May 12, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2365 RECESS Daines Kennedy Romney hearing on the impact the pandemic Duckworth King Rounds The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Enzi Lankford has had on the airline industry. Rubio When people think about what the the previous order, the Senate stands Ernst Lee Scott (FL) Fischer Loeffler Scott (SC) Senate does, they tend to think about in recess until 2:15 p.m. Gardner Manchin Thereupon, the Senate, at 1:01 p.m., Shelby voting on bills and debating on the Graham McConnell Sinema floor, but the truth is, committee work recessed until 2:15 p.m. and reassem- Grassley McSally Sullivan Hassan Moran is some of the most important work we bled when called to order by the Pre- Tester Hawley Murkowski Thune do here in Washington. Committees are siding Officer (Mrs. CAPITO). Hoeven Paul Tillis where we review nominees’ qualifica- Hyde-Smith Perdue f Inhofe Peters Toomey tions, hear from experts in various Johnson Portman Warner fields, develop legislation, and conduct EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued Jones Risch Wicker Young essential oversight of government pro- Kaine Roberts grams. The work we do in coronavirus- NAYS—31 related committee hearings will inform CLOTURE MOTION Baldwin Feinstein Schatz any future coronavirus legislation we Bennet Gillibrand The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Schumer might consider. Blumenthal Harris Shaheen This week, the Senate Banking Com- to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the Booker Heinrich Smith Senate the pending cloture motion, Brown Hirono Stabenow mittee will be voting on the nomina- Cantwell Klobuchar Udall tion of Brian D. Miller to be Inspector which the clerk will state. Cardin Menendez The senior assistant legislative clerk Van Hollen General for Pandemic Recovery at the Casey Merkley Warren Coons Murphy Treasury Department. If he is con- read as follows: Wyden Cortez Masto Reed firmed by the full Senate, Mr. Miller CLOTURE MOTION Durbin Rosen will be an essential part of ensuring We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- that the trillions we have provided for ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the NOT VOTING—7 Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Alexander Murray Whitehouse coronavirus relief are spent properly. move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- Leahy Sanders The Banking Committee will also be nation of Troy D. Edgar, of California, to be Markey Sasse holding an oversight hearing with key Chief Financial Officer, Department of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The yeas Federal financial regulators to learn Homeland Security. are 62, the nays are 31. about the steps they have taken to en- Mitch McConnell, Jerry Moran, James The motion is agreed to. sure the safety and soundness of our fi- Lankford, John Barrasso, James E. nancial sector during this challenging f Risch, Steve Daines, David Perdue, time. Tom Cotton, Kevin Cramer, Cory Gard- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR The Senate Judiciary Committee will ner, Shelley Moore Capito, Marsha Blackburn, John Cornyn, Tim Scott, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The be examining the issue of liability dur- Thom Tillis, Roger F. Wicker, Mike clerk will report the nomination. ing the COVID pandemic and dis- Crapo. The senior assistant legislative clerk cussing ways to prevent frivolous law- The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- read the nomination of Troy D. Edgar, suits from damaging our economy once imous consent, the mandatory quorum of California, to be Chief Financial Of- we reopen. call has been waived. ficer, Department of Homeland Secu- The Senate Commerce Committee, of The question is, Is it the sense of the rity. which I am a member, will be holding Senate that debate on the nomination The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- a hearing looking at efforts to main- of Troy D. Edgar, of California, to be ator from South Dakota. tain and expand reliable high-speed broadband access during this time Chief Financial Officer, Department of ORDER OF BUSINESS Homeland Security, shall be brought to when so many Americans are relying Mr. THUNE. Madam President, I ask on their internet for work, school, and a close? unanimous consent that notwith- The yeas and nays are mandatory connections with friends and family. standing the provisions of rule XXII, The Senate Health, Education, under the rule. the postcloture time on the Edgar The clerk will call the roll. Labor, and Pensions Committee will be nomination expire at 4:30 p.m. today. I hearing directly from the leaders of our The senior assistant legislative further ask that if confirmed, the mo- called the roll. fight against the coronavirus—Drs. tion to reconsider be considered made Fauci, Redfield, and Hahn, and Admiral Mr. THUNE. The following Senators and laid upon the table and the Presi- are necessarily absent: the Senator Giroir. Senators will be talking to dent be immediately notified of the these experts about what we need to do from Tennessee (Mr. ALEXANDER) and Senate’s action. the Senator from Nebraska (Mr. to safely reopen our economy and our The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without schools. SASSE). objection, it is so ordered. Another big part of our coronavirus Further, if present and voting, the CORONAVIRUS response right now is monitoring the Senator from Tennessee (Mr. ALEX- Mr. THUNE. Madam President, we implementation of the funds we have ANDER) would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ are back for our second week in the already provided. We have delivered a Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the Senate after spending some time work- tremendous amount of money to re- Senator from Vermont (Mr. LEAHY), ing remotely to help flatten the spond to the pandemic—equal to al- the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. coronavirus curve. We are getting used most 50 percent of the entire Federal MARKEY), the Senator from Wash- to the temporary new normal—social budget for 2020—and it is important ington (Mrs. MURRAY), the Senator distancing during hearings, floor votes, that any future funding be carefully from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), and the and meetings; masks; a lot of con- targeted. Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. WHITE- ference calls and Skype calls instead of We are facing extraordinary cir- HOUSE) are necessarily absent. in-person meetings; lots of hand wash- cumstances, and they call for an ex- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there ing and hand sanitizer; and as many traordinary, bold response from Wash- any other Senators in the Chamber de- staff working remotely as possible. We ington, but it is important to remem- siring to vote or change their vote? are committed to doing the essential ber that every dollar of the trillions we The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 62, work of the American people, and they provided for the pandemic is borrowed nays 31, as follows: are depending on us to do it in the money, and our children and grand- [Rollcall Vote No. 87 Ex.] safest way possible. children are going to be paying for that YEAS—62 Responding to the coronavirus con- borrowing. That doesn’t mean we are Barrasso Burr Cornyn tinues to be at the top of the agenda. not going to provide more money if Blackburn Capito Cotton Last week, we held a number of necessary, but it does mean we need to Blunt Carper Cramer Boozman Cassidy Crapo coronavirus-related hearings, including make sure we are spending money Braun Collins Cruz a hearing on coronavirus testing and a wisely and well and only appropriating VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:21 May 13, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G12MY6.014 S12MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S2366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2020 what is really needed. That means tached to the government’s doing those lege and was released. Eventually, monitoring the implementation of the things. after becoming subjected to multiple funds we have already provided, which Among those many protections can searches using general warrants, haven’t been fully spent yet. Once we be found the provisions of the Bill of Wilkes sued Lord Halifax and those see how and where those funds are get- Rights, including the Fourth Amend- who participated in the searches and ting spent, we will have a better sense ment of the U.S. Constitution. The seizures in question. He was able to ob- of where we have spent sufficiently and Fourth Amendment reminds us that it tain a large award, a large judgment where more money may be necessary. is our right—a fundamental, inalien- consisting of money damages. It is also important that we make able right—as citizens in a free repub- John Wilkes, at the time, became fa- sure those funds are being spent in the lic, to be free from unreasonable mous, really, on both sides of the At- most effective and efficient way pos- searches and seizures, and that any lantic. The name of John Wilkes was sible. Again, these are all dollars that warrants issued under government au- celebrated in taverns, saloons, and our children and grandchildren will thority have to be backed by probable other public places in England and in have to pay for. We want to make sure cause, and any probable cause-based the nascent United States of America, we are not wasting any of that money. warrant has to include with particu- the colonies in North America that Finally, while coronavirus will, of larity a description of the places and would later become the world’s great- course, continue to be at the top of our persons to be searched and to be seized. est Republic. John Wilkes’ example agenda, there are other important This is a tradition that reaches not was something that helped to solidify a things we have to do to keep the gov- just back a couple of centuries, but it long-standing legal tradition, one that ernment running and to protect the reaches back much farther than that would in time make its way into our Nation.
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