JuhliB1Jtb by t4t !lilD 'rinttttg <numpang Serving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £aGrange, Milo, Sebl Vol. 2 No. 26 Ttwrsday Evening, June 27th 1963 Tel 25th Anniver th Ann ivers ary _. any friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold MUrray MI'. & Mrs. Edwin F. Canary of East Bluehill, Maine for .!!ier ed at their home on StoddardStreet, Milo, to Burprise them ofMiI<?, celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniver sary, Sunda." dextend good wishes on their silver wedding anniversary Sat­ 23, 1963 a.t the cottage of their daJl:-ghter and son-ill-law. ' :h.y evening, June 22. Mrs. Carl Hamlin at Sclloodic Lake, Lake View. Main, .-\fter opening m any lovelygifts a t a table arrang<;>-.i by M.l tt. hert couple was married in Brewer, Maine, J une 21, 1913.T . gs, the couple shared the firstptece of an an:n1versary cake, orad guests were presented with a bouquet of yellow rose' ,_nt ifully d e ~ orated in yellow and white. Later the cake was cut their children, and a yellow r os e corsage and a yellow b ­ - Mrs. Greta Connors and served by Mrs. Irwin WHey. Mrs. fere from their grandchildren. _ vrence Harris dipped punch at the refreshemtn table, which :-ried out the color scheme of yellow and white in flowers and F ollowingtbe traditlonaUirstslice ceremony, the we~l . jles. -.,qas cut and served by Mrs. Richar d Moore, granddaughte .Irs . Marilyn Bailey greeted guests. and Roland Connors cir ­ honoredguesta. Mrs. Harr y E. Carey attended the p c Mrs. HarryV. Careytookcbarge ofthe jift table and ii-j lated the guestbook. Mrs. Murray was presented II rnrsage of :.low roses by her sister-in-law. Jean Hamlin circulated the guest book. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Murray received congratula­ The outof townguesta were Mrs. F r ed Raymon, Gr een\"i ry telephone calls from Mr. and Mrs. George Swan and Mrs. Mr. Hollis Leland. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore , ani ch e'Jr ge McCutcheon of Harvey Station, New Brunswick, and Mr. Cathy, Sharon & Maureen, Mr. and Mrs. · John C amp~e I 1;:1 Mrs. John McAuliffe of Jamaica P.lan MassaahllSetts. children Susan, Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell and chiJ Before the r e ,:; eptionMr. and Mrs. Alden Horne entertained the Shirley. William Jeffery and Brien from Brewer, Ma1.na -.1ple at dinner in Lincolnville. and Mrs. CalvertSproul, Mr. and Mrs. HerbertLeland oj Guests at the affai ~ includ~d Mr. and Mrs. SylvannusHoxle. Mr. gor, Maine. Mr. Rodney Preble, Sebec, Me., Mr. and . j . Irs. F rank Morrill, Mr. and Mrs. David Gallant, .Mrs. Mae Fred L. Green Bluebill, Maine, Mrs. Lena McIntyre , b~e, _ r. a d Mrs. George Roberts, Mr. and Mre. Albion L. Mrs•.Ralph Long East Bluehill, M.aine, Mr. and Mrs. .:rnham, . and 'Mrs. Bernard Dunn, Mrs. Hugh D. Mator, . Campbell and children J ean, Joyoe, Mark,. Nancy and B' £1~+ld IU'I D~rro Herman Maine. P : l~ .2 THE TO\ • THE TOWN CRIER is published each Tll'J r s 'my evening by the Milo Printing Company. We hope to Is Your Eye (] be of help to the ci lizens of the towns in our cover­ age thr ough NEWS, INFORMATION, AND LOWPRIC ­ TIIIS WEEK'S SF NSClR IS . •• ED ADVERTISING. We accept no financi al responsibility for err ors In advertising but win gladly print corr ections. Ma tt's Jewe lry rto re Copies of m ostphotos appearing in THE TOWN CRI­ ER may be ob tained 'through our office. If you have ~"'IS or available photos of any sort we urge you to call or drop in. Deadline will be Monday Noon but we would app reciate copy -received earlier in ilie week. Class ified ad's 50 cent minimum inCluding up to 12 words, 3 cents for each additional word. Display ad space by the column inch. Last Week' building was Dr. Bundy's Re:;udence. John and Joanne Brigham - E ditors 94'3- 2622 with NEWS ITEMS ;;.e a w ke ye 943-7384 for AD SP}.CE Building . T~wn _...,..-._ _ _______ Narre ---IDg• : you ", am to BUY, SELL, EveDtl .ENT or SWAP, try "Town tier" I ~ l a ss ifi e d. C L RK FURNITURE STORE -::iF:RVIC E D GGETT'S PBARrvV\CY E ie" troilL,( Sa les and Se1'\' ice COMEA ' S CASH MARKET L J. Cote \M est '\-[ atn Street §'(~ ~:!..a:.y_,_}~::~_~~-,- _B(L~ . fILO JEWELERS \ lilo, Maine , WI 3-2232 Chttl'Ctl P ULLEN'S C OTHING ST OR E T O\VN & COUl THY C LOTIIE G ­ ~~ :1 ;'le3d.?-'y, Ju~ :: _~~ ,_ IJ~_ _ CROSBY'S surER SERVICE .-\ p'.lrtment for ReJ.c Jayteen Ceater H" C. ARTUS lNC. Call ,,\II 3 -r145 5 CURTIS BROS. PHARMACY H .A. BAIL Y L JlvLBER C J . MILO Just fi ll in the COUp O:l with your guess ani take 1L to lb CARD OF THANKS s'Jr wh J SC name is ~rin1e d ABOy~ the pictul e. Th,~ FIR T [1's. Amy C . Smart, R. R . P,iflfJng reG} guess recei ved wi U wln $10.0,) ,vorth uf m l.:han:lb ') , Milo, Maine wishes to CoMfHU"lJ the s ponsor's place of bu"ines6. '1!{ her relative s, neighbor s fr iends for the flowers , Last Week's Winner. ds and visits during her :J. ~h.s stay at the E. M. G. Mrs La etta Grinnell ;:; pital r ecovering fr om a WHiMrs. Grinnell please contact U:e T wo Cri r 0 d ur ed hip. though still a patient at ; r en's Manor, 319 State eet , Bangor for a n extend­ eriod and unable to Wl'ite, wishes rothoutfurthur de­ to express her apprecia­ :. for thes e many acts of LET US DO THE WORK iness. Mr. and Mri'l. E d ­ W. Smart. Sheldo n Poole ~PRE ENTATIVE OF METROP OLITAN LIFE INS RANCE selling Life aud Hospital I ns tu' an ~ e CRIER p ag millions of people who daily take such chances on the eternal 5i vationoftheirsouls. One thing seems quite certain. No man Conglomeratio nOJ'WorJS' earth KNOWS what is going to happen to him when his body ceas toiunction, so it is wholly a matter of faith, and if he has no fa By Neill Robertson in.mys ter ious power of something or somebody greater than' power which kept hlm alive so ImlI1Y years they are, as the Ap'JS ~ heard Ernie Ford on his program which reaches us in the Paul said "If in this life only we have ho;>e in Christ, we are , g. telling one of the stories sentin to him. A King was.being all m en miserable. " :i s omething to drink and they setthree glasses in front of him; ere full and the third was empty. The 'question is what was g'sname?" "Fillup the third." (Phillip the 3rd.) To keep , line; what is the difference between a. sewing machine 90th Birthday kiss? One sews seams nice and the other seems so nice. :here is the story about the farmer who had a hired man who wed his horse and buggy one night to take his girl riding and , 'as about to leave the farmer asked him why he was taking a !'D wi th him, adding that he never took a lantern along when e-j to go courting. "I know it" said the hired man "and see :ou got!' Congratulations to the Milo Community Hospital t would seem to be a service which will be a help to prob­ '1uite a number of people and I hope people will avaH them­ s of this service. Also congratulations to Mrs . Richard Ham­ _~harge of this department. Ifany readers of the Town Crier i!l'thappened to read about this service get a copy of the paper [yrng this item. Be sure to fi x 'em. up with that Bev special - which i s a cross between an eggnog and some unknown juicy, 1I.nt, ingredients which kind of defy definition, but I assure s undry that you will really enjoy it (Oh yes its non-intoxi­ g: don't be scared!) e . e was a railroad train accident and a law suit ensued. The : 'on was asked of one witness "How far was it from the last , -ta 'on to the p::>int of derailment?" The witness started to · - as so far south and then so far west etc. , when the lawyer Mrs. Ida Johnson of Brownville Jct. c~lebrated her 90th bin.! Can't you tell us about how far it was as---(he intended to day Sunday when apprOximately 40 guests attendedanopenho... at her r esidence. · -as the crow flies--) buthe got a little mixed up and said "as Mrs. J ohnson's daughter , Miss Joyce Johnson of Mancheste !'}' flows". The assistantD. A. butted in and said "1 think what 3.wyer friend intended to say was--'as the cly froze' . The judge Conn. was b or n in Dennistown, Maine, moved to Brownville ­ from Jackman in 1 904, and has lived there since. · j tolerantly and said "I would think what you are really trying _ i s "as the fly crows. " I don't know if they ever got it .5"htened out or not. finish this brainstorm let's do itwith something more serious. : of every two or three plane flights crashed, killing all the .:e aboard would you pick plane flights as your means of trans­ _ .
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