CITY OF WILLIAMS LAKE REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS - CITY HALL - 450 MART STREET SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 6:00 PM Page CALL TO ORDER Acknowledgement of meeting being held on traditional Shuswap territory. *NOTE: In order to ensure the safety of Council, staff and the public, new social distancing and sanitization protocols have been implemented. Directional arrows and signage have been laid out, as well as hand sanitizing stations; gallery seating is restricted in order to comply with the Province’ social distancing regulations. Members of the public may continue to view live and recorded videos of regular council meetings at https://www.youtube.com/user/CityWL. See our website at www.williamslake.ca for additional information. **PUBLIC / MEDIA, please sign in upon entry with your name and contact information, pursuant to Provincially mandated contact tracing protocols. A. ADOPTION OF MINUTES / AGENDA Page 1 of 159 September 15, 2020 Regular Council 9 - 17 1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held August 25, 2020 That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held August 25, 2020 be adopted as circulated. 2. Adoption of Agenda That Council adopt the agenda as presented. B. DELEGATIONS 19 1. Dan Simmons & Dwayne Davis re Support for Cow Moose Mural Project Clerk's Note: That the funding proposal from Dan Simmons and Dwayne Davis for a cow moose mural to be located on the south facing wall of the building located at 665 Oliver Street, adjacent to Seventh Avenue South, be received, and that Council consider early budget approval for the 2021 mural project in the amount of $15,000 for this mural. C. REPORTS 1. FINANCE 21 - 35 a) A/P Computer Cheque and EFT Listings Recommendation: That the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated August 26, 27, 28, 31, September 1, 3, and 10, 2020 be received for information. 2. GENERAL GOVERNANCE Page 2 of 159 September 15, 2020 Regular Council 37 - 50 a) OCP & Zoning Amendment Applications - Bylaws No. 2328 & 2329 - Bravi - Changed to Mixed Use (MU) Designation & Highway Commercial (CS-3) Zone - 1513 Highway 97 South Recommendation: That pursuant to the report of the Development Services Technician dated September 10, 2020, Council receive the information regarding the OCP public consultation conducted August 26 to September 10, 2020 for Bylaw No. 2328 and preliminary comments from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for Bylaw No. 2329; and further, that second readings be given to Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2328, 2020 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2329, 2020, and a Public Hearing for both applications be scheduled for October 6, 2020 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall and staff be directed to issue notice of the application to property owners and tenants within a 100 metre radius of the subject property advising of the time and date. 51 - 99 b) Tourism Discovery Centre (TDC) Lease Renewals - Chamber of Commerce & Museum Society - Approval Recommendation: That pursuant to the report of the Corporate Officer dated September 11, 2020, Council approve the Lease Agreements with the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce and the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society for the Tourism Discovery Centre (TDC) located at 1660 Broadway Avenue South, legally described as Lot A, District Lot 8818, Cariboo District, Plan BCP27178, for a five-year term effective January 1, 2020, with an option for two additional five-year renewal terms each; and further, the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the Agreements on behalf of the City. 101 - 103 c) Poll of Council - GPS Survey Equipment Recommendation: That pursuant to the report of the Senior Engineering Technologist dated September 4, 2020, the poll of Council conducted on September 4, 2020 authorizing $20,850 be allocated from general revenue for survey equipment in order to take advantage of bundle pricing to replace the City’s aging GPS system, be ratified. Page 3 of 159 September 15, 2020 Regular Council 105 - 110 d) Poll of Council - Letters of Support for Investment in Forest Industry Transition Program Applicants Recommendation: That pursuant to the report of the Economic Development Officer dated September 3, 2020, the poll of Council conducted on September 2, 2020 authorizing three letters of support for the following applicants to the Investment in Forest Industry Transition program: • Dürfeld Log and Timber for their continued development of a log processing machine, • Elhdaqox RNG for a landscape plan feasibility study to support their community-based LNG project, and • Xat’sull Pellets for a landscape feasibility study to support their community-based pellet project, be ratified. 111 - 115 e) Poll of Council - UBCM Resolution NR68 Letter of Support Recommendation: That pursuant to the report of the Corporate Officer dated September 8, 2020, the poll of Council conducted on September 2, 2020 directing staff to prepare a letter to all UBCM members promoting UBCM Resolution NR68 (re: Early Childhood Education Labour Force Shortage) prior to its consideration at the 2020 UBCM Convention, be ratified. 117 - 120 f) UBCM Resolutions Process Recommendation: That the report of the Corporate Officer and Executive Assistant dated September 10, 2020 be received and Council provide direction to staff regarding any further action to be taken on UBCM resolutions being considered at the 2020 AGM and Convention. 3. PUBLIC WORKS 121 - 123 a) Replacement of Cow Boss Statue - Update Recommendation: That pursuant to the report of the Manager of Public Works dated August 31, 2020, Council provide direction on how to proceed with the replacement of the retired Cow Boss carving and the amount to be included in the 2021 budget submission for the project. Page 4 of 159 September 15, 2020 Regular Council 125 - 126 b) Dairy Queen Call Out Bill Dispute - Invoice 21739 Recommendation: That pursuant to the report of the Manger of Public Works dated September 4, 2020, Council receive the property owner’s request for waiving $172.64 under invoice 21739 and that the request be denied. 4. COMMUNITY SERVICES 5. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE D. BYLAWS 127 - 130 1. Zoning Amendment Application - Bylaw No. 2332 - T.R. Underwood Engineering Ltd. (AFYA Wellness Inc.) - CD-12 to C-1 Zone - 452 Borland Street Clerk's Note: THIS BYLAW IS SUBJECT OF A PUBLIC HEARING. Council may give third reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2332, 2020 and forward the Bylaw to the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure for approval. E. COMMITTEE OF WHOLE COUNCIL REPORTS F. CORRESPONDENCE 131 - 134 1. DWLBIA - Mural Approval & Funding Request 2020 Clerk's Note: That the letter from the Downtown Williams Lake Business Improvement Association dated August 20, 2020 be received and Council endorse their mural design proposal for the side of the building located at 29 Third Avenue South; and further, $5,000 from the annual mural budget be issued to the DWLBIA toward this project. G. PROCLAMATIONS Page 5 of 159 September 15, 2020 Regular Council 135 - 136 1. Proclamation - "National Forest Week" Clerk's Note: That pursuant to the request of the Canadian Institute of Forestry in their letter dated September 3, 2020, the week of September 20 to 26, 2020 be proclaimed "National Forest Week" in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to City Policy. H. IN-CAMERA ITEMS FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION I. NOTICE OF MOTION J. OTHER BUSINESS / LATE ITEMS K. INFORMATION / ANNOUNCEMENTS / ROUND TABLE 137 - 159 1. Council Information Package Clerk's Note: That the Council Information Package for September 15, 2020 containing the following be received for information: • August 21, 2020 - CRD Board Highlights; • August 27, 2020 - UBCM Response Letter re Regional Letter to 2020 UBCM Convention Committee on Designated Time for Resolution Discussions; • August 31, 2020 - Minister Simpson re 'You've Got Talent Hiring Guide for Cariboo-Chilcotin Employers'; • August 31, 2020 - SPCA Response Letter re Unauthorized Use of E-Mail Addresses for SPCA Messaging; and • September 9, 2020 - NCLGA Advocacy Summary Report. • September 14, 2020 - GenWell Project re 'ShowUsYourBubble' Campaign 2. COVID-19 Community Update 3. Roundtable L. ADJOURNMENT Page 6 of 159 September 15, 2020 Regular Council 1. Adjournment That this meeting be adjourned. Page 7 of 159 Page 8 of 159 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2020 AT 6:00 PM PRESENT: Mayor W.L. Cobb Councillors S.J. Boehm, I.N. Bonnell, M.Y. Brenner, S.D. Nelson, J. Ryll and C.R. Smith IN ATTENDANCE: M. Macdonald, Chief Administrative Officer R. Coupé, Corporate Officer V. Kozubenko, Chief Financial Officer H. Navdi, Director of Development Services R. Schill, Legislative Services Coordinator G. Muraca, Director of Municipal Services P. Mahood, Manager of Public Works R. Shadman, Local Government Intern DELEGATIONS: 1) Staff Appreciation Presentation (see item B1) • A. Williston, Director of Human Resources • K. Dressler, Executive Assistant • R. Nikolai, Building Inspector • D. Walters, Bylaw Services Officer CALL TO ORDER A1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held August 11, 2020 RES #248/20 Moved and Seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held August 11, 2020 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Page 9 of 159 1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held August 25, 2020 August 25, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 A2. Adoption of Agenda RES #249/20 Moved and Seconded That Council adopt the agenda as presented. CARRIED B1. Presentation - Letters of Recognition to Staff • Mayor Cobb presented letters of recognition to staff members: Ashley Williston, Kim Dressler, Riener Nikolai and Derrick Walters for their actions in assisting a member of the public in distress at Herb Gardner Park. C2c. Youth for Christ Encroachment - Gifting of Retaining Wall Request - 245 Cameron Street • Council unanimously waived the usual rules of procedure and moved the Youth for Christ Encroachment item up in the agenda and invited organization's executive director, Corwin Smid to address Council.
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