DANUTA PERYT PLANKTIC FORAMINIFERA ZONATION OF THE UPPER CRETACEOUS IN THE MIDDLE VISTULA RIVER VALLEY, POLAND (plates 1-23) PERYT D., 1980: Planktic Foraminifera zonation of the Upper Cretaceous in the Middle Vistula River valIey, Poland. Palaeontologia Polonica, 41: 3-101 Abstract. - Planktic foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Vistula River valIey of Central Poland, the most complete exposed section of the Upper Cretaceous in Europe, have been studied . In this section, comprising Ceno­ manian to Maastrichtian deposits, 90 species of planktic foraminifera were identified , 5 of them being new: Dicarine//a longoriai, Marginotruncana caronae, Globotruncana pozaryskae, Chiloguembelina praecursor, Heterohelix vistulaensis. On the basis of this assemblage 10 foraminiferal zones have been distingui shed : Hedberge//a planispira Assemblage-Zone, Rotalipora cushmani Range-Zone, Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica Interval-Zone, Marginotruncana coronata Interval-Zone, Globotruncana lapparenti Interval-Zone, Globotruncana fornicata Interval-Zone, Globotruncana area Interval-Zone, Globi­ gerine//oides multispinus Interval-Zone, Rugoglobigerina pennyi Interval-Zone, Guembelitria cretacea Range-Zone. This zonation has been correlated with other zonations based on cephalopods, inocerarns and coccoliths of the region studied as welI as with foraminiferal zonations proposed for other regions of the world . Zaklad Paleobiologii, Polska Akademia Nauk, Al. Zwirki i Wigury 93, 02-{)89 Warszawa, Poland. Received: January, 1978. Accepted: May, 1978. Key words: Biostratigraphy, Upper Cretaceous, Foraminifera, Central Poland. Streszczenie. - Opracowano otwornice planktoniczne z osad6w g6rnej kredy, odslaniajacych sicr w dolinie Wisly, stano­ wiacych najbardziej kompletny, naturalnie odsloniety profil osad6w tego wieku w Europie. Og61em, w osadach od ceno­ manu do mastrychtu, stwierdzono 90 gatunk6w, w tyrn 5 nowych: Dicarine//a longoriai, Marginotruncana caronae, Globo­ truncana pozaryskae, Chiloguembelina praecursor, Heterohelix vistulaensis. W oparciu 0 ten zesp61 Wyr6:iniono 10 pozio­ m6w: poziom zespolowy Hedberge//a planispira, poziom zasiegu gatunku Rotalipora cushmani, poziomy niesamoistne: Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica, Marglnotruncana coronata, Globotruncana lapparenti, Globotruncana fornicata, Globo­ truncana area, Globigerine//oides multispinus, Rugoglobigerina pennyi i poziom zasiegu gatunku Guembelitria cretacea. Wyroznione poziomy skorelowano z istniejacyrni juz podzialami biostratygraficznymi dla tego obszaru, opartymi na glowonogach, inoceramach i nannoplanktonie. Przeprowadzono tez korelacje wydzielonych poziom6w otwornicowych z poziomami otwornicowymi z innych obszar6w swiata, Praca byla finansowana przez Polska Akademie Nauk w ramach problemu miedzyresortowego MR. 11-6. CONTENTS Introduction . .. ... 5 Acknowledgements . ... 5 Review of stratigraphic studies 10 4 DANUTA PERYT Lithology . ...• .. .. 12 Rock type s . 12 D escription of the Upper Cretaceou s profile 13 Foraminiferal biostratigraphy 15 H edbergella planispira Zone . .. 16 Rotalipora cushma ni Zone 18 Helvetoglobotruncana hel vetica Zone . 18 Marginotruncana coronata Zone 19 Globotruncana lapparent i Zone 20 Globotruncana fornicata Zone 21 Globotruncana area Zone 22 Globogerinelloides multispinus Zon e 23 R ugoglobigerina pennyi Zone 24 Guembelitria cretacea Zone 25 D iscussion . ... 25 Cen om anian . 27 Turonian, Coniacian 28 Santonian 29 Campanian . 30 Maastrichtian . 30 Conclusion s . 31 System ati c Palaeontology 32 Family Heterohelicidae C USHMAN, 1927 32 Subfamily Guemb elitriinae MONTANARO G ALLlTELLI , 1957 . 32 Genus Guembelitria C USHMAN, 1933 . 32 Genus Guembelitriella TAPPAN, 1940 . 34 Subfamily Heterohelicinae CUSHMAN, 1927 35 G enus Heterohelix EHRENBERG , 1843 .. 35 Genus Chiloguembelina LOEBLlCH and TAPPAN, 1956 42 Genus Pseudoguembelina BRONNIMANN and BROWN, 1953. 43 G enu s Pseudotextularia RZ EHAK, 1891 . 44 Genus Ra cem iguembelina MONTANARO G ALLITELLl, 1957 . 45 Genus Plan oglobulina CUSHMAN, 1927 . .. 46 F amily Planomalinidae BOLLl, LOEBLlcH and TAPPAN, 1957 47 Genus Globigerinelloides C OSHMAN and TEN DAM, 1948 47 Family Hed bcrgellidae LOEB LlCH and TAPPAN, 1961 51 Subfam ily Hed bcrgellin ae LOEBLlCH and TAPPAN, 1961 51 Genu s Hedbergella BRONNIMANN and BROWN, 1956 51 G enus Praeglobotruncana BERM UDEZ, 1952 57 Family Rot aliporidae SIGAL, 1958 59 G enus Rotalipora BROTZEN, 1942 . .. 59 Family Mar ginotruncanidae PESSAGNO, 1967 60 Genus Marginotruncana HOFKER, 1956 . 60 Genus Dicarinella PORTHAULT, 1970 . 66 Genus Helvetoglobotruncana R EISS, 1957 70 Genu s Whiteinella PESSAG NO, 1967 .. 70 Family Gl ob otruncanidae BROTZEN, 1942 71 Subfamily G lobot runcaninae BROTZEN, 1942 . 71 Genu s Globotruncana C USHM AN, 1927 .. 71 Genus Archaeoglobigerina PESSAGNO, 1967 . 81 Genus Glob otruncanita Rtis s, 1957 83 Subfamily Rugoglobigerininae SUBBOTINA, 1959 84 Ge nu s Rugoglobigerina BRONNIMANN, 1952 . 84 Family Abathomphalidae PESSAGNO, 1967 . .. 88 Genus Abath omphalus BOLLI, LOEDLICH and TAPPAN, 1957 . 88 Genus Globotruncanella R EISS, 1957 89 References . 90 Explanation of plates 1-23 .. 97 PLANKTIC FORAMINIFERA ZONATION OF POLISH UPPER CRETACEOUS 5 INTRODUCTION Planktic foraminifera are thought to be one of the most suitable groups for local , regional and intercontinental stratigraphic correlations, because of their wide geographic occurrence, abundance and relatively fast rate of evolution. Numerous stratigraphic subdivisions of the Upper Cretaceous are based upon the planktic foraminifera, especially upon species belonging to the superfamily Hedbergelloidea LONGORIA and GAMPER, 1975 (e. g., DALBI EZ 1955; BOLLI 1957; SALAJandSAMUEL 1966; PESSAGNO 1969; STURM 1969; BELLIER 1973; MASLAKOVA 1977 - comp. table 6). However, these zonations reply mainly to the lower latitudes, where the rapidly evolving species dominate in warm cir­ cumequatorial waters. General zonations (BOLLI 1966; POSTUMA 1971; van HINTE 1972, 1976) were based on the data from the literature and they can be applied to lower latitudes only. Endemic factors also create difficulties in the correlation ofthe Upper Cretaceous deposits; for example, ASANO and TAKAYANAGI (1965) established 6 zones of planktic foraminifera in the . Upper Cretaceous profile of Hokkaido (Upper Albian - Campanian), but their subdivision appears to be only of regional interest as it is based on forms known endemic to only the Pacific basin. To date, only a limited number ofstudies of the assemblages ofplanktic foraminifera from the areas of higher latitudes was undertaken, and they dealt with the assemblages from one or two, rarely three stages (e. g., BERGGREN 1962; DOUGLAS and RANKIN 1969; NORLING 1973; BAILEY 1978). No studies of planktic foraminifera for the whole of the Upper Cretaceous have yet been made from temperate or boreal zones. The Upper Cretaceous deposits cropping out in the Vistula River valley of the Central Polish Uplands constitute the most complete profile of the Upper Cretaceous in Europe. They crop out over a distance of 60 km, from Piotrowice in the south to Bochotnica in the north (fig. 1), in many places in the steep Vistula riverside and in several quarries (fig. 1). I sampled 33 localities (fig. 1, table 1) situated there. The assemblage of planktic foraminifers occurring in the profile studied comprises 90 species, 5 of them being new (table 3). Several species are described in open nomenclature because of the bad preservation or insufficient number of spe­ cimens. The purpose of this paper is to document the assemblages of planktic foraminifera, to distinguish biostratigraphic zones on the basis of these foraminifera, to correlate these zones with orthostratigraphic cephalopod zones and parastratigraphic inoceram zones and, finally, to correlate them with the foraminiferal zones distinguished in other areas. This work was conducted in 1973-1977 at the Institute of Paleobiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa (abbr. ZPAL), where the collection described is housed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My grateful thanks are due to Professor KRYSTYNA POZARYSKA (Institute of Paleobiology, Warszawa) for the supervision, discussions and critical reading of the manuscript, and for giving me access to her literature and collections. I am greatly obliged to Professor H. M. BOLLI (ETH Ziirich) for valuable remarks and giving me the run of his collections and literature, to Dr. M. CARON (Univcrsite de Fribourg) for her discerning and inspiring remarks dealing with the taxonomic and biostratigraphic problems, for making her collections available to me for comparisons as well as for enabling me to carry out my studies and take photographs on the SEM at the Fribourg University, and to Dr. D. STEMPROKOVA-JiROVA (Charles University, Prague) for discussion oftaxonomic problems ofplanktic foraminifera and their stratigraphic significance. My thanks are extended to Dr. J. F. LONGORIA (Universidad Autonomico, Mexico) for intro- Z III Z 22 0 III U -.< <: -IJ o Bochotnica -§ C <Xl N '"'Q) -.< f': -.< N III :.: Q) .0'"' o -0 ~~ol a :< '0 Cl-< Q) N '0..., --_"':"::':"::':;=1l='~==;-----------+-51° Q) U -.< 6 -I • ~ .....Ul ~~ . .<: o Q) -.< U Q) ..... J, III ~ N oU a. o 1/) 1 ~ ." Fig. 1 location of sampled outcrops and synthetic geologic profile in the area of Middle Vistula River valley (after Pozaryski, 1938) PLANKTIC FORAMINIFERA ZONATION OF POLISH UPPER CRETACEOUS 7 Table 1 Location (comp. fig. 1) and characteristic of the outcrops studied Stratigraphical position based upon macrofauna,
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