PRONUNCIATION BOOKLET Word Phonetic pronunciation (mine) What Meaning (if known) Actual sacred space or enclosure attached to a temple of ab-are-ton Abaton Asclepius where those wanting to be cured slept Acayo a-key-owe Fictional character - a Spartan soldier Greek name meaning out of step/ill-timed Acropolis ac-rop-o-liss Actual fortified part of a city, normally built on a hill Actual ancient Greek King of Athens, father of the hero Aegeus ee-gee-us Greek name meaning protection Theseus Actual Ancient Greek name given to the public open space Agora ag-or-are Greek name meaning gathering place or assembly used for markets Agrias ag-ree-us Fictional character - Alexis' father, and King of Trachis Greek name of unknown meaning Aigai ay-gay Greek name meaning place of goats Actual ancient first capital of Macedonia, now called Vergina Fictional character - Princess of Thermopylae, daughter of Greek name meaning helper and defender (can be male Alexis al-ex-us Agrias & Melina or female name) Amazonomachiai am-a-zon-e-mack-ee Plural of the battle of the Amazonomachy Portrayal of a mythical battle between the Amazons and Amazonomachy am-a-zon-e-mack-ee Amazon battle Ancient Greeks Amphissa am-f-iss-are Actual ancient city in Phocis, now known as Amfissa Greek name meaning surround Actual Ancient Greek jar or jug with two handles and a Amphora am-for-a From Greek word amphoreus meaning to bear narrow neck (singular) Amphorae am-for-i Actual plural of the Ancient Greek jars or jugs called amphora Amyntas arm-in-t-us Actual King of Macedonia Amyntas I 540-498BC Greek name meaning defender Fictional character - Molossian tribesman, father of Basileios, Andreas on-dray-us Greek name meaning man/warrior Melanthios, Cleon, Xylon and Marcario Anticyra anti-sear-are Actual ancient town in Greece Greek name meaning comparable to his father or worthy of Antigonos an-tee-go-nus Fictional character - former Epirote tribesman living in Trachis his father Aphrodite afro-die-tee Actual Greek Goddess of Love Greek name of unknown meaning Apollo a-poll-owe Actual Greek God of Music & Poetry Greek name of unknown meaning Actual ancient Greek city on the right bank of the Aous river Apollonia apple-own-ee-are (modern day Vjose) Ares air-ease Actual Greek God of War From Greek meaning bane/ruin Ancient Greek name meaning goodness, excellence, Actual Ancient Macedonian name for the Greek hero Aretos air-toes manliness, prowess, rank, valour, virtue, character, Heracles reputation, glory, fame, dignity, distinction Actual heroic men who joined Jason on his quest to retrieve Argonauts are-go-noughts the Golden Fleece from Colchis Meaning unknown, possibly from the Greek word artemes Artemis art-ee-muss Actual Greek Goddess of the Hunt meaning safe/artamos meaning butcher Actual ancient healing temples in Greece dedicated to Asclepeion ass-clee-pee-on Asclepius Asclepius ass-clee-pee-us Actual Greek God of Medicine and Healing Greek name of unknown meaning Augean o-jean Actual mythological stables which Heracles had to clean Ava Ay-var Daughter of Nasrin, of Persian descent Persian name meaning a voice/sound Fictional character - Alexis' betrothed, eldest son of Andreas, Basileios bass-ill-ee-us brother of Melanthios, Cleon, Xylon and Marcario, of the Greek name meaning royal/kingly Molossian tribe of Epirus Bellerophon bell-air-o-phon Actual Greek mythological hero Greek name meaning slew chimera Actual Ancient Thracian tribe, protectors of the priests and Bessoi bess-oy priestesses Possible word meaning bound to something/agreememt Brygos br-i-goss Fictional character - a soldier of Trachis Greek name of unknown meaning Calla car-la Fictional character - Alexis' horse Greek name meaning most beautiful Mythological creature with head, arms and torso of a man Centaur s-en-tore and the body and legs of a horse Ceryneia s-air-a-knee-are Mythological hind which lived in Ceryneia (Keryneia) Actual peninusla of central Greece, in Macedonia, modern Chalcidice cal-sid-i-see name is Khalkidiki Mythological operator of the ferry which took people across Charon care-on Greek name possibly meaning fierce brightness the Acheron river and into Hades Actual name given to the full length garment worn by women Chiton kite-on From the Greek word chitōn meaning tunic of Ancient Greece Cleisthenes cl-i-s-th-e-knees Actual 5th century BC nobleman and statesman of Athens, Greek name derived from the words kleos meaning glory and maternal grandson of the tyrant Cleisthenes of Sicyon sthenos meaning strength Cleomenes cleo-mean-ees Actual King of Sparta c. 520–490BC Greek name of unknown meaning Colchis coal-kiss Actual ancient region at the eastern end of the Black Sea Actual Ancient Greek city near the Isthmus, in the north of Corinth cor-in-th the Peloponnese Corinthian (Gulf) cor-in-th-ee-on Actual ancient and current Gulf in Greece Cretan cree-t-an Mythological bull whom Pasiphae fell in love with Crete cree-t Actual ancient and current Greek island Actual name given to the Ancient Greek armour chest piece - Cuirass k-were-as From the Greek word keriein meaning to cut normally made of bronze or leather Persian name Dārayavahush, elements dâraya "to possess" Darius d-are-ee-us Actual King of Persia, Darius I - 550-486BC and vahu "good" Darko dark-owe Fictional character - Thaddeus' horse Macedonian name meaning gift Fictional character - head priest at the Asclepeion of Deacon dee-con Greek name meaning Dusty one/servant Epidaurus Deianira Day-eye-near-are Actual mythological princess of Calydon, lover to Heracles Greek name meaning man-destroyer or destroyer of husband Delphi dell-fee Actual ancient town in Greece, famous for its Oracle Democedes demo-seeds Actual ancient Greek healer enslaved by Darius Greek name Diolkos die-ole-k-eyes Actual stone portage road at the Isthmus Actual ancient mythological twins named Castor and Dioscuri die-es-cure-eye Polydeuces (or Pollux). Brothers to Helen of Troy. Doric door-ick Actual type of Greek column (architecture) Actual prince of Sparta, brother of Cleomenes, Leonidas & Dorieus door-ee-us Cleombrotus, son of Anaxandridas Greek name meaning gift or of the Dorian tribe, from Doris Dyras die-rus The name of a number of rivers in Greece Eleusis el-you-sis Actual ancient and current Greek town 18km from Athens Actual ancient city and capital, also a modern area of Greece Elis ee-liss in the northwest of the Peloponnese Eos ee-oss Actual Greek Goddess of the Dawn Greek name meaning dawn Epidaurus epi-door-us Actual ancient Greek town Epirotes e-pie-r-ut-s Actual Ancient Greek tribe from the region of Epirus Epirus e-pie-r-us Actual Ancient Greek region in northern Greece From the Greek word epeiros meaning mainland Eros err-oss Ancient Greek God of Love Greek name meaning love Erymanthian air-ee-man-th-ee-an Mythological boar who terrorised the mountain range Actual mountain in southern Greece in the northwest Erymanthus air-ee-man-th-us Peloponnese, known now as Erymanthos Actual ancient lake of Greece near Loutraki, now known as Eschatiotis (Lake) ess-car-rot-is Vouliagmeni Lake Euboea you-bee-are Actual second largest Greek island Eurystheus you-riss-the-us Actual ancient king of Tiryns, and cousin to Heracles Greek name meaning broad strength Eurytus you-writ-us Actual mythological king of Oechalia, father to Iole Evrytania every-ta-knee-are Actual mountain range in central Ancient Greece Fibula fib-you-lar Actual name given to the Ancient Greek brooch or clasp, Word possibly means to fasten which were made from bone, wood or metal (singular) Actual first moon of winter, seventh moon of the year in the Gamelion gam-ee-lion Ancient Attic calendar. Equivalent to our January/February Geraneia (Mts) g-er-are-nay-are Actual ancient and current mountains in Perachora Actual ancient princess of Corinth, also known as Creusa, Glauce gl-our-see daughter of king Creon Gnosidicus no-sid-ee-cuss Actual Ancient Greek descendent of Asclepius Greek name of unknown meaning Hades hay-dees Actual Greek God of the Underworld Greek name meaning unseen Halcyonic (Gulf) hell-see-on-ick Actual Greek Gulf off mainland Greece Actual first moon of summer, first moon of the year in the Hekatombaion heck-a-tom-bon Ancient Attic calendar. Equivalent to our July/August Helicon (Mt) hell-ee-con Actual mountain in Boeotia, Greece Helios hell-ee-us Actual Greek God of the Sun Greek name meaning sun Hephaestus heff-ess-t-us Actual Greek God of the Forge Greek name of unknown meaning Hera hair-are Actual Greek Queen of the Gods & Childbirth Greek name meaning queen Heracles hair-a-cl-ease Actual Ancient Greek Hero, known as Hercules to the Romans Greek name meaning in Hera's service Heraion hair-i-on Actual name given to temples dedicated to Hera Actual ancient town in Argolis in the Peloponnese, now Hermione her-my-owe-knee known as Ermioni Hesper hess-per Fictional character - Alexis’ best friend, wife of Thaddeus Greek name meaning evening or evening star Actual name given to an ancient courtesan/concubine Hetaira he-tie-ra (singular) Actual name given to more than one ancient Hetairai he-tie-ra courtesan/concubine (plural) Actual plural of the Ancient Greek himation (long cloak) Himatia hi-mat-ee-are which was normally made of wool Actual name of the Ancient Greek long cloak which was Himation him-a-tee-on Akin to the Greek word hennynai meaning to clothe normally made of wool Hippias hip-ee-us Actual tyrant of Athens from 527BC–510BC Greek name of unknown meaning Hippolyta hip-ol-ee-tar Actual mythological Amazonian queen Greek name meaning horse and
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