IN THIS ISSUE -PRISON INTERVIEW WITH LOS SIETE -LIBERATION WOMEN'S UNION -IIC ACTION NOVEMBER 1969 $'92 25~ VOL. 5 NO. 10 -MUNIBLACKCAUCUS • THE MOVEMENT PRESS BULK FlATE 4.•. POSTAGE 330 Grove Street PAID Mr. & Mrs. Grant Cannon San Francisco, California 94102 Sail Franc:l_. Calif. 4907 Klatte Road P..-mlt No. Cincinnati,' Ohio 45244 TORTURE IN BRAZIL EDITORS NOTE: The following document was smug­ gled out of Brazil. The brother who sent it to us requested that we do "everything within our power to translate it and seek to have it pUblished broadly". OLEO STRUT IS RECRUITING Since he gave no address or suggestions on how we might help, we assume that we can best show our solidarity with our brothers and sisters struggling The Oleo strut is looking for new staff members. oppressive nature of the Army. against imperi.alism in Latin America by building The strut is a GI coffeehouse located in Killeen', The Oleo Strut staff is a collective. We live in one a front against imperialism inside the monster. Texas near Fort Hood. As well as the regular ac­ house and all work every day at the Strut. We have tivities of a GI coffee house, we hope to have a been working as a collective for 4 months and have been DOCUMENT NO, 1 radical bookstore, combination military law and varyingly successful. Within the collective is a wo­ radical books library in tIE near future. men's caucus. We discuss all problems and polit­ On (date, late 1969), two sisters ("A" and"B" , Killeen is a small town with a population of ical questions that arise. We discipline ourselves both respected educators) were arrested by the SS 35,000 people totally dependant on the Army for individually and from the collective we discipline agents of the Brazilian "X" Army at (hour), and its income. Fort Hood itself is a 39.000 man Armored ourselves as a group and criticize -each other for required to give the whereabouts of their brother Post staffed largely by Viet Nam returnees. There mistakes we make as staff members. ("C", a student leader). It is clear that they knew is no basic training, and almost everyone is just ­ We feel that our most important work is devel­ nothing, for they had not seen their brother in more waiting to get out. Because Fort Hood is a riot oping GI organizers who are laying the groundwork than twel Ve months. They were then taken to the head­ control center and discipline is threatened by Nam for a mass movement in the Army. One of the best quarters of the "X" Army, in (address); upon entering vets, the propaganda and coercion are heavy. A lot organizing tools that has been established at Fort a large room, they saw some 40 men torturing 5 or of guys seek escape in dope. In fact, a whole cult has Hood is the Fatigue Press which is put out by the 6 people. Fifteen or twenty of them (ofthe torturers ­ been developed around it. GIs. 5 to 8 for each prisoner) were visibly under the in­ For two reasons we have a firm understanding that In conclusion then, we are looking for people (mp.n, fluence of alchohol, - a Dantian scene very similar no one on the staff will use drugs in Killeen. The first women, or couples) who are willing to: to the GESTAPO, The two were mistreated, kicked and most obvious is that it is a bust - an easy one l)make a commitment of at least six months, hope­ and slapped. They were threatened with having their and one that will close the strut forever. The second fully starting in October or November, or as soon as clothing removed (one man, the most inebriated, is equally important and is the reason that we talk possible. called insistently for the "strip-tease" to begin ­ against drugs to the guys who come to the Strut'. 2) do shit work in the coffeehouse. indicating the frequency of this sort of treatment). , Use of drugs in the Army is as destructive as ghetto 3) learn about military law and counsel on court­ On the morning of the same day, "D" died when use of drugs. Guys are trying to escape the fact that martials and CO applications. when blown to bits by a bomb which he had been they are in the Army and spend all their time getting 4) learn and make changes according to the demands carrying. His roomate f' E" ...was taken to the same high instead of organizing. And of course the Army made by the working situation in Killeen and the Army. torture site; they wanted to know where his friend would rather court-martial a guy for dope than pol­ 5) view their work as long-range, and not look for had held his meetings. He was nude and was placed itics. regular victories. This is organizing, not activism and in "pau-de-arara" (tied hands and feet, arms around In an attempt to break down the barriers between takes patience. ' his knees in a sitting position, and then hung from the GIs and the civilians, we have learned that short 6) talk politics with guys in the Army and keep the ceiling by a pole passed under the knees - in this hair and a «straight appearance" have increased the studying and learning new ways to build a movement. , case he apparently was mishandled in a sitting po­ ability of the GIs to talk and relate to us on an equal If you feel that this is the kind of work you want sition on the floor); in this position, they forced basis. Our insistence on combatting the drug culture to do, please write us immediately, so that we can his chest so far back that it lacerated - the boy here does not mean that we feel that people in the begin discussions about joining the staff. Tell us about cried and screamed. After having been made to watch cities should have reached the same conclusions. yourself and what you have been doing, and we will this scene, "A" and" B" were again questioned about Rather, we are looking for people willing to change describe in greater detail the work that goes on in the the whereabouts of "C", They did not know. the surface of their life style to fit a small town and the Strut. Write to: OLEO STRUT, 101 Avenue D Then they were shown the canvas sack which Killeen, Texas 76541 contained the pieces of "D". One of the soldiers doing the beating jumped on top of the sack saying, "He ;doesn't deserve respect, communists ought to be treat­ 'ed like this. He opened the sack, and seeing that '" A" was the most impressionable, he left the boy's remains at her feet and threatened to cook a piece of his body and force her to eat it if she did not THE MOVEMENT 1s publlsbed ammtbly by THE MOVEMENT PRESS, 330 talk. Grove -street, san Francisco, California 94102--(415) 626-45'7'7 Seeing that with physical and psychological torture SUbscriptions -- $2.50 per year; $3.00 foreign (no Canadian posta.l money they were not getting any information, they tried order Please.) something else, they tortured one sister in front of the other. They put "B" in an electric chair, placed Joseph A. Blum and Arlene Elsen Bergman, EdItors her little fingers in electric sockets and began,to give her shcoks. "B" intuited that" A" was going to Staff:' L~coln Bergman, Renee Blum, Gary Grimshaw, Frank CleCiorka, cry and began to take the shocks passively, For­ Jerry Densch, ComalaDa smith, Terry Cannon. POW: Jeff segal tunately for them, the case of "E" was more serious, and it was decided to free them and to send for" E' s" ,Chleaco Staff: Room 204, 162 N. cUnton, Cblcaco, Wlnols 60606--(312) 32'7- girlfriend to be tortured in his presenCe. ThUS, without 3681~ , having their presence, their declarations or protests registered, they left, their treatment having been interrupted. 'Los Angeles staff: Ken Cloke, Bob Niemann, Mike DaviS, Judy Davis. 165'7 Federal Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90025 -- (213) 478-9509 . ,Detroit Staff: NOC, Box 9571 North End Station, Detroit; Michigan 48202. THIS ISSUE IS DEDICATED TO THE SISTERS AND Bulk orders at special rates available at all offices. , BROTt-fERS WHO STRUGGLE'D IN CHICAGO TO BRING THE WAR HOME JOHN SINCLAIR WRITES FROM PRISON Dear Brothers and Sisters, through proper methods of thinking and 'you don't do anyone' any good except the because we don't accept their authority. -~ My transfer to Marquette has been methods of work. As Che, Guevera said, State; , I never used to be "political" eIther, postponed at least a few weeks, but they "In Revolution one wins or dies" - Mao The time for shucking and jivJ.Dg is but the pigs still attacked, beat, ar­ are determined to send me there as soon won! So did Fidel. As we know, Fidel over. Those' people who care about their' rested and jailed me because I like to as they can. A plgfromtthe Corrections started with 83 men, lost all but 12, brothers and sisters in their hip com­ get high, go to dances, fuck and have a Dept. in Lansing came here to talk to and took those 12 men Into the moun­ munities are going to have to ,starf or­ good time. I was in the House of Cor~ me last Friday and told me how much I tains to get it together.
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