Index to Volume 3 OHIO VALLEY HISTORY 2003 Apelt, Brian, The Corporation: A Centennial Biography of A United States Steel Corporation, 1901 -2001, (3) 79 81 Appaiachia, 11) 31-43 Abington School District u. Schempp, (3)34 Appalachia: A History, John Alexander Williams, (3) A & I Wolf and Co, (1)2 77-78 abolitionism, (1)6-12, 14; Old Line abolitionism, (1) 10 Appalachian Committee for Full Employment (ACFE), (1) abolitionists, (1)3-4, (2)3, 10, 12 37,38 activism, grass-roots, (1)31-43; social, (1)31 Appalachian Mountains, (4)4, 13 Adams, James, (2) 11 App&&an Regional Commission (ARC), (1)34 Adams, John, (4)26 Appalachian Volunteers (Avs), (1) 39 Adams, John Quincy, (3) 63 Appleby, Monica, (4) 62 Adams, Luther, (3) 37 apprentices, acts concernifig, (1) 11 Adjutant General of Georgia, (4) 48 Area Development Administration of the Department of adultery, (4) 6-7 Commerce, (1)39,41 African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), (2) 13 Armed Forces, (3) 44 African Americarls, (1) 3-4, 7-8, 26, (2) 3-15, 31-43, 50, (7) Army of the Ohio, (4)47 37-50, (4) 38-39; as slaves, (2) 3-15; as fugitive slave, Army of the West, (4) 13 3-8; and cxodus from Cincirinati, (2) 8; and Art as Image: Prints and Promotion in Cincinnati, Ohio, Underground Railroad, (2) 12; women, (2)13; Alice Cornell, ed., (3)74-76 Cincinnatians, (2) 13; as solcliers, (2)35,37-39; and artiller~: (4) 40 religion, (2)31-32; conversions, (2)32, 35; and artisans, German-born, (1)19 Christianity, (2)38; and chuickes, \I\$0; as Ba@h, Ashendel, Anita, (1)1-2, 17 (2)42; migrants, (3) 37-50; conception of South, (3) Athenaeum, (3) 20 3 7; and their neighborhoods, (3)39; racial Atlanta, Georgia, (3)43 discrimination of, (3) 40; and employment, (3) 45; Attorney General, (4) 29-30 and civil fights movement, (1)42, (3)47-48 auctions, land, (4) 25-27 African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), (2)40,42 Austin, Stephen, (3)53 Afro-Christianity, (2) 3 1 hyddort, Dr. Benjamin, \3) 20-21 agent, land, (4) 23,28 Ayer, Perky, (1)39 Alabama, (3) 42 Ayers, Edward, (3) 39 Albany, New Yo&, (1)5 Allais Union Hall, (1)38 America, (4) 21; colonial, (4)5; rwentieth century migration in, (3) 38 America’s War on Poverty, (1)31 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), (3) 17 Bachelorhood, (1)17; culture of, (1)18 American Methodist Association (AMA), (2) 38-39 backcountry, (4) 4 American Revolution, (4)24 Baker, Frederick, (4) 17 American System, (2) 22 Baker, David Jewett, Sr., (1) 13 Americans, and view of Native Americans, (3) 9 Ball, Reverend Edward, (2)39 Ammons u. Spears (1787), (4)23 Baltimore, Maryland, 13) 60-61 An American Colony: Regionalism and the Roots of Bank of the United States, (2) 18 Midwestern Culture, by Edward Watts, (3) 73-74 Baptist Church, (2)32 Anna, Illinois, (4) 57-58 Baptist preacher, (4) 16 antebellum America, (3)34, (4) 25, 35; slaves in, (2) 43 Bardstown, Kentucky, (4)38,41,47-49 “Anti-Evangelicals,” (2)20 Battle of the Thames, (3) 14 antislauery, (1)14; factions, (11 12, newspaper, (1)8; battlefields, (4) 36 societies, (1) 3, 6 Baumler (Bimler),Joseph Michael, (2) 51-54 72 0 H I0 VALLEY HIS T 0 RY Beareau, Kate, (1)21 Borders, Martha, (1)5, 7 Beauregard, General P. G. T. (CSA), (4)37 Borders, Susan “Sukey,” (1)5, 9, 10-14 Beitler, Joseph, (1)22 Borders, William, (1)13 Belleville, Illinois, (1)11, 13 Bordewich, Fergus, (3) 15-16 Benson, Lee, (2) 19,21 boss system, (1)39 Berea College, (1)37, 39,42 Boston, Massachusetts, (3) 53 Berea Mission, (2)38 Bourbon County, Kentucky, (4)5 Bergen, A. S., (1)14 “Bourbon Democrats,” (2) 28 Bergmann, William H., “Tecumseh! Performed at the Bower, Kevin P., (2) 63 Sugarloaf Mountain Amphitheatre, Chillicothe, Boyd, Dr. Charles, (3) 24 Ohio,” (4) 1,55 Boyle, Brigadier General J. T. (USA),(4) 38 Berry, Mariam, (2) 14-15 Braden, Anne, (1)40 Berry, Samuel, (2) 14-15 Braden, Carl, (1)40 Best, Joel, (1)17 Bragg, General Braxton (CSA), (4) 36, 38,40-42,45-50 Bethel Church, (1)6 Brainerd, David, (3) 9 “Beyond the Quest for the ‘Real Eliza Harris’: Fugitive Slave Brandenburg, Kentucky, (4) 42 Women in the Ohio Valley,” Keith Griffler, (2) 1, 3 Brashears, Margaret, (1)23 Bibb, Henry, (2) 40 breastworks, (4)42 Bibbs, Barbara, (4) 17 Breath, Capt. A., (1)11 Bibbs, William, (4) 17 Breathitt, Edward T., Jr., (1)34 Bible, the, (2)41, (3) 18-36; Protestant (King James version), Breckinridge, Major General John C. (CSA), (4)49 (3) 21,23-24; Catholic version of, (3) 24; Douay, British Isles, (2) 19 (3) 24 Bronner, Simon J., (4)61 Bible War of 1869, (3) 17-36 Brook Farm, (2) 51 Big Steel: The First Century of the United States Steel brothels, (1) 19; western, (1)18 Corporation, 2 901-2002, Kenneth Warren, (3) 79-81 Brown, Ebenezer, (2) 34 bigamy, (4) 15 Brown, Jeffrey P., (3)74 Bigart, Homer, (1)34 Brown, John, (2) 48 Biloxi, Mississippi, (4)56 Brown, Lafayette, (3)45 Birney, James Gillespie, (2)6, 12 Buell, General Don Carlos (USA), (4)36-37,40-42,45-47 Birth of a Nation (1915), (2) 50 Bulfinch, Charles, (3) 63 Bissell, William H., (1)11 Burckin, Alexander, (1)21 “Black Brigade,” (4) 38 Burdett, Reverend Gabriel, (2)38 Black Brigade of Cincinnati, The, (2) 49 business, western, (1)18 Black Laws, (2) 8,48 black workers, see African Americans Blight, David, (2) 49-50 Bloomfield, Kentucky, (4) 48 C “Blue & Gray, The,” (2) 50 Blue Licks, Battle of, (4) 13 Cahokia, (3), 3 Bluegrass region, (4)21-22, 35 Cairo, Illinois, (2)37 Boden, Mary, (1)27 Calhoun, John C., (3) 53,63 bond, posting of, (4) 13 Calvinism, (3) 70 Bonner, Thomas Neville, (4) 63 Camp Nelson, Kentucky, and religion, (2)38 Boone, Daniel, (4)13 Canada, (2) 3,5, 10 Boone County, Kentucky, (2) 7 Canton, Illinois, (1)11 Boonesboro, (4) 13 “Cantuckey,” (4)22 “Border City at War, A: Louisville and the 1862 Confederate Capitol, (3) 62 Invasion of Kentucky,” Stephen I. Rockenbach, Carberry, Joseph, (3) 29, 31 (4) 1335 Carnett, Sarah, (4) 9 border region, (4) 35 Carruthers, G. W., (2)41 border states, (2)47 Carter, Chauncy, (3) 15 Borders, Anderson, (1)5, 7 Carter, Leah, (4) 15-16 Borders, Andrew, (1)4-7, 9, 12, 14 Carter, Meshach, (4) 15-16 Borders, Harrison, (1)5, 7 “Case of Margaret Garner, The,” (2) 48 Borders, James J., (1)9 Cater, Douglas, (1)36 Borders, Jarrot, (1)5, 7,9,10 Catholics, (2)23-26; (3) 19-34; and schools, (3)23,26-34; the Church, (3) 23-24,29-30; hierarchy, (3)33 WINTER 2003 73 INDEX TO VOLUME 3 Catholic Telegraph, (3)22, 24,26, 32-33 Cleveland, Ohio, (3) 18 Caudill, Harry M., (1)34 coal camps, (1)32 cavalry, (4) 44,46-48; Confederate, (4)48 coal industry, (1)40 Cave Hill Cemetery, (4) 40 coal towns, (1)32 Cayton, Andrew R.L., (1)18; and Ohio: The History of a coalfields, (1)39; mechanization, (1) People, (2)55-56 Coffin, Levi, (1)4; (2)4, 6-7, 10, 13, 48 Centennial Exhibition, (4)58 Cohen, Patricia Cline, 26 Chalfant, Theresa, (2)26 Cole, Reverend, (1)10 Challenge and Change in Appalachia: The Story of Hindman Cole, Mrs., (1)10 Settlement School, Jess Stoddart, (3)78-79 College of Teachers, (3) 19-22 Chambers, Matthew, (1)7 Collett, Wallace T., McCarthyism in Cincinnati: The Chapese, Henry, (4) 9 Bettman-Collett Affair, (2)64-65 Charlestown, Indiana, (3)44 Columbia, Tennessee, (3) 40 Chattanooga, Tennessee, (4) 37,41,48 Combs, Bert T., (1)34 Cheatum, Robert, (2) 33 Commercial, (3)25,28, 31-32 Chesapeake Bay, (3)59 commercial capitalism, (1)28 Chicago, Illinois, (1)8 commissary general, (4) 13 Childers, Sarah, (1)27 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, (3) 15 Chillicothe, Ohio, (4) 26, 28, 31, 53 Committee for Miners, (1)37-38 Christ, (1)6 Committee on Religion, (4)6, 9-11 “Christ Unchained: African American Conversions during Commonwealth, (4) 50 the Civil War Era,” by Dan Fountain, (2) 1, 31 communism, (1)38-40 Christian Advocate, The, (1)38 communities, (4) 13; acceptance of informal marriages, (4)5 Christianity, (1)6; (2) 31-43; and slaves, (2) 31-33; and Community Action Agencies (CAAs), (1)37-38,41 African Americans, (2) 35-43; and prediction Community Action Programs (CAPS),(1) 37 of emancipation, (2)39 Compromise of 1850, (2)20-21 Christians, (3) 15,21, 30, 32-33; black, (2) 37 “conductors,” (2)3 Chused, Richard, (4) 9 Confederacy, (2)33, 37, (4) 37, 50 Cincinnati, Ohio, (1)18-27; (2)4, 6-7, 10-14, 17-19,23-29, Confederate (southern) soldiers, (4)35-50 48-49, (3) 17-36, (4)35-41, 50, 56-57; and Confederate agents, (4) 44 Bucktown, (1)26; and merchants, (1)22; and fugitive Confederate Army, (2) 38, (4) 37,44 slaves, (2) 7, 11; and African American exodus from, Confederate leaders, (4) 35, 37 (2) 8; African American community in, (2) 10, 13, 14; Congregational ministry, (3)53 as Whig city, (2) 19; elite of, (2)21; foreign-born of, Conkey, Lincoln, (4)44 (2) 22-24, 26; Germans in, (2)23-24; native-born of, Connecticut, (3) 53 (2)23-24; Democrats, (2) 25; and schools, (3), 18-20, Conscience of a Conservative, (1)40 22-28, 30; and immigration, (3) 19-20; politics of, (3) conscription, (4)41,43 26; and press, (3) 33 Constitutional Convention, (2) 18 Cincinnati College, (2) 18 Constitutional convention, Indiana, (1)3; convention Cincinnati Commercial, (2) 25-26 crisis, (1)3 Cincinnati Enquirer, (2)25 Continental Congress, (2) 17 Cincinnati Gazette, (1)22, 24 “contrabands,” (4) 39 Cincinnati Historical Society, (1)1 conveyance of lands, (4) 14 Cincinnati Journal, (3)20 Cook, Charles, (1)21 Cincinnati school board, (3) 22-24,27-28, 31 Coperas (Coppers) Creek, Illinois, (1)8, 13 Cincinnati Wesleyan Female Seminary, (3)31 Cornell, Alice, ed., Art as Image: Prints and Promotion in City of Conflict, (4)36 Cincinnati, Ohio, (3) 74-76.
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