VOLUME 91, NUMBER 33 iN - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1997 FIFTY CENTS 14 PAGES ,, ,,,,..,..I Joins electric co-op 0-G board refuses to censor book profanity The owen-Gage ity, and that the book chosen don’t know how you’re 60- €Ioard Monday voted to get monthly meeting, the board: by Owen-Gage Schools is of ing to get around it.” *Agreed to consider hold- in on *e ground *’“or of a the highest quality in terms Board members agreed to state schools energy coop- ing all school boardmeetings of educational value. take no further action. in the Owendale cafeteria, erative, “These are not trashy ne nieeting regu- hook; they are well written, IN OTHER BUSLNESS rather than alternating be- tween the Owendale and lar session in the Gagetown well illustrated;7 he said, Elementary School cafeteria, In other business during the Please turn rn back page. also again visited a contro- versy surrounding profanity Brian Clough in school textbooks. The board unanimously ap- proved a resolution to join the Michigan Schools En- Naked store intruder ergy Cooperative and to par- ticipate in the organization’s cooperative energy purchase programs in the future. School Supt. Manuel Thies enters guilty plea explained the cooperative was formed in an effort to A Snover man who was tution for items stolen or and Called 911. schoO1sin stateto ar- rested last month after an damaged. He faces sentenc- Troopers said Clough had purchase gas Argyle area party store em- ing Monday at &:30a.m. aPPXently been living in the eventua11y7 ployee spotted him standing Michigan State Police upstairs of the business for at through a troopers from the Sandusky leastacoupk ofdays. There than a specific naked inside the store has entered a guilty plea in post report& theunusual in- Were IlUI7lerOUS empty liquor resulting in cheaper prices. Sanilac County Circuit cident occurred at about 550 bottles and various food As it stands, he said, there a.m. as the employee was wrappers Products he isn’t a school district in the Court, from Brian Clough, 39, pleaded walking back through the had drunk and eaten during large “lough to do guilty last week to attempted store, She reported seeing the nights hestayed there af- that alone. However, there breaking and entering with Clough standing on the third ter emPloYws Closed GROWL! SOME Owen-Gage residents attending Monday’s school board meeting would be strength in num- UP. intent commit larceny in step of a staircase leading to Troopers, who located bers if enough school dis- to got their first look at the Bulldog murals recently airbrushed in the elementary and an unused upstairs storage C1ough hiding under a blan- tricts from across the state connection with the Oct. 16 high school gyms by professional artist and 1967 Owen-Gage grad Adiel DeBoever. incident at the Best Place area inside the store. ket in the closet of an upstairs participate. party store, located at the room, reported they were Pictured above with the mural, sponsored by the Owen-Gage Boosters, are stu- The organization is new, corner of M- 19 and The employee dropped the forced to spray the suspect Thies ‘Oterj, and the decision Deckerville Road in Argyle money bag she was carrying, with Mace after he refused to dents (from left) Samantha Ingram, Natasha Sprague, James Harris, Aaron Wild- to join does not represent a ran outside and tried to flag cooperate. He was subse- commitment nor will it cost Township. ing and Nashia Prich, Under a plea agreement, down a passing motorist, quently arrested and lodged the Owen-Gage District any- Clough agreed to pay resti- then went to a nearby home in the Sanilac County Jail. thing. But it could mean en- Gun season open Saturday ergy savings in the fi_it!ire. PROFANITY he had received a letter from a parent upset about the use of profanity, primarily the Hunters gearing up for this Cass City Field Office week- hunting partners are at all teer hunter education instruc- words “hell” and “damn” in weekend’s tirearni deer sea- days from 8 a.m. to 4:30p.m. times before shooting. A tors arid conservation offic- a new eighth grade English son opener should find In addition, the office will be large percentage of hunting ers. textbook purchased hy the plenty of deer, although tro- open on Saturday, Nov. 15, accidents i nvol vc’ members Last year, Michigan had the school district. phy bucks will be few and Far the opening day of the fire- of the same hunting party. safest overall hunting season The hoard earlier this year between. arm deer sc:Bson, from about “Knowing how to handle on record. However, last was faced with similar con- DNR officials in theThumh 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. firearms safely. Handle ev- year’s single firearm-related cerns regarding profanity in are hoping hunters will take In all, an estimated 700,000 ery firearm as if it were fatality occurred during the a seventh grade textbook. In a big bite out of tho doe hunters will spend tens of loaded. Keep the muzzle of firearm deer season. the end, trustces agreed with population, following a year millions of hours afield pur- the gun pointed in a safe di- Thies’ decision to not censor of record or near-record crop suing whitetail deer in rection, and keep the safety Attention hunters: the the book. damage complaints and car- Michigan during the 15-day on until you are ready to Chronicle will publish the Thies made it clear Monday dwr collisions in Huron, season. shoot. Be sure of your tar- photo of the jirst buck his opinion regarding censor- Sanilac and Tuscola coun- DNR ofiicials remind hunt- get and beyond. If in doubt, brought to the newspuper ship has not changed. ties. crs to play it safe this fall by: don’t shoot. fire following the firearm “I will not censor a book. 1 Judging by the number of “Wearing hunter orange - “Respecting the rights of deer seuso:: opener: Hunt- don’t know how the board deer checked at the DNR’s a hat, cap, vest, jacket or rain landowners. Request per- ers are also encouraged to feels, but that is how I feel Cass City Field Office. ar- gear. This color is highly mission to hunt on private bring in any tr0ph.y animals, about it,” hc said after ex- chery hunters have been visible to other hunters but land - it’s the law. and everyone is welcome to plaining the situation. nearly as successful this fall not to deer. Wearing hunter Michigan is one of the saf- call in and report their suc- Thies stated he has dis- as they were last year. How- orange is not only a good est places to hunt in North cess fbr publishing in the cussed the issue with the RARE APPEAKANCH- some Cass City area residents en- ever. a majority of the deer idea, it’s required by law. America, largely due to the Chronicle’s Deer Tules col- English teacher, who has checked have bee11 1 1/2- “Knowing where your efforts of the state’s volun- umn. askedstudentstosimplyskip joyed a glimpse of a bird rarely seen in these parts. Local yex-old bucks. over any profanity they come taxidermist Dale Doyen spotted the bird, which he identified To-date, about 75 deer have across in the textbook. me superintendent indi- as an immature bald eagle, near the Detroit Edison NorthArea heen checked at the area v- DNR tidd oftice, according cated similar textbooks also Energy Center last Wednesdayo to DNR Wildlife Biologist include some form of profan- Bud Jarvis. “That’s just slightly lewer than last year. I’d have to go For village offices back and check, hut we gen- erally do 80,78,”he said. “At thc same time, we’ve checked about 240 deer at 2 meat packing plants” in Bad Nov. 25 petition deadline Axe and Sandusky. “They tell us that the number of decr that they have processed Residents planning to seek and Leslie Karr are expiring. tain a minimum of 5 signa- Paul Lalko and Daniel is up 20 percent.” village office have just 2 Some new laws affect pro- tures, Wes terb y. Jarvis said the ratio of bucks weeks to file nomiIlating pe- spective candidates, accord- The following is a round-up Nominating petitions are to does taken hy hunters ti ti ons . ing to LaRoche. When fil- “hasn’t changed much” this of seats slated to expire in available at the village of- In Cass City, petitions can ing nominating petitions, she year. with about 70 percent other area villages:- fices, be picked up at the village explained, candidates must GAGETOWN UBLY ot‘ the ckcr checked heinp municipal building and must now also file an affidavit of young hucks. be rctkned by Tuesday, Nov. identity and provide proof of In Gagetown, the 4-year In the village of Ubly, the In recent years. Thumb area 25, at 4 p.m. citizenship in the form of a terms of village president terms of Village President huutcrs have taken an aver- The spring election is passport, birth certificate or and 3 trustees are expiring. Dan Lackowski, ClerkTricia age of4 to 6 hucks per square scheduled for Monday, naturalization papers. Affi- The seats are currently held Grifka and Treasurer Flo- mile and 2 to 3 does per March 9. Aprimary election, davit of identity forms are by President Charles Wright rence Schrader are expiring. squarc nnile. ifnecessary, will beheldFeb. available at the village mu- and trustees David Abbe, Grifka said she and Jarvis is hoping an increase 16.
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