PAGE b8 THE STATE JOURNAL Ap RiL 26, 2012 Thursday ALMANAC 50 YEARS AGO Victoria Reed, daughter This ‘Engagement’ is too long of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed, won a superior rating for or- atorical declamation during the 42nd annual Kentucky Romantic dramedy never moves past stale feeling of story High School Speech Festi- val in Lexington. She was a junior at Frankfort High By RogeR MooRe ently Segel, co-writer and di- Violet (Em- School. McT clA chy-TriBune news service rector Nicholas Stoller and I ily Blunt) and “The Five-Year Engage- all own). Tom (Jason 25 YEARS AGO ment” plays like a five-epi- And all that adds up to is Segel) keep Frankfort City Commis- an occasionally engaging ro- sode, R-rated story arc from getting tripped sion member Pat Layton mantic dramedy that never “How I Met Your Mother.” up on the long played an eager reporter blows away that “Where have With more profanity and walk down scaling the steps of the court- I seen this before?” feeling. more explicit sex. And con- house in a campaign com- Emily Blunt and Segel are the aisle in siderably less drinking. And mercial for Steve Beshear’s Violet and Tom, young lovers “The Five-Year no Neil Patrick Harris. race for governor. in San Francisco planning a Engagement.” Jason Segel, co-star of both wedding. Until she gets a fel- Violet and the TV show and the movie, tYOdA in hiStORY lowship to study and work at Tom are young and his “Forgetting Sarah By The AssociATed Press that the University of Michi- lovers in San Marshall” team, feed us two Today is Thursday, April gan, in that “Water Winter Francisco hours-plus of recycled gags 26, the 117th day of 2012. Wonderland” that’s better from the show (e.g. Segel’s planning a There are 249 days left in the suited for wolverines than “Big Foot” impersonation) wedding. year. big-city folk. and bits that might have On April 26, 1937, German He gives up his job as sous been in the sitcom, but were Cour TESY oF and Italian warplanes raided chef at a trendy restaurant GlEn WilSon too expensive for it. They lay- the Basque town of Guerni- and the wedding, a big wed- er the soundtrack with music ca during the Spanish Civil ding, is postponed. He’s re- by Van Morrison, whose love War, resulting in widespread signed to it, and supportive. songs are used so often in the destruction; estimates of She’s distracted, even after movies that they’re collected the number of people killed the pep talk with her ditzy on a CD, “Van Morrison Goes vary greatly, from the hun- sister (Alison Brie, a stitch). to the Movies” (which appar- dreds to the thousands. (The Much of the comedy here Bargain Matinees Daily Until 6pm raid inspired Pablo Picasso’s is built around the funk that famous antiwar painting, Chakeres Tom goes through far away “Guernica.”) Franklin Square Cinema 6 from his dream life in his In 1607, English colonists Frankfort ~ 502-875-9000 dream city and his dream went ashore at present-day Toll Free: 800-668-4354 job. He gets a little too into Cape Henry, Va., on an ex- hunting, becomes a little too THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS (PG) pedition to establish the first Starts Fri 4:15, 7:00, 9:30 fond of dining on deer and permanent English settle- Sat 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:30 dons Ted Nugent facial hair. ment in the Western Hemi- Sun 1:30, 4:15, 7:00 His first faculty cock- Mon - Thu 4:15, 7:00 sphere. tail party in Ann Arbor tells THE FIVE YEAR ENGAGEMENT (R) In 1785, American natu- Starts Fri 4:45, 7:30, 10:00 him all he needs to know. He ralist, hunter and artist John Sat 2:00, 4:45, 7:30, 10:00 mentions he’s a chef, and all James Audubon was born in Sun 2:00, 4:45, 7:30 anybody can think of to ask present-day Haiti. Mon - Thu 4:45, 7:30 sions” specialist mentor gags, scenes that leisurely ever spicy moments it man- is if he saw the Pixar cartoon (Rhys Ifans, funny enough) run far past their punchline ages, “The Five-Year En- In 1865, John Wilkes THE LUCKY ONE (PG13) “Ratatouille.” Today 4:30, 7:15 and judging Tom by what or payoff, and the overdose gagement” is still just broth Booth, the assassin of Pres- Violet is spending too Fri 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 she’s learning. of supporting players bur- – weak broth – in the end. ident Abraham Lincoln, Sat 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 much time at the office, run- And the wedding plans den the film. was surrounded by federal Sun 1:45, 4:30, 7:15 ning psychological experi- keep tumbling backwards. Chris Pratt is Tom’s chef TH E FiVE-YEAR troops near Port Royal, Va., THE THREE STOOGES (PG) ments with her “bad deci- Segel, so wonderfully lost pal, straining for laughs. and killed. (As he lay dying, Today 4:15, 7:00 EnGAGEMEnt Fri 4:15, 7:00, 9:30 in “Jeff, Who Lives at Home,” “Animal Kingdom” Oscar Booth looked at his hands Sat 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:30 GRAND suffers a serious case of nominee Jacki Weaver is a n1 ½ stars and gasped, “Useless, use- Sun 1:30, 4:15, 7:00 THEATRE Zach Braff-itis here. He’s hoot as the bride-to-be’s n Cast: Jason Segel, Em- less.”) CABIN IN THE WOODS (R) content to warm over what mom, but fellow psychol- In 1909, Abdul Hamid II 308 St. Clair • 502.352.7469 ily Blunt, Chris Pratt, Jacki Today 4:45, 7:30 he does on TV, spend more ogy department researcher Weaver, David Paymer was deposed as sultan of the Fri 4:45, 7:30, 10:00 Warner Herzog’s Sat 2:00, 4:45, 7:30, 10:00 money on the soundtrack Kevin Hart is MUCH fun- n Directed by Nicholas Ottoman Empire. Sun 2:00, 4:45, 7:30 Cave of Forgotten and hire HRHotness, Ms. nier in “Think Like a Man.” Stoller, written by Jason Se- In 1945, Marshal Henri Blunt, to compensate. Mindy Kaling lands a few Philippe Petain, the head of THE HUNGER GAMES (PG13) gel and Nicholas Stoller. A Today 4:00, 7:00 Dreams As with every Judd Ap- laughs; Chris Parnell, fewer France’s Vichy government Fri 5:00, 8:00 Documentary - Rated G atow production, there’s than her. Universal release. during World War II, was ar- Sat 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 nRunning time: 2:04 Sun 2:00, 5:00 Featuring 32,500-Year Old Art nothing here that wouldn’t But any chef knows that rested. have been better at a shorter the more you add to the nMPAA rating: R for sex- In 1952, the destroyer- www.chakerestheatres.com Thursday, May 3 7:30 PM - $6 GA length and quicker pace. At soup, the more watered ual content, and language minesweeper USS Hobson Find Us On Facebook two hours, the drawn-out down you make it. What- throughout sank in the central Atlantic after colliding with the air- craft carrier USS Wasp with the loss of 176 crew mem- Brought To You By www.fpb.cc 352-4372 bers. ON TV TONIGHT In 1962, the NASA space- craft Ranger 4 crashed into THURSDAY EVENING APRIL 26, 2012 FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 27, 2012 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 the moon6:00 as planned 6:30 after 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Wave 3 News at NBC Nightly News WAVE 3 News at WAVE 3 News Community “Basic 30 Rock (N) ’ The Office “Fund- Parks and Recre- Awake “Game Day” A big football rivalry. WAVE 3 News at The Tonight Show failingWave to 3 Newstransmit at NBC Nightlyimages News WAVE 3 News at WAVE 3 News Who Do You Think You Are? Rob Lowe Grimm “Leave It to Beavers” Nick Dateline NBC (N) ’ Å WAVE 3 News at The Tonight Show # # 6 (N) (N) ’ Å 7 (N) Å at 7:30 Lupine Urology” (Live) Å raiser” (N) Å ation (N) ’ Å (N) ’ 11 (N) With Jay Leno (N) # # 6 (N) (N) ’ Å 7 (N) Å at 7:30 examines his family history. (N) encounters a conflict. (N) ’ Å 11 (N) With Jay Leno (N) WHAS-11 Live at ABC World News Entertainment Inside Edition (N) Missing “Measure of a Man” Becca Grey’s Anatomy “Moment of Truth” The (10:01) Scandal “Enemy of the State” WHAS11 News 11 (11:35) Nightline and data.WHAS-11 Live at ABC World News Entertainment Inside Edition (N) Shark Tank A three-in-one nail polish. (9:01) Primetime: What Would You 20/20 ’ Å (11:15) High (11:35) Nightline + + 6PM (N) Å Tonight (N) ’ Å ’ Å recalls details of a past case. (N) Å residents take the oral boards. (N) The team helps a dictator. (N) Å at 11 (N) Å (N) Å + In+ 1968,6PM (N) Åthe United States Tonight (N) ’ Å ’ Å (N) ’ Å Do? ’ Å School Gametime (N) Å LEX 18 News at 6 NBC Nightly News LEX 18 NEWS Access Hollywood Community “Basic 30 Rock (N) ’ The Office “Fund- Parks and Recre- Awake “Game Day” A big football rivalry.
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