East Hampshire District Council Winchester City Council Penns Place, Petersfield City Offices, Colebrook Street, Hampshire. GU31 4EX Winchester, Hampshire SO23 9LJ Telephone 01730 266551 Telephone 01962 840 222 www.easthants.gov.uk www.winchester.gov.uk Chief Executive: Sandy Hopkins Chief Executive: Simon Eden EHDC & WCC Joint Environmental Services Committee Agenda Date: 25 March 2015 Time: 2.30 pm Venue: Council Chamber, Penns Place, Petersfield, GU31 4EX Membership Membership: Cllr R Millard (Chairman) Councillors (EHDC) Councillors (WCC) Cllr Melissa Maynard Cllr Steve Miller Cllr Bill Mouland Cllr Frank Pearson Cllr Patricia Stallard Deputy Members Councillors (EHDC) Councillors (WCC) Cllr Dean Phillips Vacancy The business to be transacted is set out below: Jo Barden-Hernandez Service Manager – Legal& Democratic Services Date of Publication : Tuesday, 17 March 2015 Contact Officer: James Harris 01730 234098 Email: [email protected] i Pages PART 1 (Items open for public attendance) 1 Apologies for Absence To receive and record any apologies for absence. 2 Chairman's Announcements 3 Confirmation of Minutes To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 26 November 2014. 4 Declarations of Interest 5 Environmental Services Audit Update 1 - 12 6 Contract Management Team Update Verbal update by the Service Manager (Contract Management Team) 7 The Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 (Amended 13 - 34 2012) 8 Project Integra Update 35 - 106 9 Litter Picking and Road Safety 107 - 128 10 Matters Referred from the WCC/EHDC Environmental Services 129 - 134 Joint Scrutiny Committee PART 2 (Confidential Items - closed to the public) The committee is asked to consider whether to pass a resolution excluding the public from the meeting during consideration of any of the items on the agenda. If councillors wish to do so then this could be achieved by passing the following resolution. Councillors are not required to pass the resolution but the Solicitor to the Council recommends this as to the item set out below. That the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the item headed and numbered as below because: (a) it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during that item there would be disclosure to them of exempt information of the descriptions specified in paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) of the Local Government Act 1972 shown against the heading in ii question; and (b) in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Item 11 – Public Conveniences Cleaning Contract (Paragraph 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); and Item 12 – Textiles Income Update (Paragraph 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). 11 Public Conveniences Cleaning Contract 135 - 140 12 Textiles Income Update 141 - 148 GENERAL INFORMATION IF YOU WOULD LIKE A VERSION OF THIS AGENDA, OR ANY OF ITS REPORTS, IN LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE, AUDIO OR IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE PLEASE CONTACT DEMOCRATIC SERVICES ON 01730 234073. Internet This agenda and its accompanying reports can also be found on the East Hampshire District Council website: www.easthants.gov.uk Public Attendance and Participation Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe the meetings. Many of the Council’s meetings allow the public to make deputations on matters included in the agenda. Rules govern this procedure and for further information please get in touch with the contact officer for this agenda. Disabled Access All meeting venues have full access and facilities for the disabled. No Smoking Policy All meeting venues operate a no smoking policy on all premises and grounds. iii This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5 NON-EXEMPT EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL & WINCHESTER CITY COUNCIL EHDC & WCC Joint Environmental Services 25 March 2015 Committee Environmental Services Audit Update Report by Service Manager (Contract Management Team) For Information Portfolios: Cllr Melissa Maynard (EHDC, Environment), Cllr Richard Millard (EHDC, Commercial Contracts), Cllr Patricia Stallard (WCC, Environment, Health & Wellbeing) Key Decision: No 1.0 Purpose of Report 1.1 To advise the Joint Environmental Services Committee on the outcome of the 2013/14 audit of the Joint Environmental Services Contract undertaken by the Southern Internal Audit Partnership for both East Hampshire District & Winchester City Councils, and the progress on the Management Action Plan which senior officers of both councils have agreed with our auditors. 1.2 JESC previously considered this matter in October 2014 and asked for an update report to be brought back in March 2015. 2.0 Recommendations (a) That the Committee notes the progress made in respect to delivery of the Audit Management Action Plan. 3.0 Detail 3.1 The report of the Joint Environmental Services Audit was issued in August 2014. Its focus was to assess the effectiveness of controls in place focusing on those designed to mitigate risk in achieving the following key objectives: Page 1 • Governance arrangements and management and operational responsibilities are clearly documented and communicated to all relevant parties; • Works and supplies meet the requirements and quality of the agreed contracts and specifications; • The performance of the contract is regularly reviewed and appropriate action taken with the contractor; • Relevant Members and senior management are regularly informed of compliance with the contracts and associated costs; • Administrative arrangements at both authorities ensure that processes are efficient and costs are transparent, fair and representative. 3.2 The overall opinion of the review based on the position in early 2014 was that a limited assurance could be placed on the effectiveness of the framework of risk management, control and governance designed to support the achievement of management objectives. 3.3 In particular, the audit identified that business processes had not been formally designed to support the Joint Client Team (JCT) activities and had evolved over the life of the partnership and are not fit for purpose. This resulted in a number of issues which the resultant Management Action Plan has already addressed. 3.4 Additionally, the audit confirmed that there were some weaknesses in contract monitoring, strategic and operational performance management of the contracts and there was inconsistent reporting of performance to both the senior officers (JESB) and councillors (JESC) during 2013. 3.5 An update report was requested by the Partnership in December 2014. Progress has continued with the delivery of the actions and the latest position is attached at Appendix A. This report provides a summary of that update and confirms that significant progress has already been made in addressing the issues identified and many have now been completed. 3.6 Whilst the overall opinion from the original audit was one of ‘limited assurance’, the auditors assessment of the Management Action Plan was that completion of the actions would mitigate any future risks. It is not yet known whether the progress made will result in a reassessment of that judgement and a further audit is due during the current calendar year. 4.0 Implications 4.1 Resources: There are no specific additional resource requirements arising from this report. Many of the actions have been completed as part Page 2 of the implementation of the Joint Client Team review previously considered by JESC. 4.2 Legal: there are no legal implications directly from this report. 4.3 Strategy: No direct implications 4.4 Risks: The implementation of Management Action Plan has helped to reduce the risks to the two councils to an acceptable level. 4.5 Communications: There are no direct communication issues arising from this report. Appendices: Appendix A - Environmental Services Audit Action Plan Update Contact Officer: Rob Heathcock Job Title: Service Manager (Contract Management Team) Telephone: 01730 234283 E-Mail: [email protected] Page 3 Appendix A Action plan 1 Objective Governance arrangements and management and operational responsibilities are clearly documented and communicated to all relevant parties Management action What Priority Responsible officer Progress update Dec 2014 (High, Medium, Low) 1.1 Review terms of reference and governance Low J Batchelor / S Completed - terms of reference arrangements for joint scrutiny committee to Tilbury reviewed and agreed at Joint Page 4 ensure that councillors and officers in each Scrutiny Cttee. council are clear as to responsibilities of the joint committee. 1.2 The sequencing of the work programme for, Low J Batchelor / R Completed JESB, JESC and JESSC has been reviewed to Heathcock ensure that key decisions are taken by JESC following consideration by JESB & JESSC as appropriate. 1.3 Programme of BPR has been established with Medium S Watson Completed support from the Business Improvement Team to review, harmonise and document all processes within the JCT. 1.4 Completion of all BPR / process reviews and Medium S Watson In Progress - Review implementation / rollout of new processes programme underway. Progress including staff training. JCT Procedure Manual being delayed by
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