seniori, page five. Chicago 104 Vancouver 84 Indiana 97 Alleged riot leader on trial NATO establishes Milwaukee 89 new headquarters Detroit 85 for murder of prison guard San Antonio 84 David Crary Croats even set their own By Tarry Klnney The Associated Press houses afire rather than let Serb The Associated Press families live there. NATO sol- Politicians react to SIPOVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina diers have witnessed the de- Clinton's speech CINCINNATI - The man ac- - It's called the Anvil, a region of struction, but have no mandate to WASHINGTON-Presi- cused of planning and leading the rugged valleys and ransacked stop it dent Clinton's election-year 1993 riot at Ohio's maximum- ghost-towns where a pivotal "It looks like something out of State of the Union speech security prison Is a hero In the question may soon be answered: a nuclear war," said Jackson. drew hearty hurrahs from eyes of fellow Inmates, the form- Will Bosnia's Serbs conclude that "It's a very sad place." Ohio's congressional Dem- er Lucasville warden testified peace pays dividends? In Banja Luka, where tens of ocrats and heard-it-all- Wednesday. The wedge-shaped Anvil, thousands of displaced Serbs before ho-hums from He said Carlos Sanders, 33, Is covering 580 square miles in have taken refuge, plans are majority Republicans. known throughout the state's northwest Bosnia, is by far the afoot to resettle the Anvil. The "President Clinton has de- prison system and benefitted largest chunk of territory due for livered a statesmanlike ad- Serb mayors of Slpovo and from the 11-day uprising In transfer under the U.S.-brokered Mrkonjic Grad came to Inspect dress which challenges both which a guard and nine Inmates Republicans and Democrats peace accord - Bosnian Croat mi- their damaged towns last week- alike to set aside narrow po- were killed. litiamen who conquered it last end, and NATO Is urging the litical posturing and put the "He Is viewed, In my opinion, year are to hand It back to the Serbs to tackle reconstruction. interests of America first," almost In martyr status by Serbs next month. "They want to come home, said Sen. John Glenn, D-O- prisoners around the state," British NATO troops, who are whatever home might be," said hlo. Arthur Tate Jr. told a Hamilton iv^lgnrd to a northern swath of Brig. Richard Dannatt, com- "The theme of economic County Common Pleas Court Bosnia with the Anvil at its heart, mander of the British base at Sl- security for all Americans Jury. "It is my professional opin- have taken on the task of per- povo. rang strongest for me," said ion that his status has been en- suading the Serbs they are NATO's primary mission in the Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio. hanced." peacekeepers, not occupiers. "That is where most of our Anvil Is to provide a sense of se- attention should be focused Sanders Is being tried on 15 "If we can make It all work, It curity for Serbs and relief rather than wasting our charges, some of which carry the says to the Serbs: "We do not re- groups who will bear the brunt of time and the taxpayers' pa- death penalty. He is charged with gard you as denizens of utter reconstruction. Dannatt said his tience by the squabbling aggravated murder in the deaths AlBckrmaa/TktAi darkness,' " said British Maj. troops will also provide help with that has typified this Con- of Guard Robert Vallandingham Carlos Sanders, right. Is led to court by Hamilton County sheriffs Gen. Michael Jackson. "We want engineering, health care and gress." and inmate Bruce Harris, the at- deputies Jan. 23, la Cincinnati. Sanders is the alleged ringleader of to show absolute evenhanded- other services. The Republicans, tempted murder of another In- the 1993 Lucasville prison riot. ness, and create an atmosphere The Serb mayors told NATO however, heard things a mate, kidnapping a guard and for the future." they expect a fairly complete re- little differently. felonious assault against two demands were not met. But Judge Fred Cartolano re- The British have made recon- turn - perhaps 20,000 of Mrkon- "I didn't find any signifi- struction and resettlement of the cant new initiatives. I found other guards. "We were assuming we would fused to let the defense dwell on jic Grad's 27,000 residents and a lot of old promises," said Defense attorneys contend that work through that deadline," prison conditions, including al- area a top priority. 15,000 of Sipovo's 20,000. Both Rep. Paul GUImor, R-Ohlo. Sanders, a leader of the prison's Tate said "We had worked leged overcrowding, racial ten- Jackson, the British command- towns currently are deserted, "I looked at it really as a Muslim inmates, is being made a through several deadlines. ... We sion and mismanagement of the er, plans to move his headquar- and the only remaining Croat ci- campaign speech. It was scapegoat. Lawyer David Otto didn't feel we were taking a riot ters from Gornji Vakuf in vilians In the Anvil - about 100 probably designed by poll- said Sanders - who uses his Mus- chance." government-controlled central families In the village of Majdan sters." lim name Slddlque Abdullah Ha- Tate, who returned to the wit- "We're not concerned with the Bosnia to Banja Luka, the Serb - are heading out. san - was the peacemaker who ness stand Wednesday for cross- philosophical ramifications of stronghold just north of the An- Dannatt went to church last negotiated the end of the riot examination, testified Tuesday the riot," Cartolano said "This Is vil.
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