• WSSF drive Buy your will continue . bonds in the through next week University drive 1-1 A W A Voi. xxrv UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1946 No. 19 Neither r ain n or flu epidemic $2000 is ASU.H goal 46 degrees awarded in Victory bond drive deter malahini professor The ASUH victory committee has set $2,000 as the goal fpr the vic­ February graduates By Julie Brannen . ,, . great capitals of Europe; to find tory Bond drive now being held on "I'm teaching in Paradise, is the Austria "lovely'', to become "very the campus. Many attractive prizes University granting of diplomas will enthusiastic opinion of Dr. Harlow much pleased" with the Orient and are being offered by various Hono­ Richardson, professor e m e r i t u s finally, to "fall in love" with Ha­ lulu firms to students and faculty be held at June commencement exercises from the English department of the waii. members. to encourage the purchase Degrees ~nd diplomas were awarded to 46 University of Hawaii University of Minnesota. , One of his most memorable ex­ of bonds. students who completed their work in February, the board of regents A real appreciation of the prod­ periences was a trip in 1935 through Born bay Bazaar is offerfog a ucts of nature a nd man seems to be the "Land of the Midnight Sun" t o grand prize of $25 in merchandise announced last week. Awards will be made at commencement exer­ a speCial attribute of this new-com- a point within 500 miles of the order to the student who buys the cises in June. North Pole. largest amount of bonds during the Degrees granted are: drive. offers w-riters A stop-over of one day on Oahu MBS College of Arts and Sciences on his way to the Orient in 1934 re­ The second student prize is a $10 Bachelor of arts in social sci­ vealed to Dr. Richardson the beau­ merchandise order given by the opp·ortunity ty of Hawaii. At that time he t oured Manufacturer's Shoe Store. A $10 ences: Grace Shizuko Fujimoto, Aspiring young writers seeking the island as the guest of President merchandise oroer from the Hono­ Clara ltsue Funasaki, Anna Chiyo careers in radio have an unusual Gregg M. Sinclair, an old friend and lulu Sporting Goods or a $10 mer­ Monobe Furukawa, Margaret Su­ opportunity to realize their ambi­ University of Minnesota assoc~ate. chandise order from the New York mie Harakawa, Rosaline Hannah tions sin.ce "The Carrington Play­ With that memory in mind and a Dress Shop may be won by the boy Medeiros, Doris E. Nitta, Mary Ui­ house," a new half-hour dramatic desire to escape the sub-zero weath­ or girl in third place. lani, Y. S. Tyau, all of :f!onolulu. show presented by the Mutual er of Minnesota, he accepted the Bachelor of arts in language, lit­ The Fujikami F lorist is donating Broadcasting System, was ·inaugu­ invitation of Pres. Sinclair t o spend erature, and arts: Raymond Kazu­ lovely orchid corsages t o the high­ rated February 21, according to in­ six months t eaching here. to Higuchi, Ernest Silva, Lydia est faculty buyers. For first prize formation received by Ka Leo last Bingham Sutherland, of Honolulu. Dr Richardson was head of the there is a $10 orchid; second, a week. Bachelor of arts in economics and depa~·tment of English in the Insti.- ' $7 .50 orchid; third, a $5 orchid. Elaine Carrington, famed radio business : Joseph James Carr, of tute of Technology on the Univer­ The captains of the two teams script writer, author and play­ Honolulu; Asae Fujitani, of Hono­ sity of Min nesota campus. He ar­ selling the largest amount of bonds wright, is producer of thi.s series. lulu; Isao Hamada, of Waipahu, Profe;sor Richardson rived in Honolulu on February 8, will receive a $3 .50 orchid ·and a $2 MBS is soliciting the cooperation of Honolulu; Harumi Miriam Sumi, after setting somewhat of a record orchid respectively. The Fujikami of established radio, dramatic and er to the University of Hawaii. Oahu; Robert Mitchell Sternberg, of less than three days in flight. Florist is also awarding these journalism departments of univer­ Neither the recent rains nor the of Paia, Maui. A graduate of Grinnell college in flu epidemic seems to l,l.ave affected prizes. sities and colleges throughout the Iowa, the new inst ructor has done The four team s which ' a!'.e now country to bring t o light new crea­ that feeling in respect t o the "mar­ College of applied science graduate work at the Universities selling bonds in the special booth tive talents that will contribut e to velous" climate, the tropical moon­ Bachelor of science in sugar tech­ Continued on page 3 a higher calibre of entertainment light or the particularily "beautiful Continued on page 3 nology: Roy Miller Chalmers, of for the radio public. surroundings"· of this campus. .Waimanalo, Oahu. A $200 reward and the personal Extensive traveling in E urope Bachelor of science in home eco­ recognition that goes with having and the Orient, plus a curiosity for J(a Palapala beauty queen nomics: Judith H isae Doue, of Ho­ their drama beamed throughout the . all things of historical of literary nolulu; Carol Sachie Ohara, of country go to authors of accepted significance, plus this n atural gift Pearl City; Betty Umeyo Saito, of scripts. of appreciation have already m ade petitions due to1norrow Waialua, Oah u. In addition, all winners are au to­ Bachelor of science in general him one of the most interesting P etitions for candidates in the for Tuesday, Mar ch 19. Although matically eligible for the special science: Leonard J un Leong Lei men on the campus. beauty contest now being sponsored Loret ta Kim's name did not appear Carrington A ward of an a dditional and Sei Yoshimura, both •of Hono­ With his blue eyes focused on in Ka Leo last week sh e will vie by the ASUH-Ka Palapala must be $500 and a handsome plaque w hich some point i~ the past and his kind­ for queen in the Korean group. lulu. m ailed to con test chairman Amy will be award ed for the best script ly expression changing t o one of Master of ceremonies for th e Bachelor of science in nursing: H igashihara, c/o campus mail 1478, Continued on page 3 Florence Chung How Loo. reminiscence, Professor Richardson by tom orrow afternoon. P etitions judging ceremonies is Keichir o Ya­ has much to tell of his t ravels in must bear t he names of 25 bona m ato, former chairman of the Board Teachers college Europe and the Orient. fide ASUH m ember s. of De bat e and Forensics who is now Cmnm er ce club makes Bach elor of education in pre­ They have taken him through the Meanwhile, it was announced t hat back on t he campus after serving plans f or semester school-p rimary education: Sum Picturesque countryside of Norman­ the Honorable Ingram M. Stainback as a lieutenant with the 442nd In­ Moi Mitzi Kam, of Lahaina, Maui; dy, later ravaged by war, from the fan try. H e will also be in charge of :With the purpose of promoting will present . awards t o the five better under standing among stu­ Kikuyo Okabe, of Honolulu. majestic fjords of Norway, to the the pep rally fo r beauty contestants queens a t the final judging on t he dents in economics a nd business, Bachelor of education in elemen­ night of March 25. which is planned to be held some­ tary education: Sumiko Hirano, of time before the election by the stu­ the Commerce club has planned an Pay, enrollment age H onored guest at the Judging will active program for t he second se­ Elele, Kaua i; Kazue Kamasbita, be E arl Finch, prominent busin~s s ­ dent body. of Waimea, Kauai ; Riyono Gotanda A 30-minute program .under the m est er. increased by ROTC man from Hattiesburg, ' Mississippi, According to Jean . Yamauchi, Kobayashi, of Moana lua Gardens, who arrived in the Isla nds tnis week chairmanship of Shigemitsu Naka­ Oahu; Ah Hau Lee, of Hakalau, Changes in the regulations gov­ president, th e organization will in­ at the request of veterans of the shima, veteran, will be presented to Hawaii; Edith Tay e~o Matayoshi, erning the ROTC detachment at the vite prominent members of the Ho­ lOOth and 44nd combat units. the audience on Monday night. of H ilo, H awaii ; Ida May Pavao, of University have been announced by Committee chairmen working on nol'ul~ Chamber of Commer ce to An error on the part of the nomi­ some of its meeting in order that Honolulu; Hoshie Tokuhama, of Colonel Harold J . Keeley, pr ofessor nating committee left out Gracie the contest are: Ruth Nitta, prizes ; Aiea, Oahu; Miria m Misao Usui, of of military science and tactics. Alana Wong, judges ; Sachi Oyama, the students may be acquainted Mae Chang's name from the group with the business leaders of the Honolulu; Ka zue Wa tanabe, of Ho­ The maximum age for enrollment election; Kimiyo Nagata, exhibit; nolulu; Bernice Kisako Yamagata, in the cosmopolitan list. She will community. in the ROTC advanced course is compete in the election scheduled and Alice Hirayama, publicity. Continued on page 3 now 27, instead of 26. "All persons interested in busi­ The daily rat e of pay for the ness or majoring in business and Year 1946-47 ha s been fixed at 66 economics are welcomed to our next cents.
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