20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Aug. 22, 1986 ■^MISCELLANEOUS KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright BUSINESS ■q TIMISCELLANEOUS ii4n:z:kTHiiri SPORTS WEEKEND PLUS IELI fo r s a l e I ^ F O R SALE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY 1 Market doesn’t NEARLY NU ^TADlO^.-fHePE'S ft i Yanks, Red Sox -tam p io n archer AND 1 HKE to HAKCf AftDWD i t SHOPPE PAINTING/ I^MiSCELLANEDUS ■^MISCELLANEDUS m (MPtee ANt> WAIT respond to Fed CHILD CARE 1 ! ■ both are winners isnV^ne to brag 366 Main Street (PAPERING |P » ISERVICES r I2JJ SERVICES 'to'mpoCJ ft bcK OF pbpCOPN I t (In Phllbrick Agency Building AT HIM. I' M « J » J • A pflQ O 9 ... page 11 be^een Russell & Haynes Sts. Sunshine Daycare Center- Nome your own price — 'magazine Inside September openings tor 3 Father and son. Fast, 646-2073 to 5 years old. $60 weekly. dependable service. Open 6:30-5:30. Call 646- Painting, Paperhanging Hours 10-4, Mon.-Sat. 7160. & Removal. Call 872-8237. 6 4 7 - 7 9 4 9 Baby Furniture, Toys, Clothing, Sizes: Newborn-14 Child care. Your home- .help with 3 3 HANLEY CONCRETE 50% O FF Summer Clothing homework.1 2 : 0 0 - ELECTRICAL L 6:00pm,light cleanlng,649- • SIDEW ALKS • PATIOS • FLOORS 5448. Dumas Electric — Having • GARAGE & ADDITION FOUNDATIONS Spa shells- factory se­ iq IBOATS/MARINE Day Care - 2 openings for Electrical Problems? • STAIRS • FREE ESTIMATES w I e o u ip m en t conds or damaged In Need a large or a small transportation. $200 to age 2 and up. In licensed Repair? We Specialize In CONTRACTOR S INQUIRIES WELCOME $800 as Is. Call evenings or Manchester home. Excel­ Residential Work. Joseph weekends. 742-6469. lent program, Includes lUanrhpatrr Hrralft Dumas. Fully Licensed. dally activities, meals, ) ManchesiRr - A City ol Village Charm snacks and more. Part Free Estimates. 646-5253. 14 toot Chrysler, tiber time and before and after gloss boot with 40 horsep­ school care (Bowers ower motor plus trailer. ■^HEATING/ Delivering clean farm Brand new hospital bed School) welcome. Expe­ $1100. Coll 649-8810. rienced professional with I21LI PLUMBING loam; 5 yards $75 plus tax. 25 Cents and wheel chair for sole Also sand, stone, ond $1000. Call 647-7646 after references. 649-2611 D 8> D Landscaping. Vaca­ CARS ionCAMPERS/ 6pm. anytime. Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ tion cuttings, hedge trim­ gravel. Call 643-9504. A I MUSICAL FDR SALE ■ ^ T R A ILER S ITEMS throom remodeling; In- ming, Prunings, flower & I __ I Boston Red Sox Year CARPENTRY/ stallotlon water heaters, shrub plantings. Free esti­ Phil's Lawn Care-fertiliz­ Politics, books, 1971 to 1984. 14 REMODELING garbage disposals; faucet mates. Call 659-2436 after ing, gardening, lawn 1964 Rambler American For Sale - Mobile Home In Pianos and Organs - Sav­ Altogether. $65. Call 742- ( repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M- 5:30pm. mowing and light lands­ classic red convertible. Lakeworth, Florida, 12 x Reagan boosts 6016n. asterCard accepted. caping. Call 742-7476. ings to 50%. Baldwin and Carpentry and remodel­ New top and Interior. 55. Central air and Florida other name brands. Fri­ Your neighborhood Rebuilt last year, runs room, adult park. $22,(XX), For Sale-Norge upright ing services — Complete good' and looks good. peaches day August 22, 1-9pm; home repairs and remo­ handy man! Honest fam­ pictures available. Write Saturday August 23, 9am- freezer, 77 Chevy Nova, I^MISCELLANEDUS ily man, will estimate any SERVICES $1,000 or best offer. Call PO BOX 272 Chaplin Ct 9pm; Sunday August 24, and barbecue,649-0563. deling. Quality work. Ref­ lO llj-SERVICES---------- WANTED 635-1998 anytime. 06235. erences, licensed and In­ lob you create, lawns, ( tight embargo 9am to 6pm at the She­ sured. Call 646-8165. hauling, cleaning, paint­ U Brawny bunk bed,mat­ raton Tobacco Valley Inn, ing, and minor repairs. Wanted- reliable babyslt- can mix Exit 37 ott 1-91, Windsor. tresses Included,excellent Odd lobs. Trucking. Iq TIMISCELLANEDUS Don't miss the many offer­ Residential/Bus I ness. fer/house keeper,l-5 dally I CAMPERS/ lg f l l ------------- Financing available. Mas­ condition,used two yeors Home repairs. You name For the highest quality at In m y home In TRAILERS AUTOMDTIVE tercard, and Visa. Fac­ $100,coll742-7923. - ings In today's classified It, we do It. Free esti­ the lowest prices call, columns. mates. Insured. 643-0304. • Manchester,647-0097 after By John F. Kirch tory warranties and local John 643-4353. 5pm. 1981 Jeep - CJ 7, looks against Cuba service. Choose trom Herald Reporter ENDROLLS Self contained Scotty great, runs great, soft top. Spinets, Consoles, Stu­ Camper - Sleeps four, $4995 evenings. 643-5689. dios, and Grands. New 27'h width - 25C refrigerator, sink, Can peaches and politics mix? By George Gedda tional Foundation, an’anti-Castro walnut apartment size pl- 13% width - 2 lor 254 screened windows, stor­ Evidently they do. The Associated Press anos,$988. Hurry to save!. MUST be picked up at the age space. Many other group, praised the president’s I^ C A R S LIQUOR PERMIT During one of the best-attended actions. G Manchester Herald Office features. $500 or best TAG SALES TAG SALES TAG SALES FDR SALE NOTICE OF APPLICATION peach festivals in the Eighth WASHINGTON — President Alto Sox, Bundy II $350, before 11 A M. ONLY. offer. Cosh only. Home Utilities District’s history, politics “The Cuban American commun­ Tenor Sox VItto $400. Call 647-9613, Rob or work This is to give notice that 1, Reagan has taken steps to seal ity welcomes U.S. efforts to tighten 647-1106. Both . pertect Tag Sble-Movlng! Var­ Tag Sale - Saturday Au­ Tag Sale-August 23rd and 647-6057, Bea. MARY ANN BALDYGA of ran as widely through the crowd of cracks in the U.S. trade embargo the U.S. embargo. We hope the new working condition. iety of household Items. gust 23rd, 9-3:30. House­ 24fh, 10-4, 87 Campfleld 463 BIRCH MOUNTAIN 3,500 as the peach shortcake that against Cuba and put a stop to its policy will limit Castro’s ability to Maple twin bed complete. hold Items, bric-brac, 1978 Oldsmoblle Omega - ROAD, MANCHESTER, CT was served by the district fire Rd..Manchester, Excellent condition. Low 06040 hove filed on applica­ “trafficking in human beings” continue his African wars and the For Sale - Bose 901 speok- Clothing, odds and ends. man's bike, antlaue NOTICE TO CREDITORS tion placarded AUGUST 6, department. TAG SALES Saturday, 9am-4pm, 60 Mileage. $1900. Please •ESTATE OF trying to get out of the country, it resulting deaths of many Cuban ers, dlrect/retlectlng 18 chairs. 103 Weaver Rd. Toy Sale - not a mini sale, call 647-8230 after 5pm. 1986 with the Deportment of “Politics and the peach festival was announced Friday. speakers total, asking Hublard Dr. Vernon. Rain date Sunday. lust toys, toys, toys,. ANNIE M. ZENE, a/k/a Llouor Control o TAVERN youths,” he said. ANNIE ZENE, Late of LIQUOR for the sole of alco­ — it’s not intentional but it has Reagan ordered an end to Cuban $700. Mint condition. Also, Tag Sale. M oving to Saturday August 23rd Manchester, deceased Efforts to obtain a comment 2 very large speakers. $100 Big Tag Sale-household Tag Sale-multl family tag 1975 AMC Pacer, runs holic liquor on the premises mixed for years,” said Eighth immigration to the United States Condo - Must sell! Sim­ (rain date Sunday), 8 - 2, good, like new snow tires The Hon. William E. Fitz­ 76 COOPER STREET, MAN­ from the Cuban diplomatic mis­ g piece. Call 649-5695. goods, clothes, many sale, name brand cosme­ Gerald, Judge, of the Court District spokesman Thomas from third countries — a practice mons king-size sofa bed, 33 Bates Road. on extra rims, high mi­ C H E S T E R , C T 06040. The bu­ O’Marra. sion here were unsuccessful. colonial dining room, Items. Saturday August tics,bobv furniture,toys- of Probate, District of Man­ siness will be owned by for which the State Department The announcement came three leage. $425 or best offer. chester at a hearing held on MARY'S HOLE IN THE PETS AND solid maple worktable, 23rd,9-5,Wynedlng HIM ,clothes(boys and glrls- August 20, 1986 ordered that The 29th annual peach festival said Cuba sometimes charges days after the administration Road, Manchester, ,sizes 0-4 years), Call 647-7591. W A L L , INC. of 463 B IR C H SUPPLIES double bed, good clo­ all claims must be presented MOUNTAIN ROAD, MAN­ was held across the street from the emigres or their families in excess disclosed new efforts to facilitate thing, books galore (pa­ household, miscellane­ Automotive to the fiduciary on or before C H E S T E R , C T 06040 and will of $30,000 a head. Tag Sale-Sotufday Au­ 1977 Dodge Aspen Wagon. November 22, 1986 or be district firehouse. The festival is the immigration of certain catego­ perbacks, art history, ous,12 Green Road 88,(X)0 miles, good condi­ be eonducted by M ARY ANN The measures designed to For Sale- AKC registered complete Hardy boys), gust 23rd,8:00-4:00,glrls (corner Harlan Street),10- barred os by low provided. B A L D Y G A OS permittee. held to raise money for the ries of Cubans. tion, Air conditioning, Johanna M. Bruder, tighten the 1960 embargo against Golden Retrelvers, father comics, records, camera, c lo t h in g , s iz e s 2- 4,August 23rd only.
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