Thewww.TheMennonite.orgMennoniteSeptember 7, 2004 communities pursuing Christ’sChrist’spurpose Page 8 ommunities Cpursuing hrist’s Cpurpose FIRST IN A SERIES 11 CPT turns 20 18 Help eliminate global debt 16 Tragic zeal 32 Picking presidents GRACE AND TRUTH God is bigger than our language about God Or suppose a woman has 10 valuable silver coins But Jesus also described God as a woman who and loses one. Won’t she light a lamp and look in lost a coin. Again I hear that caution against settling every corner of the house and sweep every nook and on only one image of God, even one recommended cranny until she finds it? And when she finds it, she by Jesus. God is bigger than any single image pre- will call in her friends and neighbors to rejoice with sented in the Scripture. her because she has found her lost coin. In the same Provider, Savior, Redeemer, King, Lord, Warrior, way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when Mother, Father, Eagle, Rock, Fire, Light, Wind, even one sinner repents.—Luke 15:8-10 (NLT) Spirit, Son. The Scripture is full of different images of God. As we hold them together we discern the use inclusive language when I preach. It’s not outline of One far beyond anything or anyone we hard to do. Start by substituting “humanity” for can imagine. Singly these images may be easier to I “mankind.” It gets easier from there. This is not hold, they may create a sharper picture. But it is in praiseworthy but an attempt to leave room in the the aggregate that we discern the complexity, the sermon for everyone to enter. I teach my sons that wonder, the beyond-ness of the God of Scripture. we watch our language in the realm of God. Avoiding exclusive language for God invites us to Ron W. Adams I rarely use masculine language for God. I don’t be open to a multitude of biblical lenses through is pastor at East rewrite the Scriptures. But when the words are my which to understand and appreciate who God is. Chestnut Street own, they reflect a God who is more than male. Using inclusive language is also a matter of jus- Mennonite Church in This is true to the variety of images of God we find tice. Christians have been slow to recognize that Lancaster, Pa. in Scripture. the Bible’s masculine bias is as culturally bound as The biblical writers use masculine language its poetry or cosmology. We dismiss calls for inclu- when speaking of God. As are we, those writers sivity as “political correctness,” yet Jesus warned were products of their times and cultures. Their against hindering anyone from becoming a disciple. choice of language is not surprising. They used lan- If exclusive language hinders anyone from follow- guage, metaphor and imagery that made sense to ing Jesus, we’d do well to heed that warning. their audiences. Patriarchal societies understood For too long some of our sisters have been and preferred masculine language. excluded from feeling fully welcome. The fault is But the writers also compared God to a nursing not God’s, the One who created us in the divine mother (Isaiah 49:15) and an eagle who bore Israel image, female and male, and called us good. The up on her wings (Exodus 19:4). Though these femi- fault is the use of language that excludes and limits nine images of God are scarcer than I’d prefer, they the good news in a way that makes it hard to hear. tell us our understanding of God should not be lim- If only one young woman finds a deeper connec- ited by our cultural or linguistic preferences. Using tion to God through inclusive language, that’s feminine language to describe God even once worth throwing a party. If my sons come to see that makes clear that God is not solely masculine. God is One who values and understands every Jesus called God Father. He instructed the disci- human being, that’s worth throwing a party. And ples to pray to “our Father.” I have no need to clean even if the only one changed is the preacher, I say, up Jesus to fit my taste or my understanding of jus- Break out the balloons and serve the ice cream. tice. I do not hesitate to pray the Lord’s prayer as There is joy in heaven (and earth) when even one recorded in the Gospels. sinner repents. TM TheMennonite Vol. 7, No. 17, September 7, 2004 The Mennonite seeks to serve Mennonite Church USA by helping readers glorify God, grow in faith and become agents of healing and hope in the Editor: Everett J. Thomas Offices: world. The Mennonite (ISSN 1522-7766) is published on the first and third [email protected] 1700 S. Main St. Tuesdays of each month by the board for The Mennonite, Inc. Periodical Goshen, IN 46526-4794 postage paid at Scottdale, PA 15683-1999. Canada Post international Associate editor: Gordon Houser publications mail sales agreement no. 40033185, GST no. R122192453. Sub- [email protected] phone: 800-790-2498 fax: 574-535-6050 scription rates: $38.75 (U.S.) per year. Group rates available. Scripture refer- Marketing/Advertising: Marla J. Cole ences are from the New Revised Standard Version unless otherwise noted. [email protected] 722 Main St., P.O. Box 347 The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent Secretary: Kristene Miller Newton, KS 67114 the official positions of The Mennonite, the board for The Mennonite, Inc., Editorial assistant: Nora Miller phone: 800-790-2498 or Mennonite Church USA. Design: Merrill R. Miller fax: 316-283-0454 Editor Emeritus: J. Lorne Peachey Postmaster: Cover, pages 8-11 by Laurie L. Oswald Web site Send form 3579 to 616 Walnut Ave., www.TheMennonite.org Scottdale, PA 15683-1999. 2 TheMennonite September 7,2004 CONTENTS 8 Communities pursuing Christ’s purpose God’s heartbeat sends Mennonite Church USA to reach people with healing and hope.—Laurie L. Oswald 11 CPT turns 20 A look at the first 20 years of Christian Peacemaker Teams under the leadership of Gene Stoltzfus—Melanie Zuercher 6 14 Spiritual resistance An excerpt from Iraq: A Journey of Hope and Peace 7 —Peggy Faw Gish 16 Tragic zeal The spiral of violence, vengeance and death —Darrin W. Belousek 19 Keim is Hesston’s presidential candidate 20 Hurricane Charley leads to God’s love Pine Creek Chapel in Arcadia, Fla., finds new ministry opportunities.—Esther Kniss 19 21 Leaders make plans to pass on legacies —Everett J. Thomas 22 Biennial convention joins Native people —Kenyetta Aduma 23 Hispanic Mennonites develop identity —Gordon Houser DEPARTMENTS 2 Grace and truth God is bigger than our language about God—Ron W. Adams 24 4 Readers say 6 News digest 18 Speaking out Help eliminate global debt—Celeste Kennel-Shank 26 For the record 30 Resources 32 Editorial Picking presidents—Everett J. Thomas September 7,2004 TheMennonite 3 READERS SAY Amish in the City felt I have to be careful about what I say and where Re the reality TV show “Amish in the City” I say it. Some in the Mennonite church imply we (Mediaculture, Aug. 17): Does “Amish in the City” must be doing something wrong or un-Anabaptist exploit Amish? Sure it does. But it pales in compari- to become a church that continues to attract large son to other ways the presence of Amish is used to numbers of people from our community. Further- promote tourism in Elkhart and LaGrange counties more, I occasionally feel judged for not attending in Indiana, Holmes County in Ohio, Lancaster leadership seminars at our Mennonite seminaries. County in Pa., and other counties as well. Instead I attend other seminars across the country Businesses want to profit from tourist dollars as the at large churches that have already walked where tourists gawk at Amish in their quaint dress, watch we will be walking or take classes from other semi- them travel in a horse-drawn buggy or wagon—all nary professors who have had experience leading the while staying in the comfort of an elegant motel large, growing churches. This publication wel- as they observe the simple lifestyle. I pray there will be a day when larger Mennonite comes your letters, either about our con- If we want to protest Amish exploitation, why congregations will not be seen as an aberration of tent or about issues don’t we protest every time we see the name the “ideal” small or medium-sized church. My facing the Mennonite church. Please keep “Amish” used to promote the sale of a product? prayer is that regardless of the size of any church, your letters brief— —Richard Hostetler, Goshen, Ind. there will be rejoicing together that we are effec- one or two para- graphs—and about tively reaching our communities with the good one subject only. We No pledge of allegiance news, and more people are becoming fully devoted reserve the right to edit for length and Thank you for J. Nelson Kraybill’s challenging call followers of Jesus Christ.—Dennis Gingerich, Cape clarity. Publication is questioning participation in the national pledge of Coral, Fla. also subject to space limitations. Send your allegiance (“A Christian Pledge of Allegiance,” Aug. letters to Readers Say, 3). My parents suggested that it was not appropri- Silly of church to divide The Mennonite, 1700 S. Main St., Goshen, ate for Christians. Through 12 years of public Several articles in the July 20 issue tell of the seri- IN 46526-4794.
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