TOIAJME LXXTII.-NO. 156.The SanSAN FRANCISCO,FranciscoWEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 15,Call.1895. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Stanford University; Miss Estelle M.Dar- bring the loveliest of blooms to headquar- claims of this section for recognition. The rah, Teachers' Training School, St. Paul; ters. Inthe rooms of the Ladies' Auxiliary— directors express themselves in favor of an Miss Irene Hardy, Stanford University; the most beautiful flowers can be seen air line so far as practicable. Such a line from Fresno to Visalia will through the SANTAROSA MOURNS Miss Mary P. Adams, Normal School, San LIKE AFAIRY CITY. the choicest from many gardens of the AMIDFRESNO VINES go SLOPE. included in organization re- PACIFIC the THE Logan brought towns the Jose; MelvilleB. Anderson, Stanford Uni- city. Mrs. J. H. to versity; E. B. Barnard, Lick Observatory, rooms of the Ladies' Auxiliary a bunch of cently formed here to secure the road. Royalists Said and Samuel F. Black,Superintendent Pub- Healdsburg a Maze of peonies measuring three feet indiameter. The Valley Road Party The committee is well pleased with the Alva Porter Moore the Hawaiian licInstruction. Five thousand seats will be placed on assurance given by the directors. Plotting at the 5000 more on the river Victim of a Railroad to Be SAXTA CLAHA FRUIT. Bright-Hued Bunting avenue and Visits the Land of Work of the Engineer*. Angeles. front. STOCKTON, Cal., May 14.—The camp Los Shipments the Keek Shotr an and Flowers. balloting for the maids of honor Vineyards. Accident. for Increase The of the at work the new road Over a Year Ago. very spirited, and those engineers on continues to be willbe moved to-morrow to the Stanislaus SAN JOSE, Cal., May 14.—Last week's who are successful thus far are: Misses be 909,560 Peck, Gonzales, JosieTurcot, River, and the permanent survey will overland shipments amounted to Marian Anita finished that within the next few days. AT CALDWELL. pounds, 607,010 pounds for IS NOT McLaughlin, Georgie Skinner, May END TO far TRAVELED AS A TRAMP. MURDER against the WORK LAGGING. Agnes AN UNCERTAINTY Beyond the river the preliminary lines will same period in 1894, an increase of over Haley, Alice Madeira and Anna Linscott 300,000 be run as soon as the permanent stakes pounds. Nearly every commodity and Mesdames 0. Turtle and F. O. Hihn. believed that the list an the reception of votes are driven that far. Itis Collector in the shows increase. Actively Ballot-boxes for line from Burneyville willmake a straight He Had Been Gathering Tax Weinekeof San The canned fruit shipments footed up Northern Sonoma Pre- for the queen have been placed in the They Announce That Fresno Mate- Diego Jailed for Alleged 94,990 pounds, against 76,570 pounds, and paring for the Festal headquarters and tickets are being sold at Will Be Made Division shoot toward Merced. rial for an Article on Misdoings. dried prunes 216,210 pounds against 48,825 Season. a lively rate. Among those being balloted Headquarters. Damage to the Wheat Crop. Roving Life. pounds a year ago. The wine shipments for Miss May Burke seems to be a general FRESNO, Cal., May 14.—The intense were 403,850 pounds. Six carloads of hops favorite. She is a daughter of Senator heat that has continued since last Fri- went East from Watsonville for export to Bart Burke and is a tall and handsome day has done considerable damage to the A NAPA BANDIT ARRAIGNED. England, the total tonnage amounting to GUESTS WILL BE CARED FOR. blonde, of stately bearing and a general TWO RAILROADS TO DELANO. wheat crop. After the last heavy rain, WAS FOND OF ADVENTUEE. 101,800 pounds. favorite—so much so that the ladies have the outlook was better than for many The local shipments on the —narrow- already hung her picture in their room, years past, but the hot wave is burning gauge amounted to 884,980 pounds 175,985 colors. draped in the carnival up some of the grain. The grain that has Adopted by "i-ord.Sho.lto Douglas Appears at Vic- pounds merchandise, 122,390 pounds fruit The Best of Accommodations to Be Director Watt's Proposition Is Re- Novel Methods the not yet headed out is most seriously Young: Journalist Secure toria—Murder and Suicide and produce, and 277,850 pounds of wine. Provided for Alt Who Attend HOGAX AT SACRAMENTO. ceived With Favor by the affected. The red rust is also doing to at Centralla. The same road handled 105,785 pounds of the Fete. Other Directors. damage. Realistic Narratives. east-bound dried fruit, 90,715 pounds of The American Jiatlway Union leader which were prunes. Addresses the Federated Trades. Foreclosure Suit Begun. fruit are SACRAMENTO, Cal., May 14.—Vice- FRESNO, Cal., May 14.—Suit to fore- Green shippers making active LOS ANGELE3, Cal., May -The LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 14.— Cnief of preparations for handling the coming crop, HEALDSBTJRG, Cal., May 14.—The President Hogan ofthe American Railway FRESNO, Cal., May 14.— The party of close a mortgage of $38,400 has been be- 14. young man Tolice -Glass has received a letter from and willprobably make the first shipments clouds which all day long hung low in the Union addressed the Federated Trades in Valley road directors spent the day in- gun by Joseph Brandenstein against S. W. who fell from the train at Honolulu which conveys the not deterred night. He for Oakland Ferguson. River station near this city last night died information of cherries the latter part of next week. sky have the work of arrang- this city last left specting the country east and west of _______ «._ th»t Los Angeles or vicinity has been se- ing for the three days' flower festival to-day. Fresno. During the morning they drove this morning. From papers found upon JCjramined lected as the headquarters for the opera- for Insanity. which commences in this city on Thurs- A well-known local labor leader informed out to the Kearney estate, returned to his person itwas learned that hi9name tion of a section of the Royalist faction SAN JOSE, Cal., May 14.—Fred John- day. The residents of this city have an a Bee reporter last night that Hogan is Fresno and thenwent east to the Malter, was Alva Porter Moore and that he was Judge which is, seeking to overthrow the Ha- son was examined on a charge of insanity abiding faith in the fairness of the weather attempting to get the railway conductors Barton and other big vineyards. They REACHES SANTA BARBARA. the son of Moore of Santa Rosa. He waiian republic. before Judge Reynolds to-day and was had a diary and some sketches supposed The epistle arrived at San. Pedro on May remanded to the County Jail for a few to have been made for newspaper illustra- 15 and comes from the Marshal's office of days. Ifany improvement is noted he will Perilous Trip of Miss London- tions. the republic. The envelope bears the label be discharged. Johnson is the man who derry Across the Santa SANTA ROSA, Cal., May 14.—Santa "Department of the Attorney-General, was captured in the Calaveras Valley in a Rosa was shocked to-day when the Call Hawaiian Islands, Bureau of Police," The nude condition. He imagines he is hyp- Ynez Mountains. brought the news of a fatal accident to letter is marked personal and reads as fol- notized and under the influence of another Alva Porter Moore, near Los Angeles. lows..: Johnson in Sweden. An Exciting Adventure With a Steer Confirmation of the sad news came Police, Lot Angela, Cal.—Deaji Sir: speedily when Judge A. P. Moore re- Chief of GRATIFYIXG TO LOS Which Took Offense at Her Ihave received information that & filibuster- AXGJBLEB. ceived a telegram this morning announc- ingparty isbeing formed at or near your city Interesting Statistics Furnished by the Red Costume. ing the death of his son. ifor the purpose ofoverthrowing this republic. Director-General of the Fiestm. Young Moore left here about a month Iknow ihat $150,000 has been subscribed here SANTA BARBARA, Cal., May 14.— ago, for the purpose of gathering material ...Jor. that- purpose. Please investigate and In- LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 14.—The Times will print Miss Annie Londonderry, the young for an article on "Tramp Life in Cali- ::.\u25a0\u25a0 form me as [soon as possible, that Imay be able to-morrow the financial Yip:give- this Government .timely warning. report of Max Meyberg, the director-gen- woman who has been making a bicycle fornia." He set out on his travels with the '. There are.a signs of great activity here among eral of la fiesta. It shows receipts from trip around the world, arrived here late consent of his parents, and only a few days ': . the riryalists, and Ithink we shall soon have all sources to have been $29,242 and ex- Monday night after a rough ride from San ago they received a letter from him. :Awaiting an early reply, Iam, Luis Obispo. She left there on Saturday For some time Moore was one of ...trouble. 1 ' penses $31,737, leaving a deficit of $2495 due the yours truly, A. D.McEvov, the First National Bank, which advanced morning and made 120 miles before night. editors of a weekly paper, the Cyclone, '.Secret Service, Hawaiian Islands. day rode miles, and afterward Porcupine. was • sufficient money to pay off all claims. The second she 9ti on and of the He Chief has investigated the matter .: = Glass . The report gives a mass of figures, which the third she completed her trip, making a young man of good habits, but fond of •' .
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