National legislation implementing the CTBT and other national measures related thereto The following database contains national legislation which is considered to be either directly related to the implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) or which may be partially applicable to subject matters governed by the CTBT. It is intended to facilitate the research and understanding of how national implementing legislation for the CTBT may be drafted. The legislation was obtained either directly from states or by research into resources accessible to the public. Some of the information may be derived from the reports submitted by states to the United Nations Security Council 1540 Committee, available on the UN website. The Preparatory Commission for the CTBTO does not assume any responsibili ty for the correctness of the data provided. Inclusion in the database does not represent assessment or endorsement by the Preparatory Commission or its Provisional Technical Secretariat. Color code of the table: Blue A link to the legislation or to relevant parts of the legislation exists Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 1 of 39 Regulat ions on Privileg National Other es and Legislati National Legislation prohibiting Penal releva Immuniti Coun on either nuclear tests or nuclear Provis nt es try implemen weapons ions legisla of the ting tion Prepara the CTBT tory Commiss ion Afghanist Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan – Article 7 an observes all international treaties which Afghanistan had signed Albania Criminal Code Algeria Constitution of Algeria article 132 automatically implements international treaties Andorra Constitution of the Principality of Andorra – Article 3 effect of Andorran Sensitive treaties and other international organizations Penal Material Code Control Act (1999) Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 2 of 39 Angola Criminal Code – Article 22 Angolan Penal Law Antigua Nuclear Nuclear and Material Material Barbuda (Offences (Offences) ) Act 1993 Act 1993 Argentin The National Law on Nuclear Activities 0 Act No. 24,804 Argentine Agreement a Penal on the Code – Exclusively article Peaceful 189 use of nuclear energy (Argentina & Brazil) Armenia Criminal Code Australia Comprehensive Weapons Preparatory Nuclear Test- of Mass Commission Ban Treaty Destructio for the Act 1998, as n Act 1995 [CTBTO] amended (Privileges and Immunities) Regulations 2000 and Amendment 2004 (no.1) Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 3 of 39 Austria Federal Penal Constitutional Code Act concerning a Nuclear-Free Austria, 1999 Azerbaij Criminal an Code Articles 206.2- 206.4, 226, 227 and 350 Banglade Nuclear sh Safety & Radiation (Control) Act, 1993 Barbados Explosives Act, Cap. 162 Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 4 of 39 Belarus Presidential Criminal Decree no. 199 Code of of 19 April 2000 1999 no. on 255-3 implementation by Belarus of its obligations under the [CTBT designating the National Authority] By-law of the Council of Ministers no. 1170 of 28 July 2000 on implementation of the CTBT [NDC, budget, staff] Belgium Law on State Security in the field of nuclear energy dated 4 August 1955 Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 5 of 39 Bhutan Constitution Article 10 (25) – automatic acceptance of Penal international treaties Code of Civil & Criminal Procedure Code (29) – automatic acceptance Bhutan – of international treaties chapter 32 Bolivia Treaty of Tlatelolco Bosnia Criminal Code Articles 192-194 and Herzegov ina Botswana Explosives Diplomatic Act Immunities & Privileges Act (1968) Brazil Constitution of Brazil, as amended in 2006 Title III, chapter 2, article 21, section XXIII (a) Brunei Internal Security Act 1984, chapter 133 Bulgaria Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria chapter 1, article 5 (4) automatically implements treaties that have been ratified Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 6 of 39 Burkina Decree no. Faso 022 of 2009 Cambodi Constitution of Cambodia (as adopted on 21 September 1993) a chapter IV, article 54 prohibits nuclear weapons Canada Comprehensive Order Nuclear Test- respecting Ban Treaty Privileges Implementation and Act 1998 Immunities in relation to the Preparatory Commission for the CTBTO and its Provisional Technical Secretariat Cape The Constitution of the Republic of Cape Verde- integration of Criminal Verde international treaties into domestic law – Article 11, 12 Code Article 249, 295 Chile Act 17,798 on Control of Arms, Explosive s and Similar Elements Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 7 of 39 China Law of Hong Kong Chapter 526 Amendm Regulation ent III to s of the the People’s Criminal Republic of Law of China on the Export People’s Control of Republic Missiles of China and Missile- related Items and Technologi es Colombia Constitution of Colombia article 81, prohibits nuclear weapons Código Penal - Act no. 599/2000 (amended by Act no. 890/2004 ), articles 350-367 Cook Nuclear Test- Island Ban Implementation Act 2007 Costa Arms & Rica Explosives Act Côte Constitution of Côte d’Ivoire article 87 automatically d’Ivoire implements international treaties Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 8 of 39 Croatia Constitution of Croatia (2001) article 140, automatically implements international agreements Cuba Laws Against Acts of Terrorism Cyprus The EURATOM Protectio regulations n from The Ionizing Protection radiation from Law 2002 Ionizing radiation Law 2002 Democra Constitution of the DR of Congo article 215 automatically tic implements international treaties Republic of the Congo Czech Peaceful utilization of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation act Republic 1997 section 5 Government resolution no. 883 on measures facilitating the implementation of the CTBT Denmark Act no. 403 of Weapons Act sections 1, 2 and 5 Weapons June 1999 on Act measures section pursuant to the 10 [CTBT] Criminal Code section 192 a Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 9 of 39 Dominica Constitution article 67.2 prohibits nuclear weapons n Code of Criminal Procedure article 1 on the primacy of the Republic constitution and treaties automatically implements international treaties Djibouti Constitution of Djibouti article 37 automatically implements international treaties Ecuador Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador title I, article 163 automatically implements international treaties Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador article 90 prohibits nuclear weapons Egypt Presidentia l Decree no 152 (2006) El Criminal Salvador Code article 264 on the release of any type of energy that endanger s the life or the health of persons or their property, even if no explosion occurs Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 10 of 39 Estonia CTBT 1999 Ratification Act Amendm 1999 ent to the Penal Code section 305 on causing an explosion using nuclear energy Ethiopia Criminal Drug Code Administra tion and Control Proclamati on Fiji Arms and Ammu nition Act (2003) Chemi cal Weapo ns Conve ntion Act (2005) Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 11 of 39 Finland Penal Code 39/1889 with amendme nts up to 940/2008 France Defence Code articles L. 1333-1 to L. 1333-13 Gambia Criminal Anti- code Terrorism Article 79 Act Part VII Georgia Criminal Code article 230-232 Criminal Code article 230 Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 12 of 39 Germany Statute of July War Weapons Control Act 1961 1999 1998 on the Amendm [CTBT] ent of the Penal Code section 328 on causing, inducing another or encouragi ng a nuclear explosion Ghana Guide no. GRPB-G4 Greece Constitution of Greece article 28 automatically implements Penal international treaties Code article 187 and 187a Grenada Terrorism Act no. 5 of 2003 Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 13 of 39 Guatama Arms la and Ammunition Act (Decree- Law No. 38-3-) Restric ted Items Act (Decree-Law No.123-85) Hondura Constitution of Honduras chapter III, article 16 automatically s implements international treaties Hungary Constitution of Hungary automatically implements Criminal international treaties Code section 160/A Iceland Penal Code article 169 a India Penal Explosives Code Act , 1884 The Atomic Energy Act, 1962 India Explosives Substances Act, 1908 The Arms Act, 1959 Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 14 of 39 Indonesia penal Export code Control Iran Islamic Penal Code Iraq Constitution of Iraq article 9, paragraph 1 (e) prohibits nuclear weapons Ireland Nuclear Test Radiologi Ban Act 2008 cal Protectio n Act 1991 Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 15 of 39 Italy Law no. 484 of 15 Law no. 185 of 9 July 1990 article 1.7 prohibits nuclear Law no. December 1998 weapons 497 of 14 “Implementation October and Ratification 1974 of the CTBT, articles 9, including its 10 and 12 Protocols and Annexes, as adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 September 1996” Law no. 197 of 24 July 2003 “Amendments and Integration to Law no. 484 of 15 December 1998 concerning the CTBT” Jamaica The Gun Powder & Explosives Act Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Legal Services 2010 Page 16 of 39 Japan Constitution of Japan chapter X, article 98 automatically
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