ROTHBARD-ROCKWELL REPORT 1996! The Morning Line by Murray N. Rotkbard efore last November, there 1 out, get some support, and hope THE EAR was no point in weighing ’ that lightning will strike in the the various Presidential ~ shape of whoever gets the by Sarah Barton possibilities for 1996, since elec- party’s nod for president. n a city that lives on tips, tions are always bound to bring I “Ace” Greenberg, head hon- crucial changes; and this one The ”Eastern Establishment” cho at Bear Stearns in New did, and how! Now, however, a I Dominant in both major par- York, has struck back: he pays no mad early scramble for the Re- ties for decades is what has been tip to the building’s shoeshine publican nomination has al- loosely called the ”Eastern Es- When he found that his as- ready begun, and will emerge in man. tablishment,” which, in the Re- sociates regularly give the shoe- full force by this summer. Now publican party, boils down to a shine guy $2 for a $1.50 shine, that many states have pushed close but sometimes uneasy al- their 1996 primaries much ear- Ace went into orbit, and told the liance between two powerful other Bear Stearns people to lier to obtain influence over the and wealthy groups: the Rocke- stop. I guess to set an example, nomination (”front-loading”),it fellers and their numerous in- becomes more important than one time Ace could only come up dustrial, corporate, and finan- with $1.48 in change, and told ever to get into the race, and to cial coterie (”the Rockefeller start raising money, as soon as the poor guy he‘d cough up the World Empire”) [RWE]; and the 2 cents next time. A top financier possible. The standard early neoconservative-Wall Street stiffing the shoeshine guy! As ploy is to speak at Republican or group, the latter being a tight premier gossipist Cindy Adams other key gatherings in crucial coalition of neoconservative early primary states, and to ap- likes to put it, ”Only in New foundations, academics, pun- York, kids, only in New York.” point committees to “investi- dits,journalists, and thinktankers, gate the potential for entering Continued on page 3 the race’’ (i.e. to see how much Continued on page 4 money can be raised and how many supporters can be ral- lied). H RANDOM GRIPES WHILE WE SIESTA A word of caution: many of by M.N.R., p. 3 by L.H. R., Jr., p. 18 the names floating out there are H WELCOME TO NEWT’S WORLD THE DEVOLUTION BIDDING WAR people who don’t seriously ex- by Justin Raimondo, p. 23 by L.H.R., Jr., p. 20 pect to get the nomination. rn NEIL McCAFFREY, JR., H QUESTIONS FOR GOPers What they really want is the CONSERVATIVE GIANT by L.H.R., Jr., 21 vice-presidential nod, but no- by Llmellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., p. 16 DEATHBYVOUCHERS body ever announces: “I want to AN UNCERTAIN TRUMPET by L.H.R., Jr., p. 22 run for vice-president!” The byL.H.R., Jr., p. 17 thing to do is to get your name P.C. WATCH by L.H.R., Ir., p. 23 ROTHBARD-ROCKWELL REPORT The Morning Line ative action, the welfare state, or the Rockefellers were always con tinuedfrom page 1 the virtual expulsion of Chris- openly leftists (or ”moderates” tianity from the public square. in the whitewash term of the along with their Wall Street al- The Establishment within liberal media), so that Nelson lies. the Republican party is The Rockefeller and the phrase Here we focus on the Enemy, and always has been. “Rockefeller Republican” be- Republicans; the ruling elites The Eastern Establishment has came a stench in the nostrils of among the Democrats are in been the key force in ruling the every conservative, grassroots some ways different-e.g. country for decades, and has American. But the neocons multi-gendered, multicultural, guided the Republican party were sneakier; they moved victim groups and the Hard into aiding and rightward from Left, though the Rockefellers abetting the being Truman- and the left-neocon Wall Democrats in Humphrey Streeters are also powerful if their continuing Democrats in the not dominant there). The drive toward late 1970s, they neocons, who joined the socialism; in the claimed to be Republican Right, and soon case of the Estab- ” conse r v a t i v e” took it over, in the late 1970s, lishment, a cor- and in short order brought to the alliance with the porate-statist managed to take Rockefellers the crucial socialism. It was in control of the en- opinion-moulding elite rebellion against tire conservative (academia, pundits, tech- this elite that movement. nocrats, thinktankers, etc.), plus the Old, pre- How did the lots of money from endowed Goldwater Right, neocons ac- foundations, originally Old essentially mid- complish such a Right, which the neocons dle class and businessmen from feat? For one thing, as self- managed to capture totally in the Midwestern heartland, proclaimed New York Intellec- the early 1980s. Whereas the waged its determined though tuals they brought to the Rockefellers undoubtedly have losing struggle. And it was Republicans and to the conser- more money altogether than the against the kindred Democrat vative movement a veneer of neocons, they are obliged to do elite that the American people High Theory that the party and things with their money-like waged their glorious populist the movement had long lacked: producing oil-whereas revolution last year. and as ardent ”anti-Com- neocon foundation money is The composition of the munists” and “ex”-leftists they free to exert all of its influence in Republican Eastern Estab- were warmly embraced by con- a singleminded drive for State lishment, however, has servatives as prodigal children power. In addition, the mould- changed over the decades. and as knowledgeable com- ing of public opinion is crucial From World War I1 until the rades in the Great Crusade for any wielding of power, since 1970s, they consisted of the against the Soviet Union. Over- intellectuals must be relied on to Rockefeller World Empire; looked in this enthusiasm was spin the apologia for the exer- since the late 1970s, however, the fact that the neocons’ anti- cise of power, and for getting the RWE has been joined by the communism was rooted, not in the public to go along with neocon-Wall Street forces. In the anti-socialism of the Right, policies which violate all their fact, the neocons have success- but in an adherence to other, sound instincts, e.g. higher fully achieved primacy over anti-Stalin wings of the Marxist taxes, government regulation, their Rockefeller allies in Church (e.g. Trotskyite, Buk- foreign aid, open borders, con- dominating the Republican harinite, Menshevik, and, domania, gun control, affirm- party. One crucial reason is that genera!ly, “right-wing Social 4 February 1995 ROTHBARD-ROCKWELL REPORT Democrat”).This bloodless sur- they like to be called) who are media, the neocons, who con- render to the neocons could willing to bend to the popular stitute the “respectable” conser- never have been achieved will, versus those whose al- vative spectrum of journalists, without leaderhip in this legiance, and whose sellouts, pundits, “experts,” political process by the Pope of the Right will not be in obedience to the consultants, and so on. And so since the late 1950s: Bill Buckley popular will but to the malig- neocon favorites get most of the and his Nu tionul Review. Buckley nant elites of the neocons or the mentions. was motivated, not only by the Rockefeller World Empire. In antisoviet Communism com- view of the neocons’ overriding Jack Kemp mon to the Right, but even more strength in the conservative Jack Kemp was the prime by his yearning for respect- leadership, it is particularly neocon candidate for a long ability and social acceptance in vital for paleos and populists, time; he has been the neocon the fetid hothouse atmosphere for those who yearn to advance fair-haired boy for almost two of the New York intelZigentsiu- the great American revolution decades. Plucked out of an acceptance that could be for liberty and against Big obscurity as a Congressman secured by the Kristols and the Government, to oppose those from Buffalo, Kemp became the Podhoretzes. whose prime allegiance is owed Great Thinker, the prince of Once they were welcomed to the neocon power elite. While ”progressive” conservatism, into the conservative tent, it was it would be wonderful to the leader in ”outreach” to duck soup for the neocons to nominate a principled paleo, a blacks, gays, and all of the in- take over: propelled by their or- genuine populist, we must creasingly numerous ranks of ganizing skills and their drive recognize that we may not be the ”oppressed,” champion of for power honed for decades in able to have our druthers, and their ”empowerment” and of the Marxist-Leninist move- that it would be far better to the ”conservative opportunity ment, and clinched by their nominate a pragmatist bending society.” Kemp’s enthusiasm rapid takeover of wealthy foun- to the popular will than some- for unions and for the welfare dations endowed by Old Right one who is a wholly-owned state was demonstrated in his heartland businessmen who subsidiary of the Neocon Em- proudly calling himself a ”Lane doubtless have been spinning pire. This is especially true be- Kirkland Republican” (Lane rapidly in their graves. Hence, cause the American people are Kirkland is the leftist longtime the neocon dominance in much now dedicated to rolling back head of the AFL-CIO).
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