Wearable Tech Landscape 2015 Full Analysis on the hottest wearable tech Fitness Trackers Share of Voice Smart Watches Share of Voice Brand Share of Voice Top 150 Most Inuential Individuals Top 150 Most Inuential Brands inside Methodology Comparison Network Maps Top 150 Lists i Key Insights methodology The PageRank based methodology we use to extract inuencers on a particular topic (tweets mentioning #wearables, “wearables” and “wear- able tech” in this case) takes into account the number and quality of contextual BIG references that a user receives. These calculations are independent of a user's number of followers, but we do lter our lists based on how much a user is engaged in the conversation. If you want to learn more, read our article that outlines inuencer identication. take me there the data BIG5 127 days 299,716 tweets 14,525 users 26,640 interactive tweets BIG smartwatches or tness trackers? tness trackers Share of Voice - last 30 days 2% Mist Flash 2% 2% Huawei Talkband Jawbone Up24 2% 1% Fitbit Flex Mist Shine 11% Xiaomi Mi Band 13% Fitbit Charge 67% Microsoft Band smart watches Share of Voice - last 30 days 1% 1% Pebble Watch Sony SmartWatch 3 1.5% 0.5% Asus ZenWatch 7% LG G Watch Samsung Gear 2 13% Moto 360 77% Apple Watch brand Share of Voice - last 30 days 3% 2% 1% 3% 3% 35% 4% 4% 8% 8% 10% 19% Interactions between individuals and brands in the Wearable Tech debate* *We have a vector le of this map in PDF format with labels for each node, feel free to get in touch to request the le. BRANDS INDIVIDUALS inuence Individuals How do they stack up? INDIVIDUALS Paul Sonnier Ben Wood Tom Emrich Glen Gilmore J. P. Gownder Brian Eastwood Zoe Romano Warren Whitlock Becky Stern Maneesh Juneja Mar Tim Moore Ken E Kaplan Billie Whitehouse Steve Mann Jeanne Meister John Nosta Mounir Zok epilkington Shane O'Neill Sonny Vu Kate Unsworth Fabio Lalli Alan Lepofsky Rachel Hinman 0 20 40 60 80 100 PageRank (Normalised) INDIVIDUALS 1 - 50 Rank Name TwitterHandle PageRank 1 Paul Sonnier Paul_Sonnier 100.00 2 Ben Wood benwood 85.42 3 Tom Emrich tomemrich 80.92 4 Glen Gilmore #SocBiz GlenGilmore 72.22 5 J. P. Gownder jgownder 49.27 6 Brian Eastwood Brian_Eastwood 48.99 7 Zoe Romano zoescope 43.41 8 Warren Whitlock WarrenWhitlock 25.17 9 Becky Stern bekathwia 24.95 10 Maneesh Juneja ManeeshJuneja 24.18 11 Mar MarDixon 21.12 12 Tim Moore TimMoore 20.70 13 Ken E Kaplan kenekaplan 18.69 14 Billie Whitehouse BillieWhouse 17.32 15 Steve Mann Hydraulist 17.07 16 Jeanne Meister jcmeister 16.06 17 JOHN NOSTA JohnNosta 14.20 18 Mounir Zok mounirzok 14.02 19 epilkington epilkington 13.76 20 Shane O'Neill smoneill 13.51 21 Sonny Vu sonnyvu 13.23 22 Kate Unsworth kateuns 13.09 23 Fabio Lalli fabiolalli 12.49 24 Alan Lepofsky alanlepo 12.16 25 Rachel Hinman Hinman 11.95 26 Stephen Davies stedavies 11.77 27 liza kindred LizaK 11.48 28 karim kanji karimkanji 11.20 29 Ian M Calvert IanMCalvert 11.15 30 Charles Webster MD wareFLO 10.92 31 Rafael Perez Revilla rperezre 9.95 32 SimonPorter simonlporter 9.81 33 H. Papagiannis, PhD ARstories 9.80 34 Scott Amyx AmyxMcKinsey 9.76 35 Oskar Kalmaru okalmaru 9.67 36 Fred Steube steube 9.27 37 Rachel Arthur rachel_arthur 9.16 38 Cecilia Abadie cabadie 8.86 39 Stephen Lake srlake 8.45 40 Donna K. Lencki DonnaKLencki 8.13 41 Joe Chengery jchengery 8.13 42 Lauren mslaurensjones 7.77 43 Brian Vellmure BrianVellmure 7.71 44 Jim Buckley JRBuckley68 7.04 45 robin raskin robinr 6.88 46 James A. Martin James_A_Martin 6.46 47 Ken Congdon KenOnHIT 6.45 48 Emory Craig emorycraig 6.33 49 Alexandra D-S iotwatch 6.23 50 Pedro Diezma Pedro_Diezma 6.16 INDIVIDUALS 51-100 Rank Name TwitterHandle PageRank 51 Rudy De Waele mtrends 6.08 52 Neville Hobson jangles 5.89 53 Laurenti Elisav laurentielisav 5.89 54 Pauline van Dongen Pauline_Dongen 5.79 55 Jen Quinlan QuirkyInsider 5.72 56 Geeta Nayyar, MD MBA gnayyar 5.68 57 Al Sacco ASacco 5.29 58 Hilary JM Topper hilary25 5.27 59 Rachel Kalmar grapealope 5.08 60 Leslie Birch zengirl2 5.02 61 Paul Daugherty pauldaugh 5.00 62 Tony Rizzo fastjazz 5.00 63 Richie Etwaru RichieEtwaru 4.99 64 Kyle Ellicott kyleellicott 4.92 65 Lisa Lang lilaineurope 4.85 66 Carlos Mateos carloscomsalud 4.81 67 Eugene Borukhovich HealthEugene 4.75 68 Christopher Grayson chrisgrayson 4.73 69 Kelly Clay kellyhclay 4.70 70 Syuzi Pakhchyan fashioningtech 4.69 71 Laurent Le Pen llepen 4.60 72 Myriam Joire tnkgrl 4.57 73 Karen Lightman khlightman 4.48 74 Joanna M. Wasiluk joanaw 4.30 75 Tekla Perry TeklaPerry 4.22 76 R.Grossmann,MD,FACS ZGJR 4.20 77 Ricardo Passchier rpasschier 4.09 78 MaribelLopez MaribelLopez 4.07 79 Ignacio Fdez Alberti ignacioFALBERTI 4.05 80 David McNierney davidmcnierney 4.03 81 Yasi Baiani Yasaman 4.02 82 Jean-Luc David jldavid 3.98 83 JonathanNalder JNXYZ jnxyz 3.98 84 Diana Adams adamsconsulting 3.91 85 Hugo Raaijmakers HugoR 3.88 86 Brandon Mairs BrandonMairs 3.87 87 Jeremy Kaplan SmashDawg 3.86 88 Martino Chiaviello mchiaviello 3.83 89 Scott Kerr scott_kerr 3.78 90 Theo Priestley ITredux 3.78 91 dana blouin danablouin 3.75 92 Jake Tital jaketital 3.73 93 Raph Crouan raphntwit 3.60 94 Paul LaFontaine QuantSelfLaFont 3.59 95 ultan ultan 3.59 96 jean-luc scherer jeanluc_scherer 3.57 97 Eduardo Cano ecano2010 3.55 98 Jing Zhou acrosstheC 3.51 99 Matt Drinkwater drinkmatt 3.44 100 Alessandro Prunesti prunesti 3.36 INDIVIDUALS 101-150 Rank Name TwitterHandle PageRank 101 Pete Erickson peteerickson 3.31 102 Bennett King skunkwurx 3.31 103 Krzysztof Sitko k_sitko 3.31 104 Eva Smith™ Eva_Smith 3.27 105 Stavros Garzonis StavrosUX 3.26 106 Peggy Smedley ConnectedWMag 3.22 107 Ellie Nacheva ElitsaNacheva 3.17 108 Joe Burton JoeBurtonCTO 3.15 109 James Haight James_Haight 3.12 110 Bob Roble SportsTechieNET 3.08 111 suɐɥ ɟǝoq HansB001 3.04 112 Kathleen Poulos katseyemedia 3.04 113 Wen Dombrowski MD HealthcareWen 2.98 114 Tishin Donkersley TishinD 2.91 115 Marta Rauch martarauch 2.89 116 Mike Quindazzi MikeQuindazzi 2.88 117 Chris Dancy ServiceSphere 2.88 118 Alex Frommeyer AlexFrommeyer 2.85 119 Dean Johnson activrightbrain 2.79 120 Tarry Singh tarrysingh 2.78 121 Isaac Sacolick nyike 2.76 122 Margaret Gold MobileMaggie 2.76 123 Patrick Flanagan's NewNeurophone 2.75 124 Ian Ferguson fergie_arm 2.74 125 Joe Lavelle Resultant 2.74 126 Michael Skaff mskaff 2.74 127 Simon Spurr simonspurr30 2.72 128 Jesse Harper TheJesseHarper 2.71 129 Ghouldice So candice_so 2.70 130 Sabine Douglas SabineHDouglas 2.69 131 julien jblin 2.68 132 Girl About Toronto AmandaCosco 2.67 133 Franz Tiani FranzTiani 2.66 134 An AnTanghe 2.62 135 Isaac Watson isaacwatson 2.61 136 Jason Leo Carvalho jasonlcarvalho 2.59 137 Javier J. Díaz JaviJDiaz 2.59 138 Isabel Pedersen isabel_pedersen 2.58 139 Trine Tsouderos ChicagoScience 2.58 140 Rob Merrett RJMerrett 2.57 141 Greg Meyer Greg_Meyer93 2.56 142 Martin Martorious 2.50 143 Steve Wilson Steve_Lockstep 2.49 144 JP Doumeng JPDoumeng 2.46 145 Malavika Velayanikal vmalu 2.46 146 Christina Farr chrissyfarr 2.44 147 E.G.Nadhan NadhanEG 2.44 148 Neal Augenstein AugensteinWTOP 2.43 149 Adrian Adewunmi Ph.D AdrianAdewunmi 2.37 150 Gerald Wilmink, PhD GeraldJWilmink 2.36 Brands How do they stack up? BRANDS Intel InformationWeek Pebble Mist RINGLY OMsignal We Are Wearables Wearable World Wearable Technology Gigaom STMicroelectronics CuteCircuit adafruit industries Internet of Things Nymi Decoded Fashion Thync Muse Wareable Kovert Designs Sensoria Fitness Forrester Research Wearable Tech Athos Plantronics 0 20 40 60 80 100 PageRank (Normalised) BRANDS 1 - 50 Rank Name TwitterHandle PageRank 1 Intel intel 100.00 2 InformationWeek InformationWeek 60.14 3 Pebble Pebble 27.35 4 Mist Mist 25.41 5 RINGLY getringly 23.87 6 OMsignal omsignal 23.08 7 We Are Wearables WeAreWearables 19.32 8 Wearable World wearableworld 18.38 9 Wearable Technology techwearnews 17.11 10 Gigaom gigaom 16.90 11 STMicroelectronics ST_World 16.67 12 CuteCircuit CuteCircuit 12.76 13 adafruit industries adafruit 12.60 14 Internet of Things Things_Internet 12.22 15 Nymi nymiband 12.08 16 Decoded Fashion DecodedFashion 11.70 17 Thync thync 11.68 18 Muse ChooseMuse 11.02 19 Wareable wareable 11.01 20 Kovert Designs KovertDesigns 10.91 21 Sensoria Fitness SensoriaFitness 10.62 22 Forrester Research forrester 10.38 23 Wearable Tech WearableTechCon 9.83 24 Athos LiveAthos 9.00 25 Plantronics Plantronics 8.91 26 Modev GoModev 8.57 27 Designers of Things dothingscon 8.34 28 Lumo BodyTech lumobodytech 8.17 29 Wearable-News.com WearableNewscom 8.06 30 Spire spire_inc 7.88 31 Pip reworkpip 7.73 32 WearableTechnologies WearableTech 7.57 33 Wearables TechCon WTC2015 7.25 34 Wearable Experiments wearableX 6.76 35 Museoscienza Museoscienza 6.70 36 Lechal MyLechal 6.58 37 Autographer autographer 6.39 38 Hexoskin Hexoskin 6.19 39 UXPA UK UXPAUK 5.99 40 Studio_XO STUDIO_XO 5.86 41 BizTech Magazine BizTechMagazine 5.76 42 ILoveMyPebble ILoveMyPebble 5.70 43 NFC Ring NfcRing 5.51 44 Vandrico Inc vandrico_inc 5.51 45 Recon Instruments Recon 5.46 46 SlashGear slashgear 5.37 47 Atmel Corporation Atmel 5.29 48 CrunchWear CrunchWear 5.03 49 Healthy Startups healthystartups 4.90 50 UX Magazine uxmag 4.70 BRANDS 51-100 Rank Name TwitterHandle PageRank 51 Freescale Freescale 4.69 52 MobileMondayManchest MoMoMcr 4.60 53 MAKE make 4.44 54 Intelsath LLC intelsath 4.30 55 Wearable On Air WearableOnAir 4.28 56 ITProPortal ITProPortal 4.24 57 Accenture Tech Labs accenturelabs 4.05 58 CDECatapult CDECatapult 4.00 59 Orange Healthcare OrangeHCare 3.99 60 MC10 mc10inc 3.95 61 Atlas Wearables AtlasWearables 3.89 62 SMART WEEK 2014 smartweek2014 3.73 63 Narrative getnarrative 3.70 64 Wearable Technology WearTechShop 3.68 65 CIO UK Editor ciouk 3.65 66 ACTON ACTONglobal 3.55 67 SunSprite sunsprite 3.52 68 The NEX Band TheNEXband 3.43 69 Fitlinxx, Inc.
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