chapter 16 Astronomical estimation of the dates ciphered in the Egyptian zodiacs: a methodology 1. Thus, the pre-Copernican astronomy didn’t distin- SEVEN PLANETS OF THE ANTIQUITY. guish between the Sun, the Moon and the planets in ZODIACS AND HOROSCOPES their movement across the celestial sphere. It is possible that at dawn of astronomy people Nowadays we know seven planets – Jupiter, Saturn, had thought all seven luminaries that one sees on the Mars, Venus, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune. How- celestial sphere to move inside a real sphere of cyclo- ever, Uranus wasn’t known to ancient astronomy since pean proportions, with all the immobile stars affixed this planet is too dim for the naked eye to see. It was thereto in some way. After many years of observa- discovered by the English astronomer William Her- tion, ancient astronomers discovered that all these schel in 1781 – already in the telescope observation luminaries follow the same imaginary itinerary as epoch, that is ([85], Volume 33, page 168) – let alone they move along the celestial sphere. They realized Neptune. that this itinerary follows an extremely large circum- Therefore, ancient astronomers were familiar with ference upon a sphere and doesn’t change with the only five of the planets known to us today, Uranus and course of time (today we know that it does change, Neptune excluded. However, before the heliocentric but very slowly, and cannot be noticed with the naked theory of Copernicus became widespread, the Sun eye). The planetary itinerary on the celestial sphere and the Moon were ranked among planets as well. is known as the ecliptic, or zodiacal belt in astronomy. Hence the “seven planets of the antiquity” that we The constellations located along it are called the zo- shall be referring to. diacal constellations. Let us explain why the Sun and the Moon were Thus, according to the old beliefs, which were ap- considered planets before Copernicus. According to parently shared by the authors of the Egyptian zodi- the old astronomical theories, all celestial bodies re- acs as well, seven planets or “wandering stars” were volved around the Earth and not around the Sun. constantly moving across the sphere of their immo- From the point of view of an observer from Earth, it bile cousins. These “wanderers”are as follows: the Sun, is the latter that every celestial body revolves around, the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Venus. and not the Sun. The trajectories of the Sun and the The habit of ranking the Sun and the Moon Moon also look very similar to those of the planets. among planets died hard. In fig. 16.1 we reproduce a 502 | history: fiction or science? chron 3 | part 2 find planets, and thus also a horoscope, in the Egypt- ian zodiacs. Apart from that, a zodiac could contain auxiliary astronomical symbols as mentioned above. Most often there’s just a single full horoscope in an Egyptian zodiac; however, there are some that con- tain several horoscopes. There are also horoscope- less zodiacs in existence. Each planet’s position in relation to the constella- tions of the zodiacal belt can be observed in the sky, the Sun being the sole exception. All the planets are visible at night, likewise the stars, except for the ones that have come too close to the Sun, which tem- porarily deprives them of nocturnal visibility. Their position on the Zodiac is nevertheless easy enough to estimate – they should be near the Sun. The Sun’s place on the zodiac cannot be observed; it is, however, possible to determine it. One can do it at dawn or immediately after dusk. For instance, one can mark the place where the sun sets in the evening and then, when it gets dark enough, also mark the zo- Fig. 16.1. A page from an ancient XVIII century calendar dat- diacal constellation that appears here. This requires the ing from the epoch of Queen Anna Ioannovna. At the bottom knowledge of the Sun’s daily motion speed determined of the drawing we cite a close-in with a list of the seven plan- by the rotation of the Earth – a value that remains con- ets, including the Sun and the Moon. Both Greek and Latin stant over the course of time (within the precision names are cited – names of the gods identified with planets, limits that interest us, at least). Therefore, the speed as well as days of the week related to the planets in ancient as- at which the Sun sets is easy enough to calculate – all tronomy. The names of planets are as follows: Mars = Ares, Mercury = Ermis (Hermes), Jupiter – Dyis or Zeus, Venus = it takes is a clock, no matter how roughly-made. Aphrodite, Saturn = Kronos. Photograph of a calendar kept There is another simple method of estimating the in the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg, taken in 2000. position of the Sun among the stars with precision. It couldn’t be used any day, though – only during full moon, and on the condition that the stellar longi- page from a XVIII century calendar where the Sun tudes on the Zodiac have already been measured by and the Moon are still referred to as planets. someone. Were the ancient astronomer in the pos- All the planets except for the Sun, and occasion- session of such a catalogue, he could estimate the po- ally also the Moon, can only be seen at night – that sition of the Sun by that of the Moon. One should is, when one cannot see the Sun whose light out- bear in mind that the Sun and the Moon are on the shines all the other celestial bodies. The Sun, on the opposite ends of the Zodiac during full moon; there- contrary, is only visible during the day. The Moon fore, once we mark the position of the full moon can be seen at night, and sometimes also in the day- amongst the stars, we can use the catalogue of zodi- time. Each of the seven planets is located in one of acal constellations in order to find the zodiacal point the zodiacal constellations at any one time. that opposes it, where the Sun shall be. The distribution of the seven planets in question The knowledge of the Sun’s position during full across the Zodiacal constellations is called a horo- moons and the fact that the speed of the solar eclip- scope. tic motion remains constant throughout the entire Egyptian zodiacs are ancient Egytian drawings of year of the solar cycle, one can calculate the celestial the celestial Zodiac with Zodiacal constellations position of the Sun for any day. Once again, one needs drawn thereupon symbolically. Quite often one would to have some sort of a timekeeping device and the chapter 16 astronomical estimation of the dates ciphered in the egyptian zodiacs | 503 knowledge of fractions; both appeared in the Middle that sufficed for calculating and not observing the Ages (METH3]:3, pages 94-102). horoscopes that they included in their zodiacs. Let us emphasise that no matter how the obser- Hence the important corollary that we already vations are conducted, the position of the Sun among mentioned above. the stars can always be calculated. To reiterate – one A horoscope one finds in an Egyptian zodiac cannot observe the Sun and the stars simultaneously, doesn’t necessarily refer to the date contemporary to yet the position of the Sun in the Egyptian zodiacs is this zodiac’s manufacture. usually indicated with precision. Therefore, the zo- For instance, if a zodiac is a drawing from the ceil- diacs could simply be compiled, without the need for ing of an ancient temple, the date ciphered in its horo- observing celestial objects and performing astro- scope is unlikely to be that of the temple’s construc- nomical calculations. tion – most probably, it is the date of the holy event that the temple itself was consecrated to. Therefore, 2. there is a very real possibility that such horoscopes THE POSSIBLE PRESENCE OF CALCULATED were calculated during the construction of the tem- HOROSCOPES IN EGYPTIAN ZODIACS ple and reflects the builders’ ideas on the dating of the even in question. And so, the ancient astronomers could estimate the Another possibility is as follows. The “ancient” zodiacal positions of every planet except for the Sun compilers of the Egyptian zodiacs (which could have from immediate observations. The position of the lived in the XV, XVI, and in some cases even in the Sun either had to be calculated, or could only be given XVII-XVIII century a.d.,according to the New very roughly. Therefore, the horoscopes from the an- Chronology) may have known an older tradition than cient zodiacs could be compiled from actual obser- we and owned old books which are irretrievably lost vations. to us. For example, they may have used the truly old On the other hand, nothing could prevent the an- records of astronomical observations dating to the cient astronomers from calculating the horoscopes XI-XIII century for reference when they compiled that they would subsequently write into one zodiac zodiacs for the “ancient” Egyptian temples built in or another. This would require an astronomical the- their epoch. ory of some sort in order to enable one the calcula- They could also have had a really old version of tion of every planet’s position and not just the Sun Ptolemy’s Almagest at their disposal, one that dated with any degree of precision at all – not that high, the to the epoch of the XI-XIV century a.d.
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