1010 SHEFFIELD "!'HADES. HoTELS, INNS & TAVERNS-CC'ntiriued. Old Bradley 'Veil, Mrs. Sarah Green, Pigeon Cote, Geurge Pearce, 29 Steel st! Monad, John Henry Fletcber,- :Frederick 150 Main road, Darnall, S Holmes, R • ·street & 2 Howard street, R I Old Brown Cow, Alfred Harrison, 3 Plant hotel, George Jones, Watb road. l\<Iontagu Arms; Francis John Law, 1! Radford street, S Mexboro', R High street, Mexborougb., R ! Old Cart & Horses, John 'f. Ca.mpsall, Plough, Hy. Creswick, Low Bradfield, S Mor{leth Arms, Mrs. Mary Eleanorl 2 Wortley rd. Mortomley, High Gm. S Plough, Pat rick Lawlesil, 23 Greasbro' Ren~haw, 108 Upper Alien street, S ·Old Cottage, Thomas Leadbeater, Bole road, R Moseley's Arms, Geo. Baxter,8r-83 West Hill road, S Plough, John Lucas, 28 Broad street, S bar & Paradise street, S Old Crab Tree1 L.enry Moore, 137, Plough, John Roddis, Catcliff-e, R · Mulberry Tavern, George Mower, ~lul- Scotland street, S ·Plough, Jn. Arth. Senior, 20 l\lilner rd.S berry street, S Old Cricket Ground Inn, Char~es Tbos. Ploug-h inn, Samuel Lovell, 288 Sandy- Museum, Mrs. Jane E. l\Ioore, 25 Bent, 371 Darnall road, S gate road, Sandygate, S . Orchard street, S Old Cross Daggers, Fredk. Redfearn, Plumpers, \V m. Hazlehurst, 49Duke st.S Nag's Head, Ernest Ibbotson, H-old- l\'Iarket !Jlacc, Woodhouse, S Plumpers, John Hy. 1\Ieades, 'finsley, S. worth, Lnxley, S Old Cross Scythes, Tom Reeves, Totley,S Pomona, Harold Ernest Haycock. 2Il Nag's Head Hotel, George A. Howard, Old Crown, G-eorge De-xter, Green street, Ecelesall road, S Sheffield road, Dronfield, R GreasbrQugh, R Portobello, William Mosforth, 248 P')rto- Napier, Jn.Richd. Blockley,24Lord st. S Old Crown, Benjamin Ibbotson, 710 bello. street, S Napier, Wrn.Jsph. t;haw, 95 Napier st. S Penis tone road, Owlerton, S Prince of Wales, Larrett Booth, Potter- Neepsend Tavern, Waiter Johnson, 144 Old Crown, Joseph C. ~orbron, Hands- hill, Greasbrough, R Ncepsend lane, S worth, S Prince of Wales, Hy. Hollingsworth .. Nelson Hotel, Sydney Thorpe, l\Ioor- Old Crown, Geo.Owen, 137London rd. S Ecclesall road, Ecclesall, S head, S . Old Crown & Cushion, George Buxton,; Prmce of Wales, Lewis Ososki, 94 New, George Lomas, Gleadless, S 21 Old street., S Division st. & 37 Westfield terrace, S New, George Wilkinson, 6 Shetlield road, Old Gat~, Samuel Kent, Bradgate la. R Prince of ·wales, Frank Rodgers, 12 Wadsley Bridge, S Old Gate;(i-eorge Tune, IO Hollis croft, S Bardwell road, S New inn, Harry (i-regory, 183 Duke st. S Old Green Dragon, Thomas Bellamy, Prince of Wales, John G. Tooth, n New inn, Mrs. Betsy Hellewell, Hacken-' 469 & 471 Attercliffe road, S Church street, Eckington, S thorpe, S Old Grindstone, !<'red Bm.dshaw, 3 Prince of' Wales (-family & com- Xew inn, John James Holey, 94 & 96 Crookes, S rnercial) (John W. Wintle, pro- Harvest lane, S Old Harrow, Frank Gration, 34 Harvest prietor), f'acing Masboro~ New inn, Arthur F. Marsden, Bracken lane, S station. T N 356 bill, Chapeltown, S Old Harrow, Jabez Johnson, 8o Broad Prince of Wales, Hy. Wright, 127 Upper- Xew inn, Jarvis Myers,Throrpe Hesley,R street, Park, S Ht. Philip's road, S New inn, Samuel Rowbotham, 108 Old Harrow, Tom L:mcaster, "White Prince of \Vales' Feathers, John W~ Ecclesall road, S lane, Uleadless, f' Yantom1 46 H11rd street, S New inn, CornelinstYells,2Penistone rd.S Old Harrow inn, Tom Topham, Greno-' Princess, ::\lrs. Theresa Green, 199 & 201. 'New Barrack Tavern, Jabez Pearson, 601 side, S Fitzwilliam street & 38 Prince st. S Penis tone toad, S OldHornsinn,Geo.Burnham, Bradfield,S Princess Royal, Charles King, Wood- New Brunswick, Frank Lockett, 84 & Old Hussar, Arthur Sanderson, 65-67 house Mill, S 86 Alien street., S Scotland street, S Pump, Percy Crawshaw,79 South street. ~ew Market, Gcorge Douthw·aite, I Old Light Horseman, Thomas Barber, Moor & 2 Earl street, S Castle hill & r1 & 13 Exchange st. S I 55 Penistone road, S Punch Bowl, Samuel Foxcroft,66 Bridge· New Market, Saml.D.Webster, 20 Broad Old Masons' Arms, Charles H. E\·ans, street, S street, Park & I Sheaf street, S Main street, Mexboro', R 'Punch Bowl, Frederick Swindin, '~44- New Turk's Head; Charles H. Tyas, Old Original Grindstone, Artbur J. H'ly- Snuth street, Moor, S ~ - 126 Scotland street, S wood, 22 & 24 Crookes, H Queen, Joseph Casey, &5 Scotland st. S New White Lion, John Henry Mitchell, Old ~neen's Head, Harry Kershaw, 40 Queen, Harry Gco. Jeffs, 127--g Masbro'· 23 Wicker, S Pond hill, S street & I Station road, R N ewfield, Thomas Pemberton, 1.p Old Red Lion, Charles Frith, r 8 & 20 Queen Adelaide, George Sutcliffe, 32· Denmark road, S Holly st.reet, S Bramalllanc, S l'loaL':~ Ark, Arth. Wm. Kay, Intake, S Old l{cd Lion, l\Irs. l\Iary Swift, Greno- Queen's, Edward Cook, l\Iosbro', S Norfolk, Thos. Rex, 224 South st. Pk. S side, S Queen's, Charles Whale, Kilnhurst road., Xorfolk, Charles L. Tidball, 56 Savile Old Ring of Be1Is, William Haft'ety, 10 Hosehill, Rawmarsh, R street east, S Church street, R · Queen's Ground, William Wildc Banks,. Norfolk, Geurge Wilhy, Handsworth, S Old Spade Bone Inn, Richard Shiletto, 401 Langsctt road, S Norfolk Arms, John Almond, White Masbro' street, R Queen's Head, Thomas Carrington, 66o- lane, Chapeltown, S Old Tankard Inn, Moses Yeardley, Attercliffe road, S Norfolk Arms, Albert Fieluscnd, 91 & Stocks hill, Ecclesficld, S Queen's Head, HarryMarsh,Ridgeway,S 93 Granville street, S Oxford, Henry Bingham, Spring street Qt1een's Head, Fredk. Wm. Pepper, 12 Norfolk Arms, Williarn Henry Fox, . & 22 Workhouse lane, S . Wortlp,y rfl. J\llortomley, Chapeltown,S· Hollow meadows, Stannington, s Oxford. Hy. Woodcock, 83-sSouth st. Pk. sI Queen's hotel, J n.l\1ilner, Stannington,S· X or folk Arms,James:.\Iorton,Urenoside,S Pack Horse, Herbert Shaw, Park lane,, Hail ::\lill Inn, Wilfred Oxley, 89 Rother- Norfolk Arms, Thomas E. Nother, 195-9 ~Iortomley, High Green, S barn road, Parkgate, R Carlisle street., H Park,John Edmund Wordsworth,Helena Railway, Robt.Elliott,97 Broughtonla. S Norfolk Arms, Williarn Thomas Sharp, street, Mexboro', B. .Hailway, Fred Snnpson, 70 Nursery st.S· Ringinglowe road, S Park hotel, Hcrbcrt Naylor, Wadsley Railway, William Wells, Beighton, R Norfolk Arms, 'fhos. Wheater, 208 Savile lane, llillsborough, S · Railway hotel, Fred Ho]t., rg Sheffield street east, S Parkside, l\'Irs.Annie Ellis,73 Susqex st. S . road, Wadsley Bridge, S · Norfolk Arms, Uenry ·wigley, r6o Parkwood,Jas.McGowan,I6Douglasrd.S Railway inn, 'l'hos. Brown, Station road,. Atterclifferoad, S Paul Pry, Mrs.Lucy Elliott,88 Sully st S Chapeltown, S Norfolk Arms, Mrs. Charlotte Wilde, 26 Peacock, John Baxter, 198 & 200 Fitz- Ranmoor, Uarry Hutton, 330 Fulwood Dixon lane, S william street, S road, S · Norfolk Hotel, Georgc Alfred Oates, 64 Peacock inn, \''m. Cap per, II Hoy lest. S Red Hull, Edmnnd Cliff, r r Holmes la.R Mowbray street, S Peacock inn, Thomas A. S. Womack, Red Deer,Chas. "'.Newton, 18 Pitt st. S Xormanton Spring inn, James Francis Know le top, Stannington, S Red House, Jarnes Smith, roo Park st. R Johnson, Norrnanton Spring, tVood- Peter's, 1\lrs. Sarah Ann Gray, 121 Red House, Joseph 'Vilson,I68 Sollyst.S· house, S Lord street, S Hed Lion, J arnes ::\1. Hague, 41 Bank. Xorth Pole, HarrySenior,62Sussex st.S Pheasant,Wm.Birkinshaw,Io Broadst.s: street, l\Iexboro', R' Odd .Fellows', Albert Wilde, 2ooDuke st. S t'heasant, Frank Brodie, 96-98 Lon- Red Lion, Herbert E. Horsley, Sheffield Old Ball inn, James "'m. Green, 86 don road, S road, Conisbro', R Carver street,· S Pheasant, Wm. Salt, Attercliffe commn.S Red Lion, Tom .Fmnk Hoyland, 'fhorpe Old Blue Hall, Miss ~Iar_v Ann Bur kin- Pheasant, Jn. Webb,Sberticld Lane top, S Hesley, R shaw, Bmdtield road, Hillsborough, S Pheasant inn, Thomas Bullarnore, 10 Red Lwn, George Kirtland, Church Old Blue Ball, Mrs. llannah Maria Broad street, Park, S street, Dronfi.eld, S Harvey, 67 Broad street, S Pheasant inn, Thomas William Stanton, Red Lion, "'m. Oldtield, Gleadless, S Old Blue Bell, William Henry Hill, Oughtibridge, S Red Lion, .Tohn Thomas Rowell, 109 120 Worksop road, S Phamix, Albert Edward Mather, High Charles street, S Old Blue Bell, Jn. Malcolm, 31 High st.S lane, Ridge way, S Red Lion, Samuel Renshaw, Catcliffe,R Old Howling Green hotel, Thomas J. Phrenix, Sam Wintle, I College road, R Red Lion, Fredenck Cha-rle6 Schonhut, Wotlinden, 2 Upwelllane, S Phreuix hotel, Albert Doyle, 2 Charles 43 Briclgegate, R · street & 1 Union street, S · .
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