Australasian Record and Advena1/4krld Survey A Publication of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Australasian Division VOL 89, NO. 25 July 7, 1984 p A w Remembering the Pioneers INSIDE: LAURENCE GILMORE, Assistant Communication Director. Nth NSW rEct • The top two winning entries from our "Write Now" Writ- EARLIER this year the New South Wales Government promoted a Heritage Week as a reminder of the pioneer days and the early settlers. Avondale College participated by featuring its Adventist ers' Award Competition. On roots, in relation to the beginnings of the college back in the 1890s. RECORD readers will be very page 6 you can read the excit- much aware that also coming up is a particularly special historical landmark—our 1985 CENTE- ing first-place winner, "Mira- NARY YEAR for Adventism in Australasia. Sabbath May 11, 1985, has been designated as Cente- cle on Ash Wednesday." The nary Day. second-place-winning entry, Drs Arthur Patrick and Gilbert Valentine preached a special Sabbath heritage sermon at the col- "My Escape," is our Youth lege, and delved into the intriguing history of the church in Australasia. New Zealanders learned Feature for this issue. that the late Sir Maui Pomare, an outstanding Maori leader, was sponsored to Battle Creek Sanitarium, and there trained in the medical school under Dr John Harvey Kellogg. He was the first • Other features include a mes- Maori to be knighted, and was a leading medical academic and parliamentarian. That same after- sage from our Division presi- noon, college minister Pastor Lyell Heise gave an introductory talk, prior to groups of people dent on page 2, and Echoes moving out to visit interesting characters, all suitably dressed in period costume and representing from Australia's Most Easterly various Adventist pioneers. Each was able to give fascinating snippets of history. ■ Point, on page 8. PIONEERS shown in the photograph are, from left: C. B. Hughes (Dr Alex Currie), Stephen McCullough (Pastor Ross Goldstone), Ellen White (Debbie Afa), Professor and Mrs Prescott • And more . (Gilbert and Gall Valentine) and Willie White (Dr Arthur Patrick). Not shown Is Metcalfe Hare (Dr Milton Hook). Photo L. Gilmore. 2 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: July 7, 1984 In touch with the president... Australasian RCCOrd and Advent World Survey -- How Not to Lose Official Organ of the AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Heart Editor G. E. GARNE Associate Editor R .W. TAYLOR Assistant Editor LINCOLN E. STEED AS JESUS told the story, the widow won out When Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is Office Secretary .. GLENDA FAIRALL over the unjust judge by being persistent to the not coming with signs to be observed" (Luke Special Correspondents: point of being obnoxious. The story comments 17:20, NASB), He was telling us that there will Australasian Division R. M. Kranz Avondale College W. A. Townend in wry fashion on the foibles and corruption that always be people who think they know God's Sydney Adventist Hospital L. J. Laredo sometimes afflict people in positions of power. mind. We need always to remember that our Trans-Tasman Union J. B. Trim We remember the parable chiefly because it en- views of current events, of standards of perfec- Trans-Australian Union R. K. Brown courages us to persist in intercessory prayer. tion we should reach, or doctrinal positions we Regional Reporters: must adopt, should be not thought of as triggers Central Pacific A. J. Bath Yet as originally told it had a different pur- Greater Sydney E. B. Price pose. At the conclusion of the tale Jesus asks, for divine action, but as responsible responses I North New South Wales M. R. Potts "When the Son of Man comes, will He find to the call of His Word. North New Zealand C. A. Townend 2. Indifference. Jesus drew on the examples Northern Australia • G. Bladin faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8, NASB. Jesus Papua New Guinea R. H. Baird therefore expected us to relate the story to the of the Flood and Sodom and Gomorrah (Luke South Australia G. I. L Roberts Christian who seeks to maintain his faith as he 17:26-30) to give indifference as a second South New South Wales R. Tindall waits for the second coming. reason for losing heart. South New Zealand R. L. Coombe South Queensland M. M. Kennaway In the Gospels the question of continuing Does this have any relevance for us today? Tasmania K. M. G. Townend faith in the period before the second advent Unfortunately our members do not always feel Victoria H. J. Stanton underlies much of what Jesus teaches. The dis- that current events are put into their prophetic Western Australia G. W. W. Driffkall Western Pacific G. M. Smith courses by Jesus on the second coming in Mat- setting. Many long to hear the prophetic mes- Local Reporters: Church Communication Secretaries thew 24, 25; Mark 13; Luke 13, 7, 21, and John sage that brought them to faith preached with * 14-16 all have at their heart questions about fervour and conviction. Equally as damaging as sensationalism is to ignore or downplay the sig- Annual subscription—post paid: preparedness in the light of the second advent. nificance of prophetic developments. Paul re- All areas covered by the Australasian Many of the parables address the same con- Division $A18.00 cerns. Obviously, Jesus saw that the passage of minds us that as children of the light we know Other countries $A29.00 time would affect the constancy of the faith of the times. Air Mail postage rates on application His followers. His concern comes through in Time and again, in the past few months, I Order direct from the Signs Publishing Company, Luke's stated reason for the parable of the per- Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. have heard our pastors and church leaders af- All copy for the paper should be sent to The Editor, sistent widow: "He was telling them a parable firm the preaching of the Advent message in its RECORD. Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, to show that at all times they ought to pray and full beauty and truth. The ministerial workers Victoria 3799. Editorial Office: Phone (059) 66 2501. not to lose heart." Luke 18:1, NASB. To lose and church leadership are committed to defeat Printed weekly for the Division by the Signs Publishing heart is to lose faith and be found wanting by the indifference by keeping our members alert to Company, Warburton, Victoria. Son of man when He returns. our prophetic responsibilities and situation. a a a DIRECTORY The chapter break between Luke 17 and 3. Materialism. The final reason for losing AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY Luke 18, as all such breaks in the Bible, does heart highlights those who have chosen in- ADVENTIST CHURCH not appear in the earliest manuscripts. The par- volvements with this life rather than eternal 148 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW 2076. able of the widow and the judge follows the life. "Whoever seeks to keep his life shall lose President Walter R. L. Scragg Secretary R. W. Taylor teaching about the return of the Son of man and it, and whoever loses his life shall preserve it Treasurer W. T. Andrews belongs with it. Assistant Secretary J. Pate alive." Luke 17:33, NASB. Assistant Treasurer W. H. Stokes We might ask, What is it that causes the fol- Again the relevance to our situation is clear. Projects Director M. G. Townend Auditor G. J. Bland lowers of Jesus, who believe in the imminence Willingness to risk our lives and our means for Associate Auditors C. E. Fisher E. E. Robson of the return of Jesus, to lose heart? In Luke 17 Christ is part of the disciple's responsibility. M. E. Mitchell Jesus offers these reasons: We therefore reject any thinking that gives E. J. Moffitt priority to material development rather than Departmental Directors 1. Sensationalism. "They will say to you, Education G. F. Clifford `Look there! Look here!' Do not go away, and soul-winning and spiritual matters. We will 11 Education (Assistant) H. T. Irvine Health Food D. C. Myers do not run after them. " Luke 17:23, NASB. never come with faith to the moment of Christ's Lay Activities and Sabbath School H. C. Banitt appearing if we do not continually answer the Assistant Sabbath School The concentration on signs of the times rather (Child Evangelism) Miss L. R. Chester than heart preparation may cause loss of heart. divine call to revival and reformation in prep- Temperance W. G. Dowling aration for that event. Health (Acting) Dr. H. Rainda Does this have any relevance to us? Christ- Ministerial Association, We know the answer to Jesus' question, Stewardship and Development A. N. Duffy ians who believe in the very near return of Jesus Ministerial Association, Stewardship may be tempted by sensational interpretations "Will he find faith on the earth?" The Word and Development (Association) E. C. Lemke Communication R. M. Kranz of current events. Some may want to propose declares of the remnant church, "Here is the Publishing J. T. Knopper specific dates for coming events. From our own perseverance of the saints who keep the com- Public Affairs, Religious Liberty and ADRA . G. A. Laxton Youth K. E. Martin history we know how easily people can be mandments of God and their faith in Jesus." Youth (Assistant) L. A. Lansdown Revelation 14:12, NASB. There will be those Christian Services for the Blind R A. Vince caught up in expectations only to taste the bitter Trust Services 0. L. Speck pill of disappointment.
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