Emergency Services Program (ESPs) Emergency Service Programs (ESPs) provide community-based assessment, intervention, and stabilization services for people experiencing mental health or substance use related crisis. hey can tal! to people "ho feel they are in or near crisis, and try to help them find the supports they need to manage the crisis. ESPs are available #$ hours a day, % days a "ee!, &'( days a year. Statewide ESP )umber Call 1-877-382-1609 and enter your zipcode (or use the direct number belo") )ortheastern *assachusetts +mesbury, ,everly, ,oxford, -anvers, Essex, .eorgeto"n, .loucester, 3ahey4)ortheast .roveland, /amilton, /averhill, 0ps"ich, *anchester by the Sea, North Essex *arblehead, *errimac, *iddleton, )e"bury, )e"buryport, Peabody, ,ehavioral /ealth 1oc!port, 1o"ley, Salem, Salisbury, opsfield, 2enham, 2est )e"bury 1-866-523-1216 +ndover, 3a"rence, *ethuen, )orth +ndover 3ahey4)ortheast a!rence ,ehavioral /ealth area 1-877-255-1261 ,illerica, 5helmsford, -racut, -unstable, 3o"ell, e"!sbury, yngsboro, 3ahey4)ortheast o!ell area 2estford ,ehavioral /ealth 1-800-830-5177 Everett, 3ynn, 3ynnfield, *alden, *edford, *elrose, )ahant, )orth 1eading, Eliot Community "ri-City 1eading, Saugus, Stoneham, S"ampscott, 2a!efield /uman Services 1-800-988-1111 *etro ,oston ,oston Boston, Broo!line, Chelsea, Revere, Winthrop ,oston Emergency #oston area Services eam 1-800-981-$357 5ambridge, Somerville Cambridge Somerville Ca%&rid'e ( Emergency Services So%er*ille 1-800-981-$357 Southeastern *assachusetts ,raintree, Cohasset, Hingham, Hull, Milton, Nor"ell, Quincy, Randolph, +spire /ealth +lliance )outh Shore Scituate, Weymouth 1-800-528-$890 5anton, Dedham, Dover, Foxborough, Medfield, Millis, Needham, Newton, 1iverside Community Nor!ood area )orfol!, Nor"ood, Plainville, Sharon, Walpole, Wellesley, Weston, Care 2est"ood, Wrentham 1-800-529-5077 )outhern +cushnet, 5arver, -artmouth, -uxbury, 7airhaven, /alifax, /anover, Child and 7amily Services /anson, 8ingston, *arion, *arshfield, *attapoisett, )e" ,edford, Coast Pembro!e, Plymouth, Plympton, 1ochester, 2areham 1-877-996-315$ +bington, +von, ,ridgewater, ,roc!ton, East ,ridge"ater, Easton, /olbroo!, Community 5ounseling #roc+ton area 1oc!land, Stoughton, 2est ,ridgewater, 2hitman of ,ristol 5ounty 1-877-670-9957 +9uinnah, ,arnstable, ,ourne, ,re"ster, 5hatham, 5hilmar!, 5otuit, Cape Cod < the 0slands Cape Cod ( -ennis, Eastham, Edgarto"n, 7almouth, .ay /ead, .osnold, /ar"ich, Emergency Services the ,slands /yannis, *ashpee, )antuc!et, :a! ,luffs, :rleans, :sterville, Provinceto"n, Sand"ich, isbury, ruro, 2ellfleet, 2est isbury, 2oods /ole, ;armouth 1-833-229-2683 7all 1iver, 7reeto"n, Somerset, S"ansea, 2estport 7all 1iver -all .i*er area Emergency Services 1-800-981-$357 "aunton ( +ttleborough, ,er!ley, -ighton, 3a!eville, *ansfield, *iddleborough, )orth Community 5ounseling /ttle&orough +ttleborough, )orton, 1aynham, 1ehoboth, See!on!, aunton of ,ristol 5ounty area 1-800-660-$300 Central *assachusetts +cton, +shland, +rlington, ,edford, ,elmont, ,oxborough, ,urlington, 5arlisle, 5oncord, 7ramingham, /olliston, /op!inton, /udson, 3exington, +dvocates Metro1est 3incoln, 3ittleton, *aynard, *arlborough, )atic!, )orthborough, Sherborn, Southborough, Sto", Sudbury, 2altham, 2aterto"n, 2ayland, 1-800-6$0-5$32 2estborough, 2ilmington, 2inchester, 2oburn +shburnham, +shby, +yer, ,arre, ,erlin, ,olton, 5linton, 7itchburg, .ardner, .roton, /ard"ic!, /arvard, /ubbardston, 3ancaster, 3eominster, Community /ealth3in! North County 3unenburg, )e" ,raintree, :a!ham, Pepperell, Princeton, 1utland, Shirley, 1-800-977-5555 Sterling, empleton, o"nsend, 2estminster, 2inchendon ,ellingham, ,lac!stone, ,rimfield, ,roo!field, 5harlton, -ouglas, -udley, 1iverside East ,roo!field, 7ran!lin, /olland, /opedale, *ed"ay, *endon, *ilford, )outh County *illville, )orthbridge, )orth ,roo!field, :xford, Southbridge, Sturbridge, Community Care Sutton, =pton, =xbridge, 2ales, 2arren, 2ebster, 2est ,roo!field 1-800-29$-$665 1orcester +uburn, ,oylston, .rafton, /olden, 3eicester, *illbury, Paxton, Shre"sbury, Community /ealth3in! area Spencer, 2est ,oylston, 2orcester 1-866-5$9-21$2 2estern *assachusetts +dams, +lford, ,ec!et, 5heshire, 5lar!sburg, -alton, Egrement, 7lorida, .reat ,arrington, /ancoc!, /insdale, 3anesboro, 3ee, 3enox, *onroe, he ,rien Center "he #erkshires *onterey, *ount 2ashington, )e" +shford, )e" *arlboro, )orth +dams, :tis, Peru, Pittsfield, 1ichmond, Sandisfield, Savoy, Sheffield, Stoc!bridge, 1-800-252-0227 yringham, 2ashington, 2est Stoc!bridge, 2illiamsto"n, 2indsor +shfield, +thol, ,ernardston, ,uc!land, 5harlemont, 5olrain, 5on"ay, -eerfield, Erving, .ill, .reenfield, /a"ley, /eath, 3everett, 3eyden, *illers Clinical < Support 2reenfield are 7alls, *ontague, )e" Salem, )orthfield, :range, Petersham, Phillipston, :ptions 1o"e, 1oyalston, Shelburne, Shutesbury, Sunderland, urners 7alls, 2ar"ic!, 1-800-562-0112 2endell, 2hately +mherst, 5hesterfield, 5ummington, Easthampton, 7lorence, .oshen, Clinical < Support Northa%pton /adley, /atfield, *iddlefield, )orthampton, Pelham, Plainfield, :ptions are 2esthampton, 2illiamsburg, 2orthington 1-8$$-788-6$70 +ga"am, ,elcherto"n, ,landford, ,ondsville, 5hester, 5hicopee, East ,ehavioral )outhern 3ongmeado", .ranby, .ranville, /ampden, /olyo!e, /untington, 0ndian :rchard, 3ongmeado", 3udlo", *onson, *ontgomery, Palmer, 1ussell, /ealth )et"or! 4ioneer 5alley South /adley, Southampton, South"ic!, Springfield, horndi!e, hree 1-800-$37-5922 1ivers, olland, 2are, 2estfield, 2est Springfield, 2ilbraham .
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