July-SeptemberSeptember-December 2014 2007 5768 5774 -5767 Dear Gabbai hddee xxyy aaeeh iidd aa zz r i by Ira Rabin i r iy p i y i p i r r e c e c xyanlewxyanlew Dear Gabbai, I often get confused as to when we say things in Shabbat davening like “Av Hara- chamim,” “Tzidkatcha Tzedek” (at Shab- KK MM SS KolMevaSerKolMevaSer bat Mincha) and Vi’hi Noam on Saturday THE NEWSLETTER OF KEMP MILL SYNAGOGUE night. Is there is an easy way to remember? A PUBLICATION OF THE KEMP MILL SYNAGOGUE Confused Congregant Dear CC, These prayers are the source of much “Hineini”: The First Annual confusion for gabbaim as well as con- gregants. Though not 100% straightfor- Gordon Lederman z"l ward, there are some ways to keep track of when these are omitted. Memorial Chesed Weekend 1) Vi’hi Noam: This is probably the by Lisa Schopf, Aviva Janus, and Fran Kritz simplest of those you mention. At Ma’ariv on Motzei Shab- n May 31 and June 1, 2014, with Gordon’s wife, Lisa, his children, bat Vi’hi Noam is said every KMS members and the greater Mitchell, Kyle, and Morgan, and his week after the Amidah unless Ocommunity came together for parents, David and Naomi, for a special there is a work-prohibiting holi- the fi rst annual Gordon Lederman z”l lunch to kick off the Chesed Weekend. day (Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot, Memorial Chesed Weekend. Gordon, Participants heard from a number of Shemini Atzeret, Rosh Hasha- who passed away last year, left behind inspirational speakers about many nah, Yom Kippur) during the a legacy of engaging in acts of chesed, different opportunities to do chesed in upcoming week, not including or lovingkindness. More importantly Kemp Mill and beyond. the next Shabbat. This is because Gordon, in his quiet way, encouraged Gordon’s father refl ected on how Gor- we only recite it if there are six many others in our community to join don became dedicated to doing acts of full days in the upcoming week him in his efforts. He was instrumental chesed. David shared some of Gordon’s of “Ma’aseh Yadenu” (referring in creating KMS’s Chesed Committee early experiences and infl uences, most to productive work). Upcoming and dedicated many hours to chesed notably his grandparents. holidays like Chanukah and Pu- programming. We honor his memory Hedy Peiser, the volunteer services rim, or special occasions such as and continue his important work by coordinator at the Hebrew Home of Rosh Chodesh or Tu Bishvat do dedicating an annual weekend of learn- Greater Washington, spoke about the not cause us to omit this prayer. ing about and participating in chesed impact that volunteers have on those 2) Tzidkatcha Tzedek: An easy in his name. they help, as well as the deeper impact way to think about whether On Shabbat, May 31, more than volunteering has on the volunteers Tzidkatcha is recited at Shabbat 230 people gathered at KMS along continued on page 6 Mincha is to ask ourselves, “If continued on page 7 IN THIS ISSUE FROM THE RABBI page 3 REMEMBERING GORDON LEDERMAN page 4 Kyle and Morgan Lederman Mitchell Lederman (second from the right) and NSIGHTS INTO THE HABBAT with their grandparents. friends with some of the collected clothing. I S PRAYERS The publication of Kol MevaSer is supported by a generous grant from page 5 Norman and Suzanne Javitt in memory of Nicholas Markovits, the father Donations and grandfather, respectively, of KMS members Suzanne and Gail Javitt. page 14 2 Kol MevaSer, Kemp Mill Synagogue Joy, Tora Study and Tisha B’Av by R. Yaakov Bieler lthough Jewish primary sources mandate daily Tora study,1 on Tisha “Mesamchei Lev”—They cause joy in the hearts of those AB’Av, only certain types of such study who carry them out. is permitted, with the majority of Tora subject Although it is obviously necessary to learn what to do before matter prohibited according to a Baraita:2 it can be done, nevertheless one can wonder whether the Ta’anit 30a deep spiritual enjoyment that the Psalmist mentions is most Our Rabbis have taught: intimately related to the carrying out of what one learns All the restrictions that apply to the mourner3 hold equally rather than the learning itself. A practical implication of such good for the Ninth of Av.4 an interpretation would delineate a signifi cant emotional Eating, drinking, bathing, anointing, the wearing of shoes difference between studying aspects of the Tora that have and marital relations are forbidden thereon. practical ramifi cations,13 the learning being accompanied by (Tanna Kamma) It is also forbidden [thereon] to read the anticipation of applying the conclusions to the real world the Chumash, the Nevi’im, and the Ketuvim or to study in addition to opportunities to reinforce what was studied by Mishna, Talmud, 5 Midrash, Halachot, or Aggadot. action and repetition, as opposed to focusing upon areas that He may, however, read such parts of Scripture as he does are at best theoretical, at least for the moment.14 not usually read, and study such parts of Mishna as he Consequently, in order to have Tehillim 19:9 serve as a basis usually does not study.6 for not studying most portions of the Tora during Tisha B’Av, And he may also read Eicha, Iyov and the sad parts of the psychological experience of learning has to be emphasized Yirmiyahu. at the expense of a more literal interpretation of the verse. And the school children are free from school.7 Ibn Ezra, who usually advocates a Peshat rendering of bibli- For it is said, (Tehillim 19:9) “The precepts of the Lord cal texts, in this case offers an approach consistent with the are right, rejoicing the heart... Baraita regarding Tisha B’Av: R. Yehuda said: Even such parts of Scripture which he does Ibn Ezra on Tehillim 19:9 d.h. Pikudei not usually read, he may not read, nor study parts of the [The word “Pikudei,” lit. the Commandments] derives Mishna which he does not usually study. from “Pikadon” [lit. deposit] as in VaYikra 5:23.15 And But he may read Eicha, Iyov and the sad parts of Yirmi- they are found in the potential of the soul of every man yahu.8 in his capacity as a person susceptible/responsible to fulfi ll And the school children are free [from school]. Mitzvot.16 And HaShem Deposited them in the heart. For it is said, ‘The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoic- And the word “Yesharim” [just] is mentioned with them ing the heart…’. because all of the thoughtful individuals become more While the Tanna Kamma and R. Yehuda disagree regarding intelligent in a just manner by means of them, because the study of material that the student will fi nd diffi cult, they there is no stumbling-block. And it says, “Mesamchei Lev” do agree that the source upon which the prohibition against [lit. rejoicing of the heart] because by means of them, the most Tora study on Tisha B’Av is based, is the phrase “Pikudei wise individual reaches the level of eternal joy. HaShem… Mesamchei Lev.” 9 In other words, when an individual studies something that Yet when the simple meaning of this verse is considered, the resonates within the depths of his soul, the sense that he has “joy” appears to be understood to emanate, not so much from continued on page 10 Tora study, as from Tora observance: Da’at Mikra10 (Amos Chacham)11 on Tehillim 19:9 “Pikudei HaShem”—“Pikudim” is one of the synonyms Further Reading for Mitzvot… “Yesharim”—They direct one to act in an overall just Some of Rabbi Bieler's Divrei Torah, along with manner. And there is also the implication that they podcasts of some of his Shiurim, are available at themselves [the Mitzvot] are individually proper ac- the synagogue website. To access this material, go tions, and there is nothing within them that could be to www.kmsynagogue.org and move your cursor to considered evil, as in the practices of the idolaters.12 “Rabbi” on the left-hand side of the home page. And therefore-- July-September 2014 3 Remembering Gordon Lederman by Mitchell Morris Lederman would like to talk about my dad, Gordon, and the things through mat underneath the chair and underneath the mat we liked to do together. My dad was a very very very very was a radish-colored rug. I was told that he made secret laws I very very very special person. He was a very very very very to keep our country, the USA, safe. very very very funny person. My dad learned with Rabbi Bieler. And after my dad died, A big part of what we liked to do was sports. The sports we Rabbi Bieler offered to learn with me. Now I learn with Rabbi liked were baseball, football, and hockey. We would watch Bieler just like my dad did. sports on TV. We would also play sports with little plastic We did a lot of stuff together. He helped me ride my bike and practice with training wheels. My dad loved to go places with me such as the airplane museum. He also took me to the Washington Monument. We went on the Metro to the Zoo to see the pandas. In February 2013, when the chemo was really helping him, we were able to go to Miami together for a family vacation. It was one of the best trips ever.
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