C h e @ t e i t t e NUMBER 40 PUBLISHED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS AT FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1944 YEAR’S BIGGEST DEAL SATURDAY Collegiate Poll On May Day Festival Sophomore Class To Present Calendar National Campaign Highlight Of School Semester; By Youth Magazine F R ID A Y Sootlmht. a national youth map- Liberty— 7 :C0-11:00 Fort Huachuca Band Promised nine will ix«H the Campus on the R ally— 8:00-8:30 1* M. 1014 elections, in cooperation with Vmencan Youth for Democracy. S A T U R D A Y The biggest event of 1944 on this campus is the May Day Ujtine for three weeks, the poll Softball (iim r — 10:30 A. M. Festival coming up this weekend, May 12 and 13. Spon­ Track Meet— 1:30-4:30 I*. M. ,nll be conducted from coast to sored b y the Civilian-Trainee Social Committee and the Picnic— 5:00-6:00 1*. M. roast to ascertain as accurately as Sophomore Class, a Rally Friday night complete with bon­ possible the most representative Band Concert— 5 :00-6:00 I*. M. ittitude of America’s young P«ople Dance— 8:30-12:00. fire and pep band will start things humming about 8:00. between the age of 15 and 28, on Crownin* Mav Queen— 11:00 ^Following the rally we’ll all P. M. this vital issue. be in the mood to see “Henry Eleven hundred college editors 'Broadway Rhythm' Aldrich Haunts the House” wd the student bodies of many at the Orpheum Theatre. colleges »iil participate in the poll, ASTC’IaCuesta", | The biggest event of 1944 ind special surveys will be made of Lauded By Sailors student councils, governing boards, | on this campus is the May war councils, and student clubs. College Yearbook, Day Festival coming up this The opini -ns of these groups will As Gayest Picture j weekend, May 12 > and 13. be categorized separately from the feneral uU-.ver survey. Sponsored by the * Civilian- Ready For Printer M-G-M’s "Broadway Rythm” was "The jpinion of students polled Trainee Social Committee and the the attraction at last Thursday’s Sophomore Class. A R ally Friday in this via). will form a most im­ This year’s LA C U E ST A has special liberty movie session. The night complete with bonfire and portant contribution to the nation,” been composed under great d iffi­ pleasing cast of this Hollywood pep band will start things hum­ said Claudia Jones, Editor of culties. Neither Lawanna Veazey hat-full reads like a page from the ming about 8:00. Follow ing the Spotlight in discussir - the survey. nor Dorothy Sweet have had any cinema’s "W’ho’s W’ho.’' Sprinkled rally we’ll all be in the mood to “Students are one of the most a rti­ previous exnenence in this type of liberally through its hour and fo r ­ see “Henry Aldrich Haunts the culate sections of Am erican youth. sv'ork, so the greater part of the ty-five minutes of playing time House’’ at the Orpheum Theatre. They are accutely aware o f the im ­ procedure had to be explained to were Ginny Simms, George Mur­ portance of the outcome o f this All sailors get liberty from 7:00 them in words o f one syllabic by phy, Charles Winninger, Gloria De crucial election. T heir selections until 11:00 p. m. for a good tim e! their capable advisor. Dr. Eldon Haven, Lena Horne. Hazel Scott, will be a K»od gauge o f the senti­ Classes will meet Saturday A. Ardrey. ment of the white collar and pro­ Rochester, Tommy Dorsey and his morning until 10:30 when a s oft­ fessional groups o f the country, Work on the book began in band. ball game will be featured. At generally, on this question." It is March, but most of it has been Although the picture lacked a 1:30 the intra-mural track meet suitable plot, it was, nevertheless, for thi> reason that Spotlight done in the past two weeks. With will begin. For added flavor Betty urges everyone on the campus to the much needed aid of Evelyn highly enjoyable for its parade of Lou Estes and EHzabeth Chariebois participate in this survey. Anderson, art editor, Gloria A pell; talent. It is ^difficult, in fact, to will lead the cheers. Sounds good, Betty Jean Oliver; and Dolores imagine any picture that would not and looks good, eh what? (Pirate Turn to Page F o u r) Wade, it was possible to send the go over big with any audience if Thanks to the combined efforts dummy, the copy and most of the that picture had in it T. Dorsey, of Betsy Butler and Sam Richard­ W a r New s cuts to the printers last week. Lena Horne, and Rochester. son a delicious picnic supper w ill Divisions devoted to the admin­ The special showing was ar­ be served by the Sophomores on In Brief istration, classes, the Navy, and ranged through the efforts of Per. the lawn surrounding the band­ organizations have been incorpor­ sonnel O fficer Ensign J. M . Sulli­ stand from 5:00 until 6:00 o'clock. ENGLAND: t W G O IN H.WQL. « r - J U S T TOOUGHT ated in the L A C U ESTA. W rite­ van and Mr. C. Shartzer, manager The band, made up o f V-12ers, Ma> 7— Berlin and Bucharest ups were assigned to members of o f the Orpheum Theater. Too much civilians, and high school students, received the greatest Allied the various groups. JSome of them cannot be accorded Ensign Sulli­ will provide those sweet tunes bombing of the war. The raid I'D DELIVER MY MOTHERS DTCBRDIKI PERSON- cooperated beautifully, and then van for his work in securing bet­ which are an aid -to digestion and «as carried out by 4,500 British there ivere others. Am ong the fir^t ter and more recreational and en­ put us in tune w ith the world. Mr. and American planes. The grouo are Betty Lou Estes, Gor­ tertainment features for the bene­ Anderson says the program will Allied armadas struck at their don Shields, Gloria Apell, Joyce fit of the V-12 personnel. feature several marches and an target* from both English and Colter, Dorothy Schick and Jean overture. Italian ba»es. Bucharest's rail Lamport. Tirds act as a terminal for the Climaxing the Festival will be a Balkan'* network of rail com­ Those people who undertake to May Fiesta Features semi-formal dance Saturday night munications and supply routes. do a job such as this find that beginning at 8:30 and lasting un­ Tins »a s ihe 23rd consecutive there are difficulties at every turn Band Mosic, Picnic til 12:00. Remember the dance last da< of unparalleled aerial as* —difficulties they never dreamed Step right up, boys! No pushing.] good dancers—-at least guys that winter when the Ft Huachuca Mult on Europe. of. This year's staff hasn’t been please. Tne line forms to the ri^ht like to dance—and intelligent con­ In Twilight Activities band furnished the rhythm? Well, immune. They set a deadline for versationalists who know how to that same band w ill be with us A dramatic foreshadowing of for candidates to fill the position The College band under the di­ themselves and thought they were joke, but also when to be serious. Saturday! Sunday is Mother’s Day, aient* to come was the large- of Favorite Casanova of »*ury rection o f J. A. Anderson will be ahead of time until they found that Fellows who are athletically in­ you know, and some Buryettes may scale practice landing by para­ Hall. Sailors applying must fill me of the main features o f the their cuts had to be reduced so clined or who have an intere&t in consider going home this weekend. chute »nd glider troops held certain requirements in order to rala M ay Festival to be held this that their dimensions were in d i­ athletics are in great demand, as We advise getting your dates early somewhere in England last qualify. .•■riday and Saturday. The band week. K\ ents seem to indicate rect nroportion to the pictures be­ Tops on the list o f musts for the fairer sex like attending foot­ so you won’t be disappointed. Only ing used. They weren't, so the ball, baseball, and basketball which is composed or both civilian military personnel ana their dates that the dress rehearsals are a l­ general appearance is neatness. and N a vy students as well as a deadline had to be violated. It is games. will be admitted. most over. German invasion Sloppy sailors are not for our number o f high school students "ae**er* have picked May 25 as little things like this which have glamour gals, but well brushed and Good manners are most im por­ The big moment of the evening made the sledding a bit rou"h. tant and acts of courtesy should be will give an outdoor concert at the is at 11 o’clock. Curtain, lights, "D” day. pressed uniforms, shining shoes, scheduled tim e between 5:00 and natural. Fem ininity has no place in fanfare, and out steps the May | Everyone who ha3 .worked on and scrubbed faces are sure to 6:00 o'clock. A picnic dinner will our hero’s make-up, nor has shady Queen.
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