GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH DIRECTORATE OF FISHERIES ITANAGAR No. FISH/RTl-01 12016-17 Dated 8th July'2016 To Sri Obuk Mize District Fisheries Development Officer East Siang District Pasighat Sub :- Replv under RTI AcU2005 Sir, I am submitting herewith the information/ reply on RTI application submitted by you for your further necessary action please. Enclose :- Page 1 to Page 29 (both inclusive) \lb Pto Directorate of Fisheries Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar RTI INFORMATION FORMAT FOR FURNISHING OF REPLY UNDER RTI Act/2005. (lnformation on RTI submitted by Sri Obuk Mize, Near Saint Alfanso Public School,District Pap um P ar e,PO f PS N aharlagu n,Kangkar Nallah,Pin :- 79L7!0. Mobil No; 09436092627. Arunachal Pradesh sl. lnformation required Details of reply furnish by Department Remarl<s No copy I Furnish a certified copy of the file 1. A certified copy of the file noting of the Photo noting of the department of department of Fisheries and the approving enclosed as Fisheries and the approving authority by govt. ANNEXURE-I authority (Govt) on which basis 2. Retention order. Page-01-19 Shri Marngu Kadu is retained as 3. Speaking order DFDO,Pasighat with retention order/Speaking order. il Furnish a certified copy of the file lmmediately on joining of Sri Obuk Mize as Photo copy ofthe UONotes/Transf'cr noting of the department of ADF (Trg) FFTC Emchi on 05-02-2014 Vide /Posting order Fisheries and the approving order No.Fish/E(TPl458/20L3 Dated 4th enclosed as period months authority (Govt.) on which basis Decl}OL3 within a of three ANNEXURD-II Shri Obuk Mize was transferred numureous recommendation were poured in Page-l-4. and posted as DFDO, Pasighat, this Directorate of Fisheries from the Hon'ble East Siang District. MLAs/HPS and Ministers in the form of UO Notes directing that Sri Obuk Mize be posted as DFDO,Pasighat. Furnish a certified copy of the 1. Class-X (Tenth) Passed certificate. Photo copy enclosecl as ANNEXURE-III lil educational certificates/Mark 2. Class-Xll (Twelve) Paseed certificate. Page-01-04. sheet from Class-X (Tenth) till 3. BFSc. Provisional certificate. graduation of Shri Marngu 4. Mark sheet of B.F.Sc degree. Kadu,DFDO. copy of post IV Furnish a certified copy of the 1. The post of DFDO,Pangin is not sanctioned Photo continuation order order/Notification etc.whether it is adjusted from existing posts of ADF (Hq). enclosed as is sanctioned DFDO,Pangin Post ANNEXURE.IV or not. page-01. Govt.of Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar. Aryn,Ex uRE-I . 0/ou - 6NS Sub: Posting of DFDO at Pangin in Siang District. This is a request of Sri Tapang Taloh, Hon ble Minster (Education, etc) for creation and posting of District Fishery Development Otficer (DFDO) at Pangin, Siang District which may be please perused atPl36C. Siang district was carne Llp olt 24'l'of November/2014 with temporary headquarter at Pangin and started fturctioning of all others administrative works and developmental activities as clairned by the Hon ble Minister. Since Siang with its temporary headquarler at PANGIIII is newly came Lrp district the required posts were not yet sanctioned and basic infrastructure is also needed lor establishing and functior-ring DFDO office independently with all subordinate n'rinisterial ancl field staff over there for taking up the Fisheries oriented developmental activities of the district. However on request of Minister (Education, etc) the proposal is l-iereby initiated and put up for apprising government and obtain decision and approval as proposecl above fbr posting Sri Obuk Mrze, ADF (Trg) as DFDO, Pangin as temporary arrangement frour the Directorate ADF sanctioned post till creation of required posts .l against the district which is under submission to goverrunent for sanction please. DD(Estt) ..\-...,.- ,J: I-"- , ["- I "\.l- - i :,/. ir ,,! ,1.--.-1 ..,.,-J-.",..* - i\.-.. I . -,- r^,.."( i,.*1,,.) I 'i ..(. -' -,.. "=J. - "*.I. ",..\1, " ,, ,! , -. i ,,; ,u,- t ,^.-. .. ".\ . ),.., c I 5'icl* r\:' r iPc,sHnl I\r r\ . S,.''t\:-.,'\Iq \r'' \- JiS\vicL \( he:'J $ \hr' f,U- vut^,r\\] ( lre-c'\l-c\'5trl"ri oY'-- c' r"'L r frr)-LY'. I 1 ;) -v / fllnS (. l= w 4 , ,\ \z'r1-- -!,!_*-!:Ttl--"'- 3.\ - -' ) b\-v-{r ,sLer-i-n}) \'Iryr1?tr LE/N' 6y"rrffl 1. Jhi, r's d frof.sal -fr it ts prrp,s"J ?s -Ft/o* : DFDo Aalo' t'u"'t(io7 g sh; lqe Tc'ha I - -6--[e li-.r'-fr*., ar-l pc'skrt t Yr"s r\( Et\$: $'\ h.. $19: + (r, I i i r-) addi*r "(.r a "i", !q (i 6Iv 4he- I A' JcclSJectSlon" I on' 6Iv t tn -take-gake a' v.v.-.) (.1 ,-',*o*Shnyov', _r1 0^,t- ra t d) Alr [4 5 i su stluK ttltaL, Iur-'i-,'n +.,i.1r,*i' or -;do5 . (oypn*r.ffi],;f';K., faJe-u4,wi ,rfu 7'j ;;:f'I.;?Psb Hcn,-6dor (/ Sub: I ransler ano rostlng or L,-ttr,\,s - r'tsE,ar urrrE' This is regarding a proposal for cross transfer and posting of the following District Fishery Development Officer (DFDO) of the Department who had completed more than the normal tenure at one place for obtaining govemment approval. In this regard the district wise deployment list with detail date ofjoining & tenure completed by the conc^erned DFDO/ADF/FM in one place of posting as on date may please be perused atPl45'. SI Name of Officer & Present place Required to Remarks, if any. No Desisnation of nostins TransferlPosted Ykg Vice Sri Kenbom \ Sri Ige Tacha, DFDO, As DFDO, DFDO Aalo Chisi \ Tacha, . 2 Sri Kenbom Chisr, DFDO, As DFDO, Aalo Vice Sri Ige 51. DFDO Yingkiong As regard posting of Farm Manager at RHAFSF, Tarin a separate proposal is being initiated immediately norn amongst the Fishery Officer/Extension Officer (Fishery). tf Govt. consider and approve the above proposal Sri Kenbom Chisi, DFDO, Yingkiong may be allowed to move first for early implementation of,the order please. As desired and instructed in minutes of the 8tr' monthly review meeting of the Department vide Pl42-44c, the file is submitted for further endorsement to obtain government approval please. \\/ o l,/,.\')in+Y Admin officer 4., /*/o &za( !t (5tt -tL*--' I-L* -{- ar'rr'"'1 [i'i{r) o, ,I--l n\*''' t)'s( t,<Jt)-,.+ -c>*\'ue'P' f$ A 'J -\*' !-.-"^+J- '..^I I ^' 1;u' < ') -t\ ,..,,r'7 \jt\\^/' . ' _1 lrri y€]\,^\a\ +D i \ - i^ ^ -\ -.. ^- o.\ ! ,' - tr-J rtI_-J:_::i,'- aL ,4. apryw.t b1 t1," s$vtrnfirn"c 'u,.fb^f:, ane 'Ys\raew trP/<.fl ?refye- J of r'/r. /t**7 -nu'S' b*' ltt *J tmmcltJ ) 0h\^]1xa atLiot''-- h\ q = 3 I. I E E. \ lA E 6 5 I prepage to above' Ref: Govt. Approval at L ,onthebasisofGovernmentapprovalatprepage-10AIS,draft and placed below for obtaining transfer/posting order of DFDO/ADF has been attempted approval for fairiqg apd issupnce of the same please' lr fficer \t-,,)\ +-. 9'7.)*" L u'st R-kL) ! s- - )eE ,>o- aw6N4i< Sob,- Co*l"'.jt (o+" Xo-ra4/n+)p's --:-1l Tffiffi'H;rl""W-Tilil "*- kx?%*g:,!^: ,-^\6'Ie^aE\-t)\ C''I-\t) ? bt {* +- lka't-c s"'$^J fu1.r^-a "*L ' Ref: Notes at PrePage Shri Marngu Aggrieved by the govt. order No FISH/E(TP)4s dtd.05-10-20L5, against his transfer / Posting Kadu, DrDo Pasight has filed a wP No.470(AP)l2}l5 in the Hon'ble Director Fisheries (Trg) Emchi, FFTC, Papum pare district I as Asstt. I Naharlagun' The Govt' order is at F- I ltanagar permanent bench, I Gauhati High Court has passed order dated 'A'and the WP is at F-'B'. Admitting the petition the court of the repsentation to be LGltOl2Ot5 directing to maintain status quo till disposal authorities for disposal submitted by shri M.Kadu, DFDO to any of the appropriate of the order is at P-(57-75) ' within 5 (five) days from the date of the order. Copy Fisheries' Emchi' FFTC 2. ln the mean time, Shri Obuk, Mize, DFDO Asstt' Director joined in the establishment of Papumpare in pursuance of the impugned govt' order M' Ka.du, DFDO Pasighat Deputy commissioner, Pasighat on oSltol2ot5 while shri and he resumed was on 5 days casual leave as sanctioned by DC Pasighat before ex-parte on t9ltol20t5' office, shri obuk Mize, took over charges of DFDO Pasighat the Hon'ble High 3. ln the mean time, in pursuance of order dated t6lto/20t5 of in the court, shri M.Kadu, DFDO submitted his representation dated L711012015 regular office of Commissioner (Fisheries) ltanagar on tTltOl2}t5 while the election duties as Commissioner (Fisheries) was out of station in Bihar performing 2910912015' General observer as per ECI order No. 464/0BSIZOL1IEMS dated and the Unfortunately, the link officer did not accept the representation representation remained without disposal leading to the present contempt proceedings against the three offlcers. petition 4. On expiry of the stipulated 5(five) days time, Shri M.Kadu filed contempt which was admitted and the court passed order dated 04lLLl20!5 directing to initiate contempt proceedings against three officers, that is regular commissioner (Fisheries),,DC Pasighat and Shri Obuk Mize, DFDO. The contempt notice is at P-(53- court 56), The para wise replies to the contempt petition are being submitted to the for consideration. 5. On receipt of the court order the DC Pasighat has passed an order dated :-;gltOlZOl.5 directing inter-alia that Shri M.Kadu, DFDO will not be released from pasighattill disposal of his representation.
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